
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
必修1 Unit 1-2
Unit 1 Friendship
第一組:crazy, loose, calm, entirely, reason, thunder, share, German, habit, teenager, upset, communicate, outdoors, situation, advice
1 A group of Frenchmen and _________ are visiting Window to the World.
2 Please wait in line. Everyone will get his ________.
3 The doorknob (門把手) has come _________. Who will fix it?
4 Don’t always stay indoors. You’d better go __________ for fun time.
5 I once studied some Japanese at college, but I’m afraid that I’ve __________ forgotten it now.
6 Don’t scold him. After all, he is only a __________.
7 __________ often follows lightning.
8 People say that __________ is second nature.
9 China is going through good economic __________ these years.
10 Since you have question, why not turn to him for some __________?
11 My child spends most of the time playing online games. It really _________ me.
12 ___________ well with others is considered a kind of ability.
13 Seeing mother smiling at me among the audience, I felt _________ on the stage.
14 No one knew the __________ why he was absent from class a second time.
15 Seeing the famous film star appearing, all the fans became _________.
第二組:list, power, point, suffer, ignore, edotor, cheat, questionnaire, trust, dare
16 Do you know when President George Bush came into _________ ?
17 I __________ from a bad cold the other day. It took me days to get rid of it.
18 Only a few years after graduation my sister became the chief _________ with China Daily.
19 Can you design a ____________ to find out what kinds of friends your classmates like to make?
20 He is your father. How __________ you say to him like that?
21 Little Peter always lies to others. His classmates won’t _________ him anymore.
22 Mrs Wang wrote on the blackboard: No _________ in exams!
23 Mary got very unhappy, for other friends __________ her at the party.
24 I got 90 __________ in the final English exam.
25 Before going shopping you’d better make a _______of what you are going to buy.
add up (to) be concerned about go through set down a series of on purpose in order to according to get along with fall in love (with) join in have got to hide away face to face
1 We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met ___________.
2 It is nearly 11 o’clock yet he is not back. His mother ____________ him.
3 The Lius ___________ hard times before liberation.
4 ____________ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam.
5 I think the window was broken ___________ by someone.
6 You should ___________ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful.
7 They met at Tom’s party and later on ____________ with each other.
8 You can find ____________ English reading materials in the school library.
9 I am easy to be with and _____________my classmates pretty well.
10 They __________ in a small village so that they might not be found.
11 Which of the following statements is not right ____________ the above passage?
12 It’s getting dark. I ___________ be off now.
13 More than 1,000 workers ___________ the general strike last week.
14 All her earnings _____________ about 3,000 yuan per month.
Unit 2 English around the world
第一組:direction, command, lightning, block, request, accent, retell, recognize, standard, northwestern
1 ___________ is a kind of natural phenomenon.
2 Please read the __________ on the bottle before taking the medicine.
3 May and I are classmates, but we live in different _________.
4 Mao Zedong spoke with a strong Hunan __________.
5 When we met many years later I could hardly __________ Lily at the airport.
6 Gansu is a __________ province of China.
7 If you want to learn Chinese, you may learn from her. She speaks very ________ Chinese.
8 Will you please __________ the story to the whole class?
9 Visitors are ___________ not to touch the exhibits.
10 He lived in America for five years and has a good __________ of English.
第二組:rule, rapidly, apartment, government, subway, identity, international, vocabulary, include, present, native, actually
11 The population of that country is increasing ___________.
12 Our __________ must do something to stop the rising house prices.
13 The police are trying to discover the __________ of the killer.
14 Usually you will read faster if you have a bigger English _________.
15 All those _________ at the meeting are high officials.
16 _________, English is not so hard to learn if you put your heart into it.
17 _________ speakers of English are in good demand in our school.
18 Only ten boys passed the exam, _________ Peter and you.
19 My father likes me to major in __________ trade when I go to university.
20 Underground and _________ mean the same in English.
21 Englishmen say flat, while Americans say ____________.
22 India was once __________by Britain and won its independence in 1947.
play a …role (in) because of come up
such as even if play a …part (in)
1 Dujiangyan(都江堰) is still ___________in irrigation(灌溉) today.
2 That question ___________ at yesterday’s meeting.
3 Karl Marx could speak a few foreign languages, _________Russian and English.
4 You must ask for leave first __________ you have something very important.
5 The media _________ major ________ in influencing people’s opinions.
6 _________ years of hard work she looked like a woman in her fifties.
Unit 1
一 第一組: 1 Germans 2 share 3 loose 4 outdoors 5 entirely 6 teenager 7 Thunder 8 habit 9 situation 10 advice 11 upsets 12 To communicate 13 calm
14 reason 15 crazy
第二組:16 power 17 suffered 18 editor 19 questionnaire
20 dare 21 trust 22 cheating 23 ignored 24 points 25 list
二 1 face to face 2 is concerned about 3 went through 4 In order to
5 on purpose 6 set down 7 fell in love 8 a series of 9 am getting along with
10 hid away 11 according to 12 have got to 13 joined in 14 adds up to
Unit 2
一 第一組:1 Lightning 2 directions 3 blocks 4 accent 5 recognize 6 northwestern 7 standard 8 retell 9 requested 10 command
第二組:11 rapidly 12 government 13 identity 14 vocabulary 15 present 16 Actually 17 Native 18 including
19 international 20 subway 21 apartment 22 ruled
二 1 playing a part 2 came up 3 such as 4 even if 5 play a…role 6 Because of
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修1 Unit 3-5
Unit 3 Travel journal
第一組:properly, cycle, transport, insist, record, stubborn, brave, fare, familiar, camp
1 I live near our school. Sometimes I _________ to school.
2 I ________ that the rude shop assistant should apologize to me.
3 My daughter is so ________ that she cannot easily change her mind.
4 You only have to pay 20 yuan; children travel at half _________.
5 I signed up for the 2007 English Summer _________.www.
6 The notice is written in German. Is anyone _________ with the German language?
7 The boy was ________ enough to keep chasing after the thief with a knife.
8 Liu Xiang broke the world _________ for the men’s 110-meter hurdle.
9 If you get to Beijing, there are two kinds of ________ for you to choose—by air or train.
10 When you write it is important to use words _________.
第二組:determine, topic, plain, persuade, attitude, journal, shorts, altitude
11 Fighting against terrorism(恐怖主義) has become an important ______ throughout the world these years.
12 Can you think of ways to _________ him to give up the plan?
13 When people are travelling they often write about their travels, which is called travel _______.
14 The Everest has an ________ of 8844.34 meters, according to the latest survey.
15 After putting on a T-shirt and ________, he went out to play tennis.
16 If you want to pass the exams, you’d better change your ________ towards them.
17 The soil of the Northeast _______ is fertile(肥沃的) and fine corn, sorghum, and rice grow there.
18 Upbringing(培養(yǎng)) plays an important part in _________ a person’s character.
change one’s mind give in dream about
for one thing…for another be familiar to be determined to do
1 Since I was a child I _________ taking a space trip.
2 He failed again. _________, he didn’t have enough time.; _________, he couldn’t find people to help him.
3 I __________ go to a famous university in the future.
4 Finally the enemy had to ____________ to us.
5 This old song __________ those Chinese people who lived in the 60s.
6 She ___________ at last and promised to go together with us the next day.
Unit 4 Earthquakes
第一組:pond, fresh, brick, electricity, organize, injure, judge, shake, rise, speech, disaster, destroy
1 Let me write it down while it is still _________ in my mind.
2 Without __________ our life would be quite different today.
3 He got _________ in the right leg while playing football last week.
4 When an earthquake comes people can feel the house _________.
5 At Jerry’s party, Mr Smith delivered an amusing _________.
6 If a nuclear war should break out, it would bring a great _________ to man.
7 Most of the buildings _________ in the earthquake.
8 From yesterday on the temperature began to _________.
9 Never _________ a person only by his clothes.
10 Our class went on an _________ trip last Monday.
11 Stones and _________ are used to build a house.
12 The water in the small _________ froze and kids skated on it.
第二組:ruin, smelly, steam, honour, rescue, bury, shelter, dam, canal, burst, shock, prepare, mine
13 The clothes of those who smoke a lot are often __________.
14 Li Siguang is __________ as the father of geology in China.
15 After getting hanged Saddam Hussin _________ in his home town.
16 Three Gorges (峽)_______on the Changjiang River is a great project in the world.
17 Reading the letter, she _________ out crying.
18 The students are busy __________ for the New Year’s Day Evening.
19 Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________ accidents last year.
20 He was greatly _________ at the news of his uncle’s death.
21 The Grand ________ was built during the Sui Dynasty(隋朝).
22 It looks like rain. We’d better seek _________ from the rain.
23 Five soldiers were sent to _________ those skiers trapped in the snow.
24 _________ can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壺).
25 The bad weather _________ our trip.
right away at an end dig out
a number of thousands of give out
1 After a long walk we all __________.
2 __________ workers went on the strike(罷工), but I didn’t know the exact number.
3 Just wait for me on the spot; I will come ___________.
4 More than a dozen people ___________ of the avalanche(雪崩) alive.
5 When we arrived at the cinema, the film was nearly __________.
6 __________ people gathered on the square watching the fireworks.
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero
第一組:quality, cruelty, prison, blanket, vote, stage, degree, fight, reward, hero
1 The Society for the Prevention of _________ to Animals (SPCA 動(dòng)物保護(hù)協(xié)會(huì)) is a well known organization in the world.
2 The girl wrapped herself with a _________ to keep herself warm.
3 The famous actress first appeared on the _________ only in her teens.
4 The two boys who were _________ in the playground were ordered to stop.
5 People regarded him as a ________, for he saved a drowning 8-year-old boy out of a freezing lake.
6 You really deserve a _________ for being so helpful.
7 My uncle received a doctor’s _________of medicine in America in 1998 and returned to China the following year.
8 He obtained 89% of the __________ and was elected president of the Party.
9 Nelson Mandela was put in ________ a few times.
10 People often value the _________ of a product rather than its packaging.
第二組:active, criminal, advise, guard, accept, position, educated, period, president, willing
11 The _________ was charged with robbing a bank and sentenced to death.
12 Two soldiers _________ the government office building all the time.
13 My father was promoted to a higher _________ for his achievements.
14 I stayed in Japan for only a short _________ of time.
15 Those boys are so helpful that they are always ________ to help others.
16 George Bush was elected _________ of the USA a second time in 2004.
17 All my family are well _________, of whom my brother studied in Harvard University.
18 I am a Party member and never ________any bribe(賄賂) from others.
19 The doctor _________ me to take more exercise so that I can keep fit.
20 Some students are very ________ in answering teachers’ questions while others just keep silent when asked any question.
第三組:principle, sincerely, league, terror, youth, violence, peaceful, continue, fear, republic
21 I _________ hope that you won’t let me down.
22 To his ________, he found a figure coming towards him in the darkness.
23 What really worries those parents is that there is too much sex and _______ on TV.
24 The rain ________ falling all afternoon. But it came to a stop by dark.
25 PRC is short for the People’s _________ of China.
26 His son has been missing for five days and now police are beginning to _______ the worst.
27 After retirement she moved to the country and lived a ________ life.
28 The _________ play an important role in building our country.
29 I have been a ________ member for 3 years.
30 Stick to your ________ and tell him that you won’t do it.
lose heart in trouble worry about out of work
as a matter of fact blow up put…in prison
come to power set up be sentenced to
1 That building __________ yesterday and the police began to look into it.
2 Never _________; believe in yourself and keep up courage.
3 In America those who are __________ can live on relief(救濟(jì)金).
4 He is very helpful; he always helps those _________ out of difficulty.
5 He pretends to be making comment on the drawings, but ____________, he knows nothing about art.
6 Due to lots of thefts he was __________.
7 What I am _________ is whether I can find another job.
8 That chemical works, which _________ only two years ago, has been closed down recently, because it has brought lots of pollution.
9 Saddam Hussin _________ death in 2006.
10 This party __________ at the last election.
Unit 3
一 第一組:1 cycle 2 insisted 3 stubborn 4 fare 5 Camp 6 familiar 7 brave 8 record 9 transport 10 properly
第二組:11 topic 12 persuade 13 journal 14 altitude 15 shorts 16 attitude 17 Plain 18 determining
二 1 have dreamed about 2 For one thing; for another 3 am determined to
4 give in 5 is familiar to 6 changed her mind/gave up
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 fresh 2 electricity 3 injured 4 shaking 5 speech 6 disaster 7 were destroyed 8 rise 9 judge 10 organized 11 bricks 12 pond
第二組: 13 smelly 14 honoured 15 was buried 16 Dam 17 burst 18 preparing 19 mine 20 shocked 21 Canal 22 shelter 23 rescue 24 Steam 25 ruined
二 1 gave out 2 A number of/ Thousands of 3 right away 4 were dug out
5 at an end 6 A number of/ Thousands of
Unit 5
一 第一組:1 Cruelty 2 blanket 3 stage 4 fighting 5 hero 6 reward 7 degree 8 vote 9 prison 10 quality
第二組:11 criminal 12 guard 13 position 14 period 15 willing 16 president 17 educated 18 accept 19 advises 20 active
第三組:21 sincerely 22 terror 23 violence 24 continued 25 Republic 26 fear 27 peaceful 28 youth 29 league 30 principles
二 1 was blown up 2 lose heart 3 out of work 4 in trouble 5 as a matter of fact 6 put in prison 7 worying about 8 was set up 9 was sentenced to 10 came to power
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修2 Unit 1-2
Unit 1 Cultural relics
第一組:wonder, state, remove, remain, furniture, survive, fancy, cultural, style, design, jewel, vase, reception, vase, rare, dynasty
1 Matter has three ________: solid, gas and liquid.
2 All the passengers should ________ seated until the plane touches down.
3 It was a miracle that three persons ________ that big fire.
4 There are some _________ differences between the east and the west.
5 It was my father who _________the bridge.
6 Those few foreigners show great interest in this Chinese ________, dating back to 800 years ago.
7 Li Bai, a great ancient Chinese poet, lived in the Tang _________.
8 Our government has passed laws to protect the ________ wildlife that are dying out.
9 If you want to buy a house, you may come into the _________ room for further information.
10 Our company deals in kinds of ________.
11 The hotel has been redecorated but it’s lost a lot of its _________.
12 She didn’t ________the idea of going home in the dark.
13 After moving into the new apartment we will buy a new set of _________.
14 Will you please _________ the chair? It’s in the way.
15 It is no ________ that he failed again, for he had never studied hard.
第二組:treasure, mirror, sailor, consider, opinion, trial, evidence, doubt, prove, secretly, castle, pretend
16 Peter, what is that spot on your face? Just look at yourself in the _________.
17 I don’t like my present job, so I am _________ changing a new one.
18 The murderer was finally sentenced to death after a few _________.
19 Do you ________ that our class will beat theirs at the basketball match?
20 I told her _________ what had happened to him.
21 When he passed by, he _________ not to see me.
22 Your dream is nothing but “_________ in the air”.
23 What he said ________ that he was very honest and sincere.
24 There is convincing _________ of a link between exposure to the sun and skin cancer.
25 If you want my _________, I think you are crazy not to accept it.
26 Smith used to be a _________ in his twenties.
27 The police found buried ________ in the backyard of the white house.
look into belong to in search of in return
take apart think highly of make..into at war
1 That black suitcase on the floor _________ me.
2 That murder case is __________ by the police.
3 China was __________ with Japan at that time.
4 I gave him a nice gift _________ for his help.
5 All of us __________ Mary’s spoken English.
6 Groups of people went out ___________ the missing child.
7 Wood can be _________ fine paper.
8 We had to _________ the engine piece by piece for transport.
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
第一組:advertise, physical, compete, athlete, slave, honest, poster, relate, ancient, admit
1 Do you know anyone with a mental or ________ disability?
2 More ________ than ever before will take part in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games.
3 To be ________ with you, I don’t like the way he talks.
4 Much of the crime in this area is _________ to drug abuse.
5 Little Tom _________ having broken the window last night.
6 In _______ times, people used abacuses to calculate, which was slow.
7 What is written on that _________? Let’s go and have a look.
8 _________ were often forced to do heavy physical labor without any pay.
