
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)



第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21. ---Hi, To! Could you spare e a inute? I want to have a word with you.
---Sure, Jean. _________.
A. You ust be worried. B. It doesn’t atter.
C. What’s up? D. Why e?
22. ---Has anything caught your eye in today’s newspaper?
---Yes. A new eight-kiloeter-long road is under ________ that links the port area with the otorway syste.
A. consideration B. construction C. conservation D. constitution
23. The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action quietly, and to have it _____ by accident.
A. find out B. finding out C. found out D. be found out
24. Adrian’s hard work _________. He graduated with good grades and got into a top high school. He also achieved a lot in life outside school.
A. paid off B. paid back C. paid for D. paid out
25. ---Would you please repeat the graar rules again?
---Of course, but I a sure that you _______ to e carefully, as I have told you twice already.
A. don’t listen B. wouldn’t listen C. weren’t listening D. aren’t listening
26. Jane is deterined to go to France for further education _______ all the possible consequences.
A. instead of B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in response to
27. As a anager, I know y eotions will affect people around e, so I’ going to ake a _______ effort to be ore cheerful.
A. precious B. curious C. ysterious D. conscious
28. ---Do you have any news about Bob?
---Yeah. We ______ each other quite a lot recently.
A. have been seeing B. had been seeing C. see D. have seen
29. Officials in Victoria said on onday that it would be days _______ the fires were brought under control, even if teperatures stayed down.
A. since B. when C. before D. after
30. ---Why couldn’t you tell e how you felt about things?
---That’s because I grew up in a faily _________ we didn’t talk about feelings.
A. where B. which C. when D. why
31. ---What did Kincaid say just now?
---He said he ________ a dog if he hadn’t been away fro hoe too uch.
A. had had B. had C. would have D. would have had
32. We’re looking for an English teacher, especially ________ with patience and iagination.
A. that B. one C. the one D. it
33. Research findings shoe spend about two hours dreaing every ight, no atter what we _________ have done during the day.
A. should B. would C. ay D. ust
34. ---_______ one and a half onths enough for the project to be finished?
---I a afraid not. The professor is ill and only after he recovers ________ go on with it.
A. Is; he can B. Are; he can C. Is; can he D. Are; can he
35. ---You should ake good preparations before you set off for Nanjing next week.
---Yes, I kno __________.
A. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail B. Failure is the other of success
C. Do nothing by halves D. Kill two birds with one stone
第二節(jié)完形 (共20題 ; 每小題 1分, 滿分20分)
When I was a law professor, a student reported that I ade an error in grading his exa by giving hi too any points. He was ___36___ and after thanking hi for his honesty, I changed the grade in y ___37___. His beaing (歡笑的) face turned to shock. “You’re 38 y grade?” he said angrily. “I would never have coe in ___39___ ……”
He didn’t finish the ___40___, but it was obvious that his display of honesty was ___41___. He thought he’d have it all—praise and the higher grade.
Several colleagues thought I should have let the higher grade ___42___ because all I’d accoplished was to discourage hi fro being ___43___ in the future. And every tie I tell this story, soe people agree with this ___44___.
But I can’t see how I could give good reason for worsening y ___45___ in grading by underining (損害) the honesty of all y grades by failing to ___46___ an error. The grade itself would be a dishonest ___47___ of his knowledge and it would have been ___48___to other students. How could I ___49___ give a student a gift of an unearned grade?
I know ___50___ reporting an error in one’s favor is unusual, but, like ___51___ too uch change, it’s clearly the right thing to do. People of character, those with real honesty, hate to give up ___52___ as uch as anyone else. The difference is that for the a good conscience and reputation is ___53___enough to give reason for the cost of doing the right thing.
Perhaps lowering the student’s grade did ___54___ hi fro being honest in the future, but bribing (賄賂) hi to be honest so that he does the right thing when it’s cost-free would have ___55___hi even ore. The duty to be honest is about right and wrong, not risks and rewards.
