2016屆人教版高三英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí)必修1 Unit5 Nelson andela—a odern h

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

課時(shí)作業(yè)(五) 必修1 Unit 5 Nelson andela—a odern hero
1.(2013•泰安期末)—Let’s go to a ovie after work,OK?
A.Not at all.      B.Never ind.
C.Why not?  D.You’re welcoe.
2.(2013•山東濰坊、東營(yíng)、淄博、濱州四市聯(lián)考)If you are hunting________chance to iprove yourself in English,I think the English corner will be________sart choice.
A.a(chǎn);a  B.a(chǎn);the
C.the;a  D.the;the
3.(2016•浙江卷)Anyway,I can’t cheat hi—it’s against all y________.
A.eotions  B.principles
C.regulations  D.opinions
4.(2016•濟(jì)南4月模擬)She’s in a hopeless situation,________we will keep a very close eye on.
A.where   B.when
C.which  D.that
5.—Ralph,are you still living on your parents’ pension?
—No.I try to stand on y own two feet rather than________y parents.
A.turn to  B.go to
C.coe to  D.refer to
6.We all know that hard working and plain living are fine________of our Chinese people.
A.qualities  B.a(chǎn)nners
C.deeds  D.a(chǎn)cts
7.(2016•南京四校階段調(diào)研)To her disappointent,what she had devoted herself to________in nothing but failure.
A.resulting  B.results
C.has resulted  D.resulted
8.Young as she is,our English teacher is very experienced and________by all of us.
A.thinks highly of  B.highly thought of
C.thinks high of  D.high thought of
9.—Do you think the drunken driver will escape________by the law?
—I don’t think so.
A. to be punished  B.punishing
C.being punished  D.to punish
10.It’s iportant to learn to take a positive attitude________life when you are________trouble.
A.to;under  B.of;in
C.to;in  D.with;in
11.Fully________to looking after three children at hoe,she no longer has tie to enjoy the various activities in the club.
A.a(chǎn)ttached  B.occupied
C.contributed  D.devoted
12.After hours of searching,their patience was________and they found what they were looking for.
A.calculated  B.confired
C.rewarded  D.evaluated
13.(2016•哈爾濱高三模擬)Soon children in the cap had any new friends,____ ____they shared food,stories and projects.
A.for which  B.with who
C.of which  D.to who
14.(2016•西安二檢)Fishing and seafood harvesting has been forbidden along the coast of Galicia,forcing any fisheren________.
A.out of order  B.out of work
C.out of touch  D.out of sight
15.(2016•河南三地高三第二次調(diào)研)________this way can we sooth the difficul ty we are faced with no
A.Just in  B.After in
C.Just by  D.Only inⅡ.完形[建議用時(shí)15′]
Who do you think cae up with the idea for the Paralypics (殘奧會(huì))?The an who organized the sporting events which becae the Paralypic Gaes__1__was a doctor,Ludwig Guttann.
In his teens,Ludwig Guttann was interested in edicine and worked as a__2__in a hospital.Then he__3__fro edical school and becae a doctor when he was 25 years old.
Ludwig Guttann__4__a successful career for the next few years.__5__,because Ludwig Guttann and his faily were Jews,life in Gerany was becoing very__6__for the.In 1938 Ludwig Guttann__7__to the UK with his faily where he continued his research__8__the best way to treat patients.
The Second World War was going on and there were a lot of soldiers__9__in the fighting.Often they__10__the use of their legs and needed__11__and help.The disabled soldiers were often__12__and angry for they couldn’t really live a noral life.Ludwig Guttann used his new__13__to look after their injuries and he also tried to give the eotional strength.
Ludwig Guttann__14__taking part in sports could help a person’s body as well as his ind and began to use__15__ as a treatent to help his patients.He wanted to give the back their self­respect and dignity and __16__the to take part in sports.