9 They are __________ against each other for the new contract.
10 We’ll __________ for new pupils. Our class starts at the beginning of the summer holiday.
第二組:host, stadium, silver, medal, interview, promise, replace, gymnasium, golden, magical
11 There is to be a football match at the City _________ this coming weekend.
12 To some players their goals is not only for a gold _________.
13 They arrived at 7.30 as they had _________.
14 After work I usually go to the _________ for exercise.
15 Her words had a ________ effect on us all.
16 My ________watch is not really made of gold.
17 Can you find an appropriate word to _________ this one?
18 More than 30 people were _________ for this job but only four were accepted.
19 They didn’t win a gold medal though they did their best. But luckily they got a _______ medal and a bronze one.
20 Five cities bid to _________ the 2014 World Universiade.
take part in a set of as well as
one after another run against
1 The students present at the lecture asked the professor questions _________.
2 I bought _________ china, which cost me a great deal.
3 He is a famous scientist ________ a well known writer.
4 I will _________ the other 10 boys in the 10,000-meter race.
5 Only five students were chosen to __________ the national math competition.
Unit 1
一 第一組:1 states 2 remain 3 survived 4cultural 5 designed 6 vase 7 Dynasty 8 rare 9 reception 10 jewels 11 style 12 fancy 13 furniture 14 remove 15 wonder
第二組:16 mirror 17 considering 18 trials 19 doubt 20 secretly 21 pretended 22 castles 23 proved 24 evidence 25 opinion 26 sailor 27 treasure
二 1 belongs to 2 looked into 3 at war 4 in return 5 think highly of
6 in search of 7 made into 8 take apart
Unit 2
一 第一組:1 physical 2 athletes 3 honest 4 related 5 admitted 6 ancient 7 poster 8 Slaves 9 competing 10 advertise
第二組:11 Stadium 12 medal 13 promised 14 gymnasium 15 magical 16 golden 17 replace 18 interviewed
19 silver 20 host
二 1 one after another 2 a set of 3 as well as 4 run against 5 take part in
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修2 Unit 3-5
Unit 3 Computers
第一組:wander, notebook, brain, technology, move, universally, create, artificial, material, totally, disagree, birth
1 A __________ computer, or a laptop computer usually costs more than a desktop computer.
2 We often talk of IT, which is short for information __________.
3 It is _________ accepted that English is an international language in the world.
4 Those ___________ flowers look like real ones.
5 You are __________ wrong on that point.
6 He was blind from _________ and couldn’t be cured.
7 What he said sounded unreasonable, so I _________ with him.
8 Why not try to find more reading ___________ to improve your comprehension ability?
9 The Bible said God ________ men.
10 It’s getting late; we have to make a ________.
11 Teachers spotted that he had a good _________ at an early age.
12 Lots of girls like _________ through the streets without buying anything.
第二組:mop, calculate, arise, common, coach, revolution, personally, mathematical, choice, intelligence, advantage, network
13 An abacus is the oldest type of __________ tool in China.
14 Mary is a very _________ English name for girls.
15 It was between 1966 and 1976 that the Cultural __________ took place in China.
16 This maths test, including 30 problems, can assess children’s __________ ability.
17 This child is clever and quick-minded, and he is of high _________.
18 The office _________ allows users to share files and software and to use a central printer.
19 Living in the country has also some __________, compared to living in the city.
20 It seemed that we had no __________ but to wait for the rain to stop.
21 _________, I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks.
22 You’d better find a _________ for one-to-one training to better your skills.
23 We keep them informed of any changes as they _________.
24 Peter, please _________ the floor. It is very dirty.
in common go by deal with in a way
make up with the help of after all watch over
1 Will you please _________ my child while I am out?
2 Those two brothers not only look alike, but also they have a lot _________.
3 When I am back to school from sick leave, I will _________ for the missed lessons.
4 __________, he has been very successful.
5 I cannot think of ways to __________ the salesman at the door.
6 I made great progress in English ___________ Mr. Lin.
7 Look! Little Tom is in tears. Don’t scold him. __________, he is only a boy of six.
8 Three months _________ before I knew about it.
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
第一組:bite, wildlife, whale, protection, affect, enemy, powerful, reserve, contain, area, insect, zone, suggest, stomach, apply
1 Everyone should realize the importance of __________ protection, because some animals are endangered.
2 Sunglasses can be a _________ to your eyes against the strong sunlight on hot summer days.
3 We should be kind to friends, but never show mercy to _________.
4 Wolong Nature ________ , Sichuan Province is one home to pandas.
5 China has an ________ of 9.6 million square kilometers.
6 Shenzhen Special Economic _________ was founded in 1980.
7 Oxen have four ________ while we human beings have only one.
8 Many college students _________ to work in the western China after graduation.
9 Her pale face ________ that she was sick, so I advised her to go to a doctor.
10 _________ are small creatures with six legs and a body divided into three parts.
11 Fresh fruit and vegetables ________ plentiful Vitamin C.
12 China is getting more and more ________ in the world.
13 Sex and violence in TV plays __________ the development of a child.
14 A _________ is the largest animal in the sea.
15 People say that barking dogs don’t ________ .
第二組:rub, butterfly, effect, recently, lazy, fierce, peace, loss, mosquito, drug
16 The idiom “ to have _________ in one’s stomach” means “ to have a nervous feeling before doing something”.
17 I have seen little of Mary _________.
18 A tiger is a very _________ kind of animal. However, it won’t attack you if you don’t.
19 Living near an airport may cause the ________ of hearing some day.
20 You can buy kinds of medicine at a ________ store.
21 Why not hang a ________ net over a bed to keep them away from you?
22 Although we had several quarrels, yet we made ________ later.
23 She is so _________; she seldom tidies up and cleans her house.
24 Proper ways of educating kids will have a good ________ on their character building.
25 Pupils are asked to ________ out the mistake if they find it wrong.
die out as a result (of) in peace in danger
protect…from pay attention to come into being
1 The new country _________ only two years ago.
2 He fell far behind other students ________ laziness.
3 The government is doing its best to _______ those rare animals _______ being hunted.
4 I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t _______ it.
5 Elephants would _________ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished.
6 Children’s lives are _________ every time they cross the road.
7 The two communities live together _________.
Unit 5 Music
第一組:saying, perform, form, advertisement, fan, folk, ability, stick, clap, attractive
1 The doctors are ________ an operation trying to save the dying man.
2 Jones would move to another city so she put an _________ in the newspaper to sell her house.
3 At college I majored in(主修) _________ literature.
4 What bad luck! My car got _________ in the mud on my way to the meeting.
5 She is an __________ woman and lots of men chase after her.
6 When he was singing the sweet song everyone _________ in time to the music.
7 I will try to do the job to the best of my ________.
8 Jay Chou has lots of ________ among young high school students.
9 Ten years of work in the country ________ the basis of his writing.
10 As the __________ goes, “Practice makes perfect.”
第二組:musician, instrument, loosely, passer-by, extra, reputation, afterwards, frog, unknown, earn
11 My sister takes an interest in music and she can play some musical ________.
12 Sorry, I don’t know where the post office is. I am a _________.
13 As soon as his first novel was published, he earned a ________.
14 ________ have very long back legs for jumping.
15 The old couple ________ their living by collecting and selling used plastic bottles.
16 X is often used to represent an _________ number.
17 After the lunch we parted, so I didn’t know what happened to him _________.
18 I get a low salary so sometimes I work ________ to earn more.
19 He fastened the belt ________ around his waist.
20 Beethoven, a great German _________, lived between 1770 and 1827.
dream of be honest with play jokes on or so break up by chance sort out stick to above all
1 The watch costs 200 yuan ________.
2 It was ________ that I found the jewel.
3 ________, make sure you keep in touch.
4 It is the kind of trip that most of us can only ________.
5 If you _________ others, they will help you a lot.
6 If you _________ the truth, you have nothing to fear.
7 The boys _________ Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldn’t find them.
8 Sentences can be ________ into phrases and phrases into words.
9 Please ________ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away.
Unit 3
一 第一組:1 notebook 2 technology 3 universally 4 artificial 5 totally 6 birth 7 disagreed 8 materials 9 created 10 move 11 brain 12 wandering
第二組:13 calculating 14 common 15 Revolution 16 mathematical 17 intelligence 18 network 19 advantages 20 choice 21 Personally 22 coach 23 arise 24 mop
二 1 watch over 2 in common 3 make up 4 In a way 5 deal with 6 with the help of 7 After all 8 went by
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 wildlife 2 protection 3 enemies 4 Reserve 5 area 6 Zone 7 stomachs 8 apply 9 suggested 10 Insects 11 contain 12 powerful 13 affect 14 whale 15 bite
第二組:16 butterflies 17 recently 18 fierce 19 loss 20 drug 21 mosquito
22 peace 23 lazy 24 effect 25 rub
二 1 came into being 2 as result of 3 protect…from 4 pay attention to
5 die out 6 in danger 7 in peace
Unit 5
一 第一組:1 performing 2 advertisement 3 folk 4 stuck 5 attractive 6 clapped 7 ability 8 fans 9 formed 10 saying
第二組:11 instruments 12 passer-by 13 reputation 14 Frogs 15 earn 16 unknown 17 afterwards 18 extra 19 loosely 20 musician
二 1 or so 2 by chance 3 Above all 4 dream of 5 are honest with 6 stick to 7 played jokes on 8 broken up 9 sort out
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修3 Unit 1-2
Unit 1 Festivals around the world
第一組:handsome, clothing, social, award, satisfy, national, gain, starve, watermelon, religious
1 Never believe in him; He is nothing but a wolf in sheep’s ________.
2 He was ________ the Hero of the City for having saved a boy from the big fire.
3 The March of the Volunteer(義勇軍進(jìn)行曲) is the Chinese ________ anthem.
4 Mum, I am _______. Is dinner ready?
5 ?What’s your _________ belief? ? Islam.
6 I like fruit, such as pineapples, mangoes, grapes and _______.
7 China didn’t ________ its independence until 1949.
8 Your answer is quite _________. I am satisfied with it.
9 She is very _________ and has a large circle of friends.
10 After selling the old car, I bought a new _______ one made in Germany.
第二組:feast, independence, agricultural, ancestor, admire, daily, Christian, rooster, lamp, gather
11 America declared its _________ on July 4, 1776.
12 In China Tomb-sweeping Day(清明節(jié)) is a day to be in memory of their _______.
13 These machines are inspected twice ________.
14 _________ has the same meaning as cock.
15 I am now _________ convincing information for my paper.
16 It was Edison who invented the electric _________.
17 Those who believe in Christianity are called _________.
18 I _________ him for his bravery and determination. He made it in the end.
19 The central government has made a series of _________ policies to encourage farmers to work the land.
20 They held a grand wedding ________ at a five-star hotel. More than 500 guests were invited.
第三組:weep, permission, couple, energetic, possibility, European, forgive, origin, obvious, drown, announcer, apologise, fool, sadness, arrival
21 Without my ________ anyone is not allowed to enter.
22 To get the job done, one should be ________ and dynamic(動(dòng)力的).
23 Britain, France and Germany are all developed _________ countries.
24 Do you know the _________ of the earth?
25 When the girl was saved up the shore, she was almost _________.
26 If you do something wrong you should ________ to others.
27 You were ________ enough to believe him.
28 On my _________ home I found the front door open.
29 At the news, he was lost in deep ________.
30 There came the ________ voice, “Flight for Beijing delayed due to thick fog”.
31 It was very _________ that he showed no interest in our plan.
32 Please ________ me for coming late.
33 Is there any _________ that our team will defeat theirs?
34 We haven’t seen each other for a ________ of days.
35 I ________ to see him looking so sick.
take place in memory of dress up look forward to day and night
as though have fun with keep one’s word hold one’s breath
1 Children often __________ the arrival of a holiday.
2 Mom, don’t worry about me. I am ___________ other boys.
3 The Olympic Games _________ every four years.
4 There is to be a get-together tonight. Please __________ for it.
5 That school was founded ___________ the famous scientist.
6 The couple worked ___________ to pay back their debt.
7 It looks ___________ it’s going to rain soon.
8 I ___________ to visit him the next day.
9 ___________ and count 1 to 10.
Unit 2 Healthy eating
第一組:limit, strength, fibre, mutton, slim, diet, gently, glare, energy, roast
1 He pushed against that big stone with all his _________.
2 We call the meat from a fully grown sheep _________.
3 Mary has been on a _________ for weeks but still hasn’t lost any weight.
4 The two men in the fight _________ at each other.
5 I prefer _________ chicken to stir-fried chicken(油爆雞).
6 Those players are resting on the grass to save up ________ for the next match.
7 The old man patted me on the head _________ and said, “Just keep up good work.”
8 You can make yourself thin by eating _________ foods
9 Vegetables are rich in _________.
10 There is a time _________; you must finish it in 30 minutes.
第二組:item, curiosity, packet, digestion, weakness, benefit, combine, research, balance, cucumber, customer, mushroom, sigh
11 The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of _________.
12 The child had a good _________, for he is hungry again 20 minutes after lunch.
13 You will _________ a lot from morning exercises.
14 The scientists are __________ into ways of improving people’s diet.
15 __________ and __________ are vegetables but not fruit.
