
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


Ⅰ. 單詞拼寫
1. If you are ________(滿足于) with such a small success,you won’t make greater progress.
2. In order not to be heard by our English teacher,I had to ________(低語)the good news to my deskmate David.
3. Daniel ________(溜走)out of the classroom through the back door when no one was looking,but he was caught by the headmaster outside.
4. Hawking is one of the ________(杰出的)scientists in the world,who puts forward the new theory of the black hole.
5. With Jack ________(指示)me,I had no difficulty in finding the famous singer’s house.
Ⅱ. 選詞填空
up to now;cut off;pick up;be content with;be badly off
1. With the electricity ________,all the machines had to stop working.
答案:cut off
2. He ________the salary at present,so he’s decided to leave the company.
答案:isn’t content with
3. Our junior middle school ________for teachers.
答案:is badly off
4. ________,the work has been quite smooth.
答案:Up to now
5. I believe things will ________soon.
答案:pick up
Ⅲ. 易錯模塊
1. No matter how I tried to read it,I just couldn’t make ________of this sentence.
A. meaning B. thought
C. sense D. idea
解析:選C。make sense of理解,明白。句意:不管我怎么努力讀,就是不明白這個(gè)句子的意思。
2. y aunt always loses her way when she is out by herself,because she has no ________of direction.
A. sense B. feeling
C. touch D. scene
解析:選A。have no sense of direction是習(xí)慣用法,指沒有方向感。sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch視/聽/嗅/味/觸覺。
3. (2008年高考福建卷)What’s the ________of having a public open space where you can’t eat,drink or even simply hang out for a while?
A. sense B. matter
C. case D. opinion
4. I am sure David will be able to find the library-h(huán)e has a pretty good ________of direction.
A. idea B. feeling
C. experience D. sense
解析:選D。have a sense of. . . “有……感”,句意:我敢肯定戴維能找到圖書館,他有很好的方向感。
Ⅳ. 語法專練
本單元語法——v. ­ing作表語、定語和賓補(bǔ)
1. (2010年南昌二中月考)On the bank of the river,we found him ________on a beach,with his eyes ________on a kite in the sky.
A. seated;fixing B. sitting;fixing
C. seated;being fixed D. sitting;fixed
解析:選D?疾榉侵^語動詞。第一空用seated或sitting作賓補(bǔ),第二空處是with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu),由fix one’s eyes on sth. 可知應(yīng)用過去分詞fixed。
2. Her main job is ________the office,which means keeping the diary and filling in everybody’s appointments.
A. managing B. to be managing
C. having managed D. managed
解析:選A。此題考查v. ­ing作表語。
3. The plan to be carried out next month needs ________among the members of the Labor Union before ________.
A. to discuss;carrying out
B. to be discussed;carried out
C. discussing;being carried out
D. discussed;to be carried out
4. At the airport,a man dressed in a black suit was caught ________on the clean floor.
A. spit B. spitting
C. spat D. to spit
解析:選B,F(xiàn)在分詞作主語補(bǔ)足語。catch sb. doing sth. 意為“發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正在做某事”。
5. y favourite cartoon character is ickey ouse. It’s so ________that we often feel ________when we see it.
A. exciting;exciting B. excited;exciting
C. exciting;excited D. excited;excited

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/34370.html

相關(guān)閱讀:2012屆高考英語選修6 Unit 3頂尖復(fù)習(xí)教案