
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


Class______ Nae______ ark______
1. Where is Tony probably now?
A. At the bank. B. In the office.C. At the barber's.
2. What tie is John supposed to arrive?
A. By 8:00. B. By 7:30.C. By 8:15.
3. What did the an do?
A. Ate up the leftovers.B. Repaired the refrigerator.C. Did the cleaning.
4. When will the woan sleep?
A. After turning off the lights.B. After taking a walk.C. After working for a while.
5. What is probably the an's job?
A. An engineer.B. A writer. C. A doctor.
6. What is the woan worded about?
A. She has no coffee break.B. She can't find ary.C. She can't finish typing the letters. xkb 1.co
7. What does the an ask the woan to do?
A. Go out with hi tonight.B. Leave the rest to ary.C. Talk to her boss earlier.
8. What are they talking about?
A. A trip to Europe. B. A holiday plan.C. Transportations in Europe.
9. How did the arl go to Paris fro Calais?
A. By train. B. By boat.C. By bus.
10. How any cities are entioned in the conversation?
A. Five. B. Four.C. Three.
11. How any awards did Justin Bieberget?
A, Two. B. Three.C. Seven.
12. What does the woan think of Justin Bieber?
A. He is awesoe. B. He is lucky.C. He is funny.
13. What will Nick probably do?
A. Go and buy a CD.B. Work on his paper.C. Enjoy the sunshine.
14.Where does this conversation probably take place?
A. In an office. B. In a lab.C. In a library.
15. Why did the woan stay up late at night?
A. She was reading books.B. She was watching the sky.C. She couldn 't fall asleep.
16. What did the woan do this orning? 新 標(biāo) 第一 網(wǎng)
A. Borrowed a book. B. Wrote a paper.C. Listened to a lecture.
17. What does Laura Kane do ost probably?
A. A teacher. B. An expert.C. A reporter.
18. What will Dr Xi do at the conference?
A. Discuss the progress in soe cities.
B. Consider an air quality plan.
C. Review Aerican accoplishents.
19. How long will the lunch break last?
A. 60 inutes. B. 75 inutes.C. 90 inutes.
20. Where can people soke?
A. In the workshop roo.B. In the eeting-roo.C. In the Oak Roo.
第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)(共15小題:每小題1分,滿分15分)
21._____he ade a istake did he realize how iportant carefulness is in work.
A. Only before B. Even if C. Never until D. Ever since
22.The traffic slowed down because of the heavy snow in Yushu County presenting a new______ to the recovery fro the earthquake.
A. suffering B. disaster C. daage D. challenge
23. Concerning your plan, I a glad to tell you that ost club ebers think ______ acceptable.
A. it B. that C. one D. this
24.—Are your parents satisfied with your perforance al hoe?
—_______but not exactly. They want e to do ore housework.
A. Kind of B. On the contraryC. On average D. By all eans
25. One can be strong, brave and faithful after all these hardships he has________ .
A. looked through B. got throughC. put through D. gone through
26.—What about going out this evening?
—Oh, I don't kno I've got a bit of a headache. And, _____John's coing to see e, so I ought to stay in. A. though B. therefore C. however D. anyway
27. Investigators agreed that passengers on the plane ______ at the very oent of the crash.
A. should have died B. can have died C. ust have died D. would have died
28.—John has got prooted in his copany.
—_______he looks so happy.
A. No doubt B. No wonderC. No atterD. No good
29. China will begin sending ared patrols along the ekong River,_______13 Chinese crew ebers were urdered. X k b 1
A. where B. which C. when D. what
30. The Chinese governent ay revise regulations ______ Joint offshore oil exploration with foreign copanies.
A. covering B. covered C. cover D. have covered
31. The education of ______ young is always ______ hot and serious topic in odern society.
A. the;/ B. a; the C. /;the D. the; a
32. — There is still an hour to go. Could we sit soewhere to have a drink?
— ________
A. Let's have a try.B. Sure. C. That's right.D. Well done l
33. You______ things about. Look, what a ess in your roo!
A. always throw B. have always thrown C. are always throwing D. have always been throwing新 標(biāo) 第 一網(wǎng)
34.____Chinese football tea will be successful in the future, any football fans are hopeful about the recent refor.
