Sporting events

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
j.Co M
Module 4 Unit 2 Sporting events 【No.35】
1. sporting adj. = connected with or interested in sport
a ~ event體育比賽項(xiàng)目 a ~ man 愛好體育的人
sport 指各種運(yùn)動或戶外消遣(可以是娛樂性或鍛煉性的,一般作[U];也可以是競賽性的或某種運(yùn)動項(xiàng)目,一般作[C])。僅限于體力鍛煉。如:fishing/ boating/ swimming
作定語時常用復(fù)數(shù),如:sports meeting / shirt / shoes / facilities / stadium
game 指有一定規(guī)則的、雙方競爭的游戲或運(yùn)動,可以是腦力的,也可以是體力的,通常凡參加者都必須遵守,如:basketball /chess等。美國人常用game,英國人常用match。
match “比賽”,指大型的、公開的,既可是球類、田徑也可是其他項(xiàng)目。
另外,games和sports均可作“運(yùn)動會”解。前者一般指大型的國際體育運(yùn)動會。如:the Olympic Games。后者一般指規(guī)模相對較小的運(yùn)動會。如:sports meet;have sports(進(jìn)行體育活動)。
race 專指(速度的)比賽,賽跑.等。

complete 較正式的用語。有“使……由不完整變得完整起來”的含義,后接名詞或代詞,不接動名詞或不定式。
2. finish 常作及物動詞,后接名詞、代詞或動名詞,不接不定式或名詞性從句。有“干完、吃完”的含義。
end 指“停止”、“結(jié)束”某一進(jìn)程,使其不再進(jìn)展或延續(xù)下去,不強(qiáng)調(diào)該進(jìn)度是否圓滿完成。

