
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


第一卷(選擇題 滿分115分)
第一部分 (共兩節(jié),滿分30分)
例:How uch is the shirt?
1、Which of the following is not included in the packed lunch ?
A. Drinks.B. Cake.C. Fruit.
2、How uch does each ticket cost ?
A. 11.2 dollars.B. 10 dollars.C. 5.6 dollars.
3、What is the relationship between the two speakers ?
A. Teacher and student.B. Boss and eployee.C. Guard and visitor.
4、What is the relationship between the two speakers ?
A. Interviewer and interviewee.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Eployer and eployee.
5、What is Bill doing now ?
A. He’s listening to the radio.B. He’s talking on the phone. C. He’s staying in hospital.
6、What does the girl’s other ost likely do ?
A. She ay be a doctor.B. She ay be a banker.C. She ay be a teacher.
7、Where is the girl’s other ost likely now ?
A. At hoe.B. In the school.C. In the hospital.
8、What’s the an’s telephone nuber ?
A. 8-55-3-22-99.B. 8-55-33-2-99.C. 8-55-33-22-9.
9、What does the an bet on ?
A. Horses.B. Basketball.C. Football.
10、What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers ?
A. Boss and worker.B. Wife and husband.C. Strangers.
11、What does the an want to do if he has lots of oney ?
A. Buy a beautiful coat.B. Keep it in the bank.C. Travel around the world.
12、Where does this conversation ost probably take place ?
A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital.C. In a bank.
13、How does the woan respond to the service here ?
A. By coplaining.B. By questioning.C. By ignoring.
14、What does the an proise to do ?
A. Pay back the woan’s oney.
B. ake an apology to the woan.
C. Infor soeone in charge of the atter.
15、What does the woan want to do ?
A. To go shopping.B. To watch ovies.C. To do weight-lifting training.
16、Why does the an keep running ?
A. To get recovered.B. To stay healthy. C. To take part in the sports eet.
17、How often does the woan want to go swiing according to her plan ?
A. Every two days.B. Every three days.C. Every four days.
18、What’s the ost serious eating proble of woen ?
A. Eating too uch and being too fat.
B. Eating too little and being too weak.
C. Eating no eat and being too thin.
19、What’s the reason for the eating proble ?
A. any woen have no access to enough food.
B. The society fails to provide enough food.
C. The society requires woen to be thin.
20、What’s the speaker’s opinion ?
A. Woen should eat as uch as they can.
B. Woen should first of all be healthy.
C. It’s eaningful for woen to be beautiful.
第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)
第一節(jié)  單項(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21.—Wow, isn’t this handsoe device the ost popular iPad 2? Can I have a look at it?
— ____________.
A. No, you can’t. B. Yes, go ahead.
C. Sorry, it is expensive. D. Of course, it looks good.
22.—An explosion at a coal ine killed at least 62 workers and left another 13 issing.
— Yes, _________ news cae as ________ shock to us all.
A. the; the B. /; / C. /; a D. the; a
23.—If it hadn’t been raining so hard, I ight have been hoe uch earlier.
—It’s too bad you _____ it. Nancy _____ here and she _____ to see you.
A. didn’t ake; is; was B. won’t ake; will be; wants
C. didn’t ake; was; wanted D. wont’ ake; would be; wanted
24. The agreeent was ade quickly as both sides were satisfied with the conditions of _____.
A. anotherB. othersC. the otherD. either
25. —Shall we pay a visit to the Great Wall toorrow orning?
—_____ it rains.
A. If B. Until C. Since D. Unless
26. ore teens are soking in Beijing, ______ the nuber of priary and iddle school students picking up the habit has ore than doubled fro previous years.
A. which B. when C. where D. that
27. The secretary has a lot of things to ________ in the office since she has been away for quite a few days.
A. take up B. ake up C. work out D. carry out
28. up early in the orning to have a walk, I a sure, you are likely to feel active all day.
A.Get B.Having got C.Getting D.To get
29.9. 11 is a special date, ,I think,that will be reebered by the Aericans forever.