A. Having believedB. BelievingC. Believed D. To believe
35. GaoXiaosong____fro jail after serving 184 days for a drunken crash that caused a four vehicle pile-up.
A. has released B. releasesC. has been released D. is released
第二節(jié) 完形(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
egan's Library of Love book drive began in 2006, in eory of a student who passed away. The 36 to send books to a school 37 was created by egan's classates at Cedar Grove-Belgiu iddle School as a tribute(悼念)to her.
The project fored out of the desire to 38 egan, to help our counity heal, and to ake a 39 in the life of others. Students have any 40 of egan, but the ost vivid was her love for her faily and the diligent 41 she gave to her classates. They cobined this with her 42 for learning and reading to create the Library of Love. This project honors egan's special qualities. In the 43 of one of her classates, egan was, “A good daughter, a good student, a good friend. ”We are all blessed to have been a 44 of egan's life.
Every February, on egan's birthday, fifth graders at Cedar Grove-Belgiu iddle School 45 donations of newly purchased books and send the to a school in need. The “Love books” are truly a 46 of love eant to 47 reading and learning. Students earn the oney for postage by writing letters to local 48 .The fifth graders also have the 49 of labeling every book with a Library of Love sticker(標(biāo)簽), 50 the books into categories, and 51 all the books for shipping.
In the two years since the Library of Love 52 began, students have collected over 5000 newly purchased books to send to schools in need. In 2006, 3419 books were sent to St. Bernard's Parish to help 53 their school library after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the counity. In 2007, 1613 books were sent to White ountain School in Alaska, who 54 their high school in afire. Students look forward to sending the gift of 55 to other schools in the future.
36. A. oveB. thoughtC. ideaD. offer
37. A. in need B. in trouble C. in difficulty D. in pain
38. A. help B. honor C. keep D. save
39. A. contribution B. ark C. difference D. start
40. A. iages B. pictures C. stories D. eories
41. A. effort B. advice C. help D. exaple
42. A. interest B. passion C. preference D. deterination
43. A. case B. ideas C. words D. look
44. A. copany B. witness C. part D. friend
45. A. get B. count C. seek D. collect
46. A. easure B. force C. gift D. ark
47. A. push B. reward C. inspire D. connect
48. A. failies B. counities C. factories D. businesses
49. A. chance B. responsibility C. pleasure D. work
50. A. dividing B. placing C. sorting D. passing
51. A. cleaning B. checking C. packing D. exaining
52. A. plan B. organization C. capaign D. project
53. A. repair B. rebuild C. reove D. restart
54. A. lost B. ruined C. closed D. escaped
55. A. coforting B. reading C. encouragingD. writing

Very far away fro the city lived a poor farer and his wife. In front of their house was a sall dirt road. Very few cars drove on this road because it was so far fro the city. On the dirt road, there was a big hole filled with water. The hole was very deep, but drivers on the road didn't know just how deep. Drivers always drove into the hole, but they never drove out.
One day, a an in a new car was driving down the road. He saw the hole with the water, but he didn't think it was very deep. He drove into the hole, but he couldn't drive out. The an saw the farer on his tractor working in the field, and he signaled to the farer. The farer drove over to the an in the new car.
“Is there a proble?”asked the farer.
“Yes,”said the an.“y car is stuck in this hole. Can you help e?”
“aybe,”said the farer.“But I' very busy.”
“l(fā)f you help e, I'll pay you,” said the an.
“OK,”said the farer. The farer pulled the car out of the hole with his tractor, and the an paid hi a lot of oney. The an looked at the farer and said,“You ust. ake a lot of oney pulling cars out of this hole day and night.”
“Actually, no,”said the farer.
“Why not?”asked the an.
“The hole is very deep, and a lot of people get stuck and ask for help. But I don't ake oney day and night because I don't pull cars out at night.”
“At night I' busy filling the hole with water,” answered the farer.
