
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Class______ Nae______ ark______
1. What does the an think of David's car?
A. It’s too expensive. B. It's really cheap.C. It's rather old.
2. When did the woan go shopping?
A. Before sleeping. B. After taking a walk.C. After dinner.
3. What can we learn fro the dialogue?
A. The an's car hit a truck. B. The an is badly injured. C. The car can still work well.
4. How does Peter feel about the results of the test?
A. Worried. B. Disappointed.C. Satisfied.
5. Where are the two speakers ost probably?
A. In a taxi. B. On a bus.C. On a plane.
6. Where are the two speakers talking ost probably?
A. In a arket B. In a copany.C. In a cafe.
7. What can we learn about the woan?
A. She doesn't like her job.B. She wants to work separately.C. She will be the anufacturer.
聽(tīng)第7段材料,回答第 8至10題。
8. Where are the speakers?
A. At a eeting. B. At a party.C. At an intervie
9. Who did the an first ention?
A. Paul. B. ike.C. Kathy.
10. What will the woan do next?
A. Drink wine herself.B. Go to the hotel.C. eet new friends.
11. What is the an waiting for?
A. A coputer. B. A product list.C. A essage.
12. When will the an get the fax?
A. At about 2:30 p.B. At about 3:30 p. C. At about 4:30 p.
13. What is their after-sale service?
A. Free repair within 12 onths.B. Free repair within 18 onths.C. Free repair within 24 onths.
14. What are they talking about? 新 標(biāo) 第 一網(wǎng)
A. Working on a paper. B. Writing a book.C. Preparing speech.
15. When will the woan turn in her speech topic?
A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Thursday.C. This Thursday.
16. What does the an advise the woan to do next?
A. To select a specific topic.B. To do soe research.C. To write out an outline.
17. Why did the British governent set up the coittee?
A. To teach pupils English.B. To proote standard English.
C. To help pupils express theselves.
18. Where is standard English usually used?
A. At hoe. B. At school. C. In shops.
19. Which is TRUE about the study?
A. any pupils talk less in class.B. any pupils dislike learning.
C. Few pupils like standard English.
20. What do we know about the ebers of the governent coittee?
A. They are all language experts.B. They are widely respected.C. They are fro any fields.
第二部分 英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分45分)
第一節(jié) 單選(共15 小題,每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分15分)
21. — Sir, you are fined for speeding. Please sign here.
— Fined? Speeding? ______
A. Are you all right? B. You can't be serious!C. I' a foreigner. D. It doesn't atter.
22. _____is recoended that cars carefully every orning to ensure safety.
A. This; ust check B. This; should check
C. It; be checked D. It; are checked
23. The school had proised to keep parents fully _____ about the conditions of their children at school.
A. infor B. inforingC. infored D. being infored
24. The food is to the blood reading is to the ind.
A. where B. which C. that D. what
25, At first, the car was ahead but ______ halfway because there was soething wrong with it.
A. dropped off B. dropped back C. dropped down D. dropped in
26. Appointed as ____abassador to the UN, he was deterined to serve his country____ heart and soul.
A. an, the B. the; a C. the; theD. /; /
27. — Expect everything to go wrong in advance, ________ you ay feel quite so bad when it does.
— I can't agree ore .
A. as if B. and C. or D. so that
28. Don't leave your shopping on the back seat of your car — it's an open to a thief.
A. invitation B. access C. approach D. excuse
29. — Let's give up. It's too late. I don't think any bus will coe.
— I don't care. I'll get there ________ I have to walk all the way.
A. even ifB. as if C. so that D. now that
30. Under the new schedule, teachers of priary and secondary schools ust _____each class on tie,
instead of adding extra lessons.
A. cancel B. violate C. postpone D. disiss
31. I send you y revised catalogue and price list, ________ you ay find soething that suits you.
A. to hope B. hoping C. hoped D. hope
32. — Why do you do volunteer work in the North—West?
— I_____ to iprove the lives of the children there through y efforts.