take part in “參加、參與”(指參加某項(xiàng)活動,如群眾性活動、會議等,并在其中起積極作用,強(qiáng)調(diào)主人翁態(tài)度)。可指“參加”(工作、活動、學(xué)習(xí)等)。
3. join 是指以平等地位“加入”到某一組織、團(tuán)體或人群中,并成為其中一員。
join in sth. 參加某種活動(多指正在進(jìn)行的活動) join in the discussion/ the game
join sb. in sth /doing sth 和…… 一起做某事
attend “參加、出席”(會議、聚會、講座等) attend a meeting /a lecture / class / school
compete for the honor of the country 為國家的榮譽(yù)而競賽
show honor to sb. 對某人表示敬意
a man of honor 重信義的人
It is a great honor to do sth. 很榮幸干某事
4. honor take … as a great honor 把……作為很榮幸的事
in honor of sb. = in sb’s honor 出于對……的敬意
have the honor of doing sth. / to do sth. 榮幸干某事
honor sb. / sth. (with sth.)
be honored in…for … 在某方面因某事而獲得榮譽(yù)
under one’s name 以……名字 under a false name 以假名
with the name 名叫……
by name 用…名字;名叫… He was a professor, Peter , by name.
5. by the name of 名叫……的 He was a professor by the name of Peter.
in the name of 以……的名義; 看在……份上
name … after / for sb. 以某人的名字命名……
call sb’s names 辱罵(某人)
after an absence of seven years外出7年以后
one’s absence from school某人缺席/ 缺課
6. absence in the absence of (某人)不在時;缺少(某物)
absence of mind(absent-minded) 心不在焉
be absent from 不在……
for (quite) a while (好長)一會兒
after a while 過了一會兒(與動詞的過去時連用)
7. while all the while 始終,一直(與延續(xù)性動詞連用或與終止性動詞的否定連用)
in a (short) while 沒一會兒,不久(與動詞的過去時或?qū)頃r連用)
once in a while 有時,偶爾 = now and then ; from time to time
比 較 while /as / when
① 如果主句表示的是短暫的動作,而從句表示的是一段時間,三者可通用。
I met her when / while / as I was walking along the river.
② as和when可與終止性動詞連用,while只能與延續(xù)性動詞連用。
I saw her as / when she was getting off the bus.
③ as強(qiáng)調(diào)主句與從句表示的動作同時發(fā)生,while強(qiáng)調(diào)主句表示的動作延續(xù)于while所指的整個時間。試比較: She sang while she went along. 她走路時不停地唱。
She sang as she went along. 她邊走邊唱。
into 使……進(jìn)入…… ~ a sport into the Olympics
8. enter into 把……計入…… ~ all the events of the day into her diary
for 報名參加(比賽)~ for an exam/ the championship
into 開始進(jìn)入…… ~ into an argument/ a state of war / business
make way for 為……讓路
9. make one’s way to 向……走去
give way to sb. / sth. 放棄……;向……讓步
Good luck to sb. with/in sth. 祝某人在……好運(yùn) Good luck in your exams!
try one’s luck/fortune (at sth.) 碰運(yùn)氣
10. luck What bad luck! (用以表示同情)
Just my luck! (用以表示運(yùn)氣總是那么壞)
No such luck. 沒有那份兒運(yùn)氣
1. Since we’re not in a hurry, we ____________________ (不妨) wait for the next bus as this one is much too crowded .
2.---She looks very happy, she _______________________ (一定通過了) the exam.
---I guess so. It’s not difficult after all.
3. ?I didn’t take notes at yesterday’s meeting because I had left my pen at home.
---You __________________________________ (本可以借我的). I wasn’t using it.
4. He has a good way to _____ the students’ brains __________ (使學(xué)生頭腦動起來) .
5. ________ women ________________________________ their own competition at a ___________ festival _____________________ the wife of the Greek God Zeus. (為紀(jì)念希臘主神宙斯的妻子,未婚女性被允許在另外一個節(jié)日參加她們自己的比賽。)
6. ______________________ would ______________________ for countries and people to live ________________________. (奧運(yùn)會使得所有的國家和人民和平相處成為可能。)
7. We ____________________________________ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be ______________. (我們有充足的理由相信2008年奧運(yùn)會會圓滿成功。)
8. He is _______________________ the greatest distance runner _____________ ______. (他被廣泛地認(rèn)可為有史以來最出色的長跑運(yùn)動員。)
9. ______________________ the Olympic movement a successful future to __________ __ _ ____.(讓我們共同祝愿奧林匹克運(yùn)動有一個成功的未來,以映襯其輝煌的過去。)
10. I email my parents _____________________(每兩天).
11. The IOC has still not _________ the sport because it wants to ___________________ ___ of sports. (國際奧委會目前還沒有批準(zhǔn)該項(xiàng)目,因?yàn)樗M軌蚓S持比賽項(xiàng)目的平衡。)
12. Liu Xiang _______ people _______________________ when he became the first Asian ______________________ in the men’s 110-metre hurdles. (當(dāng)劉翔成為奪取男子110米跨欄的金牌的亞洲第一人時,他使全世界的人都為之激動。)
13. Don’t you ____ to miss such _________________________? (難道你不覺得錯過這個好機(jī)會太愚蠢了嗎?)
14. Feeling too old and tired to run the factory, Mr. Smith _________________________ _________________. (由于感到年高體邁,史密斯先生不得不讓位給他的兒子經(jīng)營工廠。)
15. The day will come __________________________ . (不管黑夜有多長)
16. Seize the chance, __________________________________. (否則你會后悔。)
17. They ______________ the captain ________________.(他們背地里說隊(duì)長的壞話。)
18. He’s _______________________ his parents. (他的父母以他為榮。)
19. ________________________, this fellow is now ____________________________ in this company. (令我們驚訝的是那個家伙在這公司大權(quán)在握。)
20. Every one present was asked to __________________________ over this matter. (所有在場的人都被要求就此問題發(fā)表觀點(diǎn)。)
I would like to talk to you about space vegetables, and to show you that space vegetables are healthy and good for you.
Space vegetables are grown from seeds that have been taken to and brought back from outer space. The seeds are affected by the radiation (輻射) and low gravity (重力) in outer space. When they are brought back to Earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger, healthier and more nutritious than normal vegetables. However, some people worry about eating space vegetables. They think that space vegetables might not be good for us and could give us cancer as a result of their exposure (暴露) to radiation in space. People should not be scared, though, as space vegetables are actually perfectly healthy.
Here are some facts that you should know about space vegetables:
Space vegetables are grown from seeds that are carefully selected. When seeds are brought back from space, they are tested to make sure that the vegetables they grow will be safe to eat. There are no traces (痕跡) of radiation after testing.
Space vegetables are better for you than normal vegetables. For example, space tomatoes stay fresh for twenty days, which is one week longer than normal tomatoes. Another popular space vegetable is the peppers. Space peppers contain 20 per cent more vitamin C than normal peppers.
After GM foods came onto the market, people worried that they were eating unknown things. For example, if nut genes are put inside potatoes, people allergic to nuts might get very sick from eating these potatoes because they do not know they are also eating nuts. Unlike genetically modified foods (轉(zhuǎn)基因食品), space vegetables have not been genetically changed. This means that no new genes are put into the vegetables. Therefore, there are no dangers of eating something unknown.
Title: Space vegetables
Space vegetables are (1) __________, healthy and good for you to eat.
Measures taken to ensure the (2) ___________ of space vegetablesBefore brought to the outer space, the (3) ________ are carefully selected.
When brought back from space, vegetables are (4) ________ to see whether there are traces of radiation which might (5) ___________ to cancer. The testing has (6) ______ that they are perfectly healthy.

Advantages of space vegetables
As a (7) _________ of the radiation and low gravity in outer space, the seeds produce bigger and healthier vegetables containing more (8) __________.
Space vegetables stay (9) ________ longer than normal vegetables
You won’t run the (10) ________ of eating something that may damage your health because none of the genes is changed.