16 “Oh, the match is lost this time. Hope we’ll have better luck next time,” she _____.
17 The waiters in the restaurant all know me—I am a regular _________.
18 Don’t be particular about food. A __________ diet is very important for health.
19 Hydrogen __________ with oxygen to form water.
20 It is very important to know your own strengths and _________.
21 The man is really a chain smoker; he smokes three _________ of cigarettes a day.
22 Please listen to that _________ of news; it has a lot to do with our job.
ought to throw away get away with tell lies get rid of earn one’s living in debt
1 Jack is addicted to gambling(賭博) and he is __________ to many of his friends.
2 Sometimes it takes days to __________ a cold.
3 As students we _________ devote our time to studies.
4 Never believe in those who like _________.
5 Granny Li used to _________ by selling newspapers.
6 If you do something wrong you cannot _________ it.
7 You can _________that old chair, for it is beyond repair.
Unit 1
一 第一組:1 clothing 2 awarded 3 national 4 starving 5 religious 6 watermelons 7 gain 8 satisfying 9 social 10 handsome
第二組:11 independence 12 ancestors 13 daily 14 Rooster 15 gathering 16 lamp 17 Christians 18 admire 19 agricultural 20 feast
第三組:21 permission 22 energetic 23 European 24 origin 25 drowning 26 apologise 27 fool 28 arrival 29 sadness 30 announcer’s 31 obvious 32 forgive 33 possibility 34 couple 35 wept
二 1 look forward to 2 having fun with 3 take place 4 dress up 5 in memory of
6 day and night 7 as though 8 kept my word 9 Hold your breath
Unit 2
一 第一組:1 strength 2 mutton 3 diet 4 glared 5 roast 6 energy 7 gently
8 slimming 9 fibre 10 limit
第二組:11 curiosity 12 digestion 13 benefit 14 researching 15 Cucumbers; mushrooms 16 sighed 17 customer 18 balanced 19 combines 20 weaknesses 21 packets 22 item
二 1 in debt 2 get rid of 3 ought to 4 to tell lies 5 earn her living 6 get away with 7 throw away
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修3 Unit 3-5
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note
第一組:character, pilot, permit, jealous, tiny, scene, novel, humour, servant, steak
1 The plane crash was caused by the ________ error.
2 She is very _________ of my success.
3 The movie opens with a _________ in a New York apartment.
4 This film is only funny if you appreciate American _________.
5 ?How would you like your ________ done? ?Medium(5分熟).
6 Ms Wang is so busy with her career that she is considering hiring a domestic(家里的) _________.
7 Jane always comes up with some _________ ideas at a meeting.
8 Only a ________ minority hold such extreme views.
9 You mustn’t park here without a parking _________.
10 The little boy can read and write more than 800 Chinese _________.
第二組:tale, dessert, appearance, stare, patience, director, indeed, manner, decade, spot, shoulder, barber, bow, scream, passage
11 _________ is sweet food served at the end of a meal.
12 The girl is _________ at the stranger with her eyes wide open.
13 Zhang Yimou is a well-known film _________in the world.
14 It is bad _________ to litter about.
15 I have just ________ a mistake on the front cover of the magazine.
16 I have my hair cut once a month at the _________.
17 People ran for the exits, _________ out in terror.
18 A dark narrow __________ led to the main hall.
19 All the people __________ down before the Emperor.
20 Life is so hard for Mrs.Jones. She has to _________ the double burden(擔(dān)子) of childcare and full-time work.
21 A _________ is a period of ten years.
22 A friend in need is a friend _________.
23 To do that work calls for great _________.
24 Never judge a person only by his clothes and __________.
25 The Match Girl by Andersen is a fairy _________.
make a bet go ahead (with) account for
to be honest in rags by accident get into trouble
1 Philip couldn’t __________ his absence from school, which made me angry.
2 He is fond of __________, but he loses every time he does so.
3 ?Could I use your phone for a while? --Sure, __________.
4 __________, he will never lie to any of us.
5 I got the news from Tom __________.
6 If you don’t want to _________, please stop doing it!
7 Look at that poor man dressed __________.
Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars
第一組:force, disappoint, system, surface, harmful, astronomy, gravity, publish, atmosphere, planet
1 His words _________ me and I lost hope for him.
2 He seems very honest on the _________ but actually he is not reliable.
3 There is still a lot that scientists don’t know or explain in the field of _________.
4 He posted his newly-written novel to a _________ house but received no reply.
5 There are eight _________ in the solar system.
6 When I entered the meeting room I sensed the _________ was unusual and everyone kept silent.
7 Do you know about Newton’s law of ________?
8 Drinking alcohol is ________ to people’s health.
9 In the Chinese education _________ exams are laid in the most important place.
10 Never _________ anyone to do anything he doesn’t want to.
第二組:telescope, development, oxygen, violent, presence, gradually, mass, spread, explode, solid, exist, float
11 With the _________ of science and technology people can enjoy the modern civilization fully.
12 Children should not be allowed to watch any ________ movie.
13 _________, he began to understand how silly he was to have done such a thing.
14 With the Internet news from every part of the world _________ rapidly.
15 Many of the students think that _________ geometry is too hard to learn.
16 A plastic bag was seen ________ in the water.
17 The scientists say that dinosaurs _________ millions of years ago but then died out suddenly.
18 A bomb _________ near the doorway of the restaurant from across the street.
19 When you are on the moon your ________ will be less than on the earth.
20 He sat in the front row and hardly noticed my ________.
21 Man cannot live without ________.
22 With the help of a ________ you can observe lots of stars in the sky.
in time prevent…from depend on cheer up now that break out
1 SARS _________ in the mainland of China in the year 2003.
2 ________ everyone is here, let’s start work.
3 I arrived there just _________ for the film.
4 Nothing can ________ him ________ carrying out the survey.
5 Anyhow, you can ________ him to give you a hand.
6 Give Mary a call; she needs ________.
Unit 5 Canada ?“The True North”
第一組:broad, booth, Atlantic, border, terrify, minister, dawn, downtown, queen, slightly
1 There is a phone ________ from across the shop, where you will be charged only 0.2 yuan per minute for a long distance call.
2 Six provinces ________ Hunan Province. They are Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Chongqing, Hubei, and Jiangxi.
3 Wen Jiabao is the present prime ________ of China.
4 I work ________, which is about a 20-minute ride away from here.
5 This city has a small population, only _________ over three hundred thousand.
6 In this country, it is not the king but the _______ who rules the people.
7 At ________, a scream for help woke up the people living next door.
8 The sight of a big snake almost ________ me to death.
9 There are four oceans in the world—the Pacific Ocean, the _______ Ocean, the Indian Ocean , and the Arctic Ocean.
10 The tall boy with blue eyes, curly hair and _______ shoulders is from France.
第二組:harbour, official, extremely, continent, distance, cowboy, wealthy, maple, frost, surround, flow
11 French and English are both ________ languages in Canada.
12 Of the seven _________, Asia is the largest, while Oceania is the smallest.
13 This film gives a description of the life of the western ________ in the 1970s.
14 The _________ leaf is the Canada’s national emblem(象征).
15 The police __________ the house and caught the kidnapper eventually.
16 She tried to stop the _________ of the blood from the wound.
17 What a freezing day! The car windows were covered with ________.
18 Bill Gates is the ________ man in the world.
19 In some western countries ________ is measured in miles.
20 Many college graduates find it _________ difficult to find a good job now.
21 Several boats lay at anchor(拋錨) in the ________.
settle down have a gift for figure out as far as in the distance
1 A small boat can be seen _________.
2 Five years later, the Smith family _________ in England.
3 _________ I am concerned, I like travelling.
4 I cannot ________ why he insisted on going together with me.
5 The child ________ music.
Unit 3
一 第一組:1 pilot 2 jealous 3 scene 4 humour 5 steak 6 servant 7 novel 8 tiny 9 permit 10 characters
第二組:11 Dessert 12 staring 13 director 14 manners 15 spotted 16 barber’s 17 screaming 18 passage 19 bowed 20 shoulder 21 decade 22 indeed 23 patience 24 appearance 25 tale
二 1 account for 2 making a bet 3 go ahead 4 To be honest 5 by accident
6 get into trouble 7 in rags
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 disappointed 2 surface 3 astronomy 4 publishing 5 planets 6 atmosphere 7 gravity 8 harmful 9 system 10 force
第二組:11 development 12 violent 13 Gradually 14 spreads 15 solid 16 floating 17 existed 18 exploded 19 mass 20 presence 21 oxygen 22 telescope
二 1 broke out 2 Now that 3 in time 4 prevent…from 5 depend on 6 cheering up
Unit 5
一 第一組:1 booth 2 border 3 minister 4 downtown 5 slightly 6 queen 7 dawn 8 terrified 9 Atlantic 10 broad
第二組:11 official 12 continents 13 cowboys 14 maple 15 surrounded 16 flow 17 frost 18 wealthiest 19 distance 20 extremely 21 harbour
二 1 in the distance 2 settled down 3 As far as 4 figure out 5 has a gift for
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修4 Unit 1-2
Unit 1 Women of achievement
第一組:medical, communication, welfare, behave, nest, achieve, rate, explain, condition, worthwhile
1 The heavy snow prevented _________ with the outside world for three days.
2 I hope my kids will _________ themselves while I am away.
3 Only by working hard can you _________ you goal in time.
4 The reason Peter _______ to us for his lateness was unreasonable.
5 It cost me a lot to travel around the world, but it was really ________, for it broadened my views.
6 That secondhand car in perfect ________ went well.
7 Most people walk at an average ________ of 5 kilometers an hour.
8 Birds often make their _________ in trees.
9 They would rather work than live on _________.
10 She attended a _________ school before becoming a physician.
第二組:specialist, observe, strike, institute, inspire, kindness, modest, respect, organization, connection, entertainment, consideration, deliver, campaign, argue
11 The police _________a man in black entering the bank.
12 My brother graduated from a university and was assigned to work at a research _________.
13 I can never repay (報(bào)答) your many ________ to me.
14 We should care for the young and ________ the elderly.
15 A man was arrested in ________ with the murder of the teenager.
16 We will surely take this matter into __________ at tomorrow’s meeting.
17 The young couple are always _________ with each other about money.
18 Yesterday the police began a _________ to stop taking drugs.
19 She was __________ of a healthy boy weighing 3 kilogrammes.
20 After work I relax myself by watching TV, listening to radio or taking part in other forms of _________.
21 The World Trade _________ was established in January, 1995.
22 She was very _________ about her success.
23 His paintings were clearly _________ by Monet’s works.
24 Those workers went on _________ for higher wages.
25 He is a _______ in Japanese history, so just turn to him if any question.
devote…to look down upon care for
be intended for concern oneself with argue for
1 This chair ________ you but she took it away.
2 Nowadays children ________ too much time _______ playing computer games.
3 The lawyer decided to ________ that poor man.
4 Although poor they should not _________.
5 She moved back home to ________ her elderly parents.
6 He ________ how the speaker set out his ideas in his report.
Unit 2 Working the land
第一組:nutrition, level, struggle, grain, suitable, hunger, exchange, summary, sunburn, export
1 According to the latest survey the Qomolangma is 8844.43 meters above sea ______.
2 We should try to save rice, never waste even a _______ of rice.
3 He died of ______ because he had not eaten for days.
4 We were asked to write a ________ after reading the long passage.
5 The toys produced in our factory are mainly ________ to European countries.
6 If you stay out in the scorching sun for some time then you will get ________.
7 Can I ________ my seat with you? I cannot see the blackboard clearly.
8 Shenzhen is really a modern city ________ for people to live in.
9 When seeing a boy ________ in the river I jumped into the water to save him.
10 The doctor gave us a lecture on the connection between food and _______.
第二組:pest, chemical, motorcycle, output, bacteria, certain, freedom, confuse, supply, expand, equip, whatever, reduce, mineral, circulate
11 The physical change is quite different from the ________ change.
12 The hybrid rice has a high ________ and over 60% of the rice produced in China each year is from this strain(品種).
13 A _______ Miss Wang called you this morning.
14 I am ________. Will you please explain it to me in an easy way?
15 In the past decade the population of Shenzhen is _________ very fast.
16 ________ happens, please call me in no time.
17 I am very thirsty. Please buy me a bottle of iced _______ water.
18 Rumours(謠言) began to ________ about his financial problems.
19 Our government is doing its best to ________ air pollution.
20 Our school library is well ________ with modern facilities(設(shè)施).
21 The residents were very annoyed because for no reason the water _______ was out of service.
22 Those slaves never stopped fighting for their ________.
23 ________ exist in large numbers in air, water, living and dead creatures and plants. They are often a cause of disease.
24 I like to ride my ________ to work, for it is much faster than a bike.
25 Farmers often use pesticides to kill ________.
rid..of be satisfied with lead a …life would rather refer to thanks to be rich in
1 _________ the doctor’s timely help, the boy was saved.
2 Since you don’t know the word, why not ________ a dictionary?
3 You have given the correct answer. I __________ it.
4 Before liberation people ________ miserable_______.
5 We must find ways to ________ the house _______ blackbeetles(蟑螂).
6 Vegetables ________ vitamins.
7 I _______ that he were here. I need his help.
Unit 1
一 第一組:1 communication 2 behave 3 achieve 4 explained 5 worthwhile 6 condition 7 rate 8 nests 9 welfare 10 medical
第二組:11 observed 12 institute 13 kindnesses 14 respect 15 connection 16 consideration 17 arguing 18 campaign 19 delivered 20 entertainment 21 Organization 22 modest 23 inspired 24 strike 25 specialist
二 1 was intended for 2 devote…to 3 argue for 4 be looked down upon 5 care for 6 concerned himself with
Unit 2
一 第一組:1 level 2 grain 3 hunger 4 summary 5 exported 6 sunburnt 7 exchange 8 suitable 9 struggling 10 nutrition
第二組:11 chemical 12 output 13 certain 14 confused 15 expanding 16 Whatever 17 mineral 18 circulate 19 reduce 20 equipped 21 supply 22 freedom 23 Bacteria 24 motorcycle 25 pests.
