
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

湖北省部分重點中學(xué)2016屆高三第二次聯(lián)考 高三英語試卷答案第一部分 聽力1-5 CCBBA 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 AABCC第二部分 詞匯知識運用第一節(jié) 多項選擇 21-25 BDCAB 26-30 CDACD第二節(jié) 完形填空 31-35 DABBC 36-40 ACDBD 41-45 CBACD 46-50 ABDAC第三部分 閱讀理解51-54 CBCD 55-58 ABDC 59-62 ABDC 63-66 ABDA 67-70 ADBC第四部分 第一節(jié) 完成句子71. took effective measures\ should take effective measures72. what you can do\ what you are able to do73. Having been punished\ Punished\ Because he had been punished74. which has contributed to\ contributing to75. will have become76. Tired as he was77. what it is78. running out79. it will be more convenient80. must have been angry第二節(jié) 短文寫作 參考范文 Just like warm and bright sunshine, encouragement can warm the heart of anyone who is in low spirits. The more encouragement one is given, the more progress one can make. Never will I forget a time when I had great difficulty improving my poor English. Desperate about my English, I even considered abandoning it. It was my mother who was aware that I had got into a situation where I couldn’t cope with difficulties. Instead of scolding me, she gave me much encouragement. Inspired by what she said to me, I regained my confidence and the following months witnessed me devoting myself to learning English. Finally, my efforts paid off and I made great progress in English. In conclusion, encouragement is what it takes to motivate us to move forward.聽力錄音稿(Text 1)W: What time does the bus leave?M: At ten past ten. Oh, It’s about five past.W: Five past ten?M: No, no, relax. Five past nine.(Text 2)M: Have you seen my biology textbook? I lift it next to the TV last night.W: No. Go and look under our bed.M: Oh, who put it on the cupboard?W: I don’t know.(Text 3)M: You can look at pictures and read the interesting descriptions of places, but nothing can really replace going to a place yourself.W: Yes, but sometimes things like travel films do satisfy you if it’s a place you’re never likely to go. M: That’s right.(Text 4)M: Why are you going out so early?W: The doctor wants to do some tests and I mustn’t eat for twelve hours before that. She said the best way is to go without breakfast and go there early. Then I can eat and not miss too much time at work.M: Well, I see.(Text 5)M: How about playing badminton this evening?W: I may have a meeting today and if I do it’ll run late this afternoon, but I’m not sure yet. I should know by lunch time whether I’ll be able to get away early, then I can phone you.M: OK, I’ll wait for your call.(Text 6)M: Wow, there’re so many kinds of DVDs on the shelf. What do you feel like seeing?W: Oh, I don’t know. Something light. After the day I just had, I don’t want to use my brain at all.M: A comedy?W: That would work. Let’s see what they have.M: Cool, the new Jack Black film.W: It’s not boring or sorrowful, is it? I want something that makes me laugh and happy, not sleep or depressed.M: I know what you mean. This one’s safe. It’s a comedy.W: OK, let’s get it and enjoy it at home. I can’t wait to relax.(Text 7)M: Ticket prices have certainly gone up.W: Yes, but I really need a break.M: Would you like something to eat while we watch the movie?W: Sure. What do they have?M: It looks like the standard popcorn and soda. But there’s also ice cream, hot dogs, coffee and so on.W: I’m crazy for chocolate, but I should try to have something healthy. I want to avoid getting sick this year. Do they have any cakes?M: No, but they do have cookies.W: Please get me some cookies and a coffee. What are you getting?M: I’m getting the large popcorn and a cola.W: Here is some money.M: It’s on me.(Text 8)M: Good evening! For today’s programme, we have invited Sophie, a lady who worked as a nurse during World War II.W: Good evening! At the beginning of World War II, the government called on all its citizens 18 ears old and over to help out. I started training as a nurse in November, 1940. It was two months of being taught basic skills in the School of Nursing.M: What happened to you during the sudden attack? You know, when Nazi Germany dropped bombs on Britain?W: Manchester was bombed on the 22nd and 23rd of December, 1940. On December 24 I received and order requesting my immediate return from leave for duties of nursing the wounded. Many volunteers in the Manchester Social Services have taken a week’s leave for the Christmas holidays, so the Manchester City Rest Centers were short of staff. Christmas Day was therefore my first day of nursing.(Text 9)W: Hey Dad! I’ve just been given this project at school. Do you think you can help me out?M: sure. What’s this project about?W: Well, I should interview someone that I admire about their jobs.M: Well, I am an expert when it comes to my job. Accounting is a respectable job and one that I am always happy to talk about.W: Dad, I know how much you live your job. It isn’t that I don’t admire you. But what I was hoping actually, was that you could speak to Mr. Chang, your diving friend, and see if he would agree to an interview. Diving for a living sounds cool!M: I see. That’s a great idea! You know how I really dislike talking about myself again and again for too long, Let me give David Chang a call right now and find out.W: Thanks, Dad! I know this will be a wonderful project!(Text 10)W: And here I am at the city stadium and the sun is shining. And eventually the players are coming onto the play field. As I was saying earlier there were such terrible traffic jams in the city today that the match is starting late. Most of the football fans have been waiting patiently in their seats since two o’clock but now as the players come out they’re cheering happily. And the whistle goes. Rossi has the ball and is running steadily down the field but, oh, no, the game has hardly started ---- only two minutes have gone ---- and he’s fallen heavily on the ground. Luckily he was not injured, but Hank has the ball instead. Now Parker is running quickly towards the goal to take the ball from Hank. He is playing well. It’s often Parker who shoots that important goal. And he has, he’s scored! And the crowd is shouting really loudly so it’s difficult to make myself heard. That was a wonderful goal by him. 每天發(fā)布最有價值的高考資源 每天發(fā)布最有價值的高考資源 11 1 每天發(fā)布最有價值的高考資源湖北省部分重點中學(xué)2016屆高三1月第二次聯(lián)考英語試題(掃描版)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/453883.html
