
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
英 語 2014.12.30.
1. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At a hairdresser’s. B. At a dress shop. C. At a grocery.
2. What can we learn about the man?
A. The man hurried through the exam. B. The man was late for the exam.
C. The man didn’t wear his sweater in a right way.
3. What does the man mean?
A. The teachers and students enjoyed themselves.
B. They didn’t have a good time because of the rain.
C. They made some preparations for the trip.
4. When will Vivien most probably meet Mike?
A. At 8:45. B. At 11:00. C. At 9:15.
5. What’s the woman’s impression about the lecture?
A. Interesting and easy to follow.
B. More difficult than she expected.
C. As easy as she thought.
6. What does the man ask the woman to do?
A. Work for her former employer.
B. Recommend a customer. C. Join his company.
7. What is the woman doing?
A. Working for a company.
B. Running a business. C. Hunting for a job.
8. What do we know about the man?
A. He is running a small online store.
B. He is working for his old company.
C. He is to open his own business.
9. Where does the conversation take place?
A. At home. B. In an office. C. In a hospital.
10. What will the two speakers have in a Chinese restaurant?
A. Breakfast. B. Brunch. C. Lunch.
11. What is the weather like now?
A. Cold. B. Cool. C. Warm.
12. Who is probably the woman?
A. Nick’s mother. B. Nick’s teacher. C. Nick’s friend.
13. What do we know about Nick’s study?
A. He failed all his exams.
B. He hasn’t made any progress. C. His grades are not good.
14. Why does Nick have such a problem according to the man?
A. Because he is becoming a teenager.
B. Because he lacks love from his family.
C. Because he has a bad relationship with his classmates.
15. How long will the flight last?
A. About 8 hours. B. About 10 hours. C. About 14 hours.
16. What do we know from the conversation?
A. The man hasn’t smoked for 45 minutes.
B. The man is trying to quit smoking.
C. The woman is a doctor.
17. What will the two speakers do next?
A. Get on the plane. B. Buy cigarettes. C. Go to the smoking zone.
18. What do small words have as compared with big words?
A. Strength, grace and charm.
B. Brightness, power and quickness. C. Rich meaning, strength and grace.
19. Why shouldn’t we use big words?
A. Because they will confuse listeners or readers.
B. Because they are bright and quick. C. Because they will make terrible articles.
20. What is our correct attitude towards long words?
A. They can’t be used at all. B. They can be used when necessary.
C. We should use them as often as possible.
第一節(jié) 單項(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上, 將該項涂黑。
21. He has made many friends, ____is helpful to him when he is in trouble.
A. which B. who C. it D. that
22. ---What’s his reaction when you told him that he had failed the test? Did he feel sad?
---_____, he didn’t turn surprised and even asked to have dinner together.
A. On the other hand B. In short C. On the contrary D. As a result
23. ---What’s that noise? ---I ___ to tell you. The new machine is being tested.
A. was forgetting B. have forgotten C. forget D. forgot
24. The policeman’s attention was suddenly caught by a small box which____ under the Minister’s car. A. has been B. was C. had been D. would be
25. With proper measures, the economy in China is beginning to ____again.
A. break up B. hold on C. pick up D. take on
26. ___is the kindness of the nurse that the patient can never be ____to her.
A. So, too thankful B. Such, so thankful
C. So, that thankful D. Such, thankful enough
27. When it comes to bringing up children, some people say ____ strict control produces
____ well-behaved children.
A. /, the B. the, / C. /, / D. the, the
28. Strong typhoons struck this area very_____. Normally, they form and come here between July and August every year.
A. generally B. regularly C. usually D. suddenly
29. ---How do you ___we will go to Beijing for our holidays?
----I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more comfortable.
A. suppose B. insist C. suggest D. want
30. According to the newly-made traffic regulations whoever drives through the red light___ be fined at least 200 dollars.
A. shall B. may C. would D. must
31. It costs me more but it lasts much longer, you see. That’s the ____.
A. problem B. sense C. point D. state
32. ---We drove too fast in the street and ___missed hitting the car in the other direction.
---You’re lucky but be careful next time.
A. narrowly B. almost C. hardly D. namely
33. ___the Financial Crisis spreads, more and more countries get involved in it.