二 1 Thanks to 2 refer to 3 am satisfied with 4 led a …life 5 rid…of 6 are rich in 7 would rather
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修4 Unit 3-5
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
第一組:vast, swing, astonish, overcome, snowstorm, slide, whisper, pancake, content, boil, fortunate, cruel, mountainous
1 Look! Some children are riding on the roller-coaster; others are playing on the ______ .
2 She ________ injury to win the Olympic gold medal.
3 In English classes, we often show ________.
4 I had a ________ and a few steamed buns for breakfast.
5 As we know, water _________ at 100℃.
6 It was _________ of the mother to kill her own kid.
7 French has many ________ regions for skiing in winter.
8 I was so ________ to get the first prize that I felt very excited.
9 I am not ________ to stay in my present job so I am considering changing a new one.
10 She ________ to me that she was afraid to tell her mother the result.
11 On their way back to the campsite they were caught in a ________ .
12 It made me really _______ that he had known all about our secret plan.
13 Canada is a country with ________ land but less populous.
第二組:failure, bottom, fortune, particular, worn-out, sense, outstanding, chew, homeless, entertain, throughout, difficulty, direct
14 I thank you for your kindness from the ________ of my heart.
15 Some kids are very ________ about food, that’s, they don’t have a balanced diet.
16 Old Li is very popular with us, for he has a good ________ of humour.
17 After the operation you may find it hard to _________ and swallow(吞咽).
18 He _________ us all with a few interesting jokes.
19 I am a beginner of the English language and have some _________ with its pronunciation.
20 I am not sure whether there is a _________ train to Beijing, or you will have to transfer.
21 Basketball is played _________ the world. Lots of people go in for it.
22 After the severe flood, many people became ________ and they didn’t have food.
23 Lincoln is one of the _________ presidents of the American history.
24 Throw away your _________ shoes and buy a new pair.
25 He made a big ________ during the stay in South Africa.
26 The whole plan was completely a ________.
be content with badly off pick out cut off star in knock into
1 After the power was _______, she had to deliver the baby in the darkness.
2 Who do you think will _______ this film?
3 We ________ the excellent achievement you have made.
4 You shouldn’t complain so much. Other people are much ________ than you.
5 There are so many models on sale that I don't know which to ________.
6 Having a walk along the street, I ________ one of my friends who were working in the same city.
Unit 4 Body language
第一組:adult, yawn, curious, express, general, major, gesture, action, represent,chest
1 When people become tired or bored, they often ________.
2 My English is so poor that I can hardly ________ myself.
3 My car needs some _______ repairs, so it will be days before I get it back.
4 The bullet(子彈) hit him in the ________ and he died soon.
5 As a saying goes, ________ speak louder than words.
6 He ________ his country in the men’s 100-meter finals and won a bronze medal.
7 I don’t know their language but we can communicate with each other by using different ________.
8 The cooking oil is running out. Please go and get some at the ________ store nearby.
9 Young children are often ________ about everything new to them.
10 This film is for ________ only, so children under 18 are not allowed to see it.
第二組:stranger, avoid, facial, introduce, cheek, punish, similar, comedy, spoken, approach, touch, agreement, misunderstand
11 In order to ________ being robbed of your things, you’d better not go out at such a late hour.
12 He _________ me to a Greek girl at the party and soon we became good friends.
13 Whoever breaks the law should be _________.
14 This is a romantic ________ and gives us lots of laughter.
15 We heard the sound of a car ________.
16 In most countries people show __________ by nodding their heads up and down.
17 People from different cultures may sometimes _________ each other.
18 After seeing the film, I was _________ to tears.
19 As long as you keep practising speaking, your _________ English will become better and better.
20 I bought this hat yesterday. It is ________ to yours.
21 I kissed her on the _________ and said goodbye to her.
22 Just smile! You know a smile is the universal ________ expression.
23 We’ve told our daughter not to speak to ________.
be likely to at ease shake hands (with sb) in general
1 __________, Japanese cars are reliable and breakdowns are rare.
2 It _________ rain, for dark clouds are gathering.
3 People usually _________ when meeting for the first time.
4 I never feel completely ________ with him.
Unit 5 Theme parks
第一組:translator, jungle, various, brand, sneakers, theme, volunteer, creature, amuse, equipment
1 The plane crashed in the tropical _______and a few passengers miraculously survived.
2 What ________ of cellphone do you use? Moto.
3 The ________ of his lecture is to encourage young people to set goals in their life and try to achieve them with all efforts.
4 As humans, we should show respect for all living ________.
5 This library is fitted with modern _______; it offers us a pleasant place to read and study.
6 We were ________ by his funny stories at the party.
7 Are there any ________ to help clean the classroom?
8 Father bought me a pair of world famous _______ at a sports shop.
9 You can see ________ kinds of animals in the zoo.
10 As a ________, you should know both Chinese and English quite well.
第二組:athletic, minority, advanced, shuttle, souvenir, cloth, profit, fantasy, technique, charge, experiment, admission
11 China is a country with a total of 55 ________.
12 We take the ________ to and from work every day. It is very convenient
13 She likes to make a dress herself with the ________ she chooses.
14 Stop daydreaming and don’t live in a world of ________.
15 How much do you _______ me for a single room per night?
16 For kids under 6, no ________ is needed to the park.
17 The scientist is _________ with mice to test how well the new medicine works.
18 The new athlete’s ________ has improved a lot in the past season(賽季).
19 The company doubled its _______ in the year of 2006.
20 While visiting a scenic spot people often buy some ________.
21 _________ ways of management must brought in to improve the efficiency(效率).
22 I work out at the gym to build up an ________ build(體格).
come to life get close to a variety of be involved in
1 When I ________ the tiger, I became scared.
2 He resigned (辭職) for ________ reasons.
3 It is said that our manager ________ the bribe case.
4 After hours of treatment the patient ________.
Unit 3
一 第一組:1 swing(s) 2 overcame 3 slides 4 pancake 5 boils 6 cruel 7 mountainous 8 fortunate 9 content 10 whispered 11 snowstorm 12 astonished 13 vast
第二組:14 bottom 15 particular 16 sense 17 chew 18 entertained 19 difficulty 20 direct 21 throughout 22 homeless 23 outstanding 24 worn-out 25 fortune 26 failure
二 1 cut off 2 star in 3 are content with 4 worse off 5 pick out 6 knocked into
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 yawn 2 express 3 major 4 chest 5 actions 6 represented 7 gestures
8 general 9 curious 10 adults 11 avoid 12 introduced
第二組:13 punished 14 comedy 15 approaching 16 agreement 17 misunderstand 18 touched 19 spoken 20 similar 21 cheek 22 facial 23 strangers
二 1 In general 2 is likely to 3 shake hands 4 at ease
Unit 5
一 第一組:1 jungle 2 brand 3 theme 4 creatures 5 equipment 6 amused 7 volunteer(s) 8 sneakers 9 various 10 translator
第二組:11 minorities 12 shuttle 13 cloth 14 fantasy 15 charge 16 admission 17 experimenting 18 technique 19 profit 20 souvenirs 21 Advanced 22 athletic
二 1 got close to 2 a variety of 3 is involved in 4 came to life
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修5 Unit 1-2
Unit 1 Great scientists
第一組:movement, construction, theory, cure, absorb, engine, positive, contribute, characteristic, control
1 The new tunnel hasn’t been finished; it is still under _________.
2 It is said that this kind of new medicine can _________ people of heart disease.
3 _________ are to machines what hearts are to animals.
4 As we know, exercise _________ to better health.
5 The hotel fire was completely under _________ the moment the firemen arrived.
6 The need to communicate is a key _________ of human society.
7 I am a witness. I am _________ about what time it happened.
8 He seemed totally _________ in that book. When I came in he didn’t notice me at all.
9 According to the _________ of relativity, nothing travels faster than light.
10 Wearing loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _________.
第二組:handle, serve, enthusiastic, scientific, analyse, complete, blame, valuable, spin, conclude
11 She is a ________ woman who never smiles.
12 They didn’t draw a conclusion until carrying out lots of ________ experiments.
13 It came as a _________ surprise to me. I never thought of that.
14 This kind of gold watch is really _________. It costs a lot of money to buy one.
15 He _________ his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home.
16 Suddenly the plane was _________ out of control.
17 Who is to _________ for this road accident?
18 It took us a long time to _________ what went wrong. And eventually we knew the problem.
19 She was even less _________ about going to Japan.
20 She turned the _________ and opened the door.
第三組:cautious, repeat, reject, pump, virus, announce, expose, defeat, instruct, radium
21 I _________ three times but he still couldn’t remember it.
22 This engine is used for _________ water out of the mine.
23 The government _________ yesterday to the media plans to create a million new jobs.
24 This is the first time that our team has been _________ at basketball match.
25 Madame Curie is always remembered by people as the discoverer of _________.
26 You will be _________ where to go as soon as the car is ready.
27 Don’t _________ yourself to strong sunlight; it will harm your skin.
28 He was seriously ill because of a _________ infection.
29 This proposal was firmly _________ at the meeting.
30 He is very _________ about committing(承諾) himself to anything.
put forward draw a conclusion in addition link…to…
apart from be strict with lead to make sense point of view
1 You must organize your composition well. _________, you should pay attention to your handwriting.
2 What he thought and said didn’t ________.
3 It was because of his carelessness that _________ his failure.
4 My boss _________ me in my new work.
5 He was brave enough to _________ objections at the meeting.
6 Peter, what’s your __________ on that matter?
7 __________ Changjiang and Huanghe there are many other rivers in China.
8 After reading the article once again he __________.
9 You may _________ your mobile phone __________ a computer.
Unit 2 The United Kingdom
第一組:consistent, communism, clarify, fold, influence, collection, delight, unite, smart, unfair, puzzle, available, construct
1 It was Karl Marx who developed ________.
2 Please ________ down the blanket and put it into the closet.
3 I have a larger ________ of coins than he has.
4 Two parties _________ to oppose the government’s plans.
5 It was ________ for the mother to treat her five kids unequally.
6 The newly-developed software is ________ to all PC users. It is cheap and easy to install.
7 The old bridge _________ in the 1950s was washed away during the floods last week.
8 The math problem _________ both the teacher and his students.
9 Mr. & Mrs. Jones were wearing their _________ clothes for the grand party.
10 He won the game easily, to the __________ of all his fans.
11 Proper ways of education have positive _________ on children’s growth and development.
12 I have _________ my intention of leaving the company.
13 The results are entirely _________ with earlier research.
第二組:debate, loyal, attraction, project, statue, legal, wedding, error, splendid, uniform, thrill, arrange, convenience
14 That plane belongs to British ________ Forces.
15 I am occupied in writing a new research _________.
16 According to Chinese _________ systems, the suspect must be sentenced to death.
17 I think you have made an _________ in calculating the total.
18 Students are asked to wear school _________ at school.
19 Our _________ marriage came to an end in the year of 2006.
20 This flat is equipped with modern __________.
21 It gave me a big ________ to meet my favorite author in person.
22 They bought a ________ apartment by the sea, which cost them lots of money.
23 The old couple got married thirty years ago. Yesterday was their 30th _________ anniversary.
24 The _________ of Liberty was presented to the United States of America by France.
25 The Window to the World is a famous _________ to visitors from both home and abroad.
26 The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly __________by scientists.
consist of divide..into… break away (from) leave out take the place of break down
1 China _________ 23 provinces, 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions.
2 Miss Wang _________ Mrs. Liu to give us a lesson.
3 __________ sentences which are unnecessary in the essay.
4 Mum _________ the apple _________ four parts, so everyone got his share.
5 Negotiations between these countries finally __________.
6 I persuaded him to _________ the gang and be a good man.
Unit 1
一 第一組:1 construction 2 cure 3 Engines 4 contributes 5 control 6 characteristic 7 positive 8 absorbed 9 theory 10 movement
第二組:11 severe 12 scientific 13 complete 14 valuable 15 concluded 16 spinning 17 blame 18 analyse 19 enthusiastic 20 handle
第三組:21 repeated 22 pumping 23 announced 24 defeated 25 radium 26 instructed 27 expose 28 virus 29 rejected 30 cautious
二 1 In addition 2 make sense 3 led to 4 is strict with 5 put forward 6 point of view 7 Apart from 8 drew a conclusion 9 link…to
Unit 2
一 第一組:1 communism 2 fold 3 collection 4 united 5 unfair 6 available 7 constructed 8 puzzles 9 splendid/smart 10 delight 11 influence 12 clarified 13 consistent
第二組:14 Loyal 15 project 16 legal 17 error 18 uniforms 19 arranged 20 conveniences 21 thrill 22 splendid 23 wedding 24 Statue 25 attraction 26 debated
二 1 consists of 2 took/takes the place of 3 Leave out 4 divided…into 5 broke down 6 break away from
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-必修5 Unit 3-5
Unit 3 Life in the future
第一組:swift, extraordinary, agency, bend, carriage, constantly, previous, vehicle, press, helmet
1 Sun Yat-sen was a truly ________ man in the Chinese history.
2 Please mark the pipe where you will ________ it.
3 As you know, fashion is ________ changing.
4 In front of the hotel are rows of parked ________.
5 People are often asked to wear _________ when riding motorbikes.
6 The ________ conference is to be held between 9:00 am and 10:00 a.m. next Monday.
7 Anyone can do this job. No ________ experience is needed for it.
8 This is an express train with 18 ________.
9 You may turn to a travel _________ for information about traveling abroad.
10 Don’t hesitate; you need to make a _________ decision.
第二組:private, tablet, surroundings, mud, flash, skip, require, master, temple, capsule
11 The doctor told me to take two ________ with water before meals.
12 My car got stuck in the ________ and couldn’t get out.
13 Since you have learned this chapter, let us _________ it and begin the next chapter.
14 I received my _________ degree for economics in Beijing University.
15 Those miners were brought up from the mine in a special _________.
16 That old _______ with a history of more than 300 years is visited by lots of people every day.
17 The height of the desk ________ adjusting a little lower.
18 A neon(霓虹燈) ________ on and off above the door.
19 My hometown lies in a small village with nice _________. I enjoy living there.
20 The number of Shenzheners who have ________ cars has reached 1 million.
第三組:length, herb, switch, impression, mask, lack, optimistic, settlement, lemonade, jet
21 I like to drink tea mixed with _______. It smells fragrant.
22 If you don’t like this channel, just ________ to another one.
23 She succeeded because she had the determination that her brother ________.
24 The management and the unions have reached a ________ over new working conditions.
25 ?What kind of drink would you like? ?A glass of ________, please.