A.what B.it C.which D.one
30. —You ought to have ade an apology to To yesterday evening.
—Yes, I know I __ __.
A.ought to have B.have to C.should D.ust have
31. "They didn't take easures in tie, otherwise the explosions ____."soe experts said.
A.wouldn't happen B.didn't happen
C.wouldn't have happened D.ustn't have happened
32. Eventually, she has recognized ____, whatever happens and however bad ____ sees today, life still goes on and everything will be better toorrow.
A.that; it B.it; that C.it; what D.that; what
33. ____ sees to have been great difficulty in turning out excellent graduates.
A. That B. What C. It D. There
34. Our food supply _____. We’d better get soe in case there’s ____ left.
A. is running out, none B. has run out of, none
C. is using up, nothing D. has used up, nothing
35. The skin, an _____ part of your body and its largest organ, ____ as a barrier against diseases.
A. vital, acting B. vital, acts
C. essential, actingD. essential, acts
第二節(jié) 完形(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
Back in the 15th century, in a tiny village in Gerany, lived a faily with eighteen children.Eighteen! In order 36 to keep food on the table, the father, a goldsith by 37 , worked alost eighteen hours a day at his trade.Despite their seeingly 38 condition, two of the eldest children had a drea.They both wanted to pursue their talent for art, 39 they kneell that their father would never be able to 40 either of the to study at the Acadey.
After any long discussions at night in their 41 bed, the two boys finally worked out a pact.They would toss (擲) a coin.The 42 would go down into the nearby ines and, with his earnings, 43 his winning brother for the acadey.Then, in four years, he would support the other one.Then Albrecht Durer won the toss and 44 to Nureberg.Albert went down into the dangerous ines and, for the next four years, 45 his brother, whose work at the acadey was alost an iediate sensation.By the tie he graduated, he was beginning to 46 considerable fees for hiself.
When the young artist 47 hoe and said to his brother, "And now, Albert, blessed brother of ine, now it is your 48 . Now you can go to the Acadey to pursue your drea, and I will 49 you."
Albert rose and wiped the 50 fro his cheeks."No, brother.I cannot go to Nureberg.It is too 51 for e.Look…look what four years in the ines have done to y 52 ! I cannot even hold a glass, uch less ake delicate lines on canvas 53 a pen or a brush."
ore than 450 years have 54 .By now, aong Albrecht Durer's hundreds of asterful portraits, "The Praying Hands" is one 55 creation that can catch the world's hearts.
36.A.erelyB.fully C.copletely D.entirely
42.A.winner B.loserC.oldD.younger
44.A.flew awayB.went offC.set asideD.left behind
48.A.turnB.tieC.top D.fate
49.A.take charge ofB.a(chǎn)ke up for
C.a(chǎn)ke use of D.take care of
50.A.silesB.sweatsC.tears D.hints
第三部分 閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)
y friend’s grandfather cae to Aerica fro Eastern Europe. After being processed(移民入境檢查)at Ellis Island, he went into a cafeteria in Lower anhattan to get soething to eat. He sat down at a table and waited for soeone to take his order. But nobody cae to hi. Later a woan with a plate full of food sat down opposite hi and told hi how a cafeteria worked.
“Start out at the end,” she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end he’ll tell you how uch you have to pay.”
“I soon learned that’s how everything works in Aerica,” the grandfather told y friend. “Life is like a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want only if you are willing to pay the oney. You can even get success, but you’ll never get it if you wait for soeone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it yourself.”
56. Where do you think the old an cae fro?
A. Poland. B. Australia. C. Canada. D. Japan.
57. Fro the passage, we know if you want to get success in Aerica, you should _________.
A. get help fro your friends B. try to get it by yourself
C. know how a cafeteria works D. get up again if you fail
58. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The old an sat down opposite the woan so that she could take his order.
