
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第一節(jié)(共5 小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)
1. Why can’t the speakers afford to rent a better house now?
A. They have bought a new car.
B. They have bought soe furniture.
C. They have bought a second-hand car.
2. Where are the speakers?
A. In a park. B. In a hotel. C. In the British Ebassy.
3. When is the next weather report?
A. At 8:35. B. At 9:00. C. At 9:25.
4. What are the speakers ainly talking about?
A.A typewriter. B. A coputer. C. A gae.
5. Hoill the woan go hoe today?
A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bike.
第二節(jié)(共15 小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Colleagues. B. Classates. C. Teaates.
7. What does the an like doing in his spare tie?
A.Clibing ountains. B. Watching ovies. C. Cycling.
8. What kind of books does the woan like?
A. Horror. B. Detective. C. Roance.
9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife. B. Classates. C. Neighbours.
10. What are the speakers ainly talking about?
A. How to save energy at hoe.
B. How to do well in an exa.
C. How to educate children.
11.What was the an’s score?
A. 25. B. 36. C. 40
12.What is the woan likely to get if she answers the questions?
A.A trip to Thailand.B.A free ovie ticket.C.A su of oney.
13.What does the woan think of credit cards?
A. Inconvenient. B. Harful. C. Useful.
14. What do we know about the woan?
A. She is doing shopping no
B. She saves a lot of oney each onth.
C. She often borrows oney fro her friends.
15.What is the woan probably?
A. A hotel clerk. B. A tour guide. C. A translator.
16. What can the woan offer the an for free?
A. Full translation services.
B. Up-to-date coputer services.
C. A tour guide for a trip around the city.
17. What will the an do?
A. Have a eeting today.
B. Call the woan back again.
C. Ask the woan for a price list.
18. Who is the leader of Production?
A. To cEwan. B. Julie Nicolson. C. Joshua Goldfinger.
19. What is the speaker?
A. An account clerk. B. A training officer. C. A chief accountant.
20. What can the listeners ask Ian Weir about?
A. Sales and arketing. B. Interviews. C. Salaries.

21. Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of any kinds. You have done us ___ great service.
A. 不填; a B. the; aC. 不填;不填D. the;不填
22. ____ the teperature ight drop, coal was prepared for waring.
A. To considerB. Considered
C. ConsideringD. To be considered
23. ____ has recently been done to provide ore buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles reains a serious proble.
A. ThatB. WhatC. In spite of what D. Though what
24. ----Can I pay the bill by check?
----Sorry, sir. But it is the anageent rule of our hotel that payent ____ be ade in cash.
A. shallB. needC. will D. can
25. $100 a onth could hardly __ the cost of his life in such a big city in this country.
A. spendB. takeC. cover D. eet
26. ----Is there any hope of saving his life?
----His injuries are extreely serious, but he’s expected to ____.
A. pull inB. pull throughC. pull upD. pull over
27. The difference in thickness and weight fro the earlier version akes the ipad2 ore cofortable _____.
A. held B. holding C. be held D. to hold
28. ----It’s nice. Never before such a special drink!
----I’ glad you like it.
A.I have had B. I had C. have I had D. had I
29. A good storyteller ust be able to hold his listeners’ curiosity______he reaches the end of the story.
A. when B. unless C. after D. until
30. ----Pity you issed the lecture on nuclear pollution.
----I it, but I was busy preparing for a job intervie
A. attended B. had attended
C. would attend D. would have attended
31. Who would you rather _____ with you, Ji or Jack?   
A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go?
32. --- “Is _____ here?”
---“No, Bob and Ti have asked for leave.”
A. anybody B. everybody C. soebody D. nobody
33. Little Ji is going to spend his holiday in Paris, _____ lives his uncle.
A. which B. who C. where D. that
34. ——You know r. Green has been ill for days?
——Yes, I wonder if he is ____ better no
A. soeB. uchC. anyD. no
35. ----We ust thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a eal.