A. When B. As C. With D. While
34. Was it six years ago, when he came to China for the first time, ___ he began to learn Chinese? A. where B. how C. which D. that
35. We feel greatly honored _____into their society.
A. to welcome B. to be welcomed C. welcoming D. welcomed
It is interesting to observe the way in which children so often react against their parents’ ideas, while at the same time 36 their parent’s characteristics. This is to say, the children grow up to have different 37 from their parents, yet to have 38 personalities. There is a 39 going on in the toy world at present over 40 children should be encouraged to have war toys. I do not see any 41 in forbidding them when I think of the 42 of my friend Henry.
Henry is the son of strict parents who were against war. He was never 43 toy soldiers or guns as a 44.
Henry 45 and went into the army, becoming a first-class soldier and 46 all sorts of honors in the army. In that way he became the 47 of what his parents might have 48 of their son. And yet there is a gentleness about Henry which shows a 49 personality. His sympathies(同情) which I can see must have come from his 50. 51 doing things differently from our parents, a lot of the 52 gets passed on.
Parents have to 53 their children what they believe to be right; but it is not much your ideas that the children 54 your example. Perhaps the best way to teach one’s child gentleness is not to forbid toy guns, but to be 55 in one’s own everyday life.
36. A. studyingB. keepingC. changingD. cutting
37. A. viewsB. charactersC. appearanceD. behavior
38. A. differentB. specialC. perfectD. similar
39. A. fightB. quarrelC. speechD. problem
40. A. whenB. whetherC. whyD. how
41.A. wayB. harmC. pointD. idea
42. A. pastB. mistakeC. exampleD. experience
43. A. allowedB. encouragedC. givenD. found
44. A. sonB. boyC. pupilD. person
45. A. gave upB. ended upC. grew upD. rose up
46. A. winningB. acceptingC. losingD. refusing
47.A. extremeB. specialC. officerD. opposite
48.A. expectedB. thoughtC. spokeD. proved
49. A. powerfulB. silentC. peacefulD. calm
50. A. familyB. friendsC. soldiersD. brothers
51. A. In spite ofB. Instead ofC. Because ofD. Though
52. A. knowledgeB. moneyC. happinessD. spirit
53. A. realizeB. teachC. forbidD. deliver
54. A. follow B. examineC. acceptD. support
55. A. strict B. gentleC. differentD. sympathetic
Sherwood Forest Farm Park
Lamb Pens Farm
Edwinstowe, Mansfield
Tel: 01623 823558
www. Sherwoodforestfarmpark. Co. uk
Lovely traditional breeds of farm animals, horses, wallabies, fallow deer, water buffalo and Kune pigs are waiting to greet everyone. Play areas, pets’ corner, bird garden, a tearoom and a gift shop make this the ideal venue for the whole family.
Open daily 3rd April ---17th October 10. 30 am---5. 15 pm.
Just off A6075 between Edwinstowe and Mansfield Woodhouse
Admission: Adult: 5.00, Child: 3.50
Under 3 FREE
(All children under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult)
Family Ticket 2 Adult +2 Children 15.00
Season Tickets Adult 18.00 Child 12.00
Visit as many as you like during the season
Excellent reductions for pre-booked groups/school
56. When you are in the park, you can not ____.
A. watch fallow deer, horses, buffalos and pigs
B. hear birds’ singing
C. buy all kinds of presents for your friends
D. see amusing movies you like
57. Which of the following statements is true according to the ad?
A. If a tourist wants to learn something about the park, he can go on the internet.
B. If you have season tickets, you can visit the park at any time.
C. You’ll be able to enter the park before 10.00
D. A child under 6 must not enter the park.
58. A family of four----father, mother and two children who are seven and two, will visit the park, how much will they pay?
A. 15.00 B. 13.50 C. 8.50 D. 17.00
59. If you want to go there with your classmates and book the tickets ahead of time, _____.
A. you will get free tickets B. you will be charged much less
C. two tickets will be free D. the ticket price is as usual
Friedrich Dobl, a Yugoslav working in Germany, was fed up with traffic jams. At long weekends and holiday times when he wanted to get him quickly he always found himself behind hundreds of other cars moving slowly along the notorious foreign workers’ route through Germany and Austria.
