
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


1.—Why can she keep such a good figure?
—She ________ great importance to regular exercise.
A.a(chǎn)ttains B.a(chǎn)ttracts
C.a(chǎn)ttaches D.a(chǎn)pplies
解析:選C。attach great importance to表示“非常重視”。attain達(dá)到,獲得;attract吸引;apply應(yīng)用,申請,常用短語有:apply to/apply for。
2.Little children should go to school to learn something.________,they should learn how to behave well in social life.
A.After all B.In all
C.At all D.Above all
解析:選D。above all“最重要的是,首要的是”。in all“總共”;at all“根本,全然”;after all“畢竟,終究”。
3.A lot of people went to the new park yesterday and two thirds________were children.
A.a(chǎn)round B.or so
C.a(chǎn)bout D.or such
解析:選B。or so常放在數(shù)量詞或詞組之后表示“大約”。around或about常放在數(shù)量詞前面。
4.The beautiful scenery in Switzerland is very________to the tourists from the whole world.
A.grateful B.a(chǎn)ttractive
C.valuable D.popular
解析:選B。attractive“吸引人的”。grateful“感激的”;valuable“有價值的”;popular與among/with sb.連用表示“受某人歡迎的,流行的”。
5.The teacher wants the children to feel________about asking questions when they don’t understand.
A.certain B.concerned
C.sure D.confident
6.What made me angry was that she pretended________me when I passed by.
A.not to see B.not seeing
C.to not see D.having not seen
解析:選A。pretend to do sth.“假裝做某事”,其否定式為:pretend not to do sth.。
7.This band is________of eight boys and girls,including two Japanese.
A.made         B.joined
C.a(chǎn)ttended D.formed
解析:選D。句意:這支樂隊由八個男孩和女孩組成,其中有兩個日本人。“由……組成”可用“be made up of”或“be formed of”表示。
8.You should ________ your post,or you will be punished by your manager.
A.stick to B.insist on
C.persist in D.keep on
解析:選A。stick to one’s post堅守崗位。
9.________ on a true story,the film is well worth________.
A.To base;to see B.Based;seeing
C.Basing;being seen D.Basing;seeing
解析:選B。base...on以……為基礎(chǔ),常用被動式be based on。the film與base之間為被動關(guān)系,故用過去分詞形式。be worth doing值得做,固定用法。
10.Da Vinci was ________ as one of the greatest artists because of his paintings.
A.recognized B.realized
C.looked D.thought
解析:選A。be recognized as被承認(rèn)為……,被看做……。C項應(yīng)改為looked on/upon;D項應(yīng)改為thought of;realize無此用法。
(2009年福建檢測E)When we Americans shop at the grocery stores today,we don’t seem to be surprised at the sight of strawberries in the winter or perfect tomatoes from Holland. In the space of a generation,we’ve become accustomed to eating food that’s never grown roots in local soil. In fact,most produce (農(nóng)產(chǎn)品) grown in the United States travels an average of 1,500 miles before it gets sold.
Trucking,shipping and flying food from around the country and the globe has a very bad effect on the environment and on public health. Take grapes for example. Every year,nearly 270 million pounds of grapes arrive in California,most of them shipped from Chile to the Port of Los Angeles. Their 5,900?mile journey in cargo ships and trucks gives off 7,000 tons of global warming pollution each year,and enough air pollution to cause dozens of asthma(哮喘) attacks and hundreds of missed school days in California.
The way we eat has a great influence on the health of the planet. By choosing to eat lower on the food chain,and focusing on local and organic(有機(jī)的) produce,we can reduce global warming and air pollution,avoid poisonous chemicals,support local farmers and enjoy fresh and tasty food.
People are rediscovering the benefits of buying local food. How your food is grown,stored,transported,processed and cooked can all influence how it affects climate and the environment. Transportation?related influences are particularly important for imported food. NRDC calculated the transportation influences of importing fresh produce and wine widely consumed in California. They directly compared the climate and air quality influenced by importing the food instead of growing and consuming it in California. Their analysis shows that—all else being equal-locally grown food is a better choice.
【解題導(dǎo)語】 人們可以品嘗到自世界各地的食品,然而這種遠(yuǎn)距離運輸卻對環(huán)境造成了嚴(yán)重的危害,因此我們最好是食用本地產(chǎn)的食品。
1.From the passage we can learn that most produce sold at the grocery stores in the US________.
A.is grown by local farmers
B.is from foreign countries
C.comes from far away
D.is out of season
2.What would be the effect of transportation of food?
A.It pollutes the food during the transportation.
B.It makes the cost of the food much higher.
C.It makes the food less fresh and tasteless.
D.It causes air pollution and global warming.
解析:選D。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第二段中的“Their 5,900?mile journey in cargo ships and trucks gives off 7,000 tons of global warming pollution each year,and enough air pollution...”可知答案。
3.Which of the following may have a bad effect on the health of the planet?
A.Eating higher on the food chain.
B.Eating locally grown food.
C.Eating more organic produce.
D.Eating fresh and tasty food.
4.The main purpose of the passage is________.
