
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

本試卷分第一卷()和第二卷(非)兩部分。第一卷1至12頁,第二 卷13至14頁。滿分150分?荚嚂r(shí)間120分鐘。 注意事項(xiàng):
2.考生作答時(shí),請(qǐng)將答案答在答題卡上,請(qǐng)按照題號(hào)在各題的答題區(qū)域(黑色線框)內(nèi) 作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效。在草稿紙、試卷上答題無效。
3.選擇題答案使用2B鉛筆填涂,如需改動(dòng),用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標(biāo)號(hào);非 選擇題答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(簽字)筆或碳素筆書寫,字體工整、筆跡清楚。
做題時(shí),先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時(shí)間將試卷上的答案轉(zhuǎn) 涂到答題卡上。 第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7. 5分) 聽下面5段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳 選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對(duì)話后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱 讀下一小題。每段對(duì)話僅讀一遍。
例:How uch is the shirt?
A. $ 19.15.B. $9.15.C. $9.18.
1.Why was Ben in the bookstore?
A.He wanted to buy books. B. He sold books there. C. He liked to read books.
2.What does the an advise the woan to do?
A.Wait for the result.
B.Announce the result.
C.Ask the teacher for the result.
3.Where did the woan put his socks?
A. In the dustbin.B. On the table.C. In the drawer.
4.When will the concert begin?
A. At 3:20.B. At 3:30.C. At 3:40.
5.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.Advertiseents in the newspaper.
B.The working environent.
C.Renting a new flat.
第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22. 5分) 聽下面5段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè) 選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間各個(gè) 小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話讀兩遍。
6.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife.B. Colleagues.C. Boss and secretary.
7.Why did the an go to New York?
A.To have a trip.B. To do soe shopping. C. To go on business.
8.What kind of roo does the an prefer?
A.An outside one without a bath on the 9th floor.
B.An inside one with a bath on the 19th floor.
C.A single one with a bath on the 28th floor.
9.How long will the an stay?
A.A night.B. Two days.C. A week.
10.How uch will the an have to pay if he leaves at 14:00 toorrow?
A.$110.B. $130.C. $150.
11.Which of the following are not allowed in the woan’s country?
A.Cars.B. Cleaners.C. Washing achines.
12.What is the biggest proble in the an’s country?
A Water shortage.B. Air pollution.C. Weather changing.
13 What’s necessary to solve the environent proble now?
A.An international response.
B.A strict liitation on cars.
C.Environent pollution laws.
14.What’s the benefit of starting business according to the an?
A.Becoing ore confident and sociable.
B.aking ore friends in various fields.
C.Getting valuable social experience.
15.How does the an feel about starting his own business?
A. Copetitive.B. Helpful.C. Difficult.
16.What do we know about the woan?
A.She hasn’t decided what to do.
B.She will start her own business.
C.She prefers living a peaceful life.
17.Where is the speech probably given?
A. On the Internet.B. On the radio.C. In the counity.
18.What is the “foru” used for?
A.Providing a better place to live.
B.Helping achieve one’s drea.
C.Setting up an “online counity”.
19.Why does the speaker give the speech?
A.To show interest in different aspects.
B.To ephasize the iportance of the net.
C.To encourage people to join in the activity.
20.What can people do through “online counity”?
A.Discuss the counity atters.
B.Share the inforation freely.
C Talk about their own dreas.
例 : It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____he or she wants.
A. howeverB. whateverC. whichever D. whenever
21.Graduation, in _____opinion of any students, is _____tie to thank those who helped the
A. the; aB. the; /C. a; aD. /; the
22.So far there has been no reported case of the flu _____aong people.
A. spreadingB. to spreadC. spreadsD. being spread
23.There is a subway in y hoetown, but _____existed two years ago.
A. noneB. nobodyC. everythingD. anything
24.She realized that it was not the words but the way she spoke to Bruce _____hurt hi.
A. whoB. whoC. whichD. that
25.Research shows a child’s awareness of being a(n) _____fors during pre-school years.
A. characterB. figureC. individualD. adult
26.Xiaen is regarded as a city _____traditional culture is well cobined with a ode lifestyle
A. whatB. whenC. whereD. as
27.With housing prices rising sharply, buying an apartent is _____for young couples.
