
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

湖北武昌區(qū)2016屆高三1.What is the deadline of retuing the book according to the man? A.Next Sunday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Friday.2.What o we know about Sam? A. He changes his jobs frequently. B. He is careless about his appearance. C. He is ashamed of his present condition.3.What does the girl think of spoken English? A. Interesting. B. Useful. C. Useless.What are the two speakers talking about? A. Their trouble. B. Their study.C. Their brothers.What happened to Mary?A.She had her leg broken.B.She quarreled with Tom.C.She broke up with her boyfriend.6.What is the relationship between the two speakers? A.Boss an clerk. B.Customer an manager. C.Interviewer and interviewee.7.What o we know about the woman? A.She is in charge of the IT Department. B.She has developed many computer ames. C.She is dissatisfied with the man about his work.8.How much cheaper is surface mail than airmail?9.Why does the woman choose airmail? A.Her daughter is in urgent need of the things. B.She thinks it is much safer than surface mail. C.She thinks it offers better service than surface mail.10.Who will take photos for the show biz stars? A.Director. B.Photographer.C.Paparazzi.11.What o the show biz stars want most according to the man? A.Wonderful dresses. B.Much money.C.Big houses.12.What is the man's attitude to wars the show biz stars? A. Sympathy. B. Admiration. C. Hate.13.Where does the conversation take place? A.At a travel agency. B.At a railway station. C.At a bus station.14.Why does the man want to take a bus? A.He wants to experience another way of traveling. B.The bus tickets are cheaper than the train tickets. C.The bus trip is more comfortable than the train trip.15.Why are the bus tickets much cheaper than the train tickets? A.The bus stops at several cities. B.Few people enjoy the bus trip. C.The bus trip takes longer time.16.What do we know about the man? A.He went the wrong way. B.He can't make the decision now. C.His aunt and uncle have a different opinion.17.What can we lea about the adults and the teenagers in the special program? A.They are friendly to each other. B.They teach each other new ways of building houses. C.They spend eight weeks together, working as farmers.18.What is the main purpose to work several hours ever3r day for the members? A.To lead a busy life. B.To get used to the life on the farms. C.To find usefl things and pleasure in work.19.What is true about the rules of living together? A.The teenagers don't have to obey the rules. B.The members have to obey the rules the adults me. C.The members shoul not break the rules they make together.20.What is the passage mainly about? A.Life in New York State. B.The rules of Living Together. C.Free Hours in the Special Work Group.21.Most workers have heard the news that their products, with excellent quality and delicate skill, are enjoying growing ___among the customers abroad.A. favorB. dignityC. response D.profit22.The best way to undertake big projects is to force them into your.Spare time doesn't appear from nowhere and you need to create it with efforts.A. presentationB. campaignC. scheduleD. procedure23.Don't lend your textbooks to those people; it is difficult to ___the books from them when you want them. A. attain B. recognize C. preserve D. recover24.The city will ____no more than 10 thousand new car licenses each year in order to set a limit on the number of cars and improve the environment. A. witness B. evaluate C. distribute D. declare25.For an artist who has no lack of passion and great courage to overcome any difficulty, inspirations of his art will never ___ . A. break out B. run out C. work out D. pull out26.Choking clouds of pollution have virtually ____the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin, forcing schools to call off classes, disturbing traffic and closing the airport. A. left out B. shut down C. blown up D. set aside27.In less developed countries the primary problem is providing ___employment for the rapidly expanding urban populations. A. sufficient B. essential C. alternative D. convenient28.It is evident that there is a(n)___increase in the ability of the students to express themselves under your careful instruction these days. A. abundant B. particular C. accessible D. definite29.Although she brushed the old pot ___, she could not make it completely clean, which made her very upset. A. instantly B. roughly C. thoroughly D. occasionally30.He also acknowledges that, in general, state-owned companies do have an advantage ___the stability, management, and career prospects they offer. A. in terms of B. in need of C. in charge of D. in praise ofI lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head.Now I am thirty-two.I canremember the brightness of sunshine and what red color is.It would be wonderful to seea disaster can do strange things to people.It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to 33 life as I do if I hadn't been blind. I believe in life now.I am not so sure that I woul have believed in it so deeply, 34 . I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of themmore what I had left.The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself.That was’t been able to do that, I would have 37 and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life.39 staircase alone.That is part of it.But I mean something40 than that: an assurance that there is a special place where I can make myself fit. It took me years to discover and 41 this assurance.It had to start with the most e4mentary things.Once a man gave me an indoor baseball, I thought he was ughing at me and I was 42 ."I can't use this." I said. Take it with you;' he 43 me.t( and roll it around. " The words 44 in my head. "Roll it around!" By rolling the ball I could 45 where it went.This gave me an idea how to achve a goal I had thought 46 : playing baseball.At Phidelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I 47 a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball. All my life I have set ahead of me a series of 48 and then tried to reach them, one at a time.I had to learn my 49 . It was no good trying for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made 5031.A.entirely B.nearlyC.vaguelyD.simply32.A.a(chǎn)ndB.butC.D.for33.A.a(chǎn)ssessB.fearC.enrichD.love34.A.otherwiseB.thereforeC.howeverD.besides35.A.understandB.a(chǎn)ppreciateC.possessD.a(chǎn)ccept36.A.enoughB.specificC.toughD.basic37.A.survivedB.escapedC. collapsedD.sacrificed38.A.hopeB.powerC.courageD.belief39.A.unfamiliarB.unbelievableC.unexpectedD.uncomfortable40.A.harderB.bierC.wamerD.heavier41.A.weakenB.strengthenC.sharenD.brighten42.A.upsetB.flatteredC.a(chǎn)shamedD.hurt43.A.urgedB.promisedC.convincedD.a(chǎn)dvised44.A.flashedB.a(chǎn)ppearedC.stuckD.crowded5.A.noticeB.hearC.smellD.touch46.A.impossibleB.importantC.imaginaryD.impressive47.A.producedB.imitatedC.inventedD.spotted48.A.goalsB.effortsC.directionsD.barriers49.A.challengesB.strengthsC.situationsD湖北省武漢武昌區(qū)2016屆高三元月調(diào)考英語試題(WORD版)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/549220.html
