
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
英 語 試 題
第Ⅰ卷 (共85分)
第一節(jié) (共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)
第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)
第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題 1分,滿分5分)
1.How will they get to Mount Emei after they arrive in Chengdu?
A. By air. B. By coach. C. By train.
2.What are they going to do now?
A. To return the books. B. To have lunch. C. To go shopping.
3.When will the two speakers meet?
A. At 10:25 am. B. At 11:15 am. C. At 11:35.
4.Where are the speakers talking?
A. In the hospital. B. In the restaurant. C. In the street.
5.How will the man go to his third destination?
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway.
6.What does the man want to do at the post office?
A. To send a postcard. B. To send a letter. C. To buy stamps.
7.When will the man probably get up the next morning?
A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30.C. At 6:45
8.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Brothers and sisters. B. Classmates C. Cousins
9.What is Not mentioned about the woman’s work ?
A. Visiting friends
B. Taking the dog for a walk
C. Bathing the baby.
10.What does the dialogue mainly express?
A. Housewives’ need for a change in their life.
B. Housewives’ need for proper jobs.
C. Men’s dissatisfaction with their wives.
11.What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. The woman does not want her husband to go out and work
B. The husband does not understand his wife’s feelings.
C. The husband does not care for his wife at all.
12.Why does the woman ask Harry to turn off a light?
A. Because she wants to save money
B. Because she thinks the man needs to rest.
C. Because all the electricity would go off.
13.What went wrong in their house?
A. Their air conditioner B. The lights. C. The electricity.
14.What do we know about Mr Ron?
A. He offered to help when passing their house.
B. He did nothing to help.
C. He did help but couldn’t solve the problem completely that day.
15.What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. Employer and employee.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Pianist and audience.
16.What’s the woman’s wish?
A. To start a music school for disabled children.
B. To give more concerts.
C. To perform for the disabled.
17.What do you think of the woman?
A. She is too lazy to travel any more.
B. She is a kind woman.
C. She is a greedy woman.
18.How long will you need to take 150 lectures on average?
A. One semester. B. A month. C. A year.
19.What will you get through lectures?
A. An overview and a framework of a subject.
B. Guidance for some complicated subject matters.
C. Instruction in taking an exam.
20.What will the article continue to talk about?
A. How to write an essay.
B. Why to take a lecture.
C. What to do before and in a lecture.
第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)
第一節(jié) 單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21. The driver was at________loss when________word came that he was forbidden to drive because of speeding.
A.a(chǎn); theB./; /C.the; theD.a(chǎn); /
22. Due to the widespread________ of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.
A. presentation B. application C. qualification D. appreciation
23. ----That must have been a long trip.
----Yeah, it________us a whole week to get there.
A. takes B. had taken C. took D. was taking
24. ----Are you going to Tom's birthday party?
----________.I might have to work.
A. It depends B. Thank you C. Sounds great D. Don't mention it
25. Though Alice is busy, music has always been________her work.
A. as much a part of her life as B. as a part of her life much as
C. as much as a part of her life D. so much a part of her life as
26. The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and ________ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.
A. being weighed B. to weigh C. weighed D. weighing
27. The final score of the basketball match was 93: 94. We were only________ beaten.
A. nearly B. slightly C. narrowlyD. lightly
28. ----Waiter! How soon can I get my food? I just have half an hour left before my train leaves.
---- It________ be ready in five minutes.
A. may B. should C. could D need
29. ________, as long as I’m with nature, I don’t care.
A. However tough the journey is B. Whatever tough the journey is
C. However the journey is tough D. Whatever the journey is tough
30. ---How dangerous it was!
---Yes, but for the passer-by’s quick action, the girl ________.
A.was drowned B.could have been drowned
C. had drowned D.should be drowned
31. Some who lacks staying power and perserance is unlikely to ________ a good resercher.
A. make B. turn C. get D.grow
32. The written record of our conversation doesn’t ________ what was actually said. There are a lot of mistakes.
A. correspond with B. relate to C. look into D. refer to
33. ----Do you have anything to say for yourselves?
----Yes, there is one point________ we must insist on.
A. why B. where C. how D. /
34. ----When can I use your computer?
---- Never! ________ should you touch it.
