河南省許昌市五校2016-2016學(xué)年高二第三次聯(lián)考英語試題 暫缺答案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

許昌市五校聯(lián)考高二第三次考試英 語 試 卷命題學(xué)校:許昌高級(jí)中學(xué) 命題人:張?jiān)峦?審題人:劉新會(huì)本試卷分第I卷(選擇題)和第II卷(非選擇題)兩部分。滿分150分?荚嚂r(shí)間120分鐘。第I卷(選擇題 共115分)第一部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分75分)第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)填空(共35小題;每小題1分,滿分35分)1. If one wants to succeed in international trade today, it’s very important for him to have good command of English.A. the; /B. an; aC. the; aD. /; a2. Mr. Green has been preparing carefully for his driving test so that he can be sure of passing it at his first .A. intentionB. attemptC. purposeD. desire3. -Have you finished your homework?-No, I my mother with the housework all day yesterday.A. was helpingB. would helpC. had helpedD. helped4. The medical team has to reach the destination as scheduled, what the weather is like.A. instead ofB. in spite ofC. regardless ofD. in case of5. Seeing the look on her face, I can guess what great difficulty he had with the math problem.A. puzzling; dealtB. puzzling; to dealC. puzzled; dealtD. puzzled; dealing6. It was on August 24th, 79AD a volcanic eruption occurred, left a deep impression on a Roman writer.A. when; thatB. when; whichC. that; whichD. that; when7. Curious about the world around me, I ask my mother endless questions when I was a little child.A. wouldB. couldC. mightD. must8. The newly-elected secretary was a little nervous, because it was the first time she to address so many famous experts.A. had invitedB. has invitedC. had been invitedD. has been invited9. -Have you got any idea for the coming holiday?-Yes, I’m going to a peaceful place, especially suitable for relaxation.A. oneB. the oneC. that D. it10. Would you recommend a book space travel? I need to write a paper about it.A. inB. forC. onD. of11.?How do you find Tibet, John??Well, I really like it. The beauty there is words can describe.A. other thanB. more thanC. rather thanD. better than12. Faced with thousands in the audience, he took a deep breath, trying to keep calm.A. constantlyB. absolutelyC. purelyD. desperately13.?Did Tom phone you again the next week??No, it was a month he gave me a second call.A. sinceB. thatC. beforeD. when14. Rose is on a diet. Very rarely any kind of meat.A. eats sheB. she eatsC. she does eat D. does she eat15. The old man came up to the cottage, whose door was open, there for a moment and went in.A. standingB. stoodC. to standD. stand16. Can you explain how came about that she overheard our conversation.A. thisB. itC. whatD. that17. Without air, water and sunlight, there no living things.A. areB. wereC. will beD. would be18. Can you think of a comedian who can different voices?A. make upB. put onC. come across D. figure out19.The words on the wall written by Li Tong?s’m quite familiar with his unique handwriting.A. must beB. can beC. shouldn’t have beenD. couldn’t have been20. you want to make sure whether you are in good shape, you’d better have a thorough physical examination.A. whileB. Now thatC. Even ifD. Unless21.-I have heard that you are keen on drawing, right?- . It’s the last thing I’d like to do in my free time.A. That’s rightB. ExactlyC. Far from itD. Just for fun22. Please turn the TV off at once, it will wake the sleeping baby.A. orB. andC. soD. but23. -What do you think made John upset?- .A. Because he was punished by his fatherB. Punishing C. That he was punished by his fatherD. Because of his being punished24. Winter is coming and down .A. do the leaves fallB. the leaves will fallC. fall the leavesD. will the leaves fall25. the survey will be carried out as planned is our head teacher is really worried about.A. When; whatB. Whether; thatC. If; thatD. Whether; what26. This weekend, he as well as another several friends going to visit one of the old men that almost lost everything because of the earthquake.A. are; haveB. is; haveC. are; hasD. is; has27. I haven’t seen my best friend for ten years, but we still keep in contact with each other.A. casualB. consistentC. accessibleD. apparent28. As it was growing dark, they were standing so far away that I couldn’t their faces clearly.A. make outB. block outC. work outD. put out29. The doctor asked the patient to drink he actually needs every day.A. twice water as much asB. twice as much as waterC. twice as much water as D. water as twice much as30.-The little girl hasn’t eaten anything for three days because of her illness.? she is that hungry now.A. No wayB. No doubtC. No problemD. No wonder31. I think it is useless to argue with our parents sometimes, ?A. don’t IB. do IC. isn’t itD. is it32. When his dish arrived, Mr. Bean was astonished that the dish was actually raw hamburger.A. discoveringB. to discoverC. to discovering D. to have discovered33. He tried to in his speech that he was grateful for the help of his English teacher.A. deliverB. describeC. acknowledge D. convey34. I stared at the old lady, where I had seen her before.A. not to rememberB. not having rememberedC. not rememberingD. not to have remembered35. The doctor told the man he was breathing quite heavily, but everything was fine.A. ratherB. insteadC. besidesD. otherwise第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)It is important to pay attention to small details in many situations. Let us show you what it 36 by telling you a little story. Joe used to visit a local grocery store every 37 to pick up a copy of the weekend paper. While he was there, he always picked up other supplies and usually 38 at least $30. One day, when he returned home, he 39 that a section of the paper was missing. The 40 thing happened the following week. The next Saturday he brought the 41 to the attention of the store manager who 42 that the kid who put the sections together was in a hurry and 43 these things happened. The store manager 44 Joe’s concern as minor(較小的)inconvenience. 45 it was not minor at all. You see, after that little 46 , Joe no longer stopped at that grocery store. He 47 another store a little bit out of his way, but where the manager took more care about little details. Not only did the grocery store 48 Joe’s business about the weekly paper, but Joe no longer 49 anything from that store and his friends were unwilling to 50 the store as well. The store lost all of that business because they did not pay attention to 51 .It is the little things that 52 .We live in a world where anyone can get a 53 or diploma. Therefore, when trying to determine who to 54 , employers often look for the?ittle things? It could be as 55 as a smile, opening the door for a stranger or the clothes you are wearing.36. A. permitsB l. meansC. feelsD. matters37. A. SaturdayB. morningC. nightD. day38. A. chargedB. spentC. affordedD. cost39. A. discoveredB. provedC. believedD. suggested40. A. obviousB. normalC. typicalD. same41. A. difficultyB. materialC. problemD. trouble42. A. noticedB. repliedC. doubtedD. found43. A. generallyB. sometimesC. suddenlyD. quickly44. A. treatedB. rememberedC. refusedD. forgot45. A. AlsoB. YetC. StillD. So46. A. tripB. quarrelC. incidentD. accident47. A. asked forB. went toC. worked forD河南省許昌市五校2016-2016學(xué)年高二第三次聯(lián)考英語試題 暫缺答案
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