26 The two sides are not too ________ about the result of the negotiation.
27 The robbers were wearing stocking ________ when they robbed the bank.
28 His words left me the ________ that he didn’t like the plan at all.
29 In our school each class is 40 minutes in ________.
30 The accident happened as the ________ was about to take off.
remind…of lose sight of sweep up speed up assist in catch sight of take up
1 Wang Ping ran very fast and soon I ________ him.
2 Since retirement Old Wang ________ gardening.
3 After the train pulled out of the station it soon ________.
4 They greatly _________ searching for the missing boy.
5 This old photo _________ me ________ my college days.
6 We’ll make our bathroom more comfortable if we _______ the mess every day.
7 I _________my brother immediately among the crowd, for he was very tall!
Unit 4 Making the news
第一組:edition, process, chief, reporter, guilty, acquire, course, section, occupation, department, approve
1 Before he became the ________ editor of the newspaper he was a journalist.
2 I often read the electronic _________ of Shenzhen Daily on the internet.
3 The judge announced the man not _________ and then he was set free.
4 Tomato-egg soup is the last _________ of our dinner.
5 The Japanese _________of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.
6 The new edition textbook is _________ by the Department for Education.
7 Months later I was appointed manager of the sales _________ of our company.
8 I glanced over the sports _________ of China Daily.
9 From whom did you _________ the latest information?
10 Our chief editor is having a friendly talk with those _________ from New York Times.
11 I sent three rolls of film away to be ________.
第二組:technical, employ, task, appointment, meanwhile, photograph, profession, trade, intention, thorough, accurate
12 Learning is the main ________ for us high school students.
13 We will offer free _________ support for those buying our software.
14 There are 20 minutes to go before the meeting. _________, I want to have a drink of coffee.
15 He was an electrician by _________.
16 I have no ________ of leaving the city. On the contrary, I do like this city.
17 My watch is not ________. I am afraid it needs fixing.
18 Miss Wang did a ________ investigation of who broke the classroom windows.
19 A few years ago China became a member of the World _________ Organization.
20 Shenzhen is a beautiful city. I spent a whole day taking _________ of it.
21 In some countries you must make an _________ before going to a doctor.
22 Since how long ago have you been _________ in this factory?
第三組:deliberately, gifted, normal, recorder, note, colleague, seldom, senior, eager, polish, case, crime
23 Lisa is a very _________ girl for music. She can play the piano very well though very young.
24 Now when we enjoy music we use DVD but don’t often use the tape ________to play cassettes..
25 We are friends and ________ for many years. We are getting on quite well.
26 After graduating from a junior middle school I went to a key _________ middle school in our city.
27 My article was carefully _________ and checked before release(發(fā)表).
28 Anyone who commits a ________ shall be punished.
29 You probably won’t need to call, but take my number, just in _________.
30 After the exam all the students were ________ to know their results.
31 I don’t like films, so I ________ go to the cinema.
32 Please ________ that the new law will come into effect on July 1st.
33 It is ________ to feel tired after such a long trip.
34 I have been _________ ignoring her all day, so she is very upset.
concentrate on accuse …of so as to (do sth) defend against have a nose for be supposed to
1 He moved to live with the disabled man _________ take care of him.
2 Mike is a reporter who _________ those film and TV stars’ love affairs(誹聞)..
3 Johnson was _________ murder by the police and condemned to 10 years in prison.
4 He _________ be a college graduate but he knew nothing of history.
5 The law allows people to _________ themselves _________ a charge.
6 In this chapter I shall _________ the early years of Charlie’s reign(王朝).
Unit 5 First aid
第一組:mild, throat, bandage, jewellry, ceremony, liquid, injury, aid, radiation, present, wounded
1 I cannot raise my voice, for I have got a sore ________.
2_________is a personal ornament, such as a ring, necklace, bracelet, made from jewels, precious metals or other substances
3 Matter has three states—solid, gas and ________.
4 With the _________ of my English teacher I have made rapid progress in English.
5 The family _________ an ancient sword to the museum.
6 Those _________ soldiers were sent to the nearest hospital for treatment.
7 It is said that you will be affected by the ________ if you talk on the mobile phone for long.
8 Be careful with the knife. Or you will do yourself an ________ .
9 Some high officials were invited to the opening _________ of Shenzhen Hi-tech Fair.
10 His legs were seriously hurt and were _________ up. He could only stay in bed.
11She is a _________ woman who never shouts to others. We all like being with her.
第二組:pressure, bleeding, tissue, bravery, choke, symptom, electric, iron, kettle, ankle, towel
12 I cut my finger while cutting the apple and it was ________.
13 He saved the girl from the burning house. We all admired him for his _________.
14 Headache, cough and a running nose are all cold _________.
15 I need to _________ the dress before I can wear it.
16 While playing football yesterday afternoon I sprained my ________ and it hurt a lot.
17 After the bath you’d better dry yourself with a __________.
18 She carelessly knocked over a _________ full of boiling water on his legs.
19 It was Edison who invented the _________ light.
20 The man almost _________ to death in the thick smoke.
21 Will you please bring me a box of _________? My nose is running.
22 You shouldn’t work under great _________all the time. Try to relax yourself.
第三組:treatment, wrist, authentic, essay, swell, sleeve, organ, poison, ambulance, damage, damp
23 My _________ aches. I can hardly move my hand.
24 Her face ________ up where the bee had stung her.
25 Eyes, nose, and ears are the sense _________ of the human body.
26 He fell ill and had trouble breathing. So his family called 120 for help and then an __________ arrived immediately.
27 The house is very cold and _________. If you live here for long you will probably suffer from rheum arthritis(風(fēng)濕性關(guān)節(jié)炎).
28 The desk was _________. Who can fix it?
29 Some mushrooms contain a deadly _________. Never eat them.
30 In summer people usually wear shirts with short ________.
31 He wrote an _________ on the causes of the First World War.
32 There is a sewage(污水) _________ plant in the west of the city.
33 I am interested in collecting valuable paintings, but I don’t know if this one is _________.
fall ill over and over again in place squeeze out a number of put one’s hands on
1 He __________, so his wife called for first aid.
2 When you finish reading my books please put them _________.
3 Don’t ask me such silly questions __________.
4 __________ middle school students signed up for the English Summer Camp.
5 Peter, I cannot ___________ any blank paper for you.
6 I took off my wet clothes and _________ water.
Unit 3
一 第一組:raordinary 2 bend 3 constantly 4 vehicles 5 helmets 6 press 7 previous 8 carriages 9 agency 10 swift
第二組:blets 12 mud 13 skip 14 master’s 15 capsule 16 temple 17 requires 18 flashed 19 surroundings 20 private
第三組:rbs 22 switch 23 lacked 24 settlement 25 lemonade 26 optimistic 27 masks 28 impressions 29 length 30 jet
二 1 lost sight of 2 has taken up 3 speeded up 4 assisted in 5 reminds …of
6 sweep up 7 caught sight of
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 chief 2 edition 3 guilty 4 course 5 occupation 6 approved 7 department 8 section 9 acquire 10 reporters 11 processed
第二組:12 task 13 technical 14 Meanwhile 15 profession/trade 16 intention 17 accurate 18 thorough 19 Trade 20 photographs 21 appointment 22 employed
第三組:23 gifted 24 recorder 25 colleagues 26 senior 27 polished 28 crime 29 case 30 eager 31 seldom 32 note 33 normal 34 deliberately
二 1 so as to 2 has a nose for 3 accused of 4 was supposed to 5 defend…against 6 concentrate on
Unit 5
一 第一組:1 throat 2 Jewellry 3 liquid 4 aid 5 presented 6 wounded 7 radiation 8 injury 9 ceremony 10 bandaged 11 mild
第二組:12 bleeding 13 bravery 14 symptoms 15 iron 16 ankle 17 towel 18 kettle 19 electric 20 choked 21 tissues 22 pressure
第三組:23 wrist 24 swelled 25 organs 26 ambulance 27 damp 28 damaged 29 poison 30 sleeves 31 essay 32 treatment 33 authentic
二 1 fell ill 2 in place 3 over and over again 4 A number of 5 put my hands on 6 squeezed out
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-選修6 Unit 1-2
Unit 1 Art
第一組:predict, abstract, ridiculous, symbol, avenue, consequently, attempt, sculpture, value, religious
1 Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (相對論)was so __________ that few people could understand it at that time.
2 White has always been a __________ of purity in Western cultures.
3 We arrived at Shenzhen terribly late, and ___________, we had to find a hotel for that night before going to see Mr. Wang the next day.
4 The Goddess of Liberty (自由女神) is a famous __________ in America representing freedom.
5 Christianity is one of the most important __________ in the west.
6 That oil painting is of great __________, and it is expected to go for at least $5,000.
7 The thief ____________ to enter the house through the open window but he failed.
8 There is a five-star hotel on Fifth ___________.
9 His explanation is so _____________ that no one accepted it.
10 The weathermen don’t always ___________ how the weather will be next day.
第二組:controversial, contemporary, geometry, possession, scholar, convince, aggressive, permanent, exhibition, civilization
11 Before the war people all transferred their ___________ to safer places.
12 We had more than three discussions about the highly ____________ topic.
13 Sally is very ___________ and she has become such a successful business woman.
14 The environmental damage threatens the whole of ____________.
15 Fortunately, the accident didn’t bring any _____________ damage.
16 What he said ___________ me that he was sincere.
17 The new _____________ will tour a dozen US cities next year.
18 I am no ___________ enough to know what that saying means.
19 I take an interest in ____________ fiction(小說) and drama.
20 Solid ____________, which is not so easy to learn, is a branch of mathematics.
一、 把下列短語填入每個(gè)句子的空白處(注意所填短語的形式變化):
focus on a great deal scores of in the flesh a bunch of
take the place of lead to break away from in the future feel like
1 It is said that the film Curse of the Golden Flower is really a blockbuster. I ___________ seeing it.
2 We Chinese teachers of English usually________ much ________ grammar.
3 There is no telling what will happen ___________.
4 I am feeling _________ better today. I want to go back to work.
5 Hard work ___________ success.
6 She gave me ____________ roses on my birthday.
7 You should try to ____________ those bad habits.
8 I have been to Beijing ____________ times; but I have never been to Shanghai.
9 I imagine meeting the famous film star ____________.
10 Computers ____________ typewriters in most offices.
Unit 2 Poems
第一組:transform, warmth, cottage, underline, poem, diamond, anger, aspect, appropriate, sparrow
1 Please explain the ____________word in the sentence.
2 That thing would ___________ my life forever.
3 My necklace is made of __________. It is worth a lot of money.
4 I couldn’t find an ___________ word to express myself.
5 As a young boy I used to catch ___________ with a sieve (篩子) on snowy days.
6 I am happy to see that you can look at a problem from every ___________.
7 My father tried not to show his __________.
8 This is an 18th century _________, which has a special style.
9 Li Bai, an ancient poet, wrote lots of famous Tang ________.
10 It was such a cold day that animals huddled(依偎) together for ___________.
第二組:branch, pattern, convey, salty, rhyme, tease, sorrow, recite, balloon, compass
11 The Bank of China has some overseas __________.
12 I can’t think of a ___________ for the word “flood”.
13 To my __________, he died in an unexpected accident.
14 Kids often like to play with ___________, painted with different colors.
15 It was amazing that that boy could ___________ over 200 Chinese poems.
16 A ___________ is an instrument for finding direction, with a needle always pointing north.
17 Don’t be unhappy; I was only __________.
18 Please __________ my greetings to your family.
19 Why is the dish so ___________?
20 Don’t follow the same __________ but try to be creative.
take it easy run out (of) make up of translate …into
be delighted with day by day bow to sb. make sense
1 I think this poem is about things that don’t ____________.
2 Just ____________. You will be all right after taking those medicine.
3 He never ____________ the cruel enemies.
4 The cooking oil _____________. Will you go to the corner store to get some?
5 My parents _____________ the progress I had made in maths.
6 The novel _____________quite a few foreign languages last year.
7 His condition improved ____________.
8 Great Britain ___________ four countries—Scotland, England, Wales and the Northern Ireland.
Unit 1
一 第一組:1 abstract 2 symbol 3 consequently 4 sculpture 5 religions 6 value 7 attempted 8 Avenue 9 ridiculous 10 predict
第二組:11 possessions 12 controversial 13 aggressive 14 civilization 15 permanent 16 convinced 17 exhibition 18 scholar 19 contemporary 20 geometry
二 1 feel like 2 focus…on 3 in the future 4 a great deal 5 leads to 6 a bunch of 7 break away from 8 scores of 9 in the flesh 10 have taken the place of
Unit 2
一 第一組:1 underlined 2 transform 3 diamond 4 appropriate 5 sparrows 6 aspect 7 anger 8 cottage 9 poems 10 warmth
第二組:11 branches 12 rhyme 13 sorrow 14 balloons 15 recite 16 compass 17 teasing 18 convey 19 salty 20 pattern
二 1 make sense 2 take it easy 3 bowed to 4 has run out 5 were delighted with
6 has been translated into 7 day by day 8 is made up of
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-選修6 Unit 3-5
Unit 3 A healthy life
第一組:basic, pregnant, comprehension, cigarette, alcohol, chemist, female, stress, quit, perfect
1 __________ contain a kind of nicotine, which gets people addicted.
2 On some buses there are special seats for those __________ women.
3 Textile factories often employ more __________ than males.
4 Practice makes _________ is an English saying.
5 Peter __________ this job for a better one.
6 I never drink except for some low-- ___________ beer.
7 Things can easily go wrong when people work under __________.
8 I will get some medicine at the __________.
9 My knowledge of French is pretty ___________.
10 His behavior was completely beyond ___________.
第二組:production, eventually, needle, ashamed, manage, adolescent, mental, illegal, automatic, judgement
11 You should be __________ of yourself for telling such lies.
12 This book includes 20 stories of __________ boys and girls.
13 We can draw money from __________ teller machines (ATM) at any time instead of visiting a bank.
14 After six days of hard work the project was ___________ finished.
15 She showed a lack of __________ when she gave Tom the job.
16 This hospital treats those patients with __________ illness.
17 This new model mobile phone will be in ___________ by the end of the year.
18 It is ___________ to drive without a driver’s license.
19 Thanks all the same. I can ___________ by myself.
20 Never share your___________ with anyone else when you inject drugs.
due to be addicted to be accustomed to decide on in spite of
take risks get into stand for remind …of reach for do damage to
1 The flight was delayed _____________ the foggy weather.
2 We finally ____________ the matter after careful discussion.
3 Many kids easily ____________ the bad habit of playing computer games all day.
4 Workers are still busy with their work ____________ hot weather.
5 The old photo _________ me _________ my college days.
6 I __________ the English—Chinese dictionary on the bookshelf but it was too high.
7 Since entry into high school I ___________ getting up early.
8 Never try drugs, otherwise you will ____________ them.
9 What does “it” ___________ in the last sentence?
10 To tell you the truth, I don’t want to ____________.
11 Smoking ___________ people’s health.
Unit 4 Global warming
第一組:state, catastrophe, decrease, Fahrenheit, widespread, fuel, phenomenon, glance, consequence, climate
1 32 degrees _____________ is equal to 0 degrees Celsius(Centigrade).
2 Terrorism(恐怖主義) is a ______________ of the 20th century.
3 Oil, coal, natural gas, charcoal are all common _____________.
4 The 1976 Tangshan earthquake was a ____________ to China.
5 I like the _____________ of Shenzhen. It has an average temperature of 20℃.
6 The _____________ of people cutting down lots of trees is that land is easy to wash away when it rains and more land will turn into desert.