B. The old woan sat down opposite the old an so that she could serve hi.
C. Although the woan didn’t know the old an, she told hi how to get soething to eat in the cafeteria.
D. Although the woan didn’t know the old an, she decided to pay the bill for hi.
59. What does the word “it” in the third paragraph refer to?
A. The food served in the cafeteria.
B. The success one wants to get.
C. The bill one has to pay in the cafeteria.
D. The plate used in the cafeteria.
60. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Fro Eastern Europe to Aerica
B. Eating in an Aerican Cafeteria
C. How to Eat in a Cafeteria
D. Life Is Like a Cafeteria in Aerica
Britain's ost popular lie has been disclosed, with one in four people aditting using “sorry I had no signal" when returning a issed obile phone call, a survey found.
Researchers found the average Briton tells on average four lies every day or alost 1500 every year. Alost one in six en aditted they were ost likely to lie to their wife or girlfriend, on average at least twice a day. The ost popular lie was saying you had no obile phone signal, with one in four people aditting regularly using the little white lie. It usually cae after they hit the “ignore" button when their obile rang.
Three quarters of people think woen are better liars. The research found 46 per cent of girls have been caught lying, copared to 58 of en.
The second ost coon fib(無關(guān)緊要的謊言) is “I haven't got any cash on e” when asked for oney by traps (流浪者), beggars and Big Issue sellers. “Nothing's wrong ? I' fine” cae third followed by “You look lovely” and “Nice to see you”.
odern technology turned out to have contributed to any lies with “I didn't get your text” in 18th, “Our server was down” in 20th and “y battery died” in 26th place.
Other lies to ake the top ten included “I'll give you a ring”, “We're just good friends” and “We'll have to eet up soon”. “I' on y way” and “No, your bu doesn't look big in that” copleted the top ten.
en tell the ost fibs, coing out with five every day copared to woen who lie just three ties.
In any cases perhaps it is better to flatter with a fib than destroy soeone with the truth, according to a spokesan for OnePoll, which carried out the research of 4,300 adults.
61. Whether the person being called has pushed the “ignore” button or ______, the caller at the other end hears the sae tone.
A. really has no signalB. can’t get the text
C. has a battery failure D. answers the call
62. ost people think woen are better liars because ______.
A. there’re ore woen liarsB. fewer woen liars are found out
C. woen tell less harful liesD. woen are harder to convince
63. “Our server was down” is perhaps a lie told as an excuse for not ______.
A. inviting a friend to dinnerB. responding to an e-ail
C. coing to a party on tieD. cleaning one’s roo
64. “You look lovely” and “I’ on y way” rank _____ on the popular-lie list.
A. 3rd and 8thB. 5th and 10th C. 4th and 9th D. 5th and 12th
65. The OnePoll spokesan sees to think it’s ______ for the British to lie so uch.
A. puzzlingB. disgustingC. ipossibleD. reasonable
Social custos differ fro country to country. Does a an walk on the left or the right of a woan in your country? Or doesn’t it atter? What about table anners? Should you use both hands when you are eating? Should you leave one in your lap, or on the table?
The Aericans and the British not only speak the sae language but also share a large nuber of social custos. For exaple, in both Aerica and England people shake hands when they eet each other for the first tie. Also, ost Englishen will open a door for a woan or offer their seat to a woan, and so will ost Aericans. Proptness is iportant both in England and in Aerica. That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 o’clock, the dinner guest either arrives close to that tie or calls up to explain his delay.
The iportant thing to reeber about social custos is not to do anything that ight ake other people feel uncofortable ? especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a an who gave a foral dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were aused or shocked, but the host cally picked up his knife and began eating in the sae way. It would have been bad anners to ake his guest feel foolish or uncofortable.
66. If one has accepted a dinner invitation, what should he do if he is to be late for the dinner?
A. He should find an excuse.
B. He should ask for excuse.
C. He should say “Sorry”.
D. He should telephone to explain his being late.
67. “It would have been bad anners to ake his guest feel foolish or uncofortable” “Bad anners” eans _________.