How easy it all was for police and emergency services. A siren, a flashing light? And like magic everyone was out the way. Going home from work one night he passed a garage. And there in front of him was the answer to his problems. An old ambulance(救護(hù)車) was for sale. The red cross had been removed. But not the flashing light, and the siren. He tried the light. It flashed magnificently. He tried the siren. That too sounded impressive. He bought the ambulance and opened up for himself a dream world of motoring. It began early in the morning, all his luggage in the back of the ambulance and motorway in Germany looking reasonably clear. Soon, as always, a long line of traffic appeared ahead. He switched on the flashing light and set off the siren. Cars swiftly slowed and pulled off the fast lane. Other cars stopped and drivers waved him ahead to an open road all his own. In record time he crossed the border into Austria. The big bluff was working. Police even waved him through the confusion caused by an accident.
But then the Yugoslav made his big mistake. Until then he had only stopped for petrol. Now he was driving past a real accident, lights flashing , to late realize that it was not another traffic jam as he assumed. They stopped him, and after hearing the story of his ride across two countries fined him 12. 5 pounds.
60. At long weekends and holidays Friedrich Dobl used to ____.
A. drive home in Germany
B. get caught in terrible traffic jams
C. meet other foreign workers
D. get to the place where he worked by a special quick route
61. Why did he decide to buy the ambulance?
A. because he had always wanted one
B. because he wanted to resell it at a higher price
C. because he liked the siren and the flashing light
D. because he knew that other traffic would get clear of the way for an ambulance.
62. The red cross had been removed ____.
A. but he soon put up a new one
B. because the vehicle did not look like an ambulance any more
C. so he asked the garage to paint another one on
D. but the siren and the flashing light still worked
63. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A. How to Drive quickly B. How to Avoid accidents
C. A quick Way Home? By An Ambulance D. A Safe way Home? Non-Stop
A number of times Rosemary edged closer to Gordon , meaning to take his arm, but he edged away from her. She thought that she had offended him deeply, and that he was disappointed because she had pushed him away. She would have apologized if he had given her half a chance. But as a matter of fact, he was scarcely thinking of this any longer. It was the money business that was troubling him now. And the fact was that he would soon have to confess it. What nonsense it made of all he had said! Presently she stopped him, and swung him round to face her. “Gordon, why won’t you speak to me?” she said. “Are you still angry with me for what happened just now?”
“No, I was never angry with you. You’re not to blame. Something else has been worrying me all the way along, I’ve only eight pence left. I had just enough money for today when we started out, but that dinner bill upset everything. Can you lend me some money?’
Rosemary was amazed. “What does it matter if you’ve only eight pence left? How can you let yourself be worried by a thing like that? As though I objected to lending you money, aren’t I always telling you that I want to pay for myself when we go out together?’
“Yes, and you know how I hate you paying.”
“Oh, how silly you are.” She said. “Do you think there’s anything to be ashamed of in having no money?”
Gordon’s face went bright pink. “Of course there is ! It’s the only thing in the world there is to be ashamed of. I can’t be a complete human being?I don’t feel a human being ?unless I’ve got money in my pocket.”
64. What gave Rosemary the idea that she had hurt Gordon’s feelings deeply?
A. He didn’t say he was sorry.
B. He pushed her away when she tried to take his arm.
C. He didn’t say he was sorry.
D. He wouldn’t let her touch him.
65. Rosemary made him look at her because ______.
A. she wanted to ask him a question B. she wanted to see his face
C. she was angry with him D. he had been rude
66. Gordon felt that if he asked rosemary to lend him some money _____.
A. he would lose some of his self-respect B. she would refuse to
C. he would have to confess his loss D. she would be angry
67. It is clear that Gordon had not intended to _____.
A. tell her he had a little money left B. accept any money from her
C. blame her for making him angry D. have such an expensive dinner
When the TV viewer turns on his set, what sort of programs does he have to choose from? You might think there would be more programs devoted to entertainment than to anything else, but that’s not the case. In most countries, fewer than 20% of broadcasting hours are devoted to entertainment. U.S. figures are high----34.8% , and the unloving Canadians are even higher with 44%. Except Canada and Italy, all countries give more broadcasting time to education than to either information (news , documentaries and so on) or entertainment programs. Of course, few educational broadcasts take place during peak viewing times. In Japan though , more than 60%of broadcasting time is taken up with education of one kind of anther----just another example of the businesslike Japanese philosophy. In the U.K., the figure is 56.4% . the Italians have fewer educational programs than anyone else. They don’t go in for entertainment either. Only about ten percent of viewing time is devoted to dramas and serials, quiz shows, music, sports etc. You will find more news information programs on Italian TV than anything else. That’s understandable in a country experiencing social and political changes. Italians rely on TV to tell them what’s going on---and events are happening almost too fast to follow. The percentage of time the U.S. devoted to news and documentary programs is much smaller. After education, most TV time is given to entertainment. Many of these programs are shown around the world.