7 It was ___________ that London would host the 30th Summer Olympics.
8 At first ___________, the math problem seemed easy.
9 This reform has received ____________ support throughout the country.
10 The species of bird is ____________ in numbers every year.
第二組:nuclear, steady, average, title, existence, pollution, graph, disagreement, microwave, electrical
11 China is developing fast, and it has had five years of _________ economic growth.
12 Pakistan came into ____________ as an independent country after the war.
13 My brother worked as an ____________ engineer after graduating from college.
14 Noise ___________ will damage people’s hearing.
15 The soup is cold; please reheat it in the ____________.
16 The White House is strongly against Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran developing ____________ weapons.
17 There is a ___________ among the archaeologists(考古學(xué)家) as to the age of the sculpture.
18 The official ___________ of this job is “ Administrative Assistant(行政助理).”
19 The ____________ shows how the house prices have risen since the 1980s.
20 Forty hours is a fairly ____________ working week for most people.
一、 把下列短語填入每個(gè)句子的空白處(注意所填短語的形式變化):
compare..to come about quantities of result in a range of
keep on build up on the whole put up with so long as
1 ____________ trying. You’ll succeed in time.
2 I cannot imagine how you ______________ naughty children at all.
3 I think, _____________, the article is well written except for a few unfit sentences.
4 How did the traffic accident _______________?
5 _______________ food were left on the table.
6 You can call me any time ______________ you are free.
7 Young kids are often _______________ the future of our motherland.
8 Sports and games can ______________ one’s character.
9 His laziness _____________ failure in maths exam again.
10 In that kindergarten there is ______________ activities for children.
Unit 5 The power of nature
第一組:absolutely, precious, excite, volcano, fountain, adventure, hurricane, fantastic, unfortunately, potential
1 The eruption of a ____________ often brings lava and ash clouds.
2 Typhoon forms in the Pacific while ___________ forms in the Atlantic.
3 Compared with the Chinese the western people like ___________ better.
4 His speech ___________ everyone present at the meeting.
5 The ship began to sink, and _____________, nobody was able to swim.
6 Tourism is a ____________ of wealth of the country.
7 I ____________ agree with what he said.
8 His car was then running with a __________ speed.
9 She has the ____________ to become a world-class pianist.
10 The little white lamb was the most ____________ gift Mary’s husband gave her.
第二組:novelist, guarantee, diverse, impressive, tremble, courage, cancel, unique, panic, anxiety
11 She was accepted into the multinational company, for she was very __________ in the interview.
12 Dickens was one of the greatest English ___________ of the 18th century.
13 The flight had to be ___________ due to the foggy weather.
14 I felt so cold that my hands began to ____________.
15 If you are worried about your health, then share your ____________ with your doctor.
16 The electricity was suddenly cut off and people got into a state of ___________.
17 Taking her ___________ in both hands, she opened the door and walked in.
18 My interests are very ____________, such as swimming, listening to music, dancing and so on.
19 The koala(樹袋熊) is ____________ to Australia.
20 Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now ____________.
一、 把下列短語填入每個(gè)句子的空白處(注意所填短語的形式變化):
burn… to the ground make one’s way glance through
vary from…to make an effort compare ..with
1 I had to start work, so I _____________ the morning paper.
2 The 1666 London fire ________ many important buildings ________________.
3 My leg got hurt, but I _______________ home.
4 Young people _______________ to beautify our city.
5 ______________ the past libraries, today’s libraries are equipped much better.
6 The ages of the kids in the kindergarten ______________ 2 years old _______ 6.
Unit 3
一 第一組:1 Cigarettes 2 pregnant 3 females 4 perfect 5 quit/quitted 6 alcohol 7 stress 8 chemist’s 9 basic 10 comprehension
第二組:11 ashamed 12 adolescent 13 automatic 14 eventually 15 judgement 16 mental 17 production 18 illegal 19 manage 20 needle
二 1 due to 2 decided on 3 get into 4 in spite of 5 reminds of 6 reached for
7 have been accustomed to 8 be addicted to 9 stand for 10 take risks 11 does damage to
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 Fahrenheit 2 phenomenon 3 fuels 4 catastrophe 5 climate
6 consequence 7 stated 8 glance 9 widespread 10 decreasing
第二組:11 steady 12 existence 13 electrical 14 pollution 15 microwave 16 nuclear 17 disagreement 18 title 19 graph 20 average
二 1 Keep on 2 come up with 3 on the whole 4 come about 5 Quantities of
6 so long as 7 compared to 8 build up 9 resulted in 10 a range of
Unit 5
一 第一組;1 volcano 2 hurricane 3 adventures 4 excited 5 unfortunately 6 fountain 7 absolutely 8 fantastic 9 potential 10 precious
第二組:11 impressive 12 novelists 13 cancelled 14 tremble 15 anxieties 16 panic 17 courage 18 diverse 19 unique 20 guaranteed
二 1 glanced through 2 burned…to the ground 3 made my way 4 make an effort
5 Compared with 6 vary from..to
Unit 3 A healthy life
第一組:basic, pregnant, comprehension, cigarette, alcohol, chemist, female, stress, quit, perfect
1 __________ contain a kind of nicotine, which gets people addicted.
2 On some buses there are special seats for those __________ women.
3 Textile factories often employ more __________ than males.
4 Practice makes _________ is an English saying.
5 Peter __________ this job for a better one.
6 I never drink except for some low-- ___________ beer.
7 Things can easily go wrong when people work under __________.
8 I will get some medicine at the __________.
9 My knowledge of French is pretty ___________.
10 His behavior was completely beyond ___________.
第二組:production, eventually, needle, ashamed, manage, adolescent, mental, illegal, automatic, judgement
11 You should be __________ of yourself for telling such lies.
12 This book includes 20 stories of __________ boys and girls.
13 We can draw money from __________ teller machines (ATM) at any time instead of visiting a bank.
14 After six days of hard work the project was ___________ finished.
15 She showed a lack of __________ when she gave Tom the job.
16 This hospital treats those patients with __________ illness.
17 This new model mobile phone will be in ___________ by the end of the year.
18 It is ___________ to drive without a driver’s license.
19 Thanks all the same. I can ___________ by myself.
20 Never share your___________ with anyone else when you inject drugs.
due to be addicted to be accustomed to decide on in spite of
take risks get into stand for remind …of reach for do damage to
1 The flight was delayed _____________ the foggy weather.
2 We finally ____________ the matter after careful discussion.
3 Many kids easily ____________ the bad habit of playing computer games all day.
4 Workers are still busy with their work ____________ hot weather.
5 The old photo _________ me _________ my college days.
6 I __________ the English—Chinese dictionary on the bookshelf but it was too high.
7 Since entry into high school I ___________ getting up early.
8 Never try drugs, otherwise you will ____________ them.
9 What does “it” ___________ in the last sentence?
10 To tell you the truth, I don’t want to ____________.
11 Smoking ___________ people’s health.
Unit 4 Global warming
第一組:state, catastrophe, decrease, Fahrenheit, widespread, fuel, phenomenon, glance, consequence, climate
1 32 degrees _____________ is equal to 0 degrees Celsius(Centigrade).
2 Terrorism(恐怖主義) is a ______________ of the 20th century.
3 Oil, coal, natural gas, charcoal are all common _____________.
4 The 1976 Tangshan earthquake was a ____________ to China.
5 I like the _____________ of Shenzhen. It has an average temperature of 20℃.
6 The _____________ of people cutting down lots of trees is that land is easy to wash away when it rains and more land will turn into desert.
7 It was ___________ that London would host the 30th Summer Olympics.
8 At first ___________, the math problem seemed easy.
9 This reform has received ____________ support throughout the country.
10 The species of bird is ____________ in numbers every year.
第二組:nuclear, steady, average, title, existence, pollution, graph, disagreement, microwave, electrical
11 China is developing fast, and it has had five years of _________ economic growth.
12 Pakistan came into ____________ as an independent country after the war.
13 My brother worked as an ____________ engineer after graduating from college.
14 Noise ___________ will damage people’s hearing.
15 The soup is cold; please reheat it in the ____________.
16 The White House is strongly against Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran developing ____________ weapons.
17 There is a ___________ among the archaeologists(考古學(xué)家) as to the age of the sculpture.
18 The official ___________ of this job is “ Administrative Assistant(行政助理).”
19 The ____________ shows how the house prices have risen since the 1980s.
20 Forty hours is a fairly ____________ working week for most people.
一、 把下列短語填入每個(gè)句子的空白處(注意所填短語的形式變化):
compare..to come about quantities of result in a range of
keep on build up on the whole put up with so long as
1 ____________ trying. You’ll succeed in time.
2 I cannot imagine how you ______________ naughty children at all.
3 I think, _____________, the article is well written except for a few unfit sentences.
4 How did the traffic accident _______________?
5 _______________ food were left on the table.
6 You can call me any time ______________ you are free.
7 Young kids are often _______________ the future of our motherland.
8 Sports and games can ______________ one’s character.
9 His laziness _____________ failure in maths exam again.
10 In that kindergarten there is ______________ activities for children.
Unit 5 The power of nature
第一組:absolutely, precious, excite, volcano, fountain, adventure, hurricane, fantastic, unfortunately, potential
1 The eruption of a ____________ often brings lava and ash clouds.
2 Typhoon forms in the Pacific while ___________ forms in the Atlantic.
3 Compared with the Chinese the western people like ___________ better.
4 His speech ___________ everyone present at the meeting.
5 The ship began to sink, and _____________, nobody was able to swim.
6 Tourism is a ____________ of wealth of the country.
7 I ____________ agree with what he said.
8 His car was then running with a __________ speed.
9 She has the ____________ to become a world-class pianist.
10 The little white lamb was the most ____________ gift Mary’s husband gave her.
第二組:novelist, guarantee, diverse, impressive, tremble, courage, cancel, unique, panic, anxiety
11 She was accepted into the multinational company, for she was very __________ in the interview.
12 Dickens was one of the greatest English ___________ of the 18th century.
13 The flight had to be ___________ due to the foggy weather.
14 I felt so cold that my hands began to ____________.
15 If you are worried about your health, then share your ____________ with your doctor.
16 The electricity was suddenly cut off and people got into a state of ___________.
17 Taking her ___________ in both hands, she opened the door and walked in.
18 My interests are very ____________, such as swimming, listening to music, dancing and so on.
19 The koala(樹袋熊) is ____________ to Australia.
20 Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now ____________.
一、 把下列短語填入每個(gè)句子的空白處(注意所填短語的形式變化):
burn… to the ground make one’s way glance through
vary from…to make an effort compare ..with
1 I had to start work, so I _____________ the morning paper.
2 The 1666 London fire ________ many important buildings ________________.
3 My leg got hurt, but I _______________ home.
4 Young people _______________ to beautify our city.
5 ______________ the past libraries, today’s libraries are equipped much better.
6 The ages of the kids in the kindergarten ______________ 2 years old _______ 6.
Unit 3
一 第一組:1 Cigarettes 2 pregnant 3 females 4 perfect 5 quit/quitted 6 alcohol 7 stress 8 chemist’s 9 basic 10 comprehension
第二組:11 ashamed 12 adolescent 13 automatic 14 eventually 15 judgement 16 mental 17 production 18 illegal 19 manage 20 needle
二 1 due to 2 decided on 3 get into 4 in spite of 5 reminds of 6 reached for
7 have been accustomed to 8 be addicted to 9 stand for 10 take risks 11 does damage to
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 Fahrenheit 2 phenomenon 3 fuels 4 catastrophe 5 climate
6 consequence 7 stated 8 glance 9 widespread 10 decreasing
第二組:11 steady 12 existence 13 electrical 14 pollution 15 microwave 16 nuclear 17 disagreement 18 title 19 graph 20 average
二 1 Keep on 2 come up with 3 on the whole 4 come about 5 Quantities of
6 so long as 7 compared to 8 build up 9 resulted in 10 a range of
Unit 5
一 第一組;1 volcano 2 hurricane 3 adventures 4 excited 5 unfortunately 6 fountain 7 absolutely 8 fantastic 9 potential 10 precious
第二組:11 impressive 12 novelists 13 cancelled 14 tremble 15 anxieties 16 panic 17 courage 18 diverse 19 unique 20 guaranteed
二 1 glanced through 2 burned…to the ground 3 made my way 4 make an effort
5 Compared with 6 vary from..to
Unit 1 Living well
第一組:companion, accessible, elderly, eyesight, disability, latter, breath, microscope, dignity, encouragement, conduct
1 We young people should show respect for the _________.
2 I would like to find a traveling _________, for I don’t want to go on a trip alone.
3 My father’s words were a great __________ to me, and then I made great progress in my subjects.
4 The bacteria were so small that they could only be examined under a __________.
5 We should never look down upon those people with a _________. On the contrary, we should care for them.
6 It is difficult for you to keep your _________ when you have no job and no home.
7 There are two examples on the blackboard; the _________ is better than the former.
8 The concert was __________ by Colin and was a great success.
9 How long can you hold your __________ under the water?
10 Sitting in front of the computer for long will affect your __________.
11 This kind of new medicine is useful for cancer; however, it is not __________ for most people.
第二組:absence, resign, graduation, congratulate, certificate, drum, politics, bare, foolish, ambition, literature
12 I __________ my nephew on having been admitted into Beijing University.
13 I am not interested in _________. I don’t care about what is going on in China and throughout the world.
14 Why didn’t you attend yesterday’s meeting? What’s your excuse for your _______?
15 The children are beating the _________ to welcome the arrival of the grand festival.
16 There is nothing inside the refrigerator. It is completely ________.
17 After _________ from a university he chose to work in the western part of China.
18 I show great interest in __________. I have widely read the world classics(名著).
19 I can’t imagine how _________ she was. She really believed what he said.
20 To be an artist had been his lifelong _________ and he achieved it finally.
21 Kate and Peter got their marriage __________ last week and they are planning their wedding banquet.
22 Tom applied to __________ as general manager of the company and the board approved.
第三組:benificial, handkerchief, clumsy, annoy, fellow, architect, industry, basement, assistance, adapt, motto, independent
23 When Mr. Wang was hurt at the construction site and sent to hospital, all his __________ workers visited him in hospital.
24 As you know, a good diet is _________ to your health.
25 The well known French _________ designed lots of famous buildings and bridges.
26 When you cough you’d better use a paper _________.
27 China’s tourist _________ is developing very fast. Millions of travelers from the world come to China for sightseeing.