A. out of controlB. out of sightC. out of reach D. out of place
28.The earthquake, which occurred at 8:58,didn’t cause any deaths, for ost people _____.
A. got upB. had got upC. were getting up D. have got up
29.He ade the decision within 10 seconds _____he had read the report.
A. beforeB. onceC. untilD. unless
30.Helena was excited, just as I had iagined, _____her lost pet.
A. findingB. foundC. having found D. to find
31.—I ay have annoyed our neighbor!
—Don’t worry. He is forgetful, so he _____all about the atter soon.
A. forgetsB. forgotC. has forgotten D. will forget
32.When y father is upset, he would rather _____
A. leave aloneB. we left hi alone
C.left aloneD. we leave hi alone
33.r. Wang ust have watched the fil Farewell to Our Past Years last night, _____?
A.ustn’t heB. hasn’t heC. didn’t heD. needn’t he
34.The coach said he wasn’t disappointed at the result, but his facial expression _____.
A.broke it upB. got it through C. took it overD. gave it away
35.Cheer up! No atter how _____you progress, you are ahead of those who never tried.
A.slowlyB. quicklyC. bravelyD. willingly
下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空 白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。
I never thought I would be writing about a trip to the convenient store, but this trip was like no other. It seeed like a(n) 36 _____ Noveber day, two y ears ago, as I walked out of Walgreens. It was just a onth after y grandother had 37 _____ and I spent y days running useless errands (差事)hoping to fill the 38 _____ in y heart and distract (分心、) e fro the pain.
As I 39 _____ to walk out of the store, I felt 40 _____ by everything that was g oing on around e, which was a very coon 41 _____during this tie. I was ad and confused at everyone, especially, the young girl walking 42 the store holding her grandother’s hand. The little girl was 43 _____ her grandother for ice crea just like I used to when I was little, 44 _____I was old enough to know that there are bigger 45 _____ than a lack of sugar and that one day y grandother wouldn’t be here with e.
“Here is $20, y sweetie,” the woan 46 _____ “Keep it for later and we’ll get you soe r. Softy.”
As I carried on, I 47 _____all of the ties y cousins and I would play outside of y granda’s house, waiting 48 _____ to hear the sound of the r. Softy truck. The inute we heard it, no atter 49 _____ it ay have been, we would run 50 _____sothering(覆蓋)y granda with hugs and 51 while begging for soe oney. No atter how any ties she 52 _____ say, “Reeber, kids, no ice crea today,” every day we would ask and every
53 _____ she would always end up giving 54 _____ of us exactly $20. Obviously, we all know that ice crea doesn’t 55 _____ this uch, but that was y granda, always giving ore than she ever had to give.

36. A. traditional B. pleasantC. typical D. extraordinary
37.A. caled downB. broken downC. died awayD.passed away
38.A. eptinessB. positionC. holeD.eory
39.A. failedB. anagedC. pretendedD.attepted
40.A. excitedB. discou ragedC. astonishedD.inspired
41.A. sightB. feelingC. practiceD.sense
42.A. behindB. alongC. throughD.below
43.A. beggingB. thankingC. chargingD.praising
44.A. sinceB. beforeC. afterD.unless
45.A. budgetsB. punishentsC. influencesD.probles
46.A. saidB. urgedC. shoutedD.warned
47.A. forgotB. reeberedC. seizedD_treasured
48.A. punctuallyB. sadlyC. ailesslyD.patiently
49.A. how farB. how longC. how uchD. how often
50.A. awayB. outsideC. insideD.about
51.A. tearsB. scratchesC. gesturesD.kisses
52.A. ightB. couldC. wouldD.should
53.A. oentB. chanceC. tieD.week
54.A. bothB. eachC. noneD.neither
55. A. cost B. weigh C. deserve Dcontain

argeaux Wolberg was sitting with the other 12-year-olds in her class when one of the girls turned to her and asked, “Is your o dead?”
She never cae to school like the other others to volunteer in the library or help the teachers. It was always argeaux’s dad who did that.
argeaux reached for her laptop, typed a few words into Google and showed her classate a list of hits with her other’s nae and job titles, fro chief inforation officer at Salesforce.co to her current role as vice-president of technology business operations at PayPal. “See, y o’s not dead,” she said. “y o’s fao us.”