A. was trying B. have tried C. a tryingD. tried
33. Soe passers—by witnessed the car accident____ five passengers were killed, a baby included.
A. in which B. which C. that D. in that
34. any of the English progras, _____ Follow e and Follow e to Science, were well received at that
A. that is B. as forC. such as D. according to
35. — Do you think it's a good idea to ake friends with your students?
—________. I do. I think it's a great idea.
A. Really B. Hopefully C. Actually D. Coonly
第二節(jié) 完形(共20小題:每小題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分30分)
I've heard the phrase “all bosses are ean” several ties throughout y life. But that is not how I 36 about y present boss. y other and I work in the 37 plant together. She's been there nearly twenty years, but I’ve been there for only 38 than ten years. It was in 1990, y senior year in high school, 39 I realized what kind of an this boss was.
y grandother, y o's other, 40 away on the orning of February 19, 1990. 41 , everyone in the faily 42 a day's work or school that day. y other was unable to work that week. Before the following onday, y 43 boss, called and gave his condolences (哀悼) , and 44 y other not to worry about her work. She could take as any weeks 45 as she needed. He would still 46 her, and her job would be 47 .He sent flowers, and he also had soe 48 sent to our hoe.
I 49 soe tie in looking ore closely at what this an did, That year he paid her for five weeks of 50 tie, three weeks for y grandother’s death, and two weeks for noral 51 . He was kind to send flowers and food. Fro this I grow a deep 52 for this an. He did the extra that was not asked of hi, 53 expected. So when I hear that 54 “all bosses are ean”, I just sile and 55 “Not y boss. ”
36. A. feel B. coplain C. suppose D. recall
37. A. different B. odern C. sae D. private
38. A. less B. ore C. later D. earlier
39. A. where B. which C. when D. that
40. A. put B. turned C. passed D. died
41. A. By the way B. For exaple C. In all D. Of course
42. A. issed B. avoided C. started D. finished
43. A. ean B. forer C. present D. gentle
44. A. ordered B. forced C. invited D. told
45, A. down B. off C. away D. out
46. A. pay B. accept C. allow D. eploy
47. A. reoving B, reaining C. waiting D. keeping
48. A. projects B. eployees C. salaries D. food
49. A. spent B. took C. spared D. cost
50. A. personal B. terrible C. pleasant D. worrying
51. A. work B. travel C. auseent D. vacation
52. A. concern B. attention C. respect D. praise
53. A. or B. and C. but D. nor
54. A. text B. phrase C. opinion D. word
55. A. say B. speak C. argue D. adit
第三部分 閱讀理解(共20小題,滿(mǎn)分40分)
Your dog's got it ade. It spends ost of its tie indoors, enjoying failiar surroundings and all the coforts of hoe. But do you know indoor dogs ay get less exercise and that their skin ay dry out ore easily? That’s why Purina veterinarians and nutritionists developed Purina Little Bites Indoor Coplete to eet the nutritional needs of indoor dogs like yours. New Little Bites Indoor Coplete has a forula (配方) that delivers :
●High quality protein that helps keep an ideal body condition
●Vitain E and inerals to help proote healthy skin and coat
●Crunchy nuggets(酥脆的小圓塊食品) to proote healthy teeth and help freshen breath
●A sall tidbit (小片食物) and a great taste your dog loves
Crude Protein (in) 25.00/o
Crude Fat (in) 9.0%
Crude Fiber (ax) 4.50/o
oisture(ax) 12. Ou/o
Linoleic Acid (in) 1. 5%
Calciu (Ca) (in) 1. 1%
Phosphorus (P) (in) 0.9%
Copper (Cu) (in) 10 g/kg
Zinc (Zn) (in) 135 g/kg
Vitain A (in) 10,000 IU/kg
Vitain E (in) 150 IU/kg
INGREDIENTS: Ground yellow corn, eat and bone eal, corn gluten eal, anial fat, soybean eal, anial digest, salt, Vitain E suppleent, added color ( Yellow 6, Yellow5 , Red 40, Blue 2) , Vitain A suppleent, calciu carbonate, copper sulfate, garlic oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, Vitain B-12 suppleent, Vitain D-3 suppleent, riboflavin suppleent, folic acid, biotin.
