安徽省皖南八校2015屆高三第二次模擬考試 英語試題(純word)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

絕密★啟用前“皖南八校”2015屆第二次聯(lián)考英 語 試 題本試卷分為第I卷(選擇題)和第II卷(非選擇題),第I卷第1頁至第10頁,第II卷第11頁至第12頁。全卷滿分150分,考試時間120分鐘?忌⒁馐马棧1.答題前,務必在試題卷、答題卡規(guī)定的地方填寫自己的姓名、座位號,并認真核對答題卡上所粘貼的條形碼中的姓名、座位號與本人姓名、座位號是否一致。務必在答題卡背面規(guī)定的地方填寫姓名和座位號后兩位。2.答第I卷時,每小題選出答案后,用2B鉛筆把答題卡上所對應題目的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標號。3.答第II卷時,必須使用0.5毫米的黑色墨水簽字筆在答題卡上書寫,要求字體工整、筆跡清晰。作圖題可先用鉛筆在答題卡的規(guī)定的位置繪出,確認后再用0.5毫米的黑色墨水簽字筆描清楚。必須在題號所指示的答題區(qū)域作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效,在試題卷、草稿紙上答題無效。4.考試結(jié)束后,務必將試題卷和答題卡一并上交。第I卷第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)做題時,先將答案標在試卷上,錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題卡上。(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話,每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題,每段對話僅讀一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15 B. £9.18 C. £9.15答案是C1. Why does the woman refuse the man?A. She has to prepare for the final exam.B. She is also poor at maths.C. She has no free time.2. What are the two speakers most probably talking about?A. How to use a camera. B. How to draw a picture. C. How to use a gun.3. What does the man mean?A. He is a poor dancer. B. He doesn’t feel like dancing.C. He accepts the invitation.4. How much will the man pay for the tie?A.?20. B.?30. C.?35.5. What probably is the woman?A. A waitress. B. A secretary. C. A saleswoman.(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話或獨白,每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽下面一段對話,回答第6至8題。6. Where are the two speakers?A. At an airport. B. At a restaurant. C. At the woman’s house.7. What does the man eat at last?A. Some rice. B. Korean pizza. C. American pizza.8. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man comes from Korea.B. The man needs two pizzas to eat.C. The man had an American name.聽下面一段對話,回答第9至11題。9. What kind of character does the woman have according to the conversation?A. Hardworking. B. Energetic. C. Honest.10. When will the national conference be held?A. In April. B. In May. C. In June.11. What will the woman probably do next?A. Refusing the invitation directly.B. Prepare for the conference.C. Ask questions about the conference.聽下面一段對話,回答第12至14題。12. How much is the two speakers’ income per month?A. $3,000. B. $4,000. C. $4,500.13. What do the two speakers spend most money on?A. The house rent. B. Daily use. C. The car loan.14. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman has got a raise.B. The car loan will be over this month.C. The two speakers have some money left every month.聽下面一段對話,回答第15至17題。15. Where does the conversation take place?A. At Philip’s. B. On the phone. C. In a gym.16. Why will the woman miss the golf in Houston?A. She will be on business abroad.B. She will be busy in working.C. She will be having her holiday.17. What would be wonderful to the two speakers?A. Being on a holiday. B. Going to the USA. C. Watching the game together.聽下面一段獨白,回答第18至20題。18. What will the weather be like?A. Cloudy. B. Cold. C. Sunny.19. What can we learn about the radio station?A. It is owned by the English Coffee Shop.B. It is on Montana at Seventh Street.C. It sells advertising time.20. Where can we park if we are driving to the beach?A. At the north end parking field.B. At the south end parking field.C. At the west end parking field.第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)單項填空(共15小題,每小題1分,滿分15分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,兵在答題卡將該項涂黑。例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.However B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever答案是B21. His _____ of the incident approximates to that of the other witness.A. account B. introduction C. instruction D. explanation22. It is an accepted ___________to pay a deposit(定金) with your order, which assures the seller that you are in fact a serious buyer. A. action B. behavior C. habit D. practice23. Universal ______ to education is the ability of all people to have equal opportunity in education, regardless of their social class, ethnicity, background or physical disabilities.A. applicationB. access C. admissionD. attempt24. He hardly gets by on the low allowance of around 400 yuan per month, which is impossible to________ the basic needs of his family. A. afford B. cover C. offer D. support25. When it ______ cooking, Grandma would become excited, talking to us fluently and endlessly. A. came to B. came about C. came up with D. came across26. ---How long would you like me to heat the oil?---Heat it till it ________ to smoke. A. would start B. starts C. will start D. start27. ----What does the sign on the door say? --- Only to the staff. That is to say, no person ______ enter the room without permission.A. shall B. may C. must D. will28. --- What were you up to then, Mr Smith ?--- I suppose I was conducting an experiment in the lab, _______ I was chatting over a cup of coffee with my friends . A. or else B. and then C. even so D. or so 29. It is a great honor to be invited to the evening party, thus __________ me to feast my eyes on your excellent performance. A. allowing B. to have allowed C. allows D. to allow 30. Next door to ours _________, who seem to have settled into life in China. A. where live a foreign couple B. where do live a foreign coupleC. live a foreign couple D. do a foreign couple live 31. ------______ the Internet plays such an important role in our daily life? ------It’s a long story. A. Why it is B. Why is itC. Why is it thatD. Why it is that32. I owe my success to all your hard efforts the other day. I don’t believe I _____ it without you. A. can have made B. could make C. could have made D. can make33. ---- It’s said that Matthew used to live in South California and now his home is in Italy.---- That’s no surprising. He prefers to live ______ the climate is mild.A. when B. where C. in which D. while34. ------ Do you think he will come to my birthday party? ------ ______ A. That’s wonderful.B. You can count on it. C. Surely he does.D. Why not?35. When I watch baseball, because I don’t understand any of the rules, I can say, ?_____?A. paCuriosity?killed?the?cat.? B. It’s all Greek to me! C. You?learn?something new?everyday. D. Some?people?have?all?the?luck..?完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Last November, Nick heard a disorder at a party. A group of people had 36 outside, pointing at something floating in the Bay. As he ran to 37 , he soon saw what was wrong: Two kids in a boat were caugh安徽省皖南八校2015屆高三第二次模擬考試 英語試題(純word)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/337035.html
