2012年高考英語知識點必修二Module 5單元總復習教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
M 2012屆高考英語一輪單元總復習講義精品薈萃外研版必修二Module 5
① congratulation  n. 祝賀;祝賀詞(常用復數(shù))
(回歸課本P43)When Yang landed,Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations.
offer/send one’s congratulations to sb.on sth.
(2)congratulate v.祝賀
congratulate sb.on(doing)sth.向某人祝賀……
congratulate oneself on...暗自慶幸……
① We offered Mr.Wang our congratulations on his success in business.我們祝賀王先生生意興隆。
② You are admitted to Beijing University.Congratulations!
③We congratulated our monitor on being elected chairman of the Students’ Union.
①We congratulated_him on having passed the examination.
②We not only congratulated him on having passed the interview but also held a party to celebrate it.
1.(高考山東卷)?John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.
A.cheer up      B.well done
C.go ahead D.congratulations
解析:選D。此題考查交際用語。句意是:“我和約翰下個月將慶祝我們結婚四十周年。”“噢,恭喜!恭喜!”cheer up打起精神來;well done做得好;go ahead開始吧;congratulations祝賀;恭喜。
2.The two sportsmen congratulated each other________winning the match by shaking hands.
A.with        B.on
C.in D.to
解析:選B。each other 作congratulated的賓語,后面要接on sth.表示“祝賀”的原因。
② replace  vt. 把……放回(原處);取代,以……代替;更新
(回歸課本P44)In the second sentence,the word when can be replaced with at the time that.
在第二個句子中,when可以用at the time that代替。
take the place of=take sb,s place代替某人
instead of 代替;作為……的替換
in place of代替
① I don’t think that robots can be in place of human beings.
② They’re replacing the old windows with double glazing.
③He replaced the book on the shelf.
④Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.
3.John is ill and has been________ by Tom in our team in tomorrow’s football match.
A.replaced         B.recovered
C.realized D.reduced
4.Many substances are being used ________certain naturally occurring materials.
A.a(chǎn)t the place of B.in place
C.in place of D.in a place of
解析:選C。此處根據(jù)句意用in place of表示“代替”的意思。
③ delighted  adj. 高興的,快樂的
(回歸課本P45)...I am delighted to be here .
delight v.愉快n.高興,(快樂)的事
be delighted at/with/by sth.為某事高興
be delighted to do sth./that?clause很高興做某事
to one’s delight 令某人高興的是……
delight in (doing) sth.以(做)某事為樂
① I’d be absolutely delighted to come.
②Tom was delighted at the sensation he was creating.
③To his great delight, his novel was accepted for publication.
④(朗文P533)My dad took delight in calling me “The Big Ox” when I started growing taller than the other girls.
5.What ________them most was the________things in store for them.
6.________with what he had done ,the public thought highly of him.
A.Delight      B.Delighting
C.Delighted D.Being delighting
解析:選C。be delighted with“對……感到高興”。delighted為過去分詞作狀語。句意:人們對他所做的事情感到高興,并對他給予了高度評價。
④ produce v. 創(chuàng)作;生產(chǎn),制造;出產(chǎn);引起,產(chǎn)生 
n. 產(chǎn)品,(尤指)農(nóng)產(chǎn)品
(回歸課本P49)In the United States,newspapers usually have the name of the city where they are produced.
production n. 生產(chǎn),產(chǎn)量
produce sth.生產(chǎn)某物;引起某事;創(chuàng)作出某物等agricultural produce 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品
the production of...……的產(chǎn)量
①His announcement produced gasps of amazement.
②In this play Eliot produces some of his most expressive poetry.
③New medicines are producing remarkable results in the treatment of cancer.
①We need to increase the production of computers.
②The country’s main products are timber,coal and sugar.
③The factory produces an incredible 100 cars per hour.
④The shop sells only fresh local produce.
⑤in total 合計,共計,總共
(回歸課本P43)In total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.
total n.總數(shù),總量,總額adj.完全的,徹底的,全部的v.總數(shù)為,總共達,共計,total up (to)合計,總數(shù)達到,a total of 總數(shù)為……,in all 總計,總共,altogether總計
① The visitors totalled up to 8,000 a day.