PRODUCED BY: Nestle Purina PetCare Copany, St. Louis, O63164, USA
Anial feeding tests using the Association of Aerican Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) procedures show that Purina Little Bites Indoor Coplete, dog food provides coplete and balanced nutrition for all life stages.
56. According to the passage, for who is the food produced?
A. Babies. B. Pets, C. Indoor dogs. D. Old en.
57. The following are all the characteristics of the food EXCEPT that ________ .
A. it helps keep the best body conditions
B. it helps proote healthy skin and coat
C. it helps increase the height and strength
D. it helps proote healthy teeth
58. Which of the following has the least aount in the food?
A. Crude Protein. B. Crude Fiber.
C. Linoleic Acid. D. Calciu.
59. Which of the following descriptions of the food is TRUE?
A. This kind of food is suitable for any life stage.
B. This food is up to the international food safety standard.
C. There is at least 150 IU/kg of vitain A in this food.
D. This food is ade by an Aerican copany in Florida.
Carol Wang and Eily Ellenberger live 7,000 iles apart, but the teenagers share any siilarities. Both are attentive, deterined, sociable and coputer-savvy. Yet once the school bell rings, the differences between the two college-bound students' experiences are striking.
Carol's school in China is sharply focused on ath and science. In one day she takes ath, two physics classes and three cheistry classes. In Eily’s school in aryland, interest in these subjects is dwindling(變小).uch of Eily's school tie is active—oral exas, lab work and yearbook. In China, Carol's teachers deliver rote lectures, a style known as tianya, the Chinese word for force-feeding a duck. Eily leaves th e classroo for field hockey practice at 2: 10 p. . , while Carol sits at her desk for another two hours, interrupted only by a class in physical education.
But at the end of the day, which student is sarter? Which syste will produce the ost successful generation of young adults?
The answers are debatable (有爭(zhēng)議的) , but there is no denying Chinese otivation in the fields of ath and science. In China, alost 40 percent of students study engineering, and ore are entering the field. By contrast, only about 5 percent of Aerican students currently ajor in engineering and those nubers have been on the decline for the last 1ears.
“I think that science education has sort of been spinning its wheels in Aerica,” said Howard Putteran, a biology teacher at Quince Orchard High School, Eily's school. I have at least 15 to 20 kids a year who flat out tell e,‘science isn't y thing. I don't like it. I' not good at it.’”
Soon Carol and Eily will be going to college. Carol wants to study biology; Eily wants to play field hockey, and perhaps ajor in business or design.“Aerican kids are ore independent than Chinese kids,” said Carol’s father. They have their own opinion, and they're quicker to adapt to society when they grow up.”
60. Copared with Eily Ellenberger, Carol Wang is ________ .
A. ore attentive B. less deterinedC. ore ableD. less active
61. The underlined part“spinning its wheels”in Paragraph 5 eans ________ .
A. aking great progress
B. aking useless efforts
C. oving the cars' wheels
D. having great developent
62. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. ore and ore Chinese students study engineering.
B. Eily is far sarter than Carol in the future.
C. Carol's and Eily's fathers are living in China.
D. It's difficult to find a job as an engineer in China.
63. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Carol and Eily Working Hard for College
B. East eets West in the Classroo
C. Different Systes Have Sae Results
D. Carol and Eily Study Far Apart
any people have described the Internet as a huge public library; a library open to anyone, twenty-four hours a day and with ore inforation than any other library that has ever existed. But this analogy (類(lèi)比) is incorrect. Libraries are organized so that inforation is easy to find, with unifor, centralized systes and ever-helpful librarians. The Internet is a different story. Where do you start when you are trying to find specific inforation about a specialist interest or one particular piece of data for soe acadeic research?
One good place to start is by clicking onto a site like ww intute. ac.uk. Subjects on Intute are initially categorised into four ain topic areas: Science ≈ Technology, Arts ≈ Huanities, Social Sciences and Health ≈Life Sciences. Once you have selected the ost appropriate topic area you can ove nearer to your specialist subject through further subheadings (副標(biāo)題)or by using a search box.
