
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

淮南市2016屆高三第一次模擬考試英語參考答案I. 聽力:1-5: ACBAC 6-10: BBAAC 11-15: BABAC 16-20: CBCCBII. 單項(xiàng)選擇:21-25: DBCCD 26-30: CBADB 31-35: ACCCDIII. 完形填空:36-40: ADACB 41-45: CDBCD 46-50 : CBCAD 51-55: CABCBIv. 閱讀理解: 56-60:BABCC 61-65:BBDCA 66-70:BBDBA 71-75:CCABDV. 任務(wù)型讀寫:76.Reasons/ Explanation(s)/ Analysis/ Analyses 77. energy 78. material(s) 79. worth 80. temperature 81. Avoid 82. motivate 83. breaks 84. stressed/ tired 85. Relating/LinkingVI.書面表達(dá)One possible versionHello, everyone! Today the number of the netizens in our country has increased rapidly, yet many of them do not pay enough attention to their family. There’s no doubt that we benefit much from the Internet. For example, it’s convenient for us to get the information we need and communicate with our friends and relatives. Meanwhile, it can help us learn what is happening both at home and abroad. However, no matter how attractive the Internet is, we shouldn’t be separated from our loved ones. Therefore, just for a moment, we should stop surfing the Internet and spend time with our families, enjoying the time when are together. So just remember this: don’t let the keyboard separate you and your loved ones. Please take action! That’s all. Thank you!附:聽力錄音文字稿Text 1 M: Here is your express mail from New York. Could you please sign your name here?W: Sure, thanks.Text 2 M: What sort of apartment do you want to have? Something big or something cheap?W: The size and the price are not so important. But it must be in a convenient location.Text 3 W: It is so hot today. It has been more than 35℃ the whole day.M: Quite surprising, though. The coolest time today was near noon.W: Well, yeah, it was raining at that time.Text4M: Could you lend me some money?W: I guess so. How much do you need?M: How about 100 dollars?W: Oh, I can let you have 50 dollars.Text 5W: I feel horrible. Daisy was angry at me because I lost her notes. Do you think I should apologize again?M: If I were you, I’d let her calm down a few days before I approach her.W: Maybe you are right.Text6W: What do you think of the apartment?M: Well, it has just as many bedrooms as the last apartment. And the living room is huge.W: But the bedrooms are too small. And there isn’t enough closet space for my clothes.M: And it’s not as cheap as the last one we saw.W: But the last one is dark and it is in a dangerous neighborhood.M: Let’s see if the manager of the sales department has something else to show us.Text 7W: Good evening, Mr. Anderson. What would you like tonight?M: I’ll have a double whiskey on the rocks. Anything new today?W: Not much. As you can see, this place is full of drinking fellows as usual.M: Who is that guy over there?W: You mean the one in grey suit? He is a reporter for a small magazine. I can’t remember the name of the magazine. He’s come here frequently in the past two weeks.M: Have you seen Irving lately?W: No, he hasn’t been here for a month. I got word that he had an accident and broke his arms. Here is another whiskey, it’s on the house.M: You are so sweet. You don’t have to do this every time I come here. W: That’s all right.Text 8 M: Well, Lucy, isn’t it?W: Richard! It’s nice to see you again! How have you been?M: Pretty good. Tell me, Lucy. The last time I saw you, you were planning to go to a law school, weren’t you?W: Yes, I guess I was. But as it turned out, I changed my mind.M: Oh, really? But if I remember correctly, you were intent on going to a law school. What made you change your mind?W: Well, it’s a long story, and I don’t want to bore you with all the details. But anyway I decided that going to a law school wasn’t a very good idea. I decided to go to a medical school instead.M: Medical school? That’s interesting.W: Well, a lot of things have happened since we met last time.M: I’ll say! You know, we should try to stay in touch. Let’s have dinner together some time soon.W: Good idea!Text9 W: I’m thirsty. How far is the closest store?M: Probably thirty miles. I don’t know. I feel like a cigarette myself..W: You have three packs with you, haven’t you?M: Well, I smoked them all.W: Oh, you are such a heavy smoker. We’ve just been out for six hours.M: I can’t drive without cigarettes. I’ll doze off.W: Hey, there seems to be a service area ahead.M: Let’s stop for a while and see what we can get there.W: Oh, it’s closed. Isn’t a service area open round the clock?M: Well, it’s supposed to be. Who knows?W: Hey, there’re vending machines over there. A soft drink vending machine.M: Oh, great! A cigarette vending machine, too. Now you can have the drink you want and I can have my cigarette.W: Wait a second. Do you have any change?M: Let me see. Here we are. One dollar, two quarters, and three dimes.W: Good. That’ll be just enough for my drink and your cigarettes.M: Are you kidding? I need them for my cigarettes. I’ll give you the left over change after I’ve bought my cigarettes.W: You can’t do that!Text 10Mark is a leader in an American company. He can work while sitting in a comfortable chair if he wants. However, he prefers to stand most of the day while he is working.“It feels more natural to stand. I feel more energetic,” he said.In recent years, more and more American people have chosen to stand while they are working. There are many reasons. For example, standing makes people pay more attention to their work; standing stops them from feeling sleepy; standing while working makes them feel as if they are leaders.According to many reports, sitting for many hours a day is very bad for health. According to one report, people who sit more than six hours a day are at least 18% more likely to die earlier than those who sit less than three hours a day. The study was done on 123,000 adults and it studied them for over 14 years.Standing while working seems to provide people with a new, good way to live healthily. At the same time, some professors suggest that people also move around, rather than just stand while they work.安徽省淮南市2016屆高三第一次模擬(期末)考試英語試題(掃描版有答案)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/456748.html