②There were probably about 40 people there in total.
③(朗文P2182) A total of thirty neighbourhood meeting were conducted to discuss the issue.
④It is reported that more than six thousand people worldwide have died from H1N1 in total.
(1)They were jailed for thirty years in total.
They were jailed for__________ thirty years.
答案:a total of
(2)It’s like learning a completely new language.
It’s like learning a__________new language.
(3)There were probably about 40 people there in all.
There were probably about 40 people there __________.
解析:in all=in total 表示“總共;總計”。本句意為“那里總共可能有四十人左右!
答案:in total
⑥ believe in 相信;信任;信仰
(回歸課本P48) You don’t believe in aliens, do you?
believe it or not 信不信由你
I believe so/not.我相信/不相信。
trust in相信
①Do you believe in China’s traditional herbal medicine?
②(朗文P160)He believes in democracy.他相信民主。
③The Inuit believe in animal spirits.
④Believe it or not, there is no such things as standard English.
believe in,believe
(1)believe in“信任;信仰”,多指品德上的相信。
(2)believe表示相信某人的話、相信某事等,believe sb.=believe what sb.says“相信某人的話”。
①I believe_in you,so I believe what you said.
②I don’t _believe that everyone believes_in God.
8.As is known to all,he is honest.That’s why I ________him all the time.But I don’t ________what he told me this time.
A.believe;believe    B.believe in;believe
C.believe in;believe in D.believe;believe in
解析:選B。believe“相信(某人所說的話)”;believe in“依賴,信任”。
9. (高考安徽卷)I’m amazed to hear from my school teacher again.________,it is ten years since we met last.
A.In a word B.What’s more
C.That’s to say D.Believe it or not
① 【教材原句】 Now that I have made this first visit, I hope I can come many more times.(P45) 
【句法分析】 now that 表示“既然”,相當于since,在此引導原因狀語從句,其中that 可以省去。
①Now(that) you don’t understand it,why not ask for help?
②(朗文P1400)I’m going to relax now that the school year is over.
③Now the weather is fine,let’s go for a ride.
10.?Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?
?I don’t mind where we go ________there’s sun,sea and beach.
A.a(chǎn)s if          B.a(chǎn)s long as
C.now that D.in order that
解析:選B。句意:??暑假有什么打算???去什么地方都行,只要有陽光、大海和沙灘就可以了。as long as只要,引導條件狀語從句;as if 好像;now that 既然;in order that為了,不符合語境要求。
11.?________you like the car so much,why not drive it back?
?Well,I can’t afford________car.
A.Since;that a big
B.Now that;that big a
C.So long as;a that big
D.When;a big that
解析:選B。句意:??既然你那么喜歡那輛車,為什么不把它開回家呢???恩,我買不起那么大的車。now that 既然,that big中,that相當于so。故選B。
② 【教材原句】 Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.(P45)
昨晚天文愛好者David Bates 在用望遠鏡觀看月球,突然,他大吃一驚。
【句法分析】 when 在此處為并列連詞,意為“當時突然”,強調另一個動作的突然發(fā)生。常用于下列句式:
sb.be doing sth.when...
sb.be about to do sth.when...
sb.be going to do sth.when...
sb.had/have/has just done sth.when...
①I was walking along the river when I heard a drowning boy crying for help.
②I was about to leave when it began to snow.
③He was going to run away when the police came.
12.(高考全國卷Ⅱ) Tom was about to close the window __________his attention was caught by a bird.
A.when       B.if
C.a(chǎn)nd D.till
解析:選A。句意:湯姆正要關上窗戶,就在這時一只鳥引起了他的注意。在句式“...be about to do when...”中,when 作并列連詞,相當于and at that time,句中was about to do為標志詞,故答案為A項。
13.(高考福建卷)She had just finished her homework __________her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.
A.when       B.while
C.a(chǎn)fter D.since
解析:選A?疾檫B詞。句意:昨天她剛一做完家庭作業(yè),她媽媽就讓她去練鋼琴。when 在這里的意思是“一……就;剛……就”。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/56957.html

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