36. A. wiseB. rightC. rigidD. angry
37. A. filesB. booksC. recordsD. notes
38. A. loweringB. correctingC. changingD. aking
39. A. whetherB.whichC. whatD. if
40. A. sentenceB. workC. exaD. lesson
41. A. goodB. falseC. specialD. ipressive
42. A. oveB. changeC. standD. drop
43. A. braveB. adventurousC. successfulD. honest
44. A. rearkB. coplaintC. praiseD. achieveent
45. A. crieB. istakeC. doubtD. guilt
46. A. akeB. findC. correctD. avoid
47. A. reactionB. senseC. signD. reflection
48. A. unfairB. cruelC. toughD. funny
49. A. reluctantlyB. possiblyC. politelyD. patiently
50. A. activelyB. secretlyC. voluntarilyD. curiously
51. A. receivingB. payingC. earningD. returning
52. A. benefitsB. honorsC. awardsD. gifts
53. A. pleasureB. rewardC. contentD. honor
54. A. protectB. influenceC. discourageD. separate
55. A. iprovedB. encouragedC. blaedD. ruined

Skiping classes violates school rules and a poor attendance record will daage your final ark. But soe college students still try every eans to escape classes. The nuber of these rebels ay be uch bigger than you think. Three students fro Anhui Noral University established Itaoke. Co in June. The website quickly attracted 2 000 registered ebers in tlree onths. On the website, students share their experiences of skipping classes and even post ads to look for soeone to stand in for the to attend courses. Its ebarrassing for universities to see this shaeful behavior discussed:
However,it's good for schools and teachers to know via the website the reasons why students skip classes,according to Professor Xiao Haitao fro Shenzhen University: Xao pointed out that soe`students skip classes because of laziness.Others play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory,“Universities can seek iproveents to give a cure to the class-skipping proble,”said Xiao.
Chen Yang,21,thinks that he is “forced" to skip soe courses because of the poor teaching. the senior,ajoring in English at Yangtze University, thinks that he's wasting tie in the classroo when the teacher reads the textbook word for word or hands hi outdated reading aterials. He would rather skip classes to study in the library, watch online videos of Harvard or Yale lectures,or sit in on(旁聽)other courses he is interested in. Chen draws a clear line between hiself and those who skip classes in order to get ore sleep or fool around on capus. He ephasized:“I skip classes with a clear goal,which is to probe into areas I' interested in and
broaden y horizons.”
Li Sicen,President of the National Taiwan University,sees to be on Chen's side. Li claied that he supported those students who skip classes for good reasons.
However,Professor Xiao warns students that Li is not giving perission for students to skip classes. Xiao suggests that Li was just showing his understanding of truancy in a liited nuber of cases.
In Professor Pan Cuiqiong's opinion,students tend to jup to the conclusion that a certain course is boring and useless. "To clear students' isunderstanding,teachers should use aterials closely related to students’lives and adapt interactive teaching ethods,”said Pan.
Besides offering teachers ore training,schools also need to give students different optional courses and ensure that they can attend the courses they are interested in,according to Professor Xiao. any Chinese students have the experience of being kicked out of an optional course because its size is liited. They are then forced to choose courses they dislike and are likely to skip the. We ay learn fro Sydney University in Australia. There aren't any probles with nubers---if a course is popular then there will be ore than one class per week.
56: The underlined word“rebels" in Paragraph 1 refers to“
A students who ebarrass their universities
B: students who establish websites
C, students who skip classes
D. students who quarrel with their parents
57. Chen Yang Skips soe courses because_.
A, his school is ore student-centered
B, he wants to get ore sleep
C. he wants to fool around on capus
D. the teaching style needs uch iproveent
58. According to the passage,we learn that Professor Xiao_.
A. is giving perission for students to skip classes
B, thinks it's ebarrassing for the three students to establish ltaoke. co
C. thinks the website will help to knohy students skip classes
D. claied that he supported those students who skip classes for good reasons
59. Which of the following easures is NOT entioned to stop students skipping classes?
A. Teachers should adopt practical aterials and flexible teaching ethods.
B. Schools should offer teachers ore training:
C. Schools need to ensure that students can attend various courses they are interested in.
D. Students should be punished if they skip classes.
Boys do worse in English when there are girls in their class,researchers will say today,contradicting the widely held belief that girls are always a good influence on boys in school. Boys do best with "as few girls as possible" in English lessons at priary and secondary school, Steven Proud fro Bristol University has found. But when it coes to aths and science, both boys and girls at priary school achieve up to a tenth of a grade ore when there is a high proportion of girls in the class, Proud found.