In 1948 the hospital held a sporting event called “The International Wheelchair Gaes”.By 1952 the event began to__17__bigger with disabled athletes fro other countries attending.By 1960 the gaes were called the International Stoke andeville Gaes and they were held in Roe alongside the__18__Suer Olypics.By 1968 there were 750 athletes fro 29 different countries.Ludwig Guttann hiself died in 1980,even__19__the gaes were called “Paralypics”,but there is no__20__that he is the founder and father of the Paralypic Gaes.It’s thanks to his hard work that we are all able to enjoy the Paralypics.,1.A.hurriedly   B.eventually
C.teporarily   D.copulsorily
2.A.doctor  B.steward
C.volunteer   D.director
3.A.exited  B.benefited
C.suffered  D.graduated
4.A.enjoyed  B.a(chǎn)ccepted
C.designed  D.explored
5.A.But   B.However
C.Therefore  D.Otherwise
6.A.abiguous   B.difficult
C.a(chǎn)pparent   D.diverse
7.A.oved   B.poured
C.subitted   D.flooded
8.A.of   B.over
C.a(chǎn)bout   D.into
9.A.dying   B.sacrificing
C.wounded   D.destroyed
10.A.ade   B.lost
C.reduced   D.lacked
11.A.treatent   B.oveent
C.developent   D.a(chǎn)chieveent
12.A.exhausted  B.challenged
C.depressed  D.a(chǎn)stonished
13.A.aterials   B.experients
C.odels   D.ethods
14.A.knew   B.denied
C.a(chǎn)llowed  D.a(chǎn)pproved
15.A.usic   B.edicine
C.sports   D.parties
16.A.forced   B.encouraged
C.a(chǎn)llowed  D.drove
17.A.see   B.go
C.run   D.get
18.A.yearly   B.local
C.independent   D.official
19.A.before  B.a(chǎn)fter
C.until   D.since
20.A.evidence  B.wonder
C.doubt   D.proble
(2016•吉林高考復(fù)習(xí)質(zhì) 量監(jiān)測(cè))
Recently a research was carried out in London,Biringha and Leeds aong teachers fro different schools about student behavior anageent.
The ajority of teachers said that behavior anageent is the biggest challenge they face in teaching.They are against the idea of a “o ne size fits all” approach to behavior anageent and believe that how they deal with behavior depends on their analysis of what is driving the behavior.any teac hers ake the analysis in three steps.First,observe what the student is doing;then look into what drives the behavior and finally identify what is the real proble to deal with,e.g.attention seeking or being unable to follow the lessons etc..However,any teachers felt it soeties difficult as schools did not always effectively counicate the necessary inforation about the students for the to do it.
The behaviors are generally divided into low,id and high level.Teachers felt low and high level behavior was easy to analyze and deal with because low level behavior was seen as the least serious of a proble;and there is clear structure in place for dealing with high level behavior.However,there is no clear structure and effective ways to address id­level behavior,which ay cause a sense of failure in soe teachers.
Teachers also felt that the law s to protect pupils have resulted in a sense of teachers ha ving fewer rights to anage behavior.In case they deal with or be seen to deal with behavior wrongly or iproperly,the results could be very serious:daage the child or teacher,especially their career.
1.What does the passage ainly talk about?
A.Ways to deal with student behavior probles.
B.Iportance to anage student behavior.
C.Three levels of student behavior.
D.Teachers’ difficulties in anaging student behavior.
2.Why is it soeties difficult to analyze student behavior?
A.ost of the students refuse to talk to teachers about it.
B.Soe student behaviors are not easy to notice.
C.Teachers do not have enough inforation about the students.
D.Teachers tend to deal with different probles in the sae way.
3.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.ost teachers believe behavior anageent is their biggest challenge.
B.Teachers feel high level behavior is the ost difficult to deal with.
C.There is no clear structure in place to deal with id­level behavior.
D.Soe students behave badly only to attract others’ attention.
4.What can be inferred fro the passage?
A.A teacher risks losing the job if he/she anages student behavior iproperly.
B.Teachers in England are not willing to anage student behaviors.
C.English laws forbid teachers punishing their students for their behaviors.
D.The laws to protect children in England are going to be changed.
Rose wanted a job.She went to any offices and she didn’t like any of the.
One day she saw a board in an office read:“This office needs a typist who can type 200 words a inute.” Rose was exciting.When Rose went to the anager’s office,the an was writing soething.Rose knocked at the door and the anager raised her head.“Do you need a typist?” asked Rose.“Yes!” he said.R ose clapped her hand.She couldn’t help saying,“OK!How uch will you pay for e every onth?” The anager thought for a while and said,“I will pay you 77 dollars for first three onths.Then I will pay you 30 dollars every onth.” Rose siled and answer,“Great!I will coe and work here three onths late.” The anager was speechless.