68. Based on this passage, the greatest percentage of TV broadcasting hours to educational is in __.
A. Japan B. Italy C. Canada D. the United States
69. More news information programs are broadcast on Italian TV than anywhere else because the Italians ___.
A. are interested in what is happening in the world.
B. Like to follow the changes that are going on in their social life
C. Prefer to learn news information on TV rather than in newspapers
D. Expect TV to tell them the latest news about what is going on in their country
70. So far as the broadcasting hours devoted to entertainment , which of the following is true?
A. The Japanese figure is the highest in the world.
B. The U.S. figure is smaller than the U. K. figure
C. The U.K. figure is second to the Japanese figure
D. The Canadian figure is higher than that of any other country.
71. In the United States, ____.
A. TV programs are shown for world audience to watch
B. Most of TV broadcasting hours are give to entertainment
C. Educational programs are shown during peak viewing times
D.TV broadcasting hours devoted to education are more than those devoted to entertainment
London, April 28---The Man Group, a British hedge fund, is betting that investors will want to read more than the latest how-to- get ?rich-quick business book.
In a five-year deal worth roughly $3.6 million announced last week, Man has agreed to sponsor(主辦)the Booker Prize for Fiction, which will be renamed the Man Booker Prize. Since creating the award in 1969, Booker P.L.G., a British food group, in June 2000, executives began considering attracting outside sponsors. Man will be the first of these. Bill Grimsey, the chief of the Big Food Group, saw little business sense in a link between a food supplier and a literary prize, explained Dotti Irving, a spokeswoman for the Booker Prize foundation.
Such dissimilarities (差異) have not reduced Man’s enthusiasm for the prize which is expected to be open for the first time to American authors. David Browne, a spokesman for Man, said most of the firm’s investors are high-net-worth individuals who appreciate literature. “The people who buy hedge funds,” Mr. Browne said, “also read.”
Under the new agreement, authors will get more money. The winner of the annual prize, to be awarded in October, will receive $73,000 , up from $30,000 the Australian writer Peter Carey won last year for his novel “True History of the Kelley Gang.”
The six short-listed authors will each receive $3,600, up from $1,500. Having a hedge fund as a backer apparently has its perks.(福利).
72. The article is mainly about ____.
A. the disagreement between two groups B. the Booker Prize Foundation
C. the Big Food Group D. The new development of Booker Prize
73. This article is most probably seen in a(n) ____.
A. best-selling book B. magazine C. newspaper D. advertisement
74. What can be inferred from the article?
A. Bill Grimsey decided to open the prize for American authors
B. “How-to-get-rich-quick” business was written by Peter Carey.
C. Under the agreement, the Booker Prize will be sponsored only by Man.
D. If you win the prize, you will get $73,000 next October
75. Who is the spokesman for Man?
A. David Browne B. Peter Carey C. Bill Grimsey D. Dotti Irving
In China there is about 50 million disabled 76. _______
people. We should try our best make their life much 77. _______
more easier. For example, when we design a building, 78. _______
we’ll have to provide a entrance which is suitable 79. _______
for wheelchairs in the first floor. The Chinese 80. _______
government take good care of their life. Many people 81. _______
with disability have received good treatment from the 82. _______
government. Meanwhile, more and more special schools 83. _______
have built for them. But that is not enough, their life 84._______
won’t be much better if everyone shows love for them. 85._______
如今世界糧食短缺,價格飛漲,給部分地區(qū)造成社會動蕩。請就下面表格所提供的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行陳述并談?wù)勀愕目捶ā?br />造成的原因1.氣候變化,造成糧食減產(chǎn)
注意:1.內(nèi)容包括以上要點(diǎn),但不要逐句翻譯 2.字?jǐn)?shù)150左右,文章開頭已給出,
不計入總詞數(shù) 3.參考詞匯:城市化urbanization;生物燃料 biofuels。
As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and
1?5 ACBCB 6---10 CAAAB 11---15 CBCAC 16?20 AAAAB
21---25 ACDBC 26---30 DCBAA 31---35 CABDB
36?40 BADBB 41?45 CDAB C 46?50 ADACA 51?55 ADBAB
56?60 DABBB 61?65 DDCDC 66?70ABADD 71?75 DBDDA
76. is改為 are 77. best 后加to 78. more去掉 79. a改為 an 80. in 改為on
81. take 改為takes 82. disability 改為disabilities 83. 正確 84. have改為 been
85. won’t 改為 will if改為 unless
One possible version:
It is 4000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.