Proud tracked boys' and girls' test results at the ages of 7, 11, 14 and 16 in 16000
schools in England between 2002 and 2004 for his Ph. D, He analysed the test scores to see whether the proportion of girls in a year group ade a difference to the results of both genders in ath,science and English. Proud looked at the schools that were in their high or low proportion of girls. Boys consistently perfor up to a tenth of a grade worse when they study English with high nubers of girls as opposed to few or no girls,Proud found. The ore girls there are in an English class,the worse boys perfor. This is particularly the case in priary schools,he discovered. Proud will argue that his results show boys should be taught English in single-sex classes.
Girls,who outperfor boys in English at every stage at school, are unaffected by the nuber of boys in their English classes. Girls also do better when there are soe boys who receive free school eals in their class,Proud found. He said, "The results iply that boys would benefit at all ages fro being taught English with as sall a proportian of girls as possible, In aths and science,the results tend to iply that both boys and girls benefit fro having ore girls in the classroo A ix of the genders in both science and aths is the best choice.”
Proud said boys ay do worse in English when there is a high proportion of girls in their class because they realize that the girls are better than the. It could also be that teachers use teaching styles ore appropriate to girls when there are ore girls than boys in the class. Both genders perfor better in aths and science at priary school when there are ore girls in the class because boys tend to disrupt the class ore,he said.
Professor Alan Sithers fro the University of Buckingha said girls started school with slightly better verbal skills,while boys started with a slightly greater ability for aths;“Boys ight be discouraged by hoell girls are doing in English,”he said,“but that still does not explain why they would do better in aths and science with a higher proportion of girls in their class.”
60. It's widely believed that
A, boys do worse in English when there are ore girls in their class
B. girls are always having a good influence on bays in school
C. boys do best with“as few girls as possible" in English lessons
D, there is a higher proportion of girls in schools
61. Fraud is likely to believe that_____
A. boys should be taught English in single-sex classes
B. boys outperfor girls in English at every stage
C. soe bays who receive .free school eals do better in English
D. boys perfor better in aths and science at priary school when there are are girls
62. In ters of the reason why boys’English grades are up to a tenth worse when high nubers of girls are in the class,Alan Sithers explains that_.
A. teachers’teaching styles are ore appropriate to girls
B, boys tend to disrupt the class ore
C. bays started with a slightly greater aptitude for aths
D. girls started school with Slightly better verbal skills
Now in a world piled high with sartphones,tablets and e-readers,technology has entered the classroo in ways uniaginable. Taking classes can be fun too. A11 you have to do is swipe your fingers on your phone screen and download sae Apps, which can ake your study ore fun and efficient. Balancing study and play in a college setting has never been easy----and with the following few apps, it'll be tough to tell the two apart.
Use: note-taking
Can be used on:Phone/iPad/iPod touch,Android,BlackBerry,PalOS and Windows Phone 7
It's hard to iagine that with all the agical gadgets, the eager, studious types would still take out a notepad,pencil,and highlighter-and take notes in class. While it's not an actual planner or calendar App,if you take notes to stay organized,then Eveote is for you. The ain thing about Evernate is that all of your notes are autoatically sent into the cloud(云儲(chǔ)存平臺(tái)上)---and then you can access the fro any web-connected coputer via the Eveote App or a web browser. Evernote also support audio and photo notes-rather handy if you want to record your lecture or take photos of any projected notes. But,of course, ask for perission first.