Intute is not the only site of this kind. At ww scholar. google. co you can find acadeic literature on a wide range of subjects including theses, books and abstracts. ww scirus. co is a science specific search engine which scans ore than 450 illion science web sites enabling you to quickly find the ost recently published reports and data with the iniu of effort.
Another tip for finding inforation on the internet is by working out the nae of an existing web site, If you don't know the nae of the site, you can often work it out using this forula:
ww nae of organisation. doain. For exaple, ww britishcouncil.org. If you are right—all well and good; if you are wrong—then the internet will offer alterative suggestions. The ain doain types are:
edu-educational institution in the USA
ac. uk-educational institution in the UK
co-coercial or personal
net-internet infrastructure
gov-governent agency
org-non-profit organisations
il-ilitary institutions
64. What's the ain idea of the paragraph I?
A. The Internet has ore inforation than library.B. The Internet is considered a huge public library.
C. The difference between the Internet and library.D. Soe wrong ideas about the Internet.
65. If you want to find soe inforation about acadeic literature, you will click onto ________ .
A. ww intute. ac. uk.B. ww scholar. google. co
C,. D. ww org. co
66. The passage ay be taken fro ________.
A. a agazine B. a website C. a newspaper D. a guide book
67. Which is true according to the passage?
A. Internet is the only site the specialist subject.B. Internet has inforation that library doesn't have.
C. You can't get inforation unless you know the nae of the site.
D. Three ways at ost are advised to surf the specialist subjects.
Five dollars unexpected reward for a courtesy in the grocery line, not uch you ight say, but I would beg to differ. When Richard and I were at the grocery store, a young girl was in line, behind three others, yet in front of us. She had half a basket of different ites, to include three packages of hot dogs.
This young girl looked back at us, saw that we had only two ites, iediately she pulled her basket out of line and told Richard to go in front, of course. We both iediately told her we were in no hurry, and let her go ahead. As if we had not spoken, she continued to ove her basket, now to refuse soeone the blessing of giving is wrong thus, we walked in front to the counter.
A thought of gratefulness hit e. I reached into y purse, pulled out five dollars, leaned in toward the checker, whispered,“Deduct(扣除) the five fro her purchase.” We quickly cae out of the store and left. That five dollars was not enough to cover her entire grocery bill, it was not intended to do such, only as a response to give y personal thanks for an act of coon good anners.
It is not iportant who did what or for how uch. I know that I should bless soeone else, as well as receive his or her blessing in return.
68. We can replace the underlined word“courtesy”in the first paragraph with .
A. polite behaviorB. great achieveentC. special experienceD. long waiting
69. How any people are waiting for pay for in the grocery?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
70. Fro the second paragraph, we can infer that the author and Richard ________ .
A. bought ore ites than the young girlB. refused the young girl's offer politely
C. took the young girl's offer for grantedD. accepted the young girl's offer unwillingly
71. According to the passage, the author gave the young girl five dollars because ________ .
A. the young girl couldn't afford her itesB. the author intended to show his generosity
C. the author wanted to express his appreciationD. the young girl asked hi to help her out
I a honored to be with you today at one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated fro college. Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.
I was lucky—I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in y parents' garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10years Apple had grown fro just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion copany with over 4,000 eployees. We had just released our finest creation—the acintosh—a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired fro a copany you started? Well, as Apple gree hired soeone who I thought was very talented to run the copany with e, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors(董事會(huì)) sided with hi. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of y entire adult life was gone, and it was depressing.
During the next five years, I started a copany naed NeXT, another copany naed Pixar, and fell in love with an aazing woan who would becoe y wife. Pixar went on to create the world's first coputer aniated feature fil, Toy Story, and is now the ost successful aniation studio in the world. In a rearkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple’s current renaissance(復(fù)興). And Laurence and I have a wonderful faily together.
I' pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired fro Apple. It was awful tasting edicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Soeties life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I’ convinced that the only thing that kept e going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.