A. In no timeB. At no timeC. At any timeD. At one time
35. ----I’m afraid I can only make a small contribution this time.
----________. We really appreciate your assistance.
A. Every little helps
B.The more, the better
C.It’s better to give than to receive
D.The best things come in small packages
第二節(jié)完形填空 (共20題 ; 每小題 1分, 滿分20分)
When I was a law professor, a student reported that I made an error in grading his exam by giving him too many points. He was ___36___ and after thanking him for his honesty, I changed the grade in my ___37___. His beaming (歡笑的) face turned to shock. “You’re 38 my grade?” he said angrily. “I would never have come in ___39___ ……”
He didn’t finish the ___40___, but it was obvious that his display of honesty was ___41___. He thought he’d have it all?praise and the higher grade.
Several colleagues thought I should have let the higher grade ___42___ because all I’d accomplished was to discourage him from being ___43___ in the future. And every time I tell this story, some people agree with this ___44___.
But I can’t see how I could give good reason for worsening my ___45___ in grading by undermining (損害) the honesty of all my grades by failing to ___46___ an error. The grade itself would be a dishonest ___47___ of his knowledge and it would have been ___48___to other students. How could I ___49___ give a student a gift of an unearned grade?
I know ___50___ reporting an error in one’s favor is unusual, but, like ___51___ too much change, it’s clearly the right thing to do. People of character, those with real honesty, hate to give up ___52___ as much as anyone else. The difference is that for them a good conscience a nd reputation is ___53___enough to give reason for the cost of doing the right thing.
Perhaps lowering the student’s grade did ___54___ him from being honest in the future, but bribing (賄賂) him to be honest so that he does the right thing when it’s cost-free would have ___55___him even more. The duty to be honest is about right and wrong, not risks and rewards.
36. A. wiseB. rightC. rigidD. angry
37. A. filesB. booksC. recordsD. notes
38. A. loweringB. correctingC. changingD. making
39. A. whetherB.whichC. whatD. if
40. A. sentenceB. workC. examD. lesson
41. A. goodB. falseC. specialD. impressive
42. A. moveB. changeC. standD. drop
43. A. braveB. adventurousC. successfulD. honest
44. A. remarkB. complaintC. praiseD. achievement
45. A. crimeB. mistakeC. doubtD. guilt
46. A. makeB. findC. correctD. avoid
47. A. reactionB. senseC. signD. reflection
48. A. unfairB. cruelC. toughD. funny
49. A. reluctantlyB. possiblyC. politelyD. patiently
50. A. activelyB. secretlyC. voluntarilyD. curiously
51. A. receivingB. payingC. earningD. returning
52. A. benefitsB. honorsC. awardsD. gifts
53. A. pleasureB. rewardC. contentD. honor
54. A. protectB. influenceC. discourageD. separate
55. A. improvedB. encouragedC. blamedD. ruined
第三部分 閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)
WASHINGTON?Laura Straub is a very worried woman. Her job is to find families for foreign teenagers who expect to live with American families in the summer.
It is not easy, even desperate.
“We have many children left to place?40 out of 75,” said Straub, who works for a foreign exchange programme called LEC.
When foreign exchange programmes started 50 years ago, more families were accommodating. For one thing, more mothers stayed at home. But now, increasing numbers of women work outside the home. Exchange-student programmes have struggled in recent years to sign up host families for the 30, 000 teenagers who come from abroad every year to spend an academic year in the United States, as well as the thousands more who take part in summer programmes.
School systems in many parts of the U.S., unhappy about accepting non-taxpaying students, have also strictly limited the number of exchange students they accept. At the same time, the idea of hosting foreign students is becoming less exotic(有異國情調(diào)的).
In search for host families, who usually receive no pay, exchange programmes are increasingly broadening their requests to include everyone from young couples to the retired.
“We are open to many different types of families,” said Vickie Weiner, eastern regional director for ASSE, a 25-year-old programme that sends about 30,000 teenagers on academic-year exchange programmes worldwide.
For elderly people, exchange students “keep us young?they really do”, said Jen Foster, who is hosting 16-year-old Nina Post from Denmark.