28 His __________ fingers couldn’t untie the knot(結(jié)).
29 He hid those bottles of wine in the _________. Of course you couldn’t find them.
30 I couldn’t have completed the task without your timely _________.
31 I am already 18. I should lead an __________ life.
32 I have moved to another city. I think I will ________ myself to the new surroundings very soon.
33 Our school’s _________ is: Duty, Honor, and Country.
34 I was very ________ that they hadn’t turned up yet as expected.
in other words out of breath all in all make fun of all the best in particular
1 It is cruel to _________ those people who stammer(口吃).
2 The boss asked Mike to leave--__________ he was fired.
3 He loves reading—science fiction _________.
4 __________ the performance was a success.
5 I kept running and was __________ when I arrived at school.
6 At the end of the letter he wished me ___________.
Unit 2 Robots
第一組:awful, fiction, firm, navy, talent, scan, chapter, pile, desire, affair
1 My brother is a PLA man. He joined the _________ two years ago.
2 We had an _________ summer last year. It was raining almost a whole month.
3 In order to kill the boring holidays I borrowed a _________ of books from the library.
4 I prefer ________ to poetry. How about you?
5 She is really a girl of many _________. She can play the piano, paint, sing and dance quite well.
6 It is said that our boss had a love __________ with his secretary.
7 I _________ through the newspaper over my breakfast.
8 I ________ all my wishes should come true some day.
9 This book includes 13 __________ covering 13 topics.
10 No building can stand without __________ foundations, and nor can a marriage.
第二組:obey, absurd, fingernail, divorce, smooth, alarmed, declare, satisfaction, victory, accompany
11 Some people say that you can know if you are healthy by observing the colors of your _________.
12 To my ___________, she got all the answers right in the final math test.
13 We got married 17 years ago but we ________ last year due to differences in character and personality.
14 Japan attacked America and America __________ war upon Japan the next day.
15 He drew only an _________ conclusion. No one believed that.
16 All the passengers on board felt __________ when they knew something was wrong with one engine of the plane.
17 As students we must _________ the school regulations.
18 Mr. Jenkins was confident of his _________ in the general election. He had more supporters than his opponent.
19 I am bored now. Will you ___________ me to the shopping mall?
20 We __________ away all the difficulties and finally achieved our goal.
第三組:cushion, explanation, carpet, marriage, embarrassed, paint, elegant, junior, curtain, envy, biography, sympathy
21 The couple quarreled all day and their __________ ended in divorce.
22 I _________ her so much. She seems to have everything she can possibly want.
23 It is 10 o’clock now but the __________ are still drawn. I think they must still be asleep.
24 I was ___________ to see Ann also at Ann’s party, for I and Ann hadn’t spoken for months.
25 The ___________ of Newton will get you to know completely about his life and scientific achievements.
26 The sign says “Wet _________!” Please don’t touch the door.
27 I have no __________ for John. It was all his fault.
28 I can’t think of any possible __________ for his absence.
29 We have fitted __________ in our house and it looks much nicer now.
30 After graduation from a _________ middle school, he went to a local senior middle school.
31 The chair is so hard, but you will feel much more comfortable if you put a _________ on it.
32 The lady looks prettier with an ________ dress on.
test out ring up turn around leave…alone set aside
1 Squirrels are considered to be good animals, for they can _________ nuts and foods in the trees for winter use.
2 You may ___________ Mr. Chow either on Saturday or Sunday. He is available at the weekend.
3 I _________ and suddenly found my Chinese teacher standing behind me.
4 I hope you just ________ him _______. He needs time to have a rest.
5 The robot is going to be __________ to see if it can really do the housework.
Unit 1
一 第一組:1 elderly 2 companion 3 encouragement 4 microscope 5 disability 6 dignity 7 latter 8 conducted 9 breath 10 eyesight 11 accessible
第二組:12 congratulated 13 politics 14 absence 15 drums 16 bare 17 graduation 18 literature 19 foolish 20 ambition 21 certificate 22 resign
第三組:23 fellow 24 beneficial 25 architect 26 handkerchief 27 industry 28 clumsy 29 basement 30 assistance 31 independent 32 adapt 33 motto 34 annoyed
二 1 make fun of 2 in other words 3 in particular 4 All in all 5 out of breath 6 all the best
Unit 2
一 第一組:1 navy 2 awful 3 pile 4 fiction 5 talents 6 affair 7 scanned 8 desire 9 chapters 10 firm
第二組:11 fingernail 12 satisfaction 13 divorced 14 declared 15 absurd 16 alarmed 17 obey 18 victory 19 accompany 20 smoothed
第三組:21 marriage 22 envy 23 curtains 24 embarrassed 25 biography 26 Paint 27 sympathy 28 explanation 29 carpets 30 junior 31 cushion 32 elegant
二 1 set aside 2 ring up 3 turned around 4 leave …alone 5 tested out
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-選修7 Unit 3-5
Unit 3 Under the sea
第一組:vivid, Antarctic, abandon, lip, tongue, seal, anecdote, cell, annual, awesome, beauty
1 The __________ is the coldest continent in the world.
2 Those English tourists so struck by the _________ of nature that they decided to stay here for two days more.
3 When you pronounce this vowel, you should round your _________.
4 In this book you will read lots of _________ about some famous scientists.
5 What an _________ sight it is! You cannot afford to miss it.
6 He was locked in a ________ of the prison, for he was declared guilty.
7 The Chinese language is our mother ________.
8 We meet once a year to hold an _________ meeting.
9 The letter of recommendation bore(蓋) the headmaster’s ________ and was effective.
10 He is giving a __________ description of his life as a fighter pilot. We are all ears.
11 When the war broke out, all the villagers had to _________ their lands and property and left their hometown.
第二組:net, yell, narrow, shore, witness, rent, relationship, cave, pension, accommodation, poisonous
12 The past 20 years has __________ great changes in Shenzhen.
13 Old Wang lives on a ________, which comes to about 1,500 yuan per month.
14 Those mushrooms are __________. You will die if you eat them.
15 Since our first meeting, Xiao Lin and I have established a beautiful __________.
16 I have got a well-paid job with that company. Besides, ___________ and meals are included.
17 The fisherman cast his _________ a third time but this time he drew in a boot instead of a fish.
18 Don’t enter that dark __________. There may be some fierce animals hidden inside it.
19 With the housing prices rising the __________ of a house also goes up.
20 Seeing the boy climbing up to the top of the tall tree, he _________, “be careful!”
21 Because the boat was turned upside down by big waves, he had no choice but to swim to the _________quickly.
22 This road is too _________ for two cars to go side by side. It needs widening.
第三組: shallow, entry, magic, pack, dimension, flee, pure, depth, drag, sharp, reflect, tasty
23 We measured the __________ of the swimming pool It is 10 meters long, 8 meters wide and 2 meters deep.
24 I was almost scared to death at the sight of a _________ of wolves approaching me.
25 The meeting is due to begin at 9:00 p.m. _________.
26 Before I decide, I need time to _________.
27 The smugglers (走私者)was caught trying to _________ the country.
28 Mother served a few _________ dishes and they were eaten up quickly.
29 This watch is made of ________ gold. It is really invaluable.
30 He took great trouble to _________ a heavy chest(箱子) from under the bed.
31 There are not many fish in this river, for it is very _________.
32 It was a __________ moment when the two sisters were reunited after 30 years.
33 We don’t think much of his idea, for it lacks _________.
34 In Shenzhen _________ to any park is free of charge.
ahead of help (sb.) out be/become aware of
(be) scared to death in the meantime upside down
1 Hearing the terrifying news, nothing could have stopped me from feeling __________.
2 Being a qualified architect, he always finishes his project _________ time.
3 After the family party, the children fell happily into bed, __________, parents were still working with the disorder in the house.
4 On arriving at the theme park, the first thing that I __________ was its vivid colors and wise-looking buildings.
5 The artist remarked that painting was of a unique style. But in truth, it was hanging _________ on the wall.
6 He didn’t listen to you and now is in trouble. Anyway, only you can ________ him ________ of the difficulty.
Unit 4 Sharing
第一組:toast, finance, income, anniversary, distribution, adjust, comb, platform, purchase, donate, clinic, catalogue, operate, security, relevant
1 The unfair _________ of wealth led to the outbreak of war in that region.
2 Doctor Li opened up a private __________ to serve the neighboring residents.
3 Now I’d like to propose a _________ to our successful cooperation!
4 This paragraph is not __________ to the theme of your article; you may cross it out.
5 The teaching building will be __________ by the local government and the education department.
6 The old man is warm-hearted. He has ___________ millions of pounds to a charity.
7 Your hair looks wild; you’d better ________ it.
8 You may __________ the table to any height you want.
9 I was moving the furniture out of the building when two __________ guards stopped me.
10 You can consult the library ___________ to see if the book is available.
11 We promise that if you are not satisfied with your _________, we will give you a full refund.
12 When I saw my sister standing on the _________ of the train station waving to me, tears suddenly came to my eyes.
13 The patient must be __________ on in no time; otherwise he will die.
14 How can he support a family of six kids on his little __________?
15 My parents got married 20 years and tomorrow is their 20th wedding __________.
第二組:sew, arrangement, trunk, remote, political, grill, soft, privilege, astronaut, tailor, participate, seedling
16 We are enjoying a candlelit dinner, with some _________ romantic music on.
17 There is still a _________ chance that they will find her alive.
18 All those who __________ in the yesterday’s discussion please write out our reflections(感想)..
19 Today is Tree-planting Day. We are asked to plant 10 __________ each.
20 __________ the sausages for 10 minutes and they will taste much more delicious.
21 It costs the country a lot to train an _________, like Yang Liwei.
22 She became very _________ at university and later was a politician.
23 This pair of shoes is very precious for me. They are_________ by hand by mother.
24 Education is closely related to the development of a country. So education should be a universal right but not a __________.
25 The ________of an elephant is so long and strong that it can hold a person with it!
26 I will make ___________ for you to be met at the airport.
27 I had a new T—shirt made at a _________ shop.
hear from be dying to do come across stick out dry out dry up in need
1 Don’t _______ your head ________ of the car window.
2 I _________ this old vase and bought it for $ 200.
3 During the drought (干旱), the river _________.
4 Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil _________.
5 I haven’t _________ Jane for long. I don’t know what has happened to her.
6 Help those who are _________and that will be rewarding.
7 Those students ___________ know the results of the College Entrance Examination.
Unit 5 Travelling abroad
第一組:acknowledge, abundant, board, academic, passport, visa, parallel, comfort, enterprise, occupy, substitute, cafeteria
1 When you go abroad you need a __________ and a __________.
2 She never __________ having made the mistake, but actually she did.
3 I must work hard to make money enough to live in _________ in my old age.
4 Flight CZ2593 for Wuhan is now _________ at Gate 11.
5 If you want information about traveling abroad, please turn to a travel _________ for advice.
6 I am _________ with my office work and have hardly any time for housework.
7 This course teaches you the theory but there’s no _________ for practical experience.
8 A __________ is a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal. It is often found in factories, colleges, hospitals, etc.
9 Can you find a _________ case where this word is used as a verb?
10 We have __________ evidence to prove his guilt.
11 Personally, I support him in his intention of opening up a company. He is indeed a man of __________.
12 The students return in September for the start of the new _________ year.
第二組:numb, tutor, requirement, lecture, qualification, destination, govern, comment, succeed, recommend, preparation
13 Mr. Smith’s _________ are so lively and interesting that they are not easily forgotten.
14 Prices are very much _________ by market demand.
15 --Do you know who _________ Bill Clinton as President of the USA?
?George Bush.
16 A __________ is a private teacher who teaches an individual student or a very small group.
17 China is making __________ for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
18 China has lots of places of interest. It is now a __________ country to millions of tourists from abroad.
19 Thank you for making such helpful __________ on my written work.
20 I stayed only a while outside but I was __________ with the cold.
21 Can you __________ me a good hotel nearby? I would like a five-star one.
22 The victory in this game will earn them __________ for the World Cup.
23 He didn’t meet the __________ for this job, so he was turned down.
adjust to keep it up fit in be/get used to as far as sb. is concerned feel at home settle in
1____________the tutor_________, what others think is not the most important thing.
2 The life style that you ____________ is hard to change.
3 Mr. Wang said to me, “Just __________! You will succeed.”
4 I have stayed in America for some time and __________.
5 Jane is a newcomer here. So I will do what I can to help her __________.
6 I can ___________ well. I have got used to the life here.
7 It took several seconds for my eyes to ___________ the dark.
Unit 3
一 第一組:1 Antarctic 2 beauty 3 lips 4 anecdotes 5 awesome 6 cell 7 tongue 8 annual 9 seal 10 vivid 11 abandon
第二組:12 witnessed 13 pension 14 poisonous 15 relationship 16 accommodations 17 net 18 cave 19 rent 20 yelled 21 shore 22 narrow
第三組: 23 dimensions 24 pack 25 sharp 26 reflect 27 flee 28 tasty 29 pure 30 drag 31 shallow 32 magic 33 depth 34 entry
二 1 scared to death 2 ahead of 3 in the meantime 4 was aware of 5 upside down 6 help…out
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 distribution 2 clinic 3 toast 4 relevant 5 financed 6 donated 7 comb 8 adjust 9 security 10 catalogue 11 purchase 12 platform 13 operated 14 income 15 anniversary
第二組:16 soft 17 remote 18 participated 19 seedlings 20 Grill 21 astronaut 22 political 23 sewn/sewed 24 privilege 25 trunk 26 arrangements 27 tailor’s
二 1 stick…out 2 came across 3 dried up 4 dry out 5 heard from 6 in need
7 are dying to
Unit 5
一 第一組:1 passport; visa 2 acknowledged 3 comfort 4 boarding 5 agent 6 occupied 7 substitute 8 cafeteria 9 parallel 10 abundant 11 enterprise 12 academic
第二組:13 lectures 14 governed 15 succeeded 16 tutor 17 preparations 18 destination 19 comments 20 numb 21 recommend 22 qualification 23 requirements
二 1 As far as the tutor was concerned 2 are used to 3 keep it up 4 feel at home 5 settle in 6 fit in 7 adjust to
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-選修8 Unit 1-2
Unit 1 A land of diversity
第一組:strait, hire, apparent, seagull, racial, nationality, bakery, slavery, slip, majority, applicant, ferry
1 It is _________ from her accent that she is from the north of China.
2 China is a big country with 56 __________.
3 The Taiwan _________ separates Taiwan from the mainland.
4 Did I call you Richard? Sorry, Robert, just a __________ of the tongue.
5 They have appealed for an end to the __________ discrimination in aspects such as employment.
6 It was time to end the _________ and set slaves free.
7 You can buy newly-made cakes from across the __________.
8 There were more than 50 ___________ for the job, but only 10 were employed.
9 The __________ of representatives are in favor of the plan, only a few are against it.
10 There is no bridge over the river between the primary school and the village. So those children need to be __________ to and from school.