56. The reason why few cars drove on the sall dirt road was that __________ .
A. there was a big and deep holeB. the couple was not polite enough
C. it had a long distance fro the cityD. drivers were afraid of being in the hole
57. According to paragraph 2, we can know about the an in a new car __________ .
A. he just learned to drive a carB. it was the first tie that he passed there
C. he knew how deep the hole wasD. he knew the farer in the field
58. The underlined word in the passage probably eans __________ .
A. sending a essage B. aking a cry
C. creating a sign D. aking a call
59. What did the farer usually do at night?
A. He helped pull out cars. B. He ade oney.
C. He filled water to the hole D. He slept at hoe.
The kite was originally called Zhiyuan in North China, and Yaozi in South China. Early in the Five dynasties, a an naed Li Ye used to ake and fly a kite in the eperor's court. He once attached a whistle ade of baboo to the kite. Sound was let out when the kite was flying. The kite was naed after Zheng, a kind of Chinese usic instruent. Then it was naed Fengzheng in Chinese.
The earliest kite in the world was ade by otse, a faous Chinese philosopher, who lived 2,300 years ago, for ilitary (軍事的) purposes. He spent three years aking an eagle and anaged to fly it. The eagle was later regarded as the first kite in the world. Kite-flying becae a recreation probably fro the Tang dynasty when the royal faily and people of the highest class were addicted to it. It was said that the Eperor Xuanzong in the Tang dynasty once was interested in a kite naed Eight Iortals Crossing the Sea flying in the air. Later, the paper-ade kite was invented, which cost less and spread quickly aong the coon people. As tie went on, kites flew to various countries in the world. 'The well-known British scientist, Dr. Needha, once described kites as an iportant scientific invention which spread to Europe fro China in his book, A History of China's Science and Technology. The invention of the kite inspired en’s drea of flying and led to the invention of the airplane.
60. The kite ade by Li Ye was naed after a Chinese usic instruent because __________ .
A. it was ade of baboo B. it could sound in the sky
C. Li Ye was a usician D. it looked like a whistle
61. What led to the invention of the kite according to the passage?
A. Wars. B. An eagle.
C. otse's interest in anials. D. otse's drea of flying.
62. Why was kite-flying not a popular recreation aong coon people at first?
A. Because they were too busy to fly kites.B. Because they were not allowed to fly kites.
C. Because it was difficult to ake kites.D. Because it was expensive to ake kites.
63. Which of the following stateents ight Dr. Needha agree with? www .xkb 1.co
A. The Chinese people first tried to invent airplanes.
B. The Chinese spread the idea of flying to Europe.
C. The invention of kites in China is great.
D. The invention of kites achieved the drea to fly.
Your other was wrong: Sitting up straight is bad for you. Scottish radiologists confired in a study last year that bending back 130 degrees between body and the upper part of legs reduces pressure on t he discs (椎間盤) in the lower back. This is why the Aeron chair was so ahead of its tie in 1994.
But designers find that the features of chairs like the Aeron are lost on ost sitters. Tension fro bending back, lubar (腰部的) support and seat pan depth are coonly ignored by users, who only think to change the chair's height.
This disuse has producers such as Heran iller and Huan scale looking toward the next frontier: a self-adjusting chair. “We're working on a chair that will listen to who's sitting on it and adjust itself to their weight,”says Bill Dowell, director of research at Heran iller, which akes the Aeron. Huan scale’s Freedo chair includes a counterbalance syste (平衡系統(tǒng))that adjusts itself according to the sitter's weight as he or she bends back.
Or p erhaps the chair of the future isn't one at all. Chairs contribute in part to the high rate of back pain, which affects eight out of ten Aericans.“Our idea of a achine for sitting ay not ake sense in a globalized world,”says Heran iller designer Caeron Capbell. Galen Cranz points out in her book The Chair that the Indian practice of squatting (蹲)and the usli practice, of stretching five ties a day Lo pray have great ergonoic (工效學(xué)的)benefits. Ten years fro now, one worker ay settle into a low recliner (躺椅) , another will kneel on a soft carpet, and they’ll talk across a pile of office cushions.