56. According to the text, why was it easier for Laura Straub to find American families for foreign students?
A. American school systems were better than now.
B. The government was happy because it could gain tax.
C. Foreign students paid hosting families a lot of money.
D. More mothers didn’t work outside and could look after children.
57. To deal with the problem in recent years, exchange programmmes have to ______.
A. extend the range of host families
B. limit the number of the exchange students
C. borrow much money to pay for the costs
D. make hosting foreign studetns more exotic
58. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A Exchange Students Keep Old People Young
B. Idea of Hosting Students is Different
C. Foreign-exchange Program Is Going on
D U.S. Struggle to Find host Families
This is a time of year when we think about giving and receiving presents. Can you find a little extra to give? On this page we suggest a few organizations you might like to help.
Littleton Children’s Home
We DON’T want your money, but children’s toys, books and clothes IN GOOD CONDITION would be very welcome.
Also, we are looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours or days as guests. You have so much─will you share it?
Phone Sister Thomas on 55671
Children’s Hospice
We look after a small number of very sick children. This important work needs skill and love. We cannot continue without gifts or money to pay for more nursing staff. We also need storybooks and toys suitable for quiet games.
Please contact the Secretary, Little Children’s Hospice, Newby Road.
Street Food
In the winter weather, it’s no fun being homeless. It’s even worse if you’re hungry. We give hot food to at least fifty people every night. It’s hard work, but necessary. Can you come and help? If not, can you offer a little money? We use a very old kitchen, and we need some new saucepans(平底鍋). Money for new ones would be most welcome indeed.
Contact Street Food, c/o Mary’s House, Elming Way. Littleton Phone 27713
Littleton Youth Club
Have you got an unwanted chair?─a record-player?─a pot of paint ? Because we can use them!
We want to get to work on our meeting room!
Please phone 66231 and we’ll be happy to collect anything you can give us.
Thank you!
The Night Shelter
We offer a warm bed for the night to anyone who has nowhere to go. We rent the former Commercial Hotel on Green Street. Although it is not expensive, we never seem to have quite enough money. Can you let us have a few pounds? Any amount, however small, will be such a help.
Send it to us at 15, Green St, Littleton. Please make check payable to Night Shelter.
59. What kind of people are these organizations designed for?
A. Homeless and sick children
B. Less fortunate members of our society
C. Hungry people who have no beds to sleep in
D. Friendly members of our society to help others
60. If you like children and you could offer a happy family to a homeless child, you may contact _____.
A. Street Food B. The Night Shelter
C. Littleton Children’s Home D. Children’s Hospice
61. What can be concluded from the passage?
A. There are too many social problems in this society.
B. People are very poor during the time of giving.
C. To offer help is just an excuse for these organizations to collect money.
D. There are many organizations trying to solve social problems.
62. What kind of things would Littleton Youth Club like to collect?
A. Old furniture and second-hand electrical equipment.
B. An apartment and some saucepans.
C. Hot food and storybooks.
D. A sum of money and children’s toys.
“REMOVE from friends.”
This is no ordinary button. One click and I have the power to erase a person from my life.
In late fall, I had around 400 friends on Facebook. Today, I have 134.
Click. Make that 133.
When Facebook first entered my life in 2005, I panicked that my friend count was too low. If I wasn’t properly connected, how would anyone see my clever quote(引語)? Who would wish me a happy birthday? I accepted and sent out friend requests without a second thought and soon accumulated 391 friends.
There is an appeal to being able to communicate with someone or just “thumbs(撥動手指) up” a photo rather than make real conversation.
“It’s comforting and it’s easy,” said Larry Rosen, a psychology professor at California State University, who studies the way people communicate online.” There’s a sense of belonging in it. It’s a sense of community in a generation where community has sort of (有點)disappeared.”
However, I don’t talk to half of these people in the online community. There are some I would avoid if I met them on the street.
Click. 132.
I decided to rid my account of any “friend” that…well, wasn’t. Sound easy? You try it.
Look at who you’re dealing with: family, friends, classmates, crushes(愛戀的對象), acquaintances…
With every click of the “Remove from friends” button, you risk burning a bridge, losing a contact and missing an opportunity. So every time I go to click the button, my heart hurts.
