模塊三U1 重點詞匯講解

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
模塊三U1 重點詞匯講解
Welcome to the unit
1.the world of our senses
She has a good sense of smell. 她有良好的嗅覺。
I had the sense that he was lying. 我有種感覺,他在說謊。
common sense 常識
a sense of achievement 成就感 a sense of humor 幽默感
make sense 有意義,講的通 His argument doesn’t make sense. 他的論點沒有意義。
make sense of 理解,了解 Can you make sense of the difficult article? 你能理解這篇較難的文章嗎?
v. 感覺到
sense sth. / that
sense danger感覺到危險
I sensed that he was lying. 我感覺到他在說謊。
1.The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.
truth: n. 真實,事實 to tell you the truth 說實話
true: adj. 正確的,真正的 Finally my dream has come true. 最終我的夢想實現(xiàn)了
truly: adv. 真實地,真正地
2.As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she sensed that she was being watched by a tall
man in a dark coat.
observe: vt.
(1) 觀察 observe sth./sb.; observe that
The teacher observed that some students were asleep. 老師發(fā)現(xiàn)一些學生睡著了。
observe (see, watch, notice) sb. do sth. 觀察某人做某事(強調(diào)過程,動作的結(jié)果)
sb. doing sth. 觀察某人做某事 (強調(diào)動作正在進行)
(2) 遵守(規(guī)則、法令等)
Everyone should observe the traffic rules. 每個人都應(yīng)遵守交通規(guī)則。
(3) 慶祝
How will you observe your birthday? 你將如何慶祝你的生日?
observer: n. 觀察者
observation: n. 觀察,觀察力
3.While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her.
rest: n.
(1)the rest剩余的人,物
Take what you want and throw the rest away. 拿走你需要的,然后把剩余的扔掉。
the rest 作主語時,謂語動詞由of 后的名詞單、復數(shù)決定
The rest of his life was spent in prison. 他的余生在獄中度過。
The rest of the books are on the shelf. 剩余的那些書在架子上。
(2)休息 have a rest 休息一下
adj. 剩余的

glance: vi.
glance at 看一眼,瞥一眼
The man glanced nervously at his watch. 男子緊張地瞥了一眼他的手表。
glance at 很快地看一眼,瞥一眼
glare at 怒視
stare at 凝視,盯著看
give/take/have a glance at (朝……)一瞥
4.When Polly got to the station entrance, it was deserted.
deserted: adj. 被離棄的,廢棄的,荒蕪的 a deserted island 一個荒蕪的島
desert: vt. 拋棄,遺棄 All his friends have deserted him. 所有的朋友都遺棄了他。
desert: n. 沙漠
5.There was no one in sight.
sight: n. 視力,視覺
in sight 看得見 The train is still in sight. 火車還在視線范圍內(nèi)。
out of sight 看不見
catch / get / have sight of 看到,發(fā)現(xiàn)
at the sight of sth. 一看見
They ran away at the sight of the police. 他們一看見警察就跑了。
near-sighted, short-sighted 近視眼的
6.Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush her face and she heard a man’s voice in her ear saying ‘Sorry.’
rough: adj.
粗糙的:a rough hand 一雙粗糙的手
大致的:a rough idea 大致的想法
艱難的:a rough life 艱難的生活
7.Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still.
fear: n. 害怕,擔心
for fear of … 因為怕,以免
She asked us not to be noisy for fear of waking the baby. 她讓我們不要吵,以免吵醒嬰兒。
v. 害怕,擔心
I fear that he will get ill. 我擔心他會生病。
fearful: adj. 可怕的,害怕的
8.A few seconds later, a hand reached out and touched her arm.
reach out: 伸出
reach out (one’s hand) for sth.: 伸出手拿某物
The beggar reached out for money. 乞丐伸手要錢。
out of (one’s) reach 夠不著,觸不到
The banana was out of the monkey’s reach. 猴子夠不著香蕉
9.He held her hand more firmly.
firmly: adv. 牢牢地,堅定地
The director politely but firmly refused the invitation. 主管禮貌但堅定地拒絕了邀請。
firm: adj. 堅定的,牢牢的 a firm believer 堅定的相信者
firm: n. 公司 the advertising firm 廣告公司 the law firm律師事務(wù)所
10. You see, a fog this bad is rare.
rare: adj. 稀有的
This species of plant is becoming increasingly rare. 這個植物種類正在變得日漸稀有。
rarely: adv. 很少地,罕有地
Rarely have I seen her get so angry. 我很少見她變得這么生氣。
11.I was frozen with fear for a moment.
freeze: vi. (~, froze, frozen) 凍結(jié),凍僵,呆住
The lake has frozen overnight. 湖一夜之間就凍住了。
on a freezing cold day 在刺骨寒冷的一天
She froze at the sight of the snake. 她看到蛇呆住了。
12.You took my hand and led me confidently through the foggy streets to my house.
confident: adj. 自信的
be confident about / of sth. 對……有自信
confidently: adv. 自信地
confidence: n. 自信心
Grammar and usage
1.reduce: v. 減少,降低,減緩
reduce pain/ costs/ speed: 減輕痛苦、降低價格、減慢速度
The price has been reduced to 50 yuan. 價格被降到50元。
by 50 yuan. 價格被降了50元。
【反義詞】 increase v. 增加
2.volunteer: n. 志愿者
v. 志愿做,自愿做
volunteer to do sth. 志愿做某事
Many volunteers volunteered to help the old in their town. 許多志愿者自愿幫助鎮(zhèn)上的老人。
volunteer for sth. 志愿為某事(出力)
voluntary: adj. 志愿的
voluntarily: adv. 志愿地
3.be related to: 與……有關(guān)
= be linked to/with
Wealth is seldom related to happiness. 財富很少和快樂聯(lián)系起來。
relative: adj. 相對的 n. 親戚
relation: n . 關(guān)系,聯(lián)系
4.add: v. 增加
add sth. to sth. 把……加到……上
Would you like to add more sugar to your coffee? 你想要給你的咖啡再加點糖嗎?
add to 增添
The news added to our worries. 這個消息增加了我們的擔憂。
add up 加起來
add up to 總計
The cost of the trip added up to 2000 yuan. 旅行的費用總計2000元。
5.ache: n. 疼痛 a stomach ache 胃痛
vi. ache for sth. 渴望某物 ache to do sth. 渴望做某事
6.can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事
On seeing such a funny thing, I can’t help laughing. 一看到如此有趣的東西,我就忍不住笑了起來。
can’t help do sth. 不能幫助做某事
I can’t help do the work because I have no time. 我不能幫忙做這個工作,因為我沒時間。
1.chance n. 機會,可能性,機率
He valued the chance to go abroad. 他很珍惜出國的機會。
have a fair chance of (doing) sth. 有很大的可能性做某事
small / slim 有很小的可能性做某事
There is a chance that it will rain today. 有可能今天要下雨。
2.latter: adj. 后來的
He was happy in the latter years of his life. 晚年他很開心。
the latter 后者 the former 前者
3.likely: adj. 可能的
He is likely to come.
= It is likely that he will come.
可以說 It is likely/probable/ possible to do sth/that…
但只能說 sb. is likely to do sth.
4. distance: n. 距離
in the distance 在遠處
at a distance 隔一段距離
within walking distance 很近
distant: adj. 遙遠的
5. avoid: vt. 逃避,避免
avoid accidents 避免事故
avoid doing sth. 避免做某事
I can’t avoid making mistakes. 我不能避免犯錯。