72. This passage is probably taken fro .
A. a lecture given by a professorB. a speech given to soe college students
C. a talk given at a conferenceD. a book dealing with a person's own experience
73. Which of the following is the correct order of events that happened to the speaker?
a. He released the acintosh.
b. He got fired fro Apple.
c. He returned to Apple.
d. He fell in love with the woan who was to becoe his wife.
e. He started another two copanies.
A. b-c-a-d-e B. a-b-c-d-eC. b-e-a-d-c D. a-b-e-d-c
74. The underlined word “diverge” in the second pa ragraph probably eans“________”
A. differ B. change C. accoplish D. fall
75. What is the point the speaker wants to ake in the passage?
A. Never be afraid of failures.B. Be willing to change yourself.
C. Be sure to find what you love to do.D. Stick to your own vision.
第四部分 寫(xiě)作(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分35分)
第一節(jié) 任務(wù)型讀寫(xiě)(共10小題;每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分10分)
Job interviews never see easy. To get a job, you ay have ore interviews than you can count. To succeed in an interview, yo u should pay attention to the following coon istakes.
Lack of proper preparation. Failure to gather inforation on the copany and the job before the interview akes a very poor ipression on interviewers; it suggests that you really are not that interested in the position.
In, appropriate personal appearance. Consider the nature of the position and dress accordingly. When in doubt, dress soewhat ore forally than you think would be expected for the job. Be conservative and pay attention to details, such as shiny shoes, neat hair, etc. First ipressions are very iportant.
Poor non-verbal counication. In addition to what you are saying, your non-verbal behavior is very iportant in an intervie Are you aking eye contact? Are you listening attentively when the interviewer is speaking? Are you giving a fir handshake when greeted by the interviewer(s). Are you nervous during the interview? Practice with a friend or in front of a irror to assess these factors.
Poor attitude. Self-centered behavior (i.e. a“what's in it for e”attitude)is very poorly received by interviewers. Ask yourself what you can contribute to the copany? What skills and experience would you bring to the job?
Failure to ask questions. Eployers will assess your interest in the copany and the position by the types of questions you ask. Proper research prior to the intervieill help ensure that the questions you ask are intelligent ones.
Being disorganized. ake sure you arrive at the interview a few inutes early so that you have tie to get cal and check your appearance. Arriving late is siply unacceptable, so plan for the unexpected. Always bring an extra copy of your resue and references to an intervie
Over-or under-answering questions. For ost interview questions a“Yes”or“No”answer is not appropriate. Provide ore details for an eployer and cite (引用) exaples fro personal experience wherever possible. Do not, however, talk endlessly and feel that you have to keep speaking if there's a silence. When you have said what you want to say, stop talking. If you do not understand a question, seek clear explanation before responding. 新 標(biāo)第一網(wǎng)
Failure to send a thank-you note or card following the intervie Take the tie to send a thank-you card, which can ake an iportant ipact on an eployer. Not only does it show your sincere interest in the position, but it also helps ake you different fro other interview candidates.
Coon istakes in interviewsWhat you should do for a(n) 76 interview
77 preparations 78 enough inforation on the copany and the job.
Inappropriate personal appearanceDress 79 to the nature of the position.
Poor non-verbal counicationNon-verbal counication, such as aking eye contact, listening attentively, shaking hands 80 , etc is very iportant.
Poor attitude 81 on yourself will ake a very bad ipression on interviewers. Think about what you can do for the copany instead.
Failure to ask questionsDo proper research before the interview, which helps ake 82 you won't ask stupid questions.
Being disorganizedArrive a few inutes early to plan for the unexpected and bring an extra copy of your resue and references to an intervie
Over-or under-answering questionsWhen answering questions, provide ore details or cite exaples when needed, instead of talking without 83 .
Failure to express your 84 Do reeber to send a thank-you card which shows
your interest in the position and your 85 .
Dear Li Jun.
I a glad to tell you y school life of senior three.

Yours sincerely,
Li ing

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/47882.html