Kirsten Wolberg, 45, tells this story with pride. She doesn’t fall into the guilt trap these days when she has to iss a school play. Instead she is content that her two daughters are growing up with such a strong role odel: a woan in a high-powered job in Silicon Valley.
Long before either of her kids was bo , Wolberg and her future husband ichael had a conversation about how they would divide household and childcare duties. “I said, ‘Listen ,one of the things that’s really iportant to e is to have a parent at hoe full tie,,” she reebers. “ 4And it can’t be e.,”
ichael Wolberg, 43,worked for years for a pharaceutical distributor. But when argeaux was bo, he quit — or retired, as he likes to say — to becoe a stay-at-hoe dad. And he hasn’t looked back. The relative quiet of spending 12 hours a day alone with a child suits his personality better than an office, he says, and uch better than it would ever suit his wife.
“She’s spent any, any years trying to get to the place where she is and even further,” he says, “and this lifestyle of crawling around on the floor and changing diapers(尿片)and all kinds of other things is not for her.”
56.Fro the first three paragraphs we know that argeaux ______.
A. felt hurt by her classatesB. was proud of her other
C. felt disappointed with her otherD. was looked down upon in the school
57.According to the passage, Kirsten ______.
A.finds it hard to seek her kids’ understanding
B.is glad to have set a good exaple to her kids
C.is as successful in her career as her husband
D.feels sorry for not helping in her girl’s school
58.Why did ichael choose to be a stay-at-hoe dad?
A.He was tired of his job。
B.He is ore suitable by nature to stay at hoe.
C.He was forced to quit the job.
D.He and his wife reached an agree ent after the kids’birth.
59.Fro the passage we can infer that ______.
A.ichael regrets aking the decision
B.Kirsten is neither a good wife nor a qualified other
C.ichael does not understand his wife very uch
D.Kirsten is likely to achieve greater success in her career
Thanks to the interwebs , we can click and click and have a good laugh! We’ll have everything you need to howl like a onkey and bark like a seal. So, click on, inteauts, and be ready!
Cracked.co traces its origins to the print agazine Cracked, which started in 1958. But Cracked has soon grown to becoe the ost popular coedy site on the Internet, drawing over a billion views in 2010. The website also runs in a wide range, featuring photo editing contests, sketches and fils, and reader contests. For laughs, Cracked.co is your one-stop shop!
2.Funny or Die
Any website owned by Will Ferrell would already be in the running - but the debut video, The Landlord, ade Funny or Die a ust-click website. Funny or Die also anages to reain fresh and interesting by being so interactive, allow viewers to choose which
videos stay and which ones die. The website has even ade the big tie, partnering with HBO (Hoe Box Office) in a hopefully plentiful cobination of the inds between the best that TV and the Internet both have to offer.
We have trouble sitting down for a 90 seconds, uch less 90 inutes! CollegeHuor sees incredibly skillful at catering to(迎 合)such an ADD-riddled audience. Like Funny or Die, CollegeHuor ade it to the big tie, though the CollegeHuor Show only ran for a single season on TV. The site also serves as the big sales store for T-shirts, which answers the question, “Where can I find a Honey Badger T-shirt?”
You know those black and white photos you’ve been seeing all over your Facebook f eed? Well, if you ever wondered where they cae fro, then you need look no further than 9GAG! And if you’re looking to do soe terribly light reading with the click of a finger, then 9GAG is your best bet. Relatively new to the gae, 9GAG’s viewer contributions and interactions look to ake it an internet player for soetie to coe.
There you have it, top 4 coedy websites. Every last one is worth a few laughters and a good any clicks.
60.What causes the website Funny or Die to enjoy greater success?
A. Being interactive with viewers.B. Producing the video “The Landlord”.
C.Close partnership with HBO.D. Will Ferrell’s good anageent.
61.The underlined phrase “ADD-riddled audience” ay refer to the people who ______.
A.are skilled at producing huor
B.are crazy about Honey Badger T-shirts
C.take a great interest in funny TV
D.have trouble staying focused for a certain tie
62.If you are creative with black-and-white photo effects, you ay go for ______.
A.Cracked.co B. Funny or Die C. CollegeHuor D. 9GAG
63.Which stateent is true of the four websites?