1.解析: 句意為:——下班后我們?nèi)タ措娪,好嗎?——好呀!Not at all.一點(diǎn)兒也不;Never ind.沒(méi)關(guān)系;Why not?好的,為什么不呢?You’re welcoe.不用謝。所以Why not?符合句意。
答案: C
2.解析: 考查冠詞。句意為:如果你在尋找提高英語(yǔ)水平的機(jī)會(huì)的話,我認(rèn)為英語(yǔ)角是個(gè)不錯(cuò)的選擇。根據(jù)語(yǔ)意可知此處兩空都表泛指,用不定冠詞。
答案: A
3.解析: 句意為:無(wú)論如何我都不能欺騙他——這違背我做人的原則。本題考查名詞辨析。principle常用復(fù)數(shù)形式,意為:(行為的)準(zhǔn)則、規(guī)范。如:principles of conduct行為的準(zhǔn)則。eotion情感,情緒;regulation規(guī)章;規(guī)則;opinion意見(jiàn),看法,主張。
答案: B
4.解析: 考查定語(yǔ)從句。定語(yǔ)從句的解題關(guān)鍵是:在主句中找出先行詞,該句的先行詞是a hopeless situation,然后把先行詞“代入”從句中,判斷其在 從句中的“地位”和“作用”,此處關(guān)系詞在從句中作on的賓語(yǔ),同時(shí)這里又是非限制性定語(yǔ)從句,所以應(yīng)該用關(guān)系代詞which,選C項(xiàng)。
答案: C
5.解析: 根據(jù)上句“你依然靠你父母的退休金過(guò)活嗎”和下句的“我試圖靠自己”可知,我不再求助于父母。故選turn to。
答案: A
6.解析: 考查名詞辨析。quality品質(zhì)。句意為:我們都知道艱苦樸素是我們中國(guó)人的優(yōu)良品質(zhì)。anner禮貌,舉止,方式;deed行動(dòng),事跡;act行為,行動(dòng)。
答案: A
7.解析: 考查時(shí)態(tài)。句意為:令她失望的是,她傾力所做的一切,給她帶來(lái)的只是失敗。句中“what she had devoted herself to”為主語(yǔ)從句,what作介詞to的賓語(yǔ),且devote這一動(dòng)作發(fā)生在result in這一動(dòng)作之前,故用resulted。
答案: D
8.解析: 此處表示被動(dòng)意義,be highly thought of意思是“受到高度評(píng)價(jià)”。
答案: B
9.解析: escape表示“逃避,避免”時(shí)后接動(dòng)詞­ing形式作賓語(yǔ),此處邏輯主語(yǔ)the drunken driver與punish之間為被動(dòng)關(guān)系,因而使用其被動(dòng)形式。
答案: C
10.解析: 句意為:當(dāng)你處于困境中時(shí),學(xué)會(huì)對(duì)生活保持樂(lè)觀的態(tài)度是很重要的。名詞attitude后用介詞to或towards;in trouble處于困境中。
答案: C
11.解析: 句意為:因?yàn)橥耆珜W⒂谠诩艺湛慈齻(gè)孩子,她不再有時(shí)間到俱樂(lè)部去盡享各種各樣的活動(dòng)。be devoted to專注于,此處為過(guò)去分詞短語(yǔ)在句中作狀語(yǔ);attach to附屬于,依戀于;occupy oneself in忙于;contribute to有助于,為……做貢獻(xiàn)。
答案: D
12.解析: 句意為:“經(jīng)過(guò)數(shù)小時(shí)的搜尋,他們的耐心得到了回報(bào),他們找到了他們?cè)谡业臇|西”。A項(xiàng)“計(jì)算”,B項(xiàng)“證實(shí),確認(rèn)”,D項(xiàng)“評(píng)價(jià)”。
答案: C
13.解析: 考查“介詞+關(guān)系代詞”引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句。分析句子成分可知此處先行詞為friends,從句中有短語(yǔ)share sth.with sb.,故此處用“with+who”引導(dǎo)非限制性定語(yǔ)從句。
答案: B
14.解析: 考查介詞短語(yǔ)。句意為:加利西亞海岸禁止捕魚(yú)和收獲海產(chǎn)品,這迫使許多漁民失業(yè)。out of order表示“無(wú)秩序”,out of work表示“失業(yè)”,out of touch表示“失去聯(lián)系”,out of sight表示“在視野外”。根據(jù)句意可知選B。
答案: B
15.解析: 考查倒裝。句意為:只有用這種方法我們才能消除目前面臨的困難。only修飾狀語(yǔ)放在句首時(shí),主句要用部分倒裝。
答案: D
語(yǔ)篇解讀: Ludwig Guttann是一位醫(yī)生,也是殘奧會(huì)的創(chuàng)始人。
1.解析: 這個(gè)組織了體育賽事并最終(eventually)發(fā)展成殘奧會(huì)的人是一名醫(yī)生。
答案: B
2.解析: 十幾歲時(shí)他就對(duì)醫(yī)學(xué)感興趣,并在一家醫(yī)院做了志愿者(volunteer)。
答案: C
3.解析: 25歲時(shí),他從醫(yī)學(xué)院畢業(yè),成為了一名醫(yī)生。graduate畢業(yè)。
答案: D
4.解析: 接下來(lái)幾年里他的事業(yè)很成功。enjoy擁有,享有。
答案: A
5.解析: 然而(However),由于他和他的家人是猶太人,他們?cè)诘聡?guó)的生活變得非常艱難(difficult)。
答案: B
6.解析: 參見(jiàn)上題解析。
答案: B
7.解析: 1938年他和家人搬(oved)到英國(guó)。
答案: A
8.解析: research into對(duì)……的研究,為固定搭配。