A.to help local farmers grow and sell their produce
B.to tell people that imported food is less healthy
C.to warn people of the harmfulness of food transportation
D.to get local people to reject the imported food
(2009年沈陽檢測A)When my athletic career as a baseball player was on track in 1960,I was diagnosed with sarcoma (惡性腫瘤) in my right shoulder,which sent me to hospital. The All?Star Team went to Hawaii,and I went to hospital. I was really bitter and angry and hurt and outraged,but we didn’t have any therapy (心理療法) in those days that said you needed to grieve (悲傷) a loss. I was denying it right away by saying I could handle it.“What’s this?”I said.“Just the loss of an arm.”It was about thirty?five years ago. Then,about twenty?five years ago,I went through another very difficult time: job loss,loss of a relationship. You know,“Loss,loss and loss.”I went to a counselor (心理顧問),Ray Chapman who took me through a grieving period,because I had never grieved the loss of my athletic career,the loss of my physical wholeness,any losses,and he said that goodness could come out of this. After my second meeting with Ray Chapman,I got a job as a mechanic,and I became kind of famous. I was the“One?armed mechanic”,installing engines and such. It really came back to me then that had I not gone through the cancer,I wouldn’t have become a mechanic and later hot racer. I also later met a wonderful woman with whom I had a ten?year relationship which led to the birth of my son.
I found that for me,goodness and beauty have come out of deformity (畸形). I still use the words “ugliness and crippled”. y friends try to tell me that I am not crippled. But what they don’t understand is that I am,and what I have done is in spite of what’s been done to me. I try to remind them that we’re all crippled in some way. I say,“I can’t see what cripples you. I can’t see what you’ve been through. I have an advantage over you,because I see it every day.”
【解題導(dǎo)語】 本講述了一位前棒球運動員樂觀地看待自己的惡性腫瘤,最終成了一位出色的機(jī)械師的故事。
5. When did the author become a mechanic?
A.After he had a son.
B.Before he lost an arm.
C.Before he became a hot racer.
D.Before he was a baseball player.
解析:選C。事實細(xì)節(jié)題。從第一段倒數(shù)第二句“...I wouldn’t have become a mechanic and later hot racer.”可知,作者成為一位機(jī)械師發(fā)生在他成為a hot racer之前,選C。
6.What can we learn about the author from the passage?
A.He is always a successful mechanic.
B.He showed extraordinary courage in handling the losses.
C.He refused to take advice from the counselor.
D.He had a long?lasting relationship with the wonderful woman.
解析:選B。推理。從第一段中的“I was denying it right away by saying I could handle it.”以及后面的“Ray Chapman who took me through a grieving period,because I had never grieved the loss of my athletic career,the loss of my physical wholeness,any losses,and he said that goodness could come out of this”部分內(nèi)容可知,面對他失去的東西,作者展示出了巨大的勇氣,所以選B。
7.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Later,the author became a successful racer.
B.It is the counselor who helped the author get through the sad period.
C.There was no counseling twenty?five years ago to help people recover from a loss.
D.The author believes everyone is crippled in some way,only that they can’t see it.
解析:選C。正誤判斷題。從第一段的“...but we didn’t have any therapy(心理療法)in those days that said you needed to grieve(悲傷)a loss...It was about thirty?five years ago.”可知,是在35年前沒有心理療法,而不是在25年前。所以這里選C項。
8.When writing the passage,the author is________.
A.critical B.optimistic
C.doubtful D.satisfied
(2009年合肥檢測)y dad is very unique because of his personality and lifestyle. For instance,put his watch on his left hand,even though he’s a lefty,and parking his car only in the garage is just his thing and doesn’t change.
y father only wears suits during the week because it’s something very professional and formal. He loves to teach what he knows,from teaching my mother,aunt,and sisters driving skills to teaching his kids vocabulary. Also,whenever he is asked to do something at work,whatever it is,he will always complete the task on time.
y mother buys most of his clothes,as he hates big crowds. In his house,children watch TV only after finishing all homework,which he believes is the best,because the child does his homework and still stays happy.
One of my father’s main focuses in life is making sure his children grow up the right way,like he did. He grew up with one sister in Chicago. As he got older,he got married to my mother who is three years younger than him.
y dad is an individual with numerous qualities. His personality is just very wonderful to live with. The manners he shows are so refined and probably much better than most people. I admire my father and want to be just like him when I grow up.
【解題導(dǎo)語】 作者的父親因他的人品與生活方式而顯得很獨特。
9.The author used examples in the first paragraph to show his father________.
A.is a stubborn man
B.has only one garage
C.is a unique person
D.doesn’t want any change
解析:選C。細(xì)節(jié)判斷題。for instance表示“例如”,其后的內(nèi)容是對前面的中心句“y dad is very unique because of his personality and lifestyle”作解釋說明,所以選C。
10.Which of the following is NOT true about the author’s father?
A.He is keen on shopping very much.
B.He wants to look professional and formal.
C.He takes good care of his children.
D.He is always responsible for his work.
11.According to the passage,the author’s father ________.
A.first met his wife in Chicago
B.has a sister three years younger
C.got married at a very old age
D.gets along well with his family
解析:選D。推理判斷題。由第二段中的“He loves to teach what he knows,from teaching my mother,aunt,and sisters driving skills to teaching his kids vocabulary.”可以推測,作者的父親與家人相處得很好。
12.We can infer from the text that________.
A.parents could have great influence on their kids
B.father is always the strictest person in a family
C.children want to grow up just as their fathers
D.good personalities make a person extraordinary
解析:選A。推理判斷題。由最后一段最后一句“I admire my father and want to be just like him when I grow up.”可推測出,作者的父親對他的孩子們產(chǎn)生了巨大的影響。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/43481.html

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