64. Why was the Aeron chair so popular once?
A. It was just newly invented.B. It offered cofort and health to sitters.
C. It could cure any diseases.D. It changed people's ideas about sitting position.
65. The second paragraph ainly tells us that the Aeron chair__________ .
A. had any weaknesses before B. needed iproving tiely
C. wasn't ade full use of D. could be changed in height
66. What ost probably akes the Freedo chair attract its sitters?
A. Its ability to adjust itself.B. Its cheap price.
C. Its understanding of sitters' words.D. Its different appearance.
67. It can be inferred fro the last paragraph that __________ .
A. workers all need a low reclinerB. the future chairs will not sell well
C. the globalized chairs are in great needD. the future chairs will satisfy different people's needs
teenagers who do not get enough of the nutrients coonly found in fruits and fish are easier to have bad lungs, coughing and wheezing(喘息).Teens who eat the least of fruit and especially vitain C have weaker lungs copared to the others.
Teens who take in less vitain E, found in vegetable oil and nuts, are ore likely to have astha(哮喘) , Jane Burns at the Harvard School of Public Health found.
Based on these findings, Burns said that current recoended dose (一劑) of vitain C, 85 g a day, ay not be enough for teens to have healthy lungs. Teens who eat less fruit and don't take in enough fatty acids (脂肪酸) are ore likely to have astha and the signs of breathing difficulty.
Proper aounts of fatty acids are protective, Burns said, though fish, the best source of fatty acids, is particularly unpopular with teenagers. Fatty acids are also found in soe nuts as well as soe green vegetables. Sokers who avoid vitain C will increase their chances of coughing, wheezing and developing phleg (痰) .
ore than 80 percent of teens are getting their recoended doses of vitain C --- ainly fro fruit drinks.“I wouldn't approve of drinking the, but at least they're getting their vitain C fro soewhere,” Burns said.
Burns added that there are several different ways to get the necessary nutrients.
“I think vitain suppleents are fine. I think adding vitain D to orange juice is fine. But I do think there are added benefits that we don't fully understand to eating whole focus like fruits and vegetables and fish,” she said. The researchers did not account for poverty and other factors that often distinguish less-healthy eaters and ay explain their findings.
68. According Lo the passage, what is the proble with teens who don't get enough nutrients?
A. They are becoing sokers.B. They don't take enough exercise.
C. They eat too uch fruit and fish.D. They are likely to have weaker lungs.
69. According to Burns, how should teens get the necessary nutrients?
A. By drinking juice as uch as possible.B. By eating ore whole foods.
C. By taking vitain pills.D. By giving up soking.
70. Which of the following is NOT entioned by the researchers in the passage?
A. The aount of nutrients teens should take in a day.
B. How teens can take in enough nutrients.
C. Whether poor teens can prove their findings.
D. The fact that teens don't like fish.
71. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Poor nutrition hurts teens' lungs.B. Teens lack proper nutrition.
C. Teens are easy to suffer fro diseases.D. ore fruit help keep teens healthy.
Part of the agic in ovies is the costues. They can transfor a noral-looking actor into a cowboy, a space alien or even a superhero. Costues for ovies are designed and created by a whole tea of people, according to Courtney Daniel, a Toronto-based costue designer who worked on the recent ovie Night At The useu.
As a designer, she does research to find out what details are needed to ake a costue work, and what akes sense for a specific ovie. In Night At The useu, she and a few other designers spent tie at libraries and useus studying everything fro what cowboys should wear, to what ancient Egyptians and Huns would have put on. Once they got the inforation they needed, they figured out what fabrics (織物) to use and how to put the together.
The designers even changed a few details to ake the costues ore“ovie friendly”. For exaple, ore colour and extra touches (修飾)helped historical costues to be alive for kids. One exaple of this is the costue for the role in the ovie Night At The useu, an Indian woan Sacagawea, which has a shorter skirt and fits ore closely than the clothes the real Sacagawea would have worn.
Daniel has also worked on costues for other big-nae ovies, such as the second and third X-en ovies, and Catwoan. If you are. interested in being a costue designer, it helps to have an interest in sewing. She said,“Learning how to sew, and how different fabrics and aterials work is iportant.”So is knowing how to carry out research, Daniel's degree in art history helped in this area.