There’re many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.
Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china.
Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories.
It has been discovered that drinking tea does a lot of good to people’s health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and refreshed. And it’s said that green tea can prevent cancers. That’s why tea is becoming more and more popular with people.
Text 1
M: Would you like to go to the mountain with us on Friday?
W: I would enjoy that very much if I didn’t have to take an exam on Saturday. I think I’d better stay home and study.
Text 2
M: Do you think that you can have these shirts finished by Friday morning?
W: I’m sorry. I couldn’t possibly get them done by then. Saturday afternoon would be the earliest you could have them.
Text 3
M: Have you heard Mr. Brown will have the operation?
W: That’s what I want to tell you. When I visited the hospital this afternoon, I heard they had finished the operation around 8:30 . the doctor seems to think that Mr. Brow is going to be all right now.
Text 4
M: Do you remember the ceilings in the old flats?
W: Sure. They were very high and gave you a feeling of a lot of space. I wonder what the height was for the old ceilings.
M: At least 3 meters. But today’s flats usually have ceilings no higher than 2.7 meters,, and some only 2.3.
Text 5
W: HI, John! Welcome back! What a tan!
M: I was really lucky with the weather.
W: Good hotel?
M: Not too bad. Food was average, but I was right on the beach. You should have gone with me instead of camping in the mountain.
Text 6
W: Can I help you, sir?
M: I’d like to go somewhere near the water.
W: Then might I make a suggestion? Why not the Island of Pearl?
M: Now, that does sound interesting.
W: The swimming and sunbathing are excellent. The hotels are quiet ad comfortable. There’s also plenty of sightseeing. You’ll find it on pages 45 to 48 in this travel book.
M: I’ll take it if I may.
W: Certainly, and would you like anything else?
M: No, thanks.
Text 7
M: Hey, have you heard? Robert is retiring.
W: Oh, really? Well, maybe you’ll be made director?
M: Oh, I hope not. I’m the wrong person for that job!
W: Why do you say that? I mean, what kind of person does it take?
M: Someone that gets on well with everyone.
W: Oh, come on. You seem like someone who could manage anything.
M: Me? You’ve got to be joking. That job would make me much too nervous. Besides, I’m happy with things the way they are. I consider teaching tennis a challenge.
W: So don’t you really think you’re cut out for it?
M: No, I really don’t. I just can’t imagine myself managing a team and often worrying about money.
W: That’s how I’d describe myself.
Text 8
W: Bert…uh… don’t you think you should slow down a bit?
M: Slow down? What do you want me to do that for?
W: But the speed limit is 70 and you’re doing at least 80 and …
M: Don’t talk to me while I’m driving.
W: I only want you to slow down a bit. There’s a pol…
M: If you don’t want me to get agary, keep quiet.
W: No, Bert.
M: My Goodness! What’s that?
W: A police car, Bert. They’re following you.
M: A police car! Why didn’t you tell me?
W: I tried, but you said I mustn’t talk to you while you’re driving.
Text 9
M: Hi, Jane. Would you be able to come over this Friday night? My sister will return from Canada. You two might like to get to know each other.
W: Oh! I’d love to. But I have to go to my younger brother’s graduation on Friday night after work. It takes four hours to get to Seattle, you know.
M: Seattle? Well, it’s really too bad you can’t make it.
W: Is there any chance that you could ask her to stay around for a little bit longer? I’ll be getting back early Sunday. Well, if I can’t get hold of her this time, maybe I’ll have to wait till the next time she comes around. Mmm, give me a call on Saturday night.
M: OK, I will.
Text 10
W: Welcome to the United States, ladies and gentlemen. Now I’d like to tell you what you should do when you become ill. If you feel sick and want to see a doctor, check with the manager of your hotel. They may call a doctor for you. American doctors are busy all the time, and it may be difficult to see the doctor immediately, especially if you are well enough to go to the doctor’s office. If you have difficulty explaining what is troubling you in English, your tour guide may be able to help you.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/55451.html