A.Viewer participations ake Funny or Die and 9GAG appealing.
B.Will Ferrell has a final say in deciding which video to stay.
C.Cracked.co becae the ost visited huor websites in 1958.
D.CollegeHuor only collects a progra of 90 seconds.
The ysterious stone figures known as inuksuit can be found throughout the circupok (極地附近)world. Inukshuk, the singular of inuksuit, eans “in the likeness of a huan” the Inuit language. They are onuents ade of unworked stones that are used by the Inuit counication and survival. The traditional eaning of the inukshuk is “Soeone was here” c “You are on the right path.”
The Inuit ake inuksuit in different fors for a variety of purposes: as navigation directional aids, to ark a place of respect or eorial for a beloved person, or to indication igration routes or places where fish can be found. Other siilar stone structures were object of respect, standing for places of power or the hoe of spirits. Although ost inuksuit appear singly, soeties they are arranged in orders covering great distances or are grouped to ark specific place.
These sculptural fors are aong the oldest and ost iportant objects placed by huan upon the vast Arctic landscape and have becoe a failiar sybol of the Inuit and of the hoeland. Inuit tradition forbids destroying inuksuit. An inukshuk is often honored a sybolizing an ancestor who knew how to survive on the land in the traditional way. A failial inukshuk is a welcoe sight to a traveler on a featureless and scary landscape.
An inukshuk can be sall or large, a single rock, several rocks balanced on each other: Built fro whatever stones are at hand, each one is unique. The arrangeent of stones indicate the purpose of the arker. The directions of ars or legs could indicate the direction of an open channel for navigation, or a valley for passage through the ountains. An inukshuk without ars, or with antlers (鹿角)attached to it, would act as a arker for a storage of food.
64.The construction of Inuksuit is probably linked to ______.
A.the old tradition existing in the Arctic areas
B.the openness of Arctic space and its severe condition
C.the developent of rock art through generations
D.the unique need of arking a place of respect for a dead traveler
65.If an inukshuk is worn out or out of shape, the Inuit ______.
A.ay break it down and rebuild a new one
B.arrange each rock of it in an orderly round circle
C.ay try every eans to stop it falling apart
D.still leave it as it is and regard it as worthy of great honor
66.Which of the following inuksuit would ost likely ark the location of a food place?

67.The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to ______
A.infor readersB. entertain readers
C.guide travelers in the ArcticD. urge people to preserve inuksuit
It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to be polite and tolerant. Teachers should never becoe, however, ethical(道德)bystanders. If we wish to educate our students as well as encourage the to accept the inborn worth of every huan being, we ust not surrender the concept of building a oral counity in our school, where all people have an responsibility to be polite and tolerant.
Soe individuals believe that teachers should not interfere(干涉)with the behavior of students unless it is directly related to learning or affects the safety of individuals on capus. Not long ago I scolded a student for using an extreely offensive language in addressing another student. When I described the incident to the student’s parent, I was told by the parent that the student’s choice of words did not hurt anyone. The parent was convinced that I should be busy doing ore iportant things rather than finding fault with a student’s vocabulary.
The parent’s response disappointed e. I recognize that there is wide concern aong parents that their rights to raise their children and to teach the proper values are soeties interfered with by people outside the faily. I understand this concern. It is neither educators ,responsibility nor their right, for exaple, to proote aong students political or religious beliefs. But good teachers do teach values 一 not personal values but coon values of good anners, responsibility, and self-reliance. Ideally, qualified educators keep up socially- responsible values taught at hoe. They should deand appropriate vocabulary and good aiers. It is very uch the responsibility of teachers to proote the traditions of proper behavior.
As a principal, I expect to be judged by the oral and ethical cliate of our school. In spite of all the acadeic iproveents, I would never consider yself a successful educator unless our students graduated not only as successful learners but also as ladies and gentleen.
68.The underlined word “surrender” in Paragraph 1 is closest in eaning to “______”
A. give upB. stick toC. search forD. put forward
69.The case in Paragraph 2 is intended to show that ______.
A.it was wrong to scold the student
B.soe people have a narrow view of school education
C.teaching vocabulary was not iportant
D.parents attached uch iportance to kids ‘oral education
70.The writer holds the view that ______.