---- ____.
A. With pleasureB. It doesn’t atter
C. It was no trouble at allD. By all eans
第二節(jié) 完形(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
I work at a copany where there are a lot of eployees. I can’t say that I know the all 36 , but I know y fair share of the. I think that alost all of the know e. I’d say that’s the __37____ why I’ve been able to get where I a in this world today. It’s all 38 one siple principle: I believe every single person is worthy to be acknowledged, 39 sall or siple the greeting is.
When I was about 10 years old, I was 40 down the street with y other. She stopped to speak to r. Lee. I was busy trying to stare the “O” in the 41 sign with a stone. I knew I could see r. Lee 42 old tie around the neighborhood, so I didn’t pay any attention to hi. After we 43 r. Lee y other stopped e and said soething that has 44 with e fro that day until no She said, “You 45 that be the last tie you ever walk by soebody and not 46 up your outh to speak, because even a dog can wag(搖擺) its 47 when it passes you on the street.” That phrase sounds 48 but it’s been a guidepost for e and the foundation of 49 I a.
It’s not just soething I believe in; it’s becoe a/an 50 of life. I believe that every person 51 to be acknowledged, no atter how ordinary they ay be or even how iportant.
I’ve becoe vice president but that hasn’t changed the way I 52 people. I still follow y other’s 53 . I speak to everyone I see, no atter where I a. I’ve learned that speaking to people creates a 54 into their world, and it lets the coe into 55 , too.
36. A. on purposeB. by naeC. by natureD. on average
37. A. beliefB. placeC. reasonD. result
38. A. based onB. focused onC. concluded inD. believed in
39. A. whether B. eitherC. howD. however
40. A. runningB. walkingC. wanderingD. playing
41. A. parkingB. turningC. exitD. stop
42. A. anyB. soeC. everyD. no
43. A. ignoredB. passedC. greetedD. witnessed
44. A. agreedB. changedC. stuckD. begun
45. A. helpB. seeC. letD. feel
46. A. openB. shutC. bendD. wipe
47. A. tongueB. headC. tailD. leg
48. A. strangeB. necessaryC. reasonableD. siple
49. A. howB. whoC. whereD. what
50. A. factB. experienceC. wayD. origin
51. A. refusesB. deservesC. deandsD. attends
52. A. approachB. ipressC. serveD. judge
53. A. dreaB. exapleC. orderD. advice
54. A. perissionB. networkC. pathD. platfor
55. A. yoursB. ineC. oursD. his
What happens to a teenage kid when the world he thought he knew suddenly changes? Find out in Little Brother by Aerican author Cory Doctoro It is a fascinating book for a new generation of sci-fi readers.
arcus Yallow, 17, fro San Francisco is uch ore cofortable in front of a coputer than obeying the rules of society. Sart, fast and wise to the ways of the networked world, he has no trouble outwitting(騙過) his high school’s onitoring syste. This way he and his friends get to head off to play a popular online gae in real life.
While they are playing, a bob exploded on the Bay Bridge. arcus stops a ilitary vehicle to get help for his injured friend, but this siple act throws hi into a Departent of Hoeland Security(DHS) secret prison. There he is treated as a possible terrorist. He is eventually let go after four days, but his injured friend disappears.
When he returns, arcus discovers that there are any “security easures” in place and that now all citizens are treated like potential terrorists. While soe consider this governent action necessary for public safety, arcus sees this as a coplete destruction of the rights he is supposed to have as a citizen.
He knows that no one will believe his story, which leaves hi with only one thing to do: to take down the DHS hiself. He helps organize a large network called Xnet to spread the truth, anonyously(匿名地).
The book presents a young an who is irresponsible, but learns about hiself, and grows, in the course of the story. As part of this learning and growing he becoes aware of very serious issue about his society.
56. What kind of article does this passage belong to?
A. A fascinating story. B. A book revie
C. News reports. D. A TV progra.
57. arcus Yalloas sent to prison because____.