1.He survived the plane crash and landed on a d_______ island.
2.The little boy held his mother’s hand f______ when crossing the street.
3.Soon a team of 200 v_____ arrived in the area to help the wounded, homeless in the earthquake without any pay.
4.The school is within walking d_____ of my house.
5.She spoke quietly for f____ of waking the baby up.
6.The recent economic situation a_____ to our worries.
7.She g_______ at her watch and left in a hurry.
8.At the news, people couldn’t h______ jumping and laughing.
9. In my opinion, what he told us just now about the matter doesn’t make any_______.
10. After living in France for a year, I felt much more c_________ about my French.

1. He is standing in front of the window and _______ (盯著看) at the rain pouring down.
2.The number of the students in the area has been__________ (減少).
3. We passed through several __________ (被離棄的) villages where local people had already left.
4. The article is so difficult that I can’t make ______ (理解) of it.
5. I was frozen with fear at the _______ (看見) of the blood.
6. We have a fair _______ (可能性) of winning the game.
7. In order to _______ (避免) making mistakes, he checked his essay again and again.
8. He put forward two suggestions. The ________ (后者) sounds much better.
9. The book is at the top of the shelf, out of my _______ (觸到).
10. Finally, his dream of becoming a scientist has come _______ (真的).

relate … to … stare at reach out in the distance
have a glance at rough out of sight make sense
within walking distance observe To tell you the truth
1. ________, I watched an exciting horse race yesterday. That’s why I was absent from work.
2. ---How far is the distance from there to the beach? --- Not far, ______.
3. He tried to __________ for the apple on the tree, but failed.
4. He was very shy and __________ the visitor.
5. Sandy didn’t leave until the train was _________.
6. The fall in the cost of living is directly _______ the drop in the oil price.
7. Her hands were _________with hard work.
8. I spent some time ____________ their customs.
9. This sentence doesn’t __________. Make another one.
10. Parents always tell their children that it’s impolite to ________ others.

in the distance stare at on such a freezing cold night at the sight of
fear make sense deserted observe
rough confident

Tom went home from work at 9 o’clock and it was raining outside. 1 , Tom can’t help shivering(發(fā)抖)while walking in a dark street. All of a sudden, he saw a white shadow moving quickly 2 . 3 such a strange thing, he 4 that he would come across some thief. He walked more quickly, finding no one in the street, which 5 his fear. After a while, he ran into another street where was bright enough. He 6 the environment around. Luckily, there was nothing strange and two walkers in sight. He felt relieved. Suddenly, he felt a 7 hand patting on his shoulder. Who will it be? What’s his 8 of going home safely?

1. deserted 2.firmly 3.volunteers 4.distance 5.fear
6. added 7. glanced 8. help 9. sense 10.confidence

1.staring 2.reduced 3. deserted 4.sense 5. sight
6.chance 7. avoid 8. latter 9.reach 10.true

1. To tell you the truth 2. within walking distance 3. reach out 4. had a glance at
5. out of sight 6.related to 7. rough 8.observing
9.make sense 10. stare at

1. On such a freezing cold night 2.in the distance 3.At the sight of 4.feared
5. added to 6. observed 7.rough 8.chance

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/62940.html