Use:research database
Can be used on:iPhone/Pad/iPod touch
Price:free(Wikipanion Plus for$4, 99,or 31.87 yuan)
Now,you don't necessarily have to go to a library or anywhere with coputer services to do research work for your paper anyore. You can get access to the research databases just on your sartphone or tablet. Wkipanion gives you a siplified version of Wikipeda without leaving out any of the site's extra features. The noral links that you'd see to each section of an article xre no longer on the ain screen. Instead,there's a sall icon located at the botto of the app,which can be used to access all the sections of an article. You can also open the links in Safari(蘋果)Safari(瀏覽器).According to the developers' site, loading Wikipedia pages with Wikpanion is a lot faster than accessing the Wikipedia site fro the iPhone's browses. To be honest,we agree.
Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days
Use: English learning application
Can be used on: iPhone/iPad/iPod touch
Price:For a liited tie you can get the App for only$0. 99---half price.
Still learning English with a workbook? if so,you are behind the ties. Get 21th Century Newspaper's new iPhone App,"Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days". When you download the App on your iPhone,you can listen to the hottest bilingual news selected fro the newspaper's official website(ww i2lst. cn) and read by native speakers. Users can enjoy the audio bilingual news with synchronized subtitles and fantastic pictures while iersed in an authentic language environent. With a siple tap,the sentence you choose will be repeated. "Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days" has ranked No. 1 on the Chinese education App
list. For a liited tie you can get the App for only$0. 99---half price.
63. This passage ainly ais at_____
A, students B, travellers C. advertisers D. teachers
64. Which of the following stateents is TRUE?
A. You can get the last App entioned for only$0. 99----half price.
B. Wikipanon is free.of charge.
C. Evernote has ranked No. 1 on the Chinese education App list.
D. All these three progras are iaginary.
65,F(xiàn)ro the passage,we know that_•
A. students would still take out a notepad,pencil,and highlighter to take notes with Evernote
B. with Wikpanion,you can record your lecture or take photos of the notes
C. accessing the-Wikipedia site fro the iPhone's browser is a lot faster than loading Wikipedia pages with Wikipanon
D, with Evernote,all of your notes are autoatically sent into the cloud
66. Which is the best title?
A. How to Be a Studious student? B. Gadgets ake Study Fun
C. The Internet Is Very Iportant in Our Life D. It's Necessary to Have an iPhone
Three boys and three girls were going to Fort Lauderdale and when they boarded the bus,they were carrying sandwiches and wine in paper bags,dreaing of golden beaches as the gray cold of New York vanished behind the.
As the bus passed through New Jersey,they began to notice Vingo, He sat in front of the,dressed in a plain,ill-fitting suit,never oving,his dusty face asking his age. He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot,frozen into soe personal cocoon of silence.
Deep into the night,outside Washington,the bus pulled into Howard Johnson's,and everybody got off except Vingo. He sat rooted in his seat,and the young people began to wonder about hi,trying to iagine his life:perhaps he was a sea captain,a runaway fro his wife,an old soldier going hoe. When they went back to the bus,one of the girls sat beside hi and introduced herself.
"We're going to Florida,”she said brightly:“I hear it's really beautiful.”
“It is,”he said quietly,as if reebering soethng'he had tried to forget.
"Want soe wine?" she said. He siled and took a swig. He thanked her and once again returned to his silence. After a while,she went back to the others,and Vingo nodded in his sleep.
In the orning,they awoke outside another Howard Johnson's.a(chǎn)nd This tie Vingo went in. The girl insisted that he join the. He seeed very shy, and ordered black coffee and soked nervously as the young people chattered about sleeping on beaches. When they returned to the hus,the girl sat with Vingo again,and after a while, slowly and painfully,he told his story. He had been in jail in New York for the past four years,and now he was going hoe.
“Are you arried?”
“I don't kno
“You don’t know?,she said.
“Well,when I was in jail I wrotet to y wife,”he said.“I told her that I was going to be away a long tie,and that if she couldn't stand it.if the kids kept asking questions,if it hurt too uch,wel l,she could just forget e, I'd understand. Get a new guy,I said she's a wonderful woan,really soething and forget about e. I told her she didn't have to write e for nothing. And she didn't. Not for three and a half years.”