A. he killed his friend
B. he bobed a ilitary vehicle
C. he did soething that a possible terrorist could do
D. his injured friend disappeared
58. Fro the second paragraph we can infer that____.
A. arcus Yallow is uch ore cofortable obeying the rules of society.
B. arcus Yallow is sart, fast and wise in real life.
C. arcus Yallow always plays online gaes in real life.
D. arcus Yallow is expert at the networked world.
59. In the end of the book, arcus Yallow______.
A. is supposed to be ore irresponsible
B. becoes aware of very serious issues about his society
C. presents a young an who is irresponsible
D. plays a popular online gae in real life
When Chris orphew started writing stories about dinosaurs and tie achines as a kid, he never iagined he would becoe a best-seller author. Several years and countless books later, the 26-year-old Australian is still wondering about the future. It sees anything is possible for young authors like orphew in today’s digital age, where electronic books can be purchased and downloaded with only one click.
orphew, who has published two kids’ adventure series, says e-books can attract readers because ost retailers(銷售商) allow a sneak preview before buying. “It’s a great way to introduce potential readers to a novel, and hopefully get the hooked enough to pay for the rest,” orphew said.
The e-book phenoenon is taking off aong consuers. The global e-book arket grew by ore than 200 percent last year, according to a new report fro Futuresource Consulting. The arket is boosted by a rising nuber of e-book services, e-reading devices and tablets like the iPad.
But in a world of such easily downloadable aterial, orphew says piracy and copyright issues are concerning. “As an author who pours onths of his life into each book he creates, it’s discouraging to think that people ight be willing to take what I’ve created without giving any thought to the effort that went into producing those projects in the first place,” he said.
It’s no secret that the Internet is filled with unlicensed, free digital copies of books on file-sharing websites. This has led soe successful authors to worry about dwindling profits. “If readers lose the habit of paying e for y work, I can’t work. Writing is how I ake y living,” British novelist Chris Cleave told the Guardian.
Willia Kostakis, a 21-year-old Australian author who is currently copleting his second novel, isn’t so concerned. He says book digitization can actually ake it easier for young writers to support their careers. “Copetitive pricing and self-publishing through Aazon eans that authors can get their works out to the world, and start aking oney,” Kostakis said.
Kostakis says freelancing is another great way to help pay the bills. He is currently writing for the online Australian news site Ninesn.co. “Freelancing is the key to aking oney until you’re established(資深的), with ost authors turning to journalis after publication to support theselves financially,” Kostakis said.
So is there hope for young authors out there? It appears so. Life in the technological fast lane has the charging full speed ahead.
60. The writer’s purpose is writing this passage is to ____
A. discuss the influence of e-books
B. introduce the popularity of e-books
C. tell people to obey the law of copyrighted books
D. encourage young authors to download e-books
61. What can we know about Chris orphew?
A. He has published two books about kids’ adventure.
B. He started writing when he was a child.
C. He becae a best-seller author because of e-books downloading.
D. He thinks piracy and copyright issues has nothing to do with hi.
62. Which of the following is not the factor that proote the e-book arket?
A. E-book services. B. E-reading devices.
C. Tablets. D. A sneak previe
63. The underlined word “dwindling” in Paragraph 5 is closest in eaning to ____.
A. dropping B. increasing C. iproving D. sharing
64. What is the ain idea of the passage?
A. E-book arket has boosted.
B. Young authors ake a fortune fro e-book downloading.
C. Piracy and copyright issues deserve to be concerned.
D. Digital age poses challenges for authors.
If a business wants to sell its products internationally, it had better do soe arket research first. This is a lesson that soe large Aerican corporations have learned in a hard way.
What’s in the nae?
Soeties the proble is the nae. When General otors introduced its Chevy Nova into Latin Aerica, it overlooked the fact that Nova in Spanish eans “It doesn’t go”. Sure enough, the Chevy Nova never went anywhere in Latin Aerica.