However, I’m not the only one who has experienced a Faceboook friend refreshing. The New Oxford American Dictionary announces its “Word of the Year” each year, and last year, “unfriend” made the cut (入圍) (though I’ll still stick with “defriend”).
When I started my mission(任務), a few friends joined. Most were surprised by how easily they could cut hundreds of connections without thinking twice.
“Oh my God, I defriended like 600 people today. I feel so good!” my friend Sarah messaged.
Dana, a close friend from high school, and I battled it out to see who could get our counts lower. She wins at 123.
To some, it’s poor “netiquette(網(wǎng)絡禮儀)” to defriend. But to me, it’s the stage of life when we hold onto the people who count, the people who impact you.
63. According to the article, what happens when you click the “Remove form friends” button?
A. A message is sent out to your online friends.
B. You accept someone as your online friend.
C. You send out a friend request to people.
D. The number of your online friends is reduced.
64. The writer worried about her friend count in 2005 because ______.
A. no one would wish her a happy birthday
B .it was the first time she had made friends online
C. she had only 391 online friends at that time
D. she was eager to make connections
65. What is Larry Rosen’s opinion?
A. People living in the same area are closely connected in everyday life.
B. Communication online helps people feel they are members of a group.
C. It’s easy for people to make and break new friendships online.
D. Today’s young people spend nearly all their time communicating online.
66. Which of the following is the best description of the underlined sentence?
A. I made new friends online while I removed some old ones.
B. Some friends cut the number of their online friends just like I did.
C. We competed to see who could remove the most online friends.
D. When someone removed me from a friends’ list, I removed him/her.
At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous(強壯的). It has yet to reach its full size and strength. At this age the chance of death is least. Earlier, we were babies and young children, and consequently weaker; later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigor and resistance which, though unnoticed at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, however well we look after ourselves, and however well society and our doctors look after us.
  This decline in vigor with the passing of time is called ageing. It is one of the most unpleasant discoveries which we all make that we must decline in this way, that if we escape wars, accidents and disease we shall eventually "die of old age", and that this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person, so that there are heavy odds in favor of our dying between the ages of sixty-five and eighty. Some of us will die sooner, a few will live longer---on into a ninth or tenth decade. But the chances are against it_, and there is an actual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and energetic we are.
  Normal people tend to forget this process unless and until they are reminded of it. We are so familiar with the fact that man ages, that people have for years assumed that the process of losing vigor with time was something self-evident, like the cooling of a hot kettle or the wearing-out of a pair of shoes. They have also assumed that all animals, and probably other organisms such as trees, or even the universe itself, must in the nature of things "wear out". Most animals we commonly observe do in fact age as we do, if given the chance to live long enough; and mechanical systems like a wound watch, or the sun, do in fact run out of energy according to the second law of thermodynamics (熱力學). But these are not analogous to what happens when man ages. A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound. An old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending. But a watch could never repair itself---it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction. We could, at one time, repair ourselves---well enough, at least, to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses and accidents.  
67. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
  A. Our first twelve years represent the peak of human development.
  B. People usually are unhappy when reminded of ageing.
  C. Normally only a few of us can live to the eighties and nineties.
  D. People are usually less likely to die at twelve years old.  
68. The word "it" in the last sentence of Paragraph Two refers to ________.
  A. remaining alive until 65.
B. remaining alive after 80.
C. dying before 65 or after 80.   
D. dying between 65 and 80.  
69. What is ageing?  
A. It is usually a phenomenon of dying at an old age.  
B. It is a fact that people cannot live any longer.  
C. It is a gradual loss of vigor and resistance.  
D. It is a stage when people are easily attacked by illness.  
70. What do the examples of watch show?  
A. Normally people are quite familiar with the ageing process.  
B. All animals and other organisms undergo the ageing process.  
C. The law of thermodynamics functions in the ageing process.  
D. Human's ageing process is different from that of mechanisms.
第四部分 任務型閱讀 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
Cross-Cultural Solutions (CCS) is a non-profit organization founded in 1995, widely known as the leading organization in the field of international volunteering, with more than 4,000 volunteers each year. CCS has a worldwide staff of more than 300 people, and operates in 12 countries, with administrative offices also located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. It offers volunteer programmes in 12 countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.