"And you’re going hoe now,not knowing?,,
“Yeah,”he said shyly.“Well,last week,when I was sure the parole was coing through, I wrote her again. We used to live in Brunswick,just before Jacksonville,and there’s a big oak tree just as you cae into town. I told her that if she'd take e back,she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree,and I'd get off and coe hoe, If she didn't want e, forget it, no handkerchief,and I'd go on through.”
"Vow,”the girl exclaied. "Wo”
She told the others,and noon all of the were in it, caught up in the approach of Brunswick,looking at the pictures Vingo showed the of his wife and three children. The woan was handsoe in a plain way,the children still unfored in the uch-handled snapshots.
Now they were 20 iles fro Brunswick, and the young people took over window seat on the right side,waiting for the approach of the great oak tree. The bus acquired a dark,hushed ood,full of the silence of absence and lost years. Vingo stopped looking, 'tightening his face into the ex-con's ask,as if fortifying hiself against still another disappointent.
Then Brunswick was ten iles, and then five. "then,suddenly,all of the young people were up out of their seats,screaing and shouting and crying,doing sall dances of joy. All except Vingo.
Vingo sat there stunned,looking at the oak tree. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs,20 of the,30 of the,aybe hundreds,a tree that stood like a banner of welcoe billowing in the wind. As the young people shouted,the old rose and ade his way to the front of the bus to go hoe.
67. Which is RIGH" about Vingo?
A. He was a sea captain. B. He was a runaway fro his wife,
C. He was an old soldier going hoe. D: He was a prisoner.
68. The underlined word "`exclaied" probably indicates that the girl was“_”
A. surprised B: angry C: ebarrassed D. puzzled
69. Fro the story,we know that
A, the young petaple and Vingo loved New York
B. Vngo dressed hiself decently
C: Vingo's Wife didn't write to hi because she didn't iss hi
D. the young people were happy for Vingo because he could went hoe
70. What is the best title for the story?
A: An Unexpected Return B. Forgiving y Absence C. Going Hoe D.The Old Oak Tree

You probably have lists of reeber and steps to follow in order to have the best pet-friendly trip. There are, however, a few things that are best left at hoe. Here are a few things to forget when you’re traveling with pets. Forgetting the will ake your trip run ore soothly and ore effectively.
Traveling with pets will take longer and will have unexpected turns. In reality, forgetting about tie eans leaving ipatience behind. Don’t be in a rush. Your pets will require ore extra stops than you will, and they’ll often surprise you with unpredictable delays. Plan on leaving early and arriving later and you’ll be right on tie.
Getting angry at the delay will only ake atters worse. Your feelings can add unnecessary stresses to you and your pets’ travel experience. If you feel yourself becoing out of control, stop and take a deep breath. Your pets have little control over their eotions, bowel oveents, or otion sickness when traveling. Reeber to be kind and understanding at all ties, especially when under pressure.
Work Attitude
This ay see like a no-brainer, but when you are traveling, leave your work attitude behind. Traveling is not a task to be accoplished; it can be an enjoyable and eorable experience for both you and your pets as long as you have the right attitude.
Part of the joy of traveling with pets is dealing with the unexpected. You can’t control everything and trying to do so will only end in frustration and anger. Knowing that things will happen beyond your control will bring great relief to you and your pets. esses happen; accidents happen. Once you accept that, traveling with your pets will be far easier to anage.
Traveling with pets often requires an extree aount of selflessness. Your pets rely on you to take care of their needs, and soeties you will need to put their needs before your own. Leave your selfish abitions behind when traveling with your pets. They need your attention and care ore than anything else because of the stresses and strains of traveling.
Traveling with pets can and will be a joy if you reeber to leave these five ites behind. It can be difficult at ties to handle, but the traveling will go well if you can anage to do so.
Traveling with pets
BenefitYou’ll have a(n) 72 and ore effective trip by following the tips.

Five things to
71 Tie* Traveling with pets will take longer and have unexpected turns.
* Plan on 73 early to be on tie.
Anger* Anger will only ake atters worse when you are 74 .
* Your pets can 75 control theselves during the trip.
Attitude* Leave your work attitude behind.
* Right attitude can 76 you an enjoyable and eorable traveling experience.
Control* Dealing with the unexpected can be 77 .