Translation probles
Soeties it is the slogan that doesn’t work. No copany knows this better than Pepsi-Cola, with its “Coe alive with Pepsi!” capaign. The capaign was so successful in the United States, and Pepsi translated its slogan literally for its international capaign. As it turned out, the translations weren’t quite right. Pepsi was begging Gerans to “Coe out of the grave” and tell the Chinese that “Pepsi brings your ancestors back fro the grave.”
A picture’s worth a thousand words
Other ties, the proble involves packaging. A picture of a siling baby helped sell countless jars of Gerber Baby food. When Gerber started selling baby food in Africa, they used the sae packaging as in the US, with the siling baby on the label. Later they learned that in African countries, the picture on the jar shows what the jar has in it, for any people there can’t read.
Twist(扭轉(zhuǎn)) of fate
Even culture and religious factors and pure coincidence can be involved. Thorn cAn shoes have a Thorn cAn “signature” inside. To people in Bangladesh, which is a usli country, this signature looked like Arabic script(手稿書寫) for the word Allah. In that country, feet are considered unclean, and usli felt the copany was offending God’s nae by having people walk on it.
65. Fro the text we learn that____.
A. General otors was brought in Latin Aerica
B. General otors did the best arket research of all copanies
C. Pepsi still sold well in China owing to the translation proble
D. the “Coe alive with Pepsi” capaign worked well in the US
66. What was Gerber’s proble?
A. A translation proble. B. Cultural factor.
C. Religious factor. D. The picture on the jar.
67. For what reason were Thorn cAn shoes turned down in Bangladesh?
A. They are not designed attractively.
B. Their advertiseents are not persuasive.
C. A signature looking like the word Allah was in the shoes.
D. Proble For Thor cAn was the copany’s nae.
68. What does the text ainly tell us?
A. Lessons fro soe large corporations.
B. How to ake use of advertiseents.
C. The iportance of arket research.
D. The iportance of packaging.
Scientists ay have found a way to reduce shortages of type O blood. Type O is the kind of blood that hospitals ost often need. What the researchers are testing is an easier way to ake type O blood out of other kinds of blood.
There are four ain kinds of blood. ost people are born with one of these four: type A, type B, type AB or type O. Type O can be safely given to anyone. So it is coonly used when a person is injured or sick and has to have blood.
Type O is the ost coon blood group. But the supplies of it available in hospitals and blood banks are usually liited. This is because of high deand. Type O blood is used in eergencies when there is no tie to identify the patient’s blood type.
Giving A, B or AB to soeone with a different blood type, including O, can cause a bad reaction by the person’s defense syste. Their iune syste can reject the blood. This iune reaction can be deadly.
The differences aong blood types are linked to whether or not red bloods cells contain certain kinds of sugar olecules. These olecules are found on the surface of the cells. They are known as antigens(抗原). These antigens are found with type A, B and AB blood but not with type O.
ore than twenty-five years ago, scientists found that the antigens could be reoved to create what they called universal-type cells. They could be reoved with cheicals called enzyes(酶). But large aounts of enzyes were required to ake the change.
Doctor Henrick Clausen of the University of Copenhagen in Denark led the study. The next step, he says, is to coplete safety tests. The tea is working with the Aerican copany ZyeQuest to test the new ethod. If it eets safety requireents and is not too costly, it could becoe a widely used life-saving tool to increase the supply of universal blood.