72. According to the first paragraph, the costues __________ .
A. help designers becoe faousB. play an iportant part in ovies
C. can change the actors' characteristicsD. create a tea of designers
73. According to the passage, a designer __________ .
A. needs to know every country's cultureB. should learn how to carry out research
C. needs to learn about the Egyptians' way of life
D. won't be successful without a degree in art history
74. What does the underlined part“ovie friendly”in the third paragraph ean ?
A. Acceptable to the director. B. Free for the audience
C. Suitable for ovies. D. Friendly to the actors
75. What do we know about the ovie Night At The useu?
A. Sacagawea is one of the characters in it.B.“Catwoan”is an iportant character.
C. It has nothing to do with cowboys.D. It is about the evolution of costues.
第一節(jié) 任務(wù)型讀寫(共10小題 ;每小題1分,滿分10分)
閱讀下面短,根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在表 格中的空白處填入恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~。
any people, when starting to gable(賭博) , think that there will be no proble to stop at any given tie, but they don't even realize how their initial exciteent eventually transfors into losing of control, how they start to gable ore and ore frequently in order to bet larger and larger aounts of oney, and finally turn into real addicts.
Addictive gabling can har the relationships at hoe and at work. People even start doing things they never thought they would, like stealing to get oney to gable or pay gabling debts. They start to lie and cheat once out of cash to use for their addiction.
Gabling is the only thing that occupies the ind of an addict and is all they want to do, no atter what the consequences are. Gablers keep gabling whether they are in a go od or in a bad ood, whether they are happy or depressed. It sees that o nly so can they not feel epty. According to the experts, there are three stages leading to gabling addiction :
1st stage: The so-called winning stage. It starts with the player's first wins. This event releases such a big aount of stiulation into the brain of an individual, that they will pay any price to repeat the stiulation.
2nd stage: The losing stage. Eventually, the player will start to lose fro tie to tie. The excessive players usually do not like to lose. They start playing ore and ore in order to get the lost oney back, and always believe that the luck is just on its way. This very often leads to trapping the player into a terrible circle.
3rd stage: The desperate stage. At this point, the person is already deeply affected by the gabling addiction. He becoes separated fro the society and sees no hope. At this stage, the player is often in coplete sadness where the need for help is a desperate extreity (極點(diǎn)).
In order to overcoe a gabling addiction, the first step to start with is to adit, recognize and accept the proble by addicts theselves. For any gablers, this is usually the hardest part. ost of the ay not just realize that they are having this proble, while others ay be aware of it but would not adit its existence.
This ight be a good tie to coe clean to the loved ones and ask for their support. However, it is recoended to seek professional help fro an addiction expert. People with this kind of proble can receive help fro professionals only after the y have started to help theselves by aditting their difficult situation. Recovery will never happen when people iniize the extent of their condition, when they start aking excuses, or blae others for their istakes.
Overcoing a gabling addiction or proble is never easy. Counseling is a good choice in order to gain a control over the gabling addiction, and is the best wav to find a long-ter solution.
Gabling addiction help

Facts☆People who start to gable take gabling 76 .
☆The seriousness of gabling addiction is often 77 .
Probles caused
by gabling☆One can't 78 on well wi th his friends and faily ebers.
☆I(lǐng)t causes one to steal, lie and even cheat when he uses up oney.
79 for gabling addiction☆Gabling occupies the ind of an addict despite the consequences.
☆I(lǐng)t sees to fill one's 80 in his life.
Three stages 81 in gabling addiction☆The winning stage starts with the player's first wins and akes one repeat the stiulation like crazy.
☆The losing stage is when the players lose often and try to get the lost oney back with the 82 in luck.
☆The desperate stage is when the gabling addiction affects the person deeply and akes hi separated and 83 .
Ways to overcoe
the addiction☆A(yù)dit, recognize and accept the proble by addicts theselves.
☆Seek help fro the loved ones and especially an addiction 84 .
☆Counsel often to 85 the gabling addiction.

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本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/35431.html