A. ugly B. dishonest C. ipolite D. shaeful
68. According to the text, the best host _____________.
A. tried his best to ake his guests feel cofortable
B. akes his guests feel excited
C. tried to avoid being naughty to his guests
D. tried to avoid being foolish
69. The author of this article ay agree with which of the following?
A. The guest who ate his peas with a knife.
B. The other guests who were aused or shocked.
C. The host who picked up his knife and began eating in the sae way.
D. None of the above.
70. This passage ainly tells us soething about ___________.
A. social custos and behavior
B. the sae custos of Aerica and England
C. good anners
D. social life
If you are interested in becoing a registered nurse,you are ost likely aware that there are certain qualifications to becoe one.
Knowing the educational requireents to be a registered nurse is the first step you will need to take in your journey to becoe a RN.You will need to coplete a prescribed progra of study.The education that the proising registered nurse chooses will depend on if he or she is interested in getting further education.
One of the ost getting fors of education for registered nurses is an associate degree in nursing which takes about two years to coplete.Other RN candidates ay choose a hospital diploa progra where they take 30 to 60 hours worth of science classes and then take any ore hours of classes which are heavily focused on nursing.The diploa progra usually takes a iniu of three years.A diploa progra eets the basic educational requireents to be a registered nurse.
Another choice is for the proising RN to get a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing fro a university.Once a BSN degree is earned,it gives the person the opportunity to get higher education opportunities in his or her field such as a aster’s Degree or a PhD.
The registered nurse educational requireents can vary fro state to state in Aerica as each state has its own laws and policies that govern the nursing profession.However,all registered nurses ust take soe sort of licensing exa in order to becoe legally able to practice in the registered nursing profession.
While 2 to 3 years of training is required,it is possible to ake a good living fro the salary that you can earn as a registered nurse.But be aware that the profession can be stressful.Soe of theost stressful nursing positions are those in hospitals,particularly in the eergency roos.Soe less stressful jobs ay include working in private practice where the hours will not be as long.
71.The ain idea of this article is to talk about——.
A.the ost proising profession in the future
B.educational requireents to be a registered nurse
C.the nursing profession in different states
D.soe useful inforation for future professions
72.According to this article,ost people who want to be registered nurses prefer to go in for __________________ .
A.a(chǎn)n associate degree B.a(chǎn) hospital diploa progra
C.a(chǎn) Bachelor of Science degree D.a(chǎn) aster’s or a PhD’s degree
73.It can be concluded fro this article that ___________________.
A.a(chǎn) hospital diploa progra takes the least tie to finish copared with others
B.it’s really not difficult for people to be educated to becoe registered nurses
C.registered nurses are not legal unless they take soe sort of licensing exa
D.being a registered nurse is the ost stressful profession in Aerica
74.What’s the writer’s attitudes towards being a registered nurse?
A.Subjective B.Objective C.Supportive D.Opposing
75.If another paragraph is needed,it ost probably deals with______.
A.how the nursing profession is anaged by the governent
B.different fors of degrees for being a registered nurse ‘
C.the advantages and disadvantages of being a registered nurse
D.discussion about the different types of registered nurse

第二卷(非選擇題 滿分35分)
第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)
第一節(jié) 閱讀表達(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)
[1] Walking is a popular for of exercises. It is an easy activity and offers a good way to iprove physical fitness. Walking also gives any of the sae benefits as other kinds of exercises.
[2] Regular, brisk walks help a person’s body work better. Walking builds a stronger heart and lungs. The heart pups blood through the body. It gets ore rest between beats. Walking also sees to help protect the heart fro heart diseases. The lungs work better because they take in and use oxygen ore effectively. Walking can help __________, too. A quick fifteen-inute walk burns as any calories as jogging the sae distance in half the tie. Walking causes very few injuries. So there is also a lower “dropout” rate aong walkers than aong runners. People are ore likely to continue a walking progra. This gives a better chance for success.
[3] Walking offers soe ental benefits, too. It sees to ake people feel better. any walkers say they sleep better at night when they take regular walks. Others say they have a better attitude about life.
[4] Walking offers any of the sae physical and ental benefits as other fors of exercise, but walking offers soe special advantages, too.
★ Alost everyone can walk. There are no special lessons of coaching. To becoe a serious walker, a person only needs to walk faster, farther and ore often.
★ People can walk alost anywhere. There are no special playing fields or courts for walking. Sidewalks, streets, parks, fields and alls are excellent places for walking.