答案: D
9.解析: 二戰(zhàn)期間,有很多士兵在戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中受傷(wounded)。
答案: C
10.解析: 通常,他們的腿不能走路需要治療(treatent)和幫助。
答案: B
11.解析: 參見(jiàn)上題解析。
答案: A
12.解析: 殘疾士兵由于不能過(guò)正常的生活而感到壓抑(depressed)和生氣。
答案: C
13.解析: 他用他的新方法(ethods)照顧傷員,而且盡力給他們情感上的力量。
答案: D
14.解析: 他知道(knew)參加體育運(yùn)動(dòng)不僅有益于一個(gè)人的身體,而且有益于他的心靈。
答案: A
15.解析: 他開(kāi)始用體育運(yùn)動(dòng)(sports)這種方式治療他的病人。14空后的“taking part in sports”是線索提示。
答案: C
16.解析: 他想讓他的病人找回自尊和尊嚴(yán),并且鼓勵(lì)(encouraged)他們參加體育運(yùn)動(dòng)。
答案: B
17.解析: 到1952年時(shí),國(guó)際輪椅比賽規(guī)模開(kāi)始變大。get變成,符合語(yǔ)境。
答案: D
18.解析: 到1960年這項(xiàng)賽事和夏季奧林匹克運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)一樣成為官方的(official)賽事。
答案: D
19.解析: 他于1980年去世,甚至在此項(xiàng)運(yùn)動(dòng)被命名為殘奧會(huì)之前(before)。
答案: A
20.解析: 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)他是殘奧會(huì)的創(chuàng)始人。there is no doubt that...毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)……。
答案: C
語(yǔ)篇解讀: 本文是一篇與學(xué)生教育有關(guān)的。大多數(shù)老師認(rèn)為,管理學(xué)生行為是他們最大的挑戰(zhàn),如果管理不適當(dāng),可能會(huì)傷害學(xué)生或失去工作。
1.解析: 主旨大意題。全文主要介紹了老師在管理學(xué)生行為方面的困難。
答案: D
2.解析: 推理。根據(jù)第二段最后一句話“However,any teacher felt it soeties difficult as schools did not always effectively counicate the necessary inforatio n about the students for the to do it.”可推斷出,學(xué)校往往不能有效地提供關(guān)于學(xué)生的必要信息。
答案: C
3.解析: 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段第二句話中“Teachers felt low and high level behavior was easy to analyze and deal with...”可知,老師們覺(jué)得低級(jí)和高級(jí)行為容易分析和處理。因此,B項(xiàng)不正確。
答案: B
4.解析: 推理。根據(jù)第四段最后一句話“In case they deal with or be seen to deal with behavior wrongly or iproperly,the results could be very serious:daage the child or teacher,especially their carreer”可推斷出,如果老師處理問(wèn)題不妥當(dāng)?shù)脑,其結(jié)果是傷害學(xué)生或是失去工作。
答案: A
Rose wanted a job.She went to any offices andbut she didn’t like any of the.
One day she saw a board in an office readreading:“This office needs a typist whowho can type 200 words a inute.” Rose was excitingexcited.When Rose went to the anager’s office,the an was writing soething.Rose knocked at the door and the anager raised herhis head.“Do you need a typist?” asked Rose.“Yes!” he said.Rose clapped her handhands.She couldn’t help saying,“OK!How uch will you pay for—— e every onth?” The anager thought for a while and said,“I will pay you 77 dollars for ∧the first three onths.Then I will pay you 30 dollars every onth.” Rose siled and answeranswered,“Great!I will coe and work here three onths latelater.” The anager was speechless.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/594844.html