Cross-Cultural Solutions’ volunteer programmes in China are located in Xi’an, the crossroads of Western and Eastern China, and the starting point of the Silk Road. Culturally, Xi’an is a mixture of the ancient and modern worlds. Home to the famous terracotta army, Xi’an was once the imperial capital of China. The city’s ancient history is embodied by the huge stone walls that surround the city centre, originally intended to protect the city from invasion. In the modern world, Xi’an is the largest capital city in Central and Western China. Today, with a population of approximately eight million, this modern city still reflects its rich history and culture.
China’s diverse population is well represented in Xi’an’s Han and other minorities. Volunteering in Xi’an will provide you with opportunities to connect with individuals from a variety of backgrounds, exposing you to the wide scope of Chinese culture, one of the largest and most ancient cultures in the world.
Through our cultural and learning activities in China, you will see the work of local artists, visit the site of the famous ancient terracotta army, participate in weekly Chinese classes, and engage in lively discussions on Chinese culture and society. Activities may also include cooking classes or visits from experts in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine and a local painter skilled in the unique arts of Chinese painting and calligraphy(書法). Guest speakers may also cover topics such as Chinese folklore and traditional Chinese music. Many volunteers choose to participate in regular visits to local universities to meet with students interested in English conversation and cultural exchange.
CCS offers the following programmes in Xi’an, China:
? Volunteer Abroad---- two to twelve weeks
? Intern Abroad---- three to four weeks
? Insight Abroad---- one week
About Cross-Cultural Solutions
? Founded in 1995, it is a (71)_______ in the field of international volunteering.
? It operates and offers volunteer programmes in 12 countries.
About Cross-Cultural Solutions’ volunteer programmes in Xi’an, China
Past?It was where the Silk Road (73) _______.
?It used to be the imperial capital of China.
PresentIt has a (74)________ of about eight million, including Han and other minorities.
ConclusionIt is a city (75)_______ in history and culture.
(76) ________?Seeing local artists’ work
?Visiting the famous terracotta army
?Having Chinese classes (77) ________ a week
?Discussing Chinese culture and society
?Being visited by a local painter and experts in traditional Chinese medicine
?Listening to (78)________about Chinese folklore and traditional Chinese music
?Visiting local universities and meeting students who take interest in English conversation and cultural exchange
Benefits Volunteers can connect with individuals from various (79)________ and understand many different aspects of Chinese culture.
(80)________of programmes?Volunteer Abroad, which lasts two to twelve weeks
?Intern Abroad, which lasts three to four weeks
?Insight Abroad, which lasts one week
第五部分 書面表達(滿分25分)
從南京“彭宇案”開始,社會就陷入“助人恐懼”中,最近,你們班就“是否應該幫助陌生人”展開了討論,同學們就這一話題意見不一,你的看法如何?你認為怎樣才能讓愛心回歸社會,建立人與人之間的信任?請根據(jù)討論結果,以“Should We Help Strangers?” 為題寫一篇短文。
注意: 1.詞數(shù)150左右; 2.開頭已寫好,不計入總詞數(shù);
3.覆蓋所有要點,適當發(fā)揮; 4.文稿中不得提及考生所在學校及本人姓名。
參考詞匯: 美德 virtue
Should We Help Strangers?
We used to appreciate those who like to help strangers. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of helping strangers. Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers.______________________________________________________________________
英 語
第四部分 任務型閱讀 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
71. ____________ 72. __________ 73. ___________ 74. ____________
75. ____________76. ____________ 77. __________ 78. ___________
79. ____________ 80. ____________
第五部分 書面表達 (滿分25分)
Should We Help Strangers?
We used to appreciate those who like to help strangers. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of helping strangers. Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers.
英語答案 2014.2
第一部分 聽力(20分)
1---5 BACAC 6---10 CABAA
11---15 BCCCC 16---20ABABC
第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)
第一節(jié) 單項填空 (15分)
21---25 DBCAA 26---30 DCBAB 31---35 AADBA
第二節(jié) 完形填空 (20分)
36---40 BCADA 41---45 BCDAB 46---50 CDABC
51---55 DABCD
第三部分 閱讀理解 (30分)
56---60 D AD B C 61---65 D A D D B 66---70 B A B C D
第四部分 任務型
1. leader 2 Location 3 started/ began 4 population 5 rich
6 Activities 7 once 8 speeches/ lectures/ talks 9 backgrounds
10 Types/ Kinds/ Sorts
第五部分 書面表達:
Should We Help Strangers?