★ People can walk alost anytie. A person doesn’t need a tea or a partner for walking. There is no “season” for walking. ost walkers walk in all kinds of weather.
★ Walking doesn’t cost anything. There are no special fees for walking. Good walking shoes and cofortable clothes are the only equipent that a walker needs.
[5] Walking offers a for of exercise within the reach of nearly everyone. With a little tie and effort, people can rediscover a valuable for of exercise and iprove their fitness.
76.What’s the best title of the passage?(within 10 words)

77.Why is there a lower “dropout” rate aong walkers than aong runners ?(within 6 words)

78. Please fill in the blank in the 2nd paragraph with proper words or phrases.(within 10 words)
79. Aong the special advantages of walking, which one do you think is the ost iportant? Why? (within 30 words)
80.What does the word“It”(paragraph 1)refer to?
第二節(jié) 寫作(滿分25分)
報紙和網(wǎng)站是當(dāng)今兩大主要媒體。請根據(jù)下表內(nèi)容,以 “Newspapers and Websites” 為題,用英語寫一篇短,簡要介紹這兩種媒體的優(yōu)缺點。
報 紙
1. 傳統(tǒng)媒體,天天更新,信息可靠
2. 攜帶方便,隨時隨地可以閱讀
3. 僅有字和圖片
網(wǎng) 站
1. 新興媒體,信息更新速度快
2. 依賴于電腦及互聯(lián)網(wǎng)
3. 包含字、圖片、音頻和視頻
1. 短必須包括表中所有內(nèi)容,可以適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;
2. 詞數(shù):100-120
3. 參考詞匯:更新update;音頻audio;視頻video


1—5 ACBCC 6—10 CCBCB 11—15 CAACC 16—20 BABCB
21—25 BDCCD 26—30 CBCDA 31—35 CADAD
21. B A答案不太禮貌;B意思是“可以,請便,”表示肯定對方請求;C答案也不太禮貌;D意思是這看起很不錯,跟問題不符。
22.D 本題考查冠詞用法。句意:——煤礦發(fā)生爆炸,炸死了至少62人,還有另外的13人失蹤。——消息傳對我們說非常吃驚。前空消息因為上面已經(jīng)提到具體內(nèi)容故特指,后空為抽象名詞具體化,意思:震驚事。
23. C 對過去的假設(shè),事實為過去,用過去時。
24. C 兩者當(dāng)中的另一個。
25. D。根據(jù)對話提供的情景,上句問“明天我們?nèi)ラL城參觀嗎?”,下句的答語應(yīng)該是“如果不下雨的話,我們就去!保蔬xD。unless“如果不……”;除非;if “如果”;until “一直到”;since“自從……以”。
26. C Beijing 是先行詞,在從句中做地點狀語,因此用where引導(dǎo)定語從句。
27. B 句意:秘書要把辦公室留下的許多事補回,因為她已外出好多天了。ake up“彌補”,符合語境,而take up“占據(jù)”,work out“算出”,carry out“執(zhí)行”,都不合句意。
28. C 這里的Getting up early in the orning to have a walk相當(dāng)于條件狀語從句 If you get up early in the orning to have a walk,句意:“如果你早上起得早去散散步的話,你一天都會感到精神”。
29. D 考查代詞。one作date的同位語
30. A 考查省略用法。在含有ought to句子的簡略回答中, 表示過去動作的have不能舍棄。
31.C 考查虛擬語氣。 otherwise 引導(dǎo)出相反的結(jié)果(猜測)。句意:“他們沒有及時采取措施,否則的話就不會出現(xiàn)這幾次爆炸”有專家說道。