11 He was ________ three years ago and he is content with the job in the company.
12 A _________ is a seabird with long wings and usually with white or black feathers.
第二組:swap, cattle, socialist, mixture, means, immigration, insert, indicate, percentage, luggage, aircraft, react
13 China is a __________ country with the Chinese Communist Party ruling.
14 Over the past years, there has been a big rise in __________ to the USA.
15 __________ coins into the slot and press for a ticket.
16 We own a big farm, where sheep and _________ are kept.
17 What _________ of the population in China are farmers?
18 Some people can _________ badly to seafood, such as shrimps.
19 Research __________ that eating habits are related to health.
20 An __________ carrier is a large ship that carries planes which use it as a base to land on and take off from.
21 His telephone is out of service. Is there any other __________ of contacting him?
22 I’ve finished this magazine. Can I _________ with you?
23 Water is a _________ of hydrogen and oxygen.
24 After getting off the train, I asked Peter to stay with our __________ while I found a taxi.
by means of make a life occur to team up with mark out take in a great/good many
1 Our trip __________ a visit to the old temple built in the Ming Dynasty.
2 It never __________ me to ask him for help.
3 I got to know Jack years ago and now we __________ each other quite well.
4 Thoughts are expressed ___________ words.
5 ___________ workers joined in the general strike last week. They wanted higher wages.
6 The old man used to ___________ by selling newspapers.
7 We _________ a tennis court on the lawn.
Unit 2 Cloning
第一組:clone, arbitrary, moral, merely, resist, decoration, assumption, commercial, differ, straightforward, regulation, disturbing, media
1 It is impossible to make _________ about how people feel about the new law.
2 It is very _________ to think that a fierce tiger that escaped from a zoo wandered about.
3 Dolly, the _________ sheep, lived for only six years.
4 All the new employees are asked to learn about the rules and _________ of the company and they must obey them.
5 Never draw an __________ conclusion before you think carefully.
6 American English __________slightly from British English in vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation.
7 The bank strongly __________ cutting down interest rates.
8 The __________ covered Hu Jintao’s visit to Hong Kong in honor of the 10th anniversary celebrations since its return to China.
9 Huaqiangbei and Dongmen are both the ___________ heart of Shenzhen City.
10 He is _________ a boy of five, but he can speak very good English.
11 That some evil leaders hoped to clone themselves raised some _________ questions among the world.
12 I like to make friends with those _________ people. I hate those who are dishonest.
13 Christmas is drawing near. Let’s go and buy some __________ to make our house and Christmas tree more beautiful.
第二組:breakthrough, obtain, argument, forbid, reasonable, ceiling, accumulate, undertake, zebra, bother, retire, procedure
14 Xiao Lin likes to spend all his time playing online computer games at a net bar. Now his mother _________ him to go to visit any net bar.
15 Your application must go through a few __________ before it is finally approved.
16 We had an __________ with the waiter about the bill because we thought he overcharged us.
17 He was fortunate to have _________ a big fortune by investing wisely in the stock market.
18 Professor Wang works very hard, for he both teaches and __________ research.
19 His explanation was not _________, so all of us didn’t accept it.
20 The electric fan is hanging from the _________ of the room.
21 After years of hard work the five doctors achieved a ________ in cancer treatment.
22 My father is currently 59 years old and will __________ from work next year.
23 By reading this book I am sure that you will __________ a lot of information about Britain.
24 Sorry to _________ you, but there is a call for you on line two.
25 A _______ is an African wild animal like a horse with black and white lines on its body.
be cast down object to in favour of be bound to (do) from time to time bring back to life pay off
1 During my stay in Japan my sister visited me ___________.
2 I __________ to know that she failed in the final exam.
3 All your efforts will ___________. Just keep it up!
4 All those present at the meeting __________ the plan.
5 He has made full preparations for the exam. He __________ succeed.
6 Are there anyone __________ human cloning?
7 I think some day dinosaurs may be ___________ through cloning.
Unit 1
一 第一組:1 apparent 2 nationalities 3 Strait 4 slip 5 racial 6 slavery 7 bakery 8 applicants 9 majority 10 ferried 11 hired 12 seagull
第二組:13 socialist 14 immigration 15 Insert 16 cattle 17 percentage 18 react 19 indicates 20 aircraft 21 means 22 swap 23 mixture 24 luggage
二 1 takes in 2 occurs to 3 team up with 4 by means of 5 A good many 6 make a life 7 marked out
Unit 2
一 第一組:1 assumptions 2 disturbing 3 cloned 4 regulations 5 arbitrary 6 differs 7 resists 8 media 9 commercial 10 merely 11 moral 12 straightforward 13 decorations
第二組:14 forbids 15 procedures 16 argument 17 accumulated 18 undertakes 19 reasonable 20 ceiling 21 breakthrough 22 retire 23 obtain 24 bother 25 zebra
二 1 from time to time 2 was cast down 3 pay off 4 objected to 5 is bound to 6 in favour of 7 brought back to life
高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí)詞匯檢測練習(xí)-選修8 Unit 3-5
Unit 3 Inventors and inventions
第一組:discovery, criteria, dot, passive, patent, current, monitor, straw, tap, distinguish
1 The countryside is _________ with small villages.
2 I have bought a new PC with a 17 inch colour _________.
3 The __________ of a child’s body in the river shocked the community.
4 Remember to turn off the _________ after you wash.
5 Insert a drinking __________ here and you will suck the milk out.
6 The new regulation played a __________ but not active role in the reform of the factory.
7 He made a new invention and applied for a _________.
8 I am interested in ________ affairs so I surf the internet to read the latest news every day.
9 What __________ do you think can assess a student’s ability?
10 Liu Xiang has __________ himself as an athlete.
第二組:perfume, valid, stable, helicopter, practical, power, application, product, file, triangle
11 The __________ landed on the roof of the building to save those trapped in the big fire.
12 My passport is __________ for only one month. I must renew it.
13 The new _________ gained great success after it was introduced to the market. 14 Please draw a right-angled __________ with a set square(三角尺).
15 If you want to be a member of our club, please fill in an _________ form first.
16 __________ is one of the great four inventions in ancient China.
17 After three days of treatment the patient’s condition is very __________.
18 Every __________ on the same disk must have a different name.
19 In that cosmetics section you can buy expensive well-known French _________.
20 From a _________ point of view, this is not a good place to live in.
第三組:refrigerator, committee, bear, forehead, version, court, abrupt, convenient, jam, mess, expectation
21 A special _________ was set up to look into that matter.
22 The weather here is changeable. Sometimes it has an _________ change in temperature.
23 Would you like to play tennis with me? I have already booked a tennis _________.
24 The temperature here is always below zero degrees. I cannot really __________ living in such cold weather!
25 It is very _________ from here to downtown. There are many buses running along this street.
26 The Chinese _________ of Harry Porter is due for publication this September.
27 I was late because I was held up in a traffic __________.
28 __________ of life for both men and women has improved greatly in China in the past 20 years.
29 Put the ice creams in the __________. Or they will melt very soon.
30 Your room is in a _________. Why not put things in place?
31 I felt my son’s _________ and thought he must be running a fever.
call up now and then in case dive into set out to (do) get through
in truth hang on out of order ring back ring off set about
1 It turned out that the newcomer was __________ a spy.
2 I won’t __________ my brother unless something unexpected happens.
3 Please __________. I will go and get her.
4 Our freezer is __________ again. We’d better buy a new one instead of repairing it.
5 Last winter that writer __________ writing a new long novel.
6 The police __________ investigate the cause of the fire.
7 Please take your credit card with you _________your money is not enough.
8 He is not here right now; will you please __________ later?
9 She _________ her bag and took out a few coins.
10 The line is engaged; I cannot _________ to his office.
11 I must _________ now because I will go to a meeting.
12 ___________, I visit my grandpa and grandma in the country.
Unit 4 Pygmalion
第一組:mistaken, sob, brilliant, compromise, plot, disgusting, status, bathtub, adaptation, superior
1 At first neither of the two sides would give in but after lengthy talks they reached a __________.
2 Over the years women want to be given equal _________ and pay with men.
3 I thought I saw someone I knew, but actually I was _________.
4 This film is an __________ of a famous writer’s works and it is well received.
5 A __________ is a container that you put water in and then you get into to wash your whole body.
6 Although I disagree with him, yet I cannot speak out, for he is my immediate __________.
7 She has one of the most __________ minds in her country.
8 They were put into prison because they were accused of __________ against the state.
9 Listen! I hear a baby _________ in the next room.
10 I think it is very __________ that some people show off themselves in public.
第二組:pence, classify, pronunciation, hesitate, alphabet, betray, overlook, antique, dismiss, uncomfortable
11 Mary’s ___________ is the best in our class. She speaks very standard English.
12 The books are often ___________ according to subject.
13 Since it was a well-paid job I didn’t _________ for a moment about taking it.
14 She was terrified of saying something that would make her _________ herself.
15 ?How much altogether? ? Fifty ________, please.
16 Looking into the matter, the police _________ an important fact.
17 From across the street there is an _________ shop, where you can see very old but often valuable objects.
18 School is _________. The students will enjoy a two-month summer holiday.
19 The chair is so hard that it feels _________ to sit on.
20 The English vocabulary is arranged in the order of __________.
第三組:classic, pronounce, condemn, musical, outcome, nail, troublesome, fortune, effective, ambassador
21 My daughter is very __________. She can play quiet a few instruments.
22 A high school diploma (文憑) __________ him to work in a factory with a low pay.
23 The film Casablanca is really a __________ among the many foreign films.
24 President _________ the country to be in a state of war.
25 He graduated from a foreign affairs university and worked as the British __________ to the United Nations.
26 His son is addicted to computer games and cannot get rid of them. It is really a __________ problem for him.
27 This kind of new drug is very __________ against cancer but a little expensive.
28 Please bring me a hammer and I will _________ the painting up.
29 She is hoping her US performance will be the first step on the road to fame and _________.
30 The negotiation is still on. We are waiting for the final __________.
pass…off as make one’s acquaintance(make the acquaintance of sb.)
in amazement generally speaking in terms of show…in the other day take away fade out in need of
1 It was a bad year for films, __________ both quantity and quality.
2 He escaped by __________ himself _________ a guard.
3 Peter, please _________ the man at the door ________.
4 It was in London that I ____________ Jones, who was an electrical engineer.
5 I don’t know who has ____________ my dictionary.
6 I happened to have read this story in a magazine ___________.
7 ___________, girls are more careful than boys.
8 Our school is badly ___________ two teachers of English.
9 ___________ the music at the end of the scene.
10 I looked at him ___________.
Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors
第一組:patient, systematic, applaud, accuracy, alternative, punctuation, tentative, division, yogurt, affection, preserve, analysis, skilful, radioactive, botany
1 A river forms the ________ between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
2 Our troops made a ________ plan to attack the enemy, which was well prepared and organized. Finally it worked out quite well.
3 This is a 14th century house, which is perfectly ________ and visited by lots of people.
4 We had no ________ but to wait for the rain to stop.
5 I have lived in New York for years and have a great _________ for it.
6 Some kids prefer ________ to pure milk.
7 _________ is the scientific study of plants and their structure.
8 I made a _________ arrangement to see him on Friday and I would let him know if any change.
9 She works as a teacher at a kindergarten. She is very _________ with those children.
10 Only those __________ teachers are qualified to teach Senior 3 students.
11 Radium(鐳) discovered by Madame Curie is a kind of _________ element.
12 Your blood samples(樣本) are sent to the lab for _________ to see if you have got infected with AIDS.
13 He kicked the ball with great ________ and scored a goal.
14 _________ marks in English are not completely the same as those in Chinese.
15 My speech was so exciting that all the audience began to _________.
第二組:somehow, interrupt, primitive, relief, dizzy, ample, specific, arrest, assume, significance, category, sharpen, accelerate
16 Those money was collected for a _________ purpose, that is, to sponsor those poor children living in the remote mountain villages.
17 Please don’t _________while we are talking.
18 The central government decided to raise interest rate, for inflations continued to __________.
19 The results of the survey can be divided into three main _________.
20 Let us _________ that the plan succeeds. Then what would you do next?
21 Don’t look at him. He did so in order to __________ others’ attention.
22 The meeting is of such great _________ that I have to attend it.
23 My knife is blunt. It needs _________.
24 Climbing to such a height makes me feel _________.
25 Don’t be worried. We have _________ glasses for all the guests.
26 News of their safety came as a great _________ to us all.
27 __________, I don’t feel that I can trust him.
28 There still existed a few __________ tribes in that African country.
regardless of cut up look ahead
1 He went ahead and did it, __________ its consequences.
2 I ________ the meat on the plate.
3 _________ and you will enjoy a bright future.
Unit 3
一 第一組:1 dotted 2 monitor 3 discovery 4 tap 5 straw 6 passive 7 patent 8 current 9 criteria 10 distinguished
第二組:11 helicopter 12 valid 13 product 14 triangle 15 application 16 Power 17 stable 18 file 19 perfume 20 practical
第三組:21 committee 22 abrupt 23 court 24 bear 25 convenient 26 version 27 jam 28 Expectation 29 refrigerator 30 mess 31 forehead
二 1 in truth 2 call up 3 hang on 4 out of order 5 set about 6 set out to 7 in case 8 call back 9 dived into 10 get through 11 ring off 12 Now and then
Unit 4
一 第一組:1 compromise 2 status 3 mistaken 4 adaptation 5 bathtub 6 superior 7 brilliant 8 plotting 9 sobbing 10 disgusting
第二組:11 pronunciation 12 classified 13 hesitate 14 betray 15 pence 16 overlooked 17 antique 18 dismissed 19 uncomfortable 20 alphabet
第三組:21 musical 22 condemned 23 classic 24 pronounced 25 ambassador 26 troublesome 27 effective 28 nail 29 fortune 30 outcome
二 1 in terms of 2 passing…off as 3 show..in 4 made the acquaintance of 5 taken away 6 the other day 7 Generally speaking 8 in need of 9 Fade out 10 in amazement
Unit 5
一 第一組:1 division 2 systematic 3 preserved 4 alternative 5 affection 6 yogurt 7 Botany 8 tentative 9 patient 10 skilful 11 radioactive 12 analysis 13 accuracy 14 Punctuation 15 applaud
第二組:16 specific 17 interrupt 18 accelerate 19 categories 20 assume 21 arrest 22 significance 23 sharpening 24 dizzy 25 ample 26 relief 27 Somehow 28 primitive
二 1 regardless of 2 cut up 3 Look ahead

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/58123.html