We used to appreciate those who like to help strangers. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of helping strangers. Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers. Opinions are divided on this topic.
Some think we should try to help others whether they are strangers or not. Helping others is a virtue, and it will make our society more harmonious. Besides, to some extent, helping others is helping oneself. We may come across some trouble and need others' help some day. If everyone turns a blind eye to our trouble and turns a deaf ear to our appeal for aid just because we are strangers to them, it’s hard to imagine what our world will be like.
However, others are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring us trouble or even put us in danger. Sometimes we are just misunderstood and thus have to pay the cost of kindness.
In my opinion, we should try our best to help others when they are in need of help, but we should also protect ourselves to avoid getting into trouble. Only if everyone tries a little kindness, will society be full of love and trust be established between people.
第一節(jié)(共5小題; 每小題1分, 滿分5分)
Text 1
W: How are we going to Mount Emei?
M: We will fly to Chengdu , and then we take a coach to get to the foot of Mount Emei.
Text 2
W: James, is it lunch time?
M: No, there is nearly half an hour to go.
W: So we can go to the library first, to return the books.
Text 3
M: Will you come to my office at 11:15 am?
W: Sorry, I will be at Mr Black’s lecture from 10:25 to 11:25.
M: What about 10 minutes after your lecture is over?
W: Ok. See you then.
Text 4
W: What seems to be the matter, sir?
M: I often have a stomachache after I have had my breakfast.
W: Did you have digestion problems before?
M: No, but this continues for about a month.
Text 5
W: There are so many things that you have to deal with tomorrow.
M: Yes, I will go to the lawyer’s office by taxi, and after finishing the sign-up, I’ll go to the news press by No. 5 bus.
W: And then you can go to the Electricity Bureau by subway. The station is very close to there.
第二節(jié)(共15小題; 每小題1分,滿分15分)
聽下面幾段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、 C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。
Text 6
W: Hi, Sam. I’m going to the post office to send a postcard to my friend in China.
M: I’m going there, too. I want to buy some stamps for my father. Let’s go
W: Ok. Well, are you free tomorrow? You cousin, Jane, and I will go to Plum tree
for an outing. Would you like to go with us?
M: Of course, I’d love to. What time shall we start?
W: What about 6:30 in the morning?
M: It’s OK. By the way, where shall we meet then?
W: Outside the cinema, shall we?
M: That’s OK! See you tomorrow.
W: See you!
Text 7
M: What’s the matter?
W: It’s just life. It’s so boring and dull.
M: Oh, but you’ve got Tommy.
W: But he’s only a baby! It’s all right for you. You’ll leave the house in five minutes. I’ll be here all day. When will you come home? You won’t come home till seven o’clock.
M: One of us must go to work, dear.
W: Yes, but your day is interesting. My day is the same every day.
M: My work isn’t always interesting.
W: I know, but you travel around, you meet different people and you do different things. Who will I meet today? What will I do?Er, I’ll wash up, feed the baby, do the washing, clean the house, bathe the baby and walk the dog.
M: But … But.. Dear.
W: Then I’ll feed the baby again, put the baby to bed. What a life!
Text 8
W: Please turn off the light, Harry.
M: Why? What’s the matter? I want to read the paper.
W: If we turn on too many lights, all the electricity in the house will go off. Mr Ron told me this afternoon.
M: Mr Ron? When did he come to our home?
W: I had to ask him for help today. When I turned on the air conditioner, all the lights went out.
M: Well, did he take care of it for you?
W: Yes, but he said it would take a little more work to do a really good job.
M: What did he mean by a really good job?
W: He said we needed new wires throughout the house and a lot of other things.
Text 9
M: I’d like to congratulate you on your wonderful performance.
W: Thank you very much.
M: I read about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you play. I’ve traveled many miles and I’m very glad I made the effort. You played the piano so well. What are your next plans?