32. A 考查代詞。that 引導(dǎo)賓語從句;it指代情況。
33. D there be 句型
34. A 表示快用完不是已用完;后面有特定范圍指食物.
35. D 形容詞重要的,注意冠詞an; 后面act做謂語不是非謂語.
36—40 ACCDB 41—45 BBABC 46—50 DCADC 51—55 ABDAB
36. A 根據(jù)上下的信息句“eighteen children”和“worked alost eighteen hours a day”告訴人們這是個拮據(jù)的家庭,故僅能糊口,故選A:僅僅。
37. C by profession為常用結(jié)構(gòu):在職業(yè)上。從下的信息“worked alost eighteen hours a day”也可以找到提示。
38. C 從下的信息 “their father would never be able…”以及上提到的貧困的家境,都可以推斷出條件是貧困而無望的。
39. D 此處為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,選 but。
40. B send sb. to sp.的意思是:送某人去某地;在本句中的意思是:不能把兩人中的任何一個送到Nureberg去學(xué)習(xí)藝術(shù)。
41. B 既然第一段中提到這一個有18個孩子的大家庭,自然會是擁擠的家舍,故選B:擁擠的。
42. B 從下的“winning brother”,可以斷定兩人一個是贏者,另一個是則是輸者。
43. A 根據(jù)本段的最后一句話“he would support the other one.”,可以找到提示:互相輪著支持對方。
44. B go off to soe place的意思是:動身去某地。而fly away:飛走了;set aside:留出,不顧;leave behind:丟下,留下。均不符合本句的語境。
45. C finance 在本句中意為:提供資金,即:資助。
46. D earn fees的意思是:掙學(xué)費。從上句中的“was alost an iediate sensation.”-很快就有了反響,也可以斷定出弟弟的繪畫有了回報。
47. C 根據(jù)第二段的第一句:Albrecht Durer離開家,可以推斷出,畢業(yè)后,他又回到了家,故選C。
48. A It’s your turn為常用句式:該輪到你了。在這里指:輪到哥哥去學(xué)藝術(shù)了或者該輪到弟弟資助哥哥了。
49. D 根據(jù)第二段的最后一句話:四年后,弟弟照顧哥哥,故選D。
50. C 從下的一番話,可以理解哥哥心酸的心情,故會流淚,選C。
51. A 從下看,哥哥的手已經(jīng)不能端起一個杯子,可知他的手已經(jīng)不能再畫畫了,即晚了。
52. B 根據(jù)后面的“cannot even hold a glass”不能端起一個杯子,可以確定端杯子的該是:hand。
53. D ake lines… with a pen or brush這一結(jié)構(gòu)中的with表示:用(工具),即:用鋼筆或毛筆繪制線條。
54. A 根據(jù)下的藝術(shù)流傳,可以理解為:時間流逝后的經(jīng)典之作被流傳下。
55. B 從本句的“catch the world’s hearts”可以確定:這幅畫是打動人心的一幅經(jīng)典之作,故選B:touching。
56—60 ABCBD 61—65 ABBCD 66—70 DCACA 71—75 BACBD
56. A 第一段第一句。只有Poland屬于Eastern Europe
57.B 最后一句。
58.C 第一段最后一句及第二段。
62. B第三段
67.C bad anners意為“不禮貌”
76. Walking for Exercise(walking 為中心詞,學(xué)生所寫答案有此詞即可得1分)
77. Because walking causes very few injuries.
78. to lose weight/ in weight control
79. I think “People can walk alost anywhere.” is the ost iportant. Other fors of exercise like football, basketball or swiing need special playing fields, or special equipent, while walking doesn’t.
Newspapers and Websites
Newspapers and websites are two ajor new edia in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and inforation. But they’re different in soe ways.
Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often coe out daily with ore reliable news and inforation. They can be carried and read alost anywhere you like. So any people like reading the. But they can only contain texts and photos.
On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially aong young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which akes stories ore interesting. What’s ore, they are updated fro tie to tie. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a coputer connected with the Internet to get inforation fro websites.

(Text 1)
:Sorry, u, where’s y packed lunch ?
W:It’s in the kitchen. I’ve ade you three sandwiches, and put two apples and a piece of cake too.
(Text 2)
W:Hello, I want two tickets for toorrow’s gaes. Here’s a 10-dollar bill.
:Oh, 10 dollars isn’t enough. You should give e another 1.2 dollars, please.
(Text 3)
W:I’ sorry I was late for work, r, Sith, but I overslept, because y alar clock didn’t work this orning.
