
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

浙江省金華十校2016屆高三上學(xué)期期末考試英 語 試 題本試卷分為第卷(選擇題)和第卷(非選擇題)兩部分,共120分,考試時間120分鐘。請考生按規(guī)定用筆將所有試題的答案涂寫在答題紙上。第卷 (選擇題 共80分)第一部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié):單項選擇(共20小題;每小題0.5分,滿分10分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題紙上將該項涂黑1.It’s an easy and convenient way to get latest fashions online, but online shopping has Major problem—you can’t see whether they fit or not . A.a(chǎn); the B.the ; a C.the ; the`D.a(chǎn) ; a 2.—Which language are you better at , English or French. —To be honest, .English is no easier than French.A.bothB.eitherC.neitherD.a(chǎn)ny3.— Another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch.—Yeah ,well , I all night preparing for my math exam . I can hardly keep my eyes open. A.stayed up B.have stayed up C.have been staying upD.had stayed up4.—A person’s life without friends isn’t a complete one.— .Everyone needs friends.A.So do I B.Good ideaC.I’m afraid notD.Exactly5.Robert was the only to the car accident . The police had to count on him to find out exactly how the accident happened. A.criminalB.guideC.witnessD.driver6.Some students even have no idea of they are studying , so they are aimless most of the time.A.whatB.whenC.whereD.why7.I’m afraid I’m not to help with the talent show , for I am fully occupied with my own projectA.reliableB.a(chǎn)vailableC.convenientD.a(chǎn)ccessible8.Something as simple as vegetables in childhood may help to protect you against serious illness in later life.A.to eat B.eatingC.to be eatingD.eaten9.—Pity you missed the party held last night, It was terrific !—I it, but I was busy taking care of my sick mother.A.a(chǎn)ttendedB.had attendedC.would attendD.would have attended10.Many people are as to what to do when there is a fire.A.a(chǎn)t ease B.a(chǎn)t riskC.a(chǎn)t a lossD.a(chǎn)t a distance11.Eyes are sensitive to light. Looking at the sun for some time could damage our eyes .A.hardlyB.speciallyC.totallyD.directly12.—Real Madrid is sure to win the match !—It’ s hard to say . You know, anything happen even in the last minute.A.canB.mustC.shouldD.need13.To fully understand the writer. We must read not only between the lines. But also the lines to know what is implied in the article.A.beyond B.withinC.besideD.a(chǎn)mong14.Traveling is a good way for us to different cultures and broaden our horizons.A.preserve B.exploreC.occupyD.inspire15.—How is the girl who was injured in the car accident?—Her injuries are extremely serious, but she is expected to .A.pull inB.pull throughC.pull up D.pull over16.Could it be in the restaurant we had dinner yesterday we had dinner yesterday you left behind your iphone5?A.that ; whereB.which ; thatC.where ; thatD.where ; where17.To pay to see that movie seems foolish you can see it on television for free.A.beforeB.thoughC.whenD.once18.Mr Black for Shanghai in a few days . Do you know when the earliest plane on Sunday ?A.leaves ; takes offB.leaves ; is taking offC.is leaving ; is taking offD.is leaving ; takes off19.All the factors ,we decided to offer the job to Liwei , a man of rich experience. A.consideredB.being consideredC.consideringD.having considered20.—Going to the party to be held in Anne’s house this weekend?— I’ll be free then.A.Forget it.B.You bet!C.Believe it or not D.I can’t help it.第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小;每小題1分,滿分20分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從21—40各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題紙上將選項標(biāo)號涂黑。Everyone in the neighborhood knew who Ugly was, the tomcat. He had only one eye and 21 the other should have been was a hole. He was also missing his ear on the same 22 , His left foot appeared to have been badly broken at one time, 23 , and his tail has long been lost. Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same 24 . “That’s one ugly cat !”All the children were 25 not to touch him, but whenever he 26 children, he would come running, meowing and bump his head against their hand 27 for their love. If you ever picked him up he would immediately begin sucking on your shirt, earring,… 28 he could find.One day Ugly tried to 29 his love with the neighbour’s dogs. They did not respond 30 , and Ugly was badly bitten. From my apartment I heard his scream and 31 to his aid. By the time I got to where he was lying, it was 32 that Ugly’s sad life was almost at an end. As I 33 the poor eat and tried to carry him home, I could feel him struggling.Then I 34 a familiar suck on my ear. Even in the greatest pain, that ugly battle scarred cat was asking only for a little 35 . At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen. Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, or 36 try to get away from me. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting me to 37 his pain. Ugly died in my arms 38 I could get inside, but I held him for a long time.Ugly 39 me a lot about loving and giving. He had been scarred on the outside, but I was scarred on the 40 , and it was time for me to learn to love truly and give my total to those I cared for.21.A.whenB.whereC.howD.why22.A.sideB.placeC.partD.spot23.A.butB.soC.a(chǎn)ndD.for24.A.a(chǎn)nswerB.behaviorC.messageD.reaction25.A.forbiddenB.forcedC.warnedD.refused26.A.caught sight ofB.made fun ofC.took care ofD.kept track of27.A.beggingB.searchingC.preparingD.reaching28.A.whicheverB.wheneverC.whateverD.wherever29.A.divideB.distributeC.spreadD.share30.A.excitedlyB.kindlyC.sensitivelyD.coldly31.A.referredB.repliedC.rushedD.a(chǎn)dapted32.A.obviousB.strangeC.a(chǎn)mazingD.convincing33.A.brought upB.broke upC.called upD.picked up34.A.touchedB.sensedC.foundD.felt35.A.restB.love`C.rewardD.peace36.A.evenB.stillC.insteadD.yet37.A.receiveB.relieveC.remindD.replace38.A.a(chǎn)fterB.beforeC.whenD.since39.A.offeredB.owedC.sentD.taught40.A.a(chǎn)ppearanceB.emotionC.insideD.spirit第二部分:閱讀理解(第一節(jié)20小題;第二節(jié)5小題;每小題2分,滿分50分)第一節(jié):閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題紙上將該項標(biāo)號涂黑。ADo you love running? It is a good exercise, yet many people find it boring. But what if making your morning jog a creative one? Like jumping from walls and over gaps, and ground rolls? Just like the James Bond in the movie Casino Royale?Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks over obstacles on the way. It is just because of Bond’s wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide.   Yes, that’s parkour, an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one point to another as quickly as possible, getting over all the obstacles in the path using only the abilities of the human body. Parkour is considered an extreme sport. As its participants dash around a city, they may jump over fences, run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop. Parkour can be just as exciting and charming as it sounds, but its participants see parkour much more than that.Overcoming all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the philosophy(哲理) behind parkour. This is the same as life. You must determine your destination, go straight, and jump over all the barriers as if in parkour and never fall back from them in your life, to reach the de浙江省金華十校2016屆高三上學(xué)期期末考試英語試題(word版)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/393536.html

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