W: At present I’m giving a lot of concerts. Fortunately people want to come and hear me play, but I’m getting very tired of traveling.
M: Why do you have to work so hard?
W: I’m planning to start a school, so I’m trying to make as much money as possible.
M: What kind of school?
W: A music school for disabled children. I think they have the right to receive education like healthy children do. Unfortunately it will cost a lot of money.
M: But I think a lot of people will support you, and I’m sure your wish will come true.
Text 10
The lecture forms a very important part of the academic activity at university. Knowing why you should attend it and how to get the most out of it is worthwhile.
During the 150 lectures you will get on average each semester, lectures will do a number of things. For example, they will provide you with an overview and a framework for your own thinking, guide you through some very complicated subject matters, and give you instruction in looking for the important arguments and principles within the topic.
You may feel you understand at the end of a lecture, but exactly how much will you remember the next day, after a week or month, or when you come to write an essay or do an exam? In the following are some suggestions on how to get the most out of lectures.
幫助他人是美德 3分
幫助他人就是幫助自己 3 分
自己發(fā)揮一點 3分
2.反對 (共9分)
怕陷入麻煩,甚至危險 3分
怕被誤解 3分
自己發(fā)揮一點 3 分
3.你的觀點 (共6分)
1. 本題總分為25分,按5個檔次給分。
2. 評分時,先根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容和語言初步確定其所屬檔次,然后以該檔次的要求來衡量,確定或調(diào)整檔次,最后給分。
3. 詞數(shù)少于 130和多于 170的,從總分中減去1分。
4. 評分時,應注意的主要內(nèi)容為:內(nèi)容要點、應用詞匯和語法結構的數(shù)量和準確性、
5. 拼寫與標點符號是語言準確性的一個方面,評分時,應視其對交際的影響程度予以考慮。英、美拼寫漢詞匯用法均可接受。
6. 如書寫較差,以至影響交際,將分數(shù)降低一個檔次。
7. 內(nèi)容要點可用不同方式表達,對緊扣主題的適當發(fā)揮不予扣分。
1. 完全完成了試題規(guī)定的任務。
2. 覆蓋所有內(nèi)容要點。
3. 應用了較多的語法結構和詞匯。
4. 語法結構或詞匯方面有些許錯誤,但為盡力使用較復雜結構或較高級詞匯所致;具備較強的語言運用能力。
5. 有效地使用了語句間的連接成分,使全文結構緊湊。
6. 完全達到了預期的寫作目的。
1. 完全完成了試題規(guī)定的任務。
2. 雖漏掉1、2個次重點,但覆蓋所有主要內(nèi)容。
3. 應用的語法結構和詞匯能滿足任務的要求。
4. 語法結構或詞匯方面應用基本準確,些許錯誤主要是因嘗試較復雜語法結構或詞匯所致。
5. 應用簡單的語句間的連接成分,使全文結構緊湊。
6. 達到了預期的寫作目的。
1. 基本完成了試題規(guī)定的任務。
2. 雖漏掉一些內(nèi)容,但覆蓋所有主要內(nèi)容。
3. 應用的語法結構和詞匯能滿足任務的要求。
4. 有一些語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤,但不影響理解。
5. 應用簡單的語句間的連接成分,使全文內(nèi)容連貫。
6. 整體而言,基本達到了預期的寫作目的。
1. 未恰當完成試題規(guī)定的任務。
2. 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要內(nèi)容,寫了一些無關內(nèi)容。
3. 語法結構單調(diào)、詞匯項目有限。
4. 有一些語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤,影響了對寫作內(nèi)容的理解。
5. 較少使用語句間的連接成分,內(nèi)容缺少連貫性。
6. 信息未能清楚地傳達給讀者。
1. 未完成試題規(guī)定的任務。
2. 明顯遺漏主要內(nèi)容,寫了一些無關內(nèi)容,原因可能是未理解試題要求。
3. 語法結構單調(diào)、詞匯項目有限。
4. 較多語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤,影響對寫作內(nèi)容的理解。
5. 缺乏語句間的連接成分,內(nèi)容不連貫。
6. 信息未能傳達給讀者。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/55723.html