:Well, it’s OK this tie, ary. But it’s disturbing the rest of your colleagues, you kno
W:Yes, I kno I won’t let it happen again. I’ so sorry.
(Text 4)
:Yes, it looks good. I like the color. But I think you can ake it better. I will give you enough expenses.
W:any young people like the color and the style too. ore effort on the technical side would help.
(Text 5)
W:What’s the latest news about Bill ?
:I talked to hi last night on the phone. He said he was feeling better and would be back hoe toorro
(Text 6)
:Hello, ay I speak to rs. Brown ?
W:Sorry, u isn’t in. Who’s that speaking ?
:John Sith. I work in the sae school as your other. Could you tell e when she will be back ?
W:I’ not sure. She left for the bank half an hour ago. Then she ight go to the hospital. Shall I take a essage for her ?
:All right, please tell her to call e when she is back. I have soething iportant to discuss with her. And y nuber is 8-55-33-2-99.
W:OK, so that’s 8-55-33-2-99.
:That’s correct. Thank you very uch.
W:You are welcoe.
(Text 7)
W:Are you doing the football bets, Brian ?
:Yes, I’ve nearly finished, Jane. I’ sure we will win soething this week.
W:You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of oney ?
:If we win a lot of oney, we shall travel around the world and we shall stay at the best hotels. Then we shall return hoe and buy a big house in the country. We shall have a beautiful garden and…
W:But if we spend all that oney we shall be poor again. What shall we do then ?
:If we spend all the oney, we shall try and win the football bets again.
W:It’s a pleasant drea, but everything depends on “if” !
(Text 8)
W:Waiter ! I’d like to speak to the anager please… Iediately if possible.
:Is anything wrong, ada ?
W:I’ afraid there is. The service here has been terrible. We had to wait twenty inutes for a glass of ineral water.
:I see. Well, I’ sorry to hear that. The trouble is that we’re a bit short of hands at present. Two waitresses are ill.
W:All right, but that’s no excuse. y husband asked for goose and he was brought chicken instead. It’s just unbelievable! And y beans weren’t cooked properly. It wasn’t a very enjoyable eal at all.
:This is ost regrettable.
W:Look at this bill. We’ve been overcharged. We only had one dessert, not two. Can you check the bill again, please ?
:I do apologize, ada.
W:I’ afraid I’ not going to pay the service charge, or give a tip, as I don’t feel satisfied with it. I’ quite disappointed as a atter of fact.
:I’ll pass on your coplaints to the anager right away.
W:Thank you.
(Text 9)
:What, ary ? You’re going to lift weights.
W:Are you laughing at e ?
:I’ sorry. I just can’t iagine you lifting weights.
W:But I want to start. I need to get in shape.
:It’s sure. If a person doesn’t exercise, he will be out of condition. That’s why I keep running.
W:So I need to do soething too.
:But weight-lifting isn’t the best choice. You should do soe kind of acrobatic exercise.
W:I kno But I want to start today with a little weight-lifting. Then I’ going to go swiing.
:It sounds like a good plan to e. I’ still… I ean…
W:What ?
:I’ still just surprised you really want to do it. It doesn’t see to go with your character.
W:Well, if that’s true, then I need to change y character. I don’t want to becoe a fatty.
(Text 10)
You ight think that the ost dangerous type of eating, for woen, is overeating. But according to edical records, that’s not the case. ost of the woen who die of eating probles suffer fro starving theselves. While overeaters find theselves quite OK except that they are just fat, those who starve theselves have a different experience. To look beautiful, any woen eat very little. But without enough food, they are weak in health. They ay feel sick in different oent—at eetings, in the shopping alls, or while walking around. This becoes especially dangerous when they are driving or operating achines.
The reason for this is society’s deand on woen to be overly thin. It’s reported that over 100 woen die each year in the United States alone, just because they want to eet this deand.
What we should know is that when your life is in danger, is it eaningful to achieve that kind of beauty ? It’s necessary for those who want to keep skinny to reconsider the eaning of beauty.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/34797.html
