
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

荊門市2016-2016學年度高三元月調(diào)考高三參考答案及評分一、聽力: 1-5 BCBCB 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 BBCBC 16-20 BACBA二、單選:21-25 CABCA 26-30 CDABB三、完形填空:31-35 ABCCB 36-40 ABCBD 41-45 AACBD 46-50 BACBA 四、閱讀:51-54 CBCA 55-58 CBDA 59-62 DACD 63-66 CDAB 67-70ABCA 五、完成句子:71. how important it was 72. had the teacher entered73. had taken effective measures 74.had it organized75. (that)I have been told 76. as happy a life 77. makes it possible 78.Where was it that79. What?annoyed?me most /?What?made?me?annoyed? 80.Compare these two books【評分原則:】1、主要結(jié)構(gòu)正確、用給定的英語詞完整表達所給的漢語信息,給滿分;2、未用給定詞不給分;3、主要結(jié)構(gòu)不正確不給分;4、主要結(jié)構(gòu)正確,信息完整,但一個或一個以上拼寫錯誤扣0.5分;5、主要結(jié)構(gòu)正確,信息有遺漏扣0.5分;6、主要結(jié)構(gòu)正確,添加無關信息扣0.5分;7、其它可以接受的可能答案。六、書面表達:Without a dream, a person is just like a bird without wings. He can never fly high into the sky and he even doesn’t know where to go.When my father was young,he had many colorful dreams, like to be a scientist, an artist, a famous singer and even a high official, but none of these have come true. He turned teacher after graduating from a normal university. He often told me although his dreams didn’t come true,still he never regretted having such dreams,for he would have lost motivation and directions without those dreams. As some of the dreams were not practical, he could adjust them and select another right way to go, so eventually he could find his own direction and made great achievements in this field. “What’s really frightening is that you have no dream,” he said.Inspired by my father’s instruction, I should also find out my real dream and stick to it until I reach the final destination. 命題人: 盧元蘭(荊門外校) 審題人:劉萍聽力材料Test1M: Hmm,how much is this chair?W: It’s 20 dollars.M: Could you give me a discount?W: A discount? Well,it depends on the size of the order.If you buy 50 units,I will give you a 5% discount; if you buy 100 units or more, I will give you a 10% discount.M: Sounds good.OK,I’ll take 100.Test2M: How do you reach it?W: Just type in www.yahoo.com----and you are here.M: Thank you.Let me try.Test3M: Do you enjoy life in Chicago?W: No, I don’t .I’m planning to move to New York or Boston.But I have never regretted my earlier decision.Test4M: Make thirty copies for me and twenty copies for Mr.Brown.W: Certainly,Sir. As soon as I finish typing the letter.Test5M: Shall we go to the thearter this evening?W: Oh,sorry. I’m afraid I can’t. I’m seeing my grandparents off at the railway station at 8:45.Test6M: Good moring,Madam. Can I help you?W: Ah,yes.I want to go to New York and I’m not so sure of the best way to get there.M: Well,you could get there by the long-distance bus.It’s only 15 dollars.W: Mm…that’s not bad . How long does it take me to get there?M: It takes you about 10 hours.W: 10 hours?M: Well,yes.But you can go at night , so you might get some sleep anyway.W: Oh, no. I never sleep sitting up. I think I’d better take a train.Test7W: Do you have any plans for your future?M: Er…for the moment I plan to go to France for my MBA.W: That’s great! I’d very much to go Beijing. Maybe I’ll find a job there.M: That’s not bad. But I may chang my mind.W: What? Are you kidding? It’s such a good chance to go abroad.M: You know my father is there. If I go there, my mom goes with me. I have to live with them.W: You mean you have no freedom? But so many students envy your chance.M: I see,but I envy you. You have your own say on your future while I am sort of controlled by my parents.W: Poor you! Anyway,I think what your parents do is all for your own good.Test8W: How nice it is to be home again with all of my family!M: Did your journey turn out as well as you had hoped it Would be?W: All trips have good and bad points,but this one had mostly good ones.M: Did you have something you enjoyed the most?W: My favorite thing was the amazing food.M: Were the people receptive to having visitors?W: You could tell that some people did’t have a favorable view of Americans.M: Did you get me a souvenir!W: Of course I brought you something!M: Oh,what a beautiful T-shirt! Next time I am going to be the one to go away,and you can stay home and feed the dog!Test 9W: You don’t look happy this morning.M: I had never expected this would have happened to me. We had a power failure at home last night.W: How come? Did anyone in the family do anything wrong?M: You have gussed it. It was all my father’s fault.W: What did he do? M: I was just watching a wonderful football feature program on TV when the lights snddenly went out.W: Why was that?M: You see, we’d just had our dinner.My mother was washing my jeans in the washing machine. And the air conditioners were on in both rooms. I was in my room watching TV.W: What was your father doing then?M: He wanted to warm his tea in the microwave oven. He plugged it in and the fuse broke. And everything stopped all of sudden.W: Your next-door neighbor is an electrician,isn’t he?M: Yes.Luckily,he happened to be at home. He came and fixed it up. But it was half an hour later. I had already missed a lot.W: It was an annoying experience foy a sports fan like you. But don’t miss the basketball final this evening.Make sure there is no power failure tonight.Test10It was a quiet Sunday afternoon and I was reading a newspaper in the garden,expecting a couple of hours of peace and quiet. I heard a bus arriving at the end of the garden,and then I heard a loud knocking on the door.I went out, and there were 4 elderly ladies wearing their Sunday dresses and carrying their handbags,looking very happy and friendly. And they said , “Well.We are sorry, we hope we are not late,but we couldn’t find the house very easily,” and clearly they thought that it was the right place to be. And then one of them said very helpfully , “Well,your husband was very kind to invite us to tea.” So I thought . “Goodness,my husband must have gone mad and forgotten to tell me.” So I asked them into the house and they sat down and started talking happily. Then when my husband entered they didn’t speak to him, I thought this was surprising because they said they had been invited by him. And he looked a bit shocked to see them sitting there. And then we quickly discovered that it was the wrong husband and they were, in fact, expected at a house on the other side of the village. 每天發(fā)布最有價值的高考資源 每天發(fā)布最有價值的高考資源 1 12 每天發(fā)布最有價值的高考資源湖北省荊門市2016屆高三元月調(diào)考英語試題(掃描版)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/545344.html
