
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

(考試時間:120分鐘 滿分:150分)第Ⅰ卷(選擇題 共90分)第一部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),共40分)第一節(jié)單項選擇(共10題,每小題1分,滿分10分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。1. In Chinese,_______ date 2016--1--4 has a similar pronunciation to "love you for a lifetime", making it _______ most lucky and romantic day.A. a; the B. 不填; a? C. the; a D. 不填; the2. I am busy with my work, so I will give my ticket for the concert to _______ wants to enjoy it.A.a(chǎn)nyone B.whoever C.those D.whomever3. 一You seem to be familiar with this city. 一I_____ here for three years.It’s great to be back.A.will live B.lived C.had lived D.live【答案】B【解析】試題分析:句意:--你似乎對這個城市很熟悉。--我在這兒生活了3年,回來真好。從It’s great to be back.可知這個人是過去在這兒生活了3年,用一般過去式,所以選B?键c:考查時態(tài)4. Chinese new traffic rules in 2016 give more severe punishment to offenders compared with ______ carried out in previous years. A. that B. those C. one D. it6. — Where did you get robbed of your handbag, Madam?— It was at the stop ______ I usually wait for my bus for work.A. that B. when C. which D. where7. ---Hi, Tom! Could you spare me a minute? I want to have a word with you. ---Sure, Jean. _________. A. You must be worried. B. What’s up? C. It doesn’t matter. D. Why me?9. _______ is known to us, the dragon stands for China ______the bear symbolizes Russia. A. It; butB. As; whileC. What; whileD. It; when10. ---Dad, I am too tired and feel too much pressure on my mind ---Come on! That’s the life of Senior Three, but if you are admitted to a key University, you ____ get an Iphone 5s as a gift. A. mustB. shallC. willD. might第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面的短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項中(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該選項涂黑。I learned all about taking responsibility from my mother’s tough love. My mom had a wonderful way of helping you 11 up and realize that your life is going to be what you make it. She had this circular way of 12 you took responsibility for your decisions and the person you would 13 . She would say,“ It' s your 14 .” 15 “What you want and what you get are sometimes two 16 different things.” And then, “No one ever said life was fair.” And she would 17 these comments together in such a way that you could never 18 an argument, and yet, the 19 was that you realized your life is going to be what you make it. So I might go to my mom and say, “I’d like to 20 football”. And she would say, “Well, it's your life. If you want to go out there and get 21 and hurt and break your knees and limp around the rest of your life, that' s fine.” That is 22 I would say, “Well, you know, that won’t 23 . I' m really fast.” And she would reply, “Well, we don’t really have the money.” And then I would 24 , “Yes but that' s not fair.” And she would reply, “ Well, life isn’t 25 .” Then I would say, “But I’ve been itching to." And she would reply, “Yes, but what you want and what you get are usually two entirely different things.” It was the combination of these 26 that allowed my mother to lead me down the right path under her 27 but let me feel as if I was making the decisions 28 my own. The sum total of that 29 was, in the end, you’re 30 for the life you lead. That' s the best advice I’ve ever gotten. 【小題1】A. light B. openC. growD. keep【小題2】A. promising B. ensuringC. ignoringD. noticing【小題3】A. protectB. envyC. refuseD. become【小題4】A. faultB. lifeC. progressD. turn【小題5】A. ThenB. ButC. NowD. However【小題6】A. increasinglyB. approximatelyC. completelyD. occasionally【小題7】A. combineB. remindC. answerD. publish【小題8】A. loseB. doubtC. winD. raise【小題9】 A. beliefB. reasonC. mistakeD. result【小題10】A. quitB. playC. buyD. watch【小題11】A. beaten upB. dressed upC. dividedD. closed up【小題12】A. whatB. howC. whenD. which【小題13】A. failB. workC. lastD. happen【小題14】A. takeB. goC. makeD. catch【小題15】A. fairB. cosyC. hardD. special【小題16】A. commentsB. descriptionsC. techniquesD. messages【小題17】A. temperB. influenceC. activityD. success【小題18】A. forB. onC. over D. beyond【小題19】A. mindB. accountC. dealD. advice【小題20】A. famousB. responsibleC. sorryD. thankful【小題14】B【小題15】A【小題16】A【小題17】B【小題18】B【小題19】D【小題20】B  【小題7】考查動詞辨析:A. combine結合,B. remind提醒,C. answer回答,D. publish出版,她會將這些話結合在一起,選A【小題8】考查動詞辨析:A. lose失去,B. doubt懷疑,C. win贏得,D. raise飼養(yǎng),提高,她會用一種方式,你永遠不可能贏得一次爭論,選C【小題9】考查名詞辨析:A. belief信念,B. reason原因,C. mistake錯誤,D. result結果,結果是你會意識到你的生活就是你會做到什么。選D【小題10】考查動詞辨析:A. quit放棄,B. play玩,C. buy買D. watch觀看,play football踢足球,選B【小題11】考查動詞辨析:A. beaten up痛毆,毒打B. dressed up打扮,C. divided分配,D. closed up關閉,從下午文的:hurt and break your knees可知去踢足球會被打,選A【小題19】考查名詞辨析:A. mind思維,B. account賬戶,描述,C. deal交易,D. advice建議,從下文的句子:That' s the best advice I’ve ever gotten.可知最后建議總的來說是你要對你過的生活負責,選D【小題20】考查形容詞辨析:A. famous著名,B. responsible負責,C. sorry對不起,D. thankful感謝,最后建議總的來說是你要對你過的生活負責,選B考點:考查人生百味類短文第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分50分)第一節(jié) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)AI was blind, but I was ashamed of it if it was known. I refused to use a white stick and hated asking for help. After all, I was a teenager girl, and I couldn't bear people to look at me and think I was not like them. I must have been a terrible danger on the roads, coming across me wandering through the traffic; motorists probably would have to step rapidly on their brakes. Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.One evening, I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change buses, and as usual I ran into something. "I'm awfully sorry," I said and stepped forward only to run into it again. When it happened a third time, I realized I had been apologizing to a lamppost. This was just one of the stupid things that constantly happened to me. So I carried on and found the bus stop, which was a request stop, where the bus wouldn't stop unless passengers wanted to get on or off. No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived.Generally in this situation, because I hated showing I was blind by asking for help, I tried to guess at the sound. Sometimes I would stop a big lorry and stand there feeling stupid as it drew away. In the end, I usually managed to swallow my pride and ask someone at the stop for help.But on this particular evening no one joined me at the stop; it seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus. Of course I heard plenty of buses pass, or I thought I did. But because I had given up stopping them for fear of making a fool of myself, I let them all go by. I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one. Then I gave up. I decided to walk on to the next stop. 【小題1】The girl refused to ask for help because she thought_________ A. she might be recognized B. asking for help looked sillyC. she四川省蒼溪中學2016屆高三下學期月考試題(英語)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/417800.html