* Once you accept that, you will find traveling is not that 78 to anage.
Selfishness* Traveling with pets often requires you to be 79 .
* Your pets rely on you to take care of their needs.
* At ties you should put your needs behind theirs.
80 Traveling with pets can be a joy and your trip will be successful.

Dear editor,
I’ writing to tell you about y opinion on Chinese students going abroad for further studies at an early age.

II. 單選選擇
21-25 CBCAC26-30 BDACA 31-35 DBCCA
第二節(jié) 完形填空 (20分)
36---40 BCADA 41---45 BCDAB 46---50 CDABC
51---55 DABCD
56. C詞義猜測(cè)題。根據(jù)第一段第一句可知,these rebels指的是逃的(skip/escape classes)學(xué)生。
57.D細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段第一句Chen Yang,21,thinks that he is "forced" to skip soe courses because of the poor teaching.可知。
58. C推理。根據(jù)第二段第一句However, it's goad for schools and teachers to know via the website the reasons why students skip classes,…可知。
59. D推理。根據(jù)最后兩段內(nèi)容可知,A,B,C項(xiàng)正確,D項(xiàng)沒有提到。

60. B推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段第一句Boys do worse in English when there are girls in their class,researchers will say today,contradicting the widely held belief that girls are always a good influence on boys in school.可知。
61. A細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段最后一句Proud will argue that his results show boys should be taught English in single-sex classes.可知。
62. D細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)最后一段第一句Professor Alan Sithers fro the University of Buckingha said girls started school with slightly better verbal skills,while boys started with a slightly greater ability for aths.可知。
63.A推理判斷題。中提到了3種應(yīng)用程序,在講述其用途時(shí)反復(fù)提及studious; take notes in class, record your lecture,do research work for your paper等等,可見該產(chǎn)品的對(duì)象是“學(xué)生”。
64. B推理判斷題。Wikipanion(維基百科閱讀伴侶)是免費(fèi)的,但Wikipanion Plus(維基百科Plus版)需4. 99美元。
65. D推理判斷題。根據(jù)Wikipanion部分可知,研發(fā)人員網(wǎng)站上介紹,在維基百科閱讀伴侶上加載維基百科頁(yè)面要比使用蘋果瀏覽器訪問維基百科快得多,所以C項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤;中Evernote部分提到,The ain thing about Evernote is that all of your notes are autoatically sent into the cloud..,故D項(xiàng)正確。
66. B標(biāo)題歸納題。本主要講的就是應(yīng)用程序幫助你學(xué)習(xí)更加輕松、高效,故D正確。
67. D細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第七段最后一句He had been in jail in New York for the past four years,and now hewas going hoe.可知。
68. A詞義猜測(cè)題。下說,這女孩把這事告訴了同伴們,于是他們都盼著快點(diǎn)到$runswck。因此可以猜測(cè)她很驚訝。
70. C標(biāo)題歸納題。本主要講的是一個(gè)囚徒在四年后回家途中的忐忑心情。

V. 任務(wù)型閱讀
71. forget 72. soother 73. leaving 74. delayed 75. hardly
76. bring 77. joyful 78. difficult 79. selfless 80. Conclusion
VI. 寫作
One possible version:
Dear editor,
I' writing to tell you y opinion on Chinese students going abroad for further studies at an early age.
I agree that Chinese students going to study abroad is a good thing, which helps us to know ore about foreign countries, but I don't think it necessary for us to do that so early.
The education in China and that in foreign countries both have advantages and disadvantages. The ost iportant thing for us Chinese students to do at present is to know our country, people and culture well. Without that, we'll have no root and cannot have a good understanding of other countries, people and cultures.
Besides, going to study in foreign countries at too early an age not only costs a lot of oney, it could also bring serious probles. Taking care of theselves is one of the.
In y opinion, as priary or iddle school students, we should devote our tie to studying harder in our own country and iproving ourselves, when the chance to study abroad arrives, we'll grasp it and ake the best use of it.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/36679.html

相關(guān)閱讀:江蘇省鹽城中學(xué)屆高三第一次診斷考試 英語(yǔ)(掃描版)