69. The neay scientists use to reduce shortage of type O blood is ____.
A. to ake type O blood out of other kinds of blood
B. to give birth to ore babies with type O blood
C. to use other kinds of blood to replace type O blood
D. to appeal to ore people to donate type O blood
70. People have different kinds of blood types because____.
A. people’s red blood cells contains different kinds of sugar olecules
B. the areas where people live have an influence on their blood types
C. they have different races, cultures and origins
D. they are born with different kinds of blood type.
71. What can be inferred fro the passage?
A. One person’s antigens could easily be reoved to another person.
B. A Denark copany sponsored the study led by Doctor Henrick Clausen.
C. Type O blood can be given to anyone regardless of his own blood type.
D. The new ethod is too costly to be put into use in hospitals.
72. What is the ain idea of the passage?
A. People in the world have four different kinds of blood.
B. A neay to reduce the shortage of Type O blood.
C. Doctor Henrich Clausen and his research into blood type.
D. People’s iune syste can reject the wrong type of blood.
I needed to get soe oney so, after Christas, I took a job in the clothes departent at Graha’s for the first fortnight of the January sale. I can’t say that I enjoyed it, but it was an experience that I’ll never forget.
I could never understand why there were so any things in the sales; where did they all coe fro? Now I know the secret! Firstly, there is the special winter stock(貨物) and the stock that people buy all the year round; soe of these things are slightly reduced. Secondly, there are the suer clothes they couldn’t sell last year; these are heavily reduced to clear the. Thirdly, there are cheap clothes bought in specially for the sales; they are put out at high prices ten days before the sale begins and then are reduced by 60% in the sale. Clever! Lastly, they bought in “seconds” (clothes not in perfect condition) for the sale and they are sold very cheaply.
When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale, there was already a queue around three sides of the building. This ade e very nervous.
When the big oent arrived to open the doors, the security guards, looking less confident than usual, cae up to the, keys in hand. The oent they unlocked the doors, they hid behind the doors for protection as the noisy crowd charged in. I couldn’t believe y eyes; this wasn’t shopping, it was a battlefield! One poor lady couldn’t keep her feet and was knocked over by people pushing fro behind.
Clothes were flying in all directions as people searched for the sizes, colors and styles they wanted. Quarrels broke out. others were using their sall children to crawl through people’s legs and get hold of things that they couldn’t get near theselves.
Within inutes I had half a dozen people pushing clothes under y nose, each wanting to be the first served. Where had the faous English Queue gone? The whole day continued like that, but I kept y teper! I was taking oney hand over fist and began to realize why, twice a year, Graha’s were happy to turn their expensive store into a battlefield like this. People were spending oney like water without thinking whether they needed what they were buying. As long as it was a bargain it was OK.
73. What kind of clothes is likely to be sold 5% cheaper?
A. Last suer’s clothes. B. Clothes not in perfect condition.
C. Clothes bought specially for the sales. D. Clothes for winter.
74. In the author’s opinion, why were Graha’s happy to ake their expensive store into “battlefield”?
A. They were too any clothes and they wanted to clear the in the sales.
B. They were eager to show that they were clever at doing business.
C. They could take the chance to raise the prices of their clothes.
D. They wanted to ake ore oney by having sales.
75. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. The Best Bargain B. Hunting For A Job
C. The Sale Fever D. A Pleasant Fortnight

第一節(jié) 短填詞(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

I’d like to tell you soething that I experienced in the City
Park. ______ the afternoon of last Sunday, y friend and I 76. _________
were taking a walk along a river in the City Park ______ 77. _________
suddenly we heard a boy ________(喊) for help in the river. 78. _________
We juped into the river and p______ the boy out. Then 79. _________
we ade hi b________ using the outh-to-outh way. 80. _________
After the boy cae to ________, we sent hi to hospital 81. _________
at once and t__________ his parents. The boy was saved. 82. _________
His parents were very ______(感激) to us and the doctors thought 83. _________
________ of our first aid. We realized that knowing first aid is 84. _________
helpful and iportant because it can help you to save l_____. 85. _________

第二節(jié):書面表達(dá): (滿分25分)
提示詞: 家教tutor
愛心俱樂部 Loving Heart Club

Dear Student Union,
I have just read the ad on the school bulletin and ¬¬¬_________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________¬¬
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/36866.html
