
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
The Jordans had the best raspberries in the neighborhood, and that their bushes were always heavy with fruit.So, that summer Friday night, we snuck(潛行) into the Jordans’ backyard and 1 ourselves carefully around the bushes and started 2 their sweet, juicy berry. And we were enjoying every bite of ill-gotten berry 3 all of a sudden the Jordans’ backyard lights were turned on.
“What you boys doing out here?” Mr Jordan shouted. In all 4 ran off my friends, uneaten raspberries 5 everywhere.
He made an attempt to grab one or two, but they were too quick. Speed was never my 6 . So I could just stand there and 7 whatever punishment from the Jordans and my parents. I took the scolding that Mr Jordan gave me until we reached my house, where my mother 8 . My friends said they could hear every 9 word from the darkness of our backyard, where they had gathered to celebrate their 10 .
They 11 me about it for days afterwards, while all I could do was complain about how 12 it was that I had to pay the full 13 for doing the exact same thing all of them had done without any 14 consequences. After about a week, I complained it to my father.
“You took raspberries without asking, and you got exactly the punishment you 15 ,”Dad said.
“But what about the other guys?” I asked.
“That’s not my 16 , nor should it be yours,” Dad said. “You can’t control what happens to other people. You can 17 deal with what happens to you.”
Back then I thought Dad just didn’t 18 it. But through the years I come to realize that, 19 , he knew what he was talking about. We didn’t come to earth with a(an) 20 that life would treat us fairly. The only thing we can actually deal with is what happens to us.
1. A. allowed B. protected C. positioned D. helped
2. A. harvesting B. digging C. throwing D. hunting
3. A. and B. when C. before D. as
4. A. senses B. ways C. directions D. efforts
5. A. growing B. running C. flying D. hiding
6. A. power B. disadvantage C. strength D. attempt
7. A. accepted B. rejected C. risked D. enjoyed
8. A. paid for B. took over C. turned away D. picked out
9. A. encouraging B. swear C. cool D. kind
10. A. stealing B. experience C. escape D. behavior
11. A. explained B. teased C. scolded D. praised
12. A. unfair B. funny C. strange D. equal
13. A. number B. accident C. price D. task
14. A. same B. reliable C. noticeable D. safe
15. A. deserted B. received C. refused D. deserved
16. A. concern B. purpose C. request D. answer
17. A. sometimes B. only C. mostly D. almost
18. A. care B. value C. get D. handle
19. A. as well B. above all C. as usual D. or else
20. A. promise B. guarantee C. situation D. opinion

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/60409.html