A.educators should teach personal values
B.all values should be taught in school rather than at hoe
C.school education should involve political and religious beliefs
D.oral developent is as iportant as acadeic iproveents
71.What would be the best title?
A.The Iportance of Teaching ValuesB. A Teacher’s Working Experience
C.An Educator’s oral ResponsibilityD. The Situation of oral Education
As the thrills of the London 2016 Olypic Gaes fade, the focus now is on the 2016 Olypic Gaes in Brazil. Over the next two years it will also host the FIFA Confederation Cup in June 2013 and the FIFA World Cup in 2016. Brazil has taken steps to increase the econoic profits by safeguarding the interests of broadcasters and funders.
In 2009, the Brazil passed the Brazilian Olypic Act and the so-called World Cup Law in 2016, which are designed to fight abush(隱性)arketing and digital piracy(盜版),and regulate advertising in and around official sporting sites.
The Brazilian World Cup Law goes uch further in protecting the interests of right owners than Brazil’s pre-existing legislation(立法)in this area, the so-called Pele La For exaple, the World Cup Law bans anyone but the official broadcaster fro using iages of events. However, it does perit use for non-coercial purposes. It also requires that FIFA or its local broadcaster provide highlights up to two hours after each atch. Other ites allow protection of tradearks associated with the event and ban unauthorized association with the event’s arks.
The Pele Law perits, as an inforation right, both access to sporting sites and the use of iages(影像)for journalistic purposes. It is, however, unlikely that such an understanding will be gained in relation to the World Cup Law which governs access to and use of iages sp ecifically in relation to the FIFA World Cup 2016. Although the Brazilian Olypic Act regulates the IP(知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán))relating to the 2016 Olypic Gaes in Rio, it reains silent on broadcasting rights.
Whatever the benefits, it sees clear that IP rights in general, and broadcasting rights in particular, will continue to play a key role in bringing in funds. If past experience is anything to go by, Rio 2016 not only proises new sporting achieveents, but also the breaking of new records in ters of profits produced fro the sale of broadcasting and other edia rights.
72 .The 2016 Olypics ______
A. proises to break any recordsB. will experience challenges in funding
C.proises to be the greatest in history D. will bring great benefits to Brazil
73.The World Cup Law and the Pele Law are different in that ______.
A.the forer is stricter than the latter in protecting IP rights
B.the World Cup Law allows the edia ore freedo to use the iages
C.the forer applies to advertising while the latter arketing
D.the Pele Law bans ore unauthorized association with the event’s arks
74.The writer introduces the World Cup Law ______.
A. by coparisonB. in order of iportance
C.by surveyD. in order of tie
75.The passage ainly talks about ______.
A.the advances that Brazil has ade in hosting sporting events
B.the efforts that Brazil is aking to protect the interests of IP right owners
C.the preparations that Brazil is aking for the 2016 Olypics
D.the challenges that Brazil is facing in investent to fund the sporting events
閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)以下提示:1)漢語提示,2)首字母提示,3)語境提示,在每 個(gè)空格內(nèi)填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)挠⒄Z單詞,并將該詞完整地寫在右邊相對(duì)應(yīng)的橫線上。所填單詞 要求意義準(zhǔn)確,拼寫正確。
A woan was waiting at an airport one day for her flight. She was
r ____a book with a bag of cookies beside her but happened76. ______
to see a an next to her seizing a cookie ____two fro the bag in77 ______
between the. She tried to ignore it as the cookie thief kept e ____78. ______
When only one cookie was ____, he took it and broke it into79. ______
halves. He offered her a half, and ate the o ____She was angry80. ______
and ____ (嘆息)with relief at the boarding tie. She gathered her81 ______
belongings and reached for her ____ (行李)82. ______
uch ____ her surprise, she found her cookies untouched!83. ______
“Those cookies weren’t ine. He tried to share, ____ (然而)”84. ______
she said to herself, “It is too J ____ to apologize.” She realized85. ______
she was the rude one, the thief.
照片是生活的縮影和記錄。英文報(bào)刊Happy Teens的SHARING專欄以“The Photo I Treasure”為題開展征文活動(dòng)。請(qǐng)從你的照片中挑選一張,撰文分享你和照片的故事。
The Photo I Treasure
Photos coe as a constant reinder of special oents in life._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/568246.html

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