
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
2012屆高考英語(yǔ)一輪單元總復(fù)習(xí)講義精品薈萃外研版選修六Module 6
1.Abandon v.& n.放棄,拋棄,離棄,逃離;中止
(回歸課本P72)The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad that the US army commanders thought about abandoning the invasion.奧馬哈海灘的形勢(shì)非常嚴(yán)峻,以至于美軍司令官都考慮放棄進(jìn)攻了。
①The old couple have brought up three abandoned children.
②(朗文P2)The game had to be abandoned due to bad weather.由于天氣不好,比賽不得不終止。
③(朗文P2)Imogen had abandoned all hope of ever seeing her brother again.
④However,I think that one can abandon oneself to new experiences when overseas without treating one’s training with abandon.
①The soldier deserted his country and helped the enemy.
②The 9?year?old boy was abandoned by his alcoholic father.
③She quitted her job.
④He left his wallet in the classroom.
1.The girl had to ________ her journey because of her mother’s illness.
A.a(chǎn)bandon      B.leave
C.desert D.quit
2.The plan was ________ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.
A.released B.deserted
C.resigned D.a(chǎn)bandoned
2.occupy vt. 占領(lǐng);占據(jù);占用;占有(時(shí)間、空間);承擔(dān),擔(dān)任;使忙碌于(做某事)
(回歸課本P72)During the war,Germany occupied many countries,including France.
①While she waited,she tried to occupy her mind with pleasant thoughts of the vacation.
②(朗文P1412)Fishing occupies most of my spare time.
③The Jackson family have occupied this apartment for the past six months.
過(guò)去半年中, 杰克遜一家住在這套公寓里。
④The man was occupied with ordering computer parts.
⑤She occupied herself in cooking.
=She was occupied in cooking.她正忙著做飯。
⑥Please state your name,address and occupation.
3.Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ________ for a whole week.
A.constrained      B.dominated
C.restricted D.occupied
4.Danis is ________ hunting for a new job and has no eye for his wife and children.
A.occupied in B.buried for
C.a(chǎn)bsorbed to D.engaged to
解析:選A。句意是:丹尼斯一心在找工作,沒(méi)有關(guān)心他的妻兒。be occupied in 忙于;B項(xiàng)改為buried in(埋頭于……);C項(xiàng)改為absorbed in(專(zhuān)心于……);D項(xiàng)的意思是“與某人訂婚”,表示“忙于”時(shí),要用engaged in/with。
3.despite prep. 不管,不顧
(回歸課本P83)The UN couldn’t stop a terrible civil war in the African state of Rwanda in 1995,despite warnings of the dangers from nearby states.
①Despite all our efforts to save the school,the county decided to close it.盡管我們竭盡全力想保住這所學(xué)校,縣里還是決定把它關(guān)閉。
②Despite/In spite of the traffic jam,he arrived here on time.
③(朗文P1982)Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.
④He went ahead and did it,regardless of the consequences.
5.________ scientists know where a storm will happen,winds will suddenly change,carrying the storm to a new direction.
A.Even if        B.Since
C.Despite D.Unless
6.________ the advances of science,the discomforts of old age will always be with us.
A.As for B.Besides
C.Except D.Despite
解析:選D。句意:盡管科學(xué)取得了巨大的發(fā)展,但年老的不適毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)總會(huì)伴隨著我們。despite盡管,不管,相當(dāng)于in spite of;as for至于,說(shuō)到;besides除……之外(還有);except除……外(沒(méi)有)。
4.worthwhile adj. 值得做的,有價(jià)值的,有用的
(回歸課本P79)But the villagers treated us like heroes,and for a brief moment,I felt that all the fear and danger had been worthwhile.
①We had a long wait,but it was worthwhile because we got the tickets.
②Thank you for making my visit so worthwhile.
③It is worthwhile discussing the question.(=It is worthwhile to discuss the question.)這個(gè)問(wèn)題值得討論。
be worth 后還可接動(dòng)詞的-ing形式,意為“值得做”,應(yīng)使用主動(dòng)結(jié)構(gòu)表示被動(dòng)意義。be worth不能接不定式。
(2)worthy的結(jié)構(gòu)是:be worthy of sth./be worthy of doing sth./sth.is worthy to be done或sth.is worthy of being done。
(3)worthwhile要與形式主語(yǔ)it并用,構(gòu)成It is/was worthwhile doing/to do sth.,worth也可用于這個(gè)句式中。
①Guilin is worthy of being visited.
②Hangzhou is a beautiful place.It is worthwhile to go there.
③Is the exhibition worth a visit?
7.Because American parents believe that knowledge leads to a meaningful life,they try to give youngsters many opportunities to develop skills and ________ interests.
A.worth       B.worthy
C.valuable D.worthwhile
8.We have worked together in harmony for many years, and I find it ________ with them.
A.worthy of working
B.useless to work
C.worth of working
D.worthwhile working
解析:選D。句意是:我們已融洽合作很多年了,我發(fā)現(xiàn)與他們合作很值得。it 是find的形式賓語(yǔ);worthwhile是賓補(bǔ),working with them是真正的賓語(yǔ)。形式主語(yǔ)或形式賓語(yǔ)常與worthwhile連用。
5.to one’s astonishment 令某人驚訝的是
(回歸課本P79)To our astonishment,just two days after we had received our confidential orders to join the D-Day landing troops,and after a day fighting and seeing many of my friends killed by the enemy,we found ourselves outside a peaceful village in France.
①To his astonishment,the keys were in the door.
=To the astonishment of him,the keys were in the door.
②Much to everyone’s astonishment,the plan succeeded.
③To the curiosity of everyone,his father was not angry over what he had done.
使每個(gè)人好奇的是,他的父親并沒(méi)有因?yàn)樗龅氖露鷼狻?br />【即境活用】
9.To our ________,the computer doesn’t function again.
A.disappointment    B.disappointing
C.disappointed D.delight
1.【教材原句】 The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.(P72)
【句法分析】 此句為一個(gè)主從復(fù)合句,before引導(dǎo)一個(gè)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句,意為“還沒(méi)有來(lái)得及……就……”。
(1)before sb.can/could...某人還沒(méi)來(lái)得及……
①Before I could get in a word,he had measured me.
(2)It will be+時(shí)間+before...還有多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間……才……
②It will be 4 years before he graduates.
(3)had done some time before ……才……
③We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land.我們航行了四天四夜才見(jiàn)到陸地。
(4)had not done...before...不到……就……
④We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired.
(5)It was not+一段時(shí)間+before不多久就……
⑤It wasn’t two years before he left the country.
10.Someone called me up in the middle of the night,but they hung up ________ I could answer the phone.
A.a(chǎn)s        B.since
C.until D.before
11.It was not long ________,his name became a household word.
A.when B.a(chǎn)fter
C.before D.since
解析:選C。考查句式It was not long before...,表示不多久就……。句意為:不久之后,他的名字就家喻戶(hù)曉了。it was not long before=shortly。
2.【教材原句】 The survivors lay on the beach,exhausted and shocked.(P73)
【句法分析】 exhausted and shocked是形容詞短語(yǔ)作狀語(yǔ),表示死里逃生的戰(zhàn)士躺在海灘上時(shí)的狀態(tài)。形容詞的這種用法很常見(jiàn)。
①He arrived home,hungry and tired.他又餓又累地回到家里。
②He turned away,disappointed.他失望地走開(kāi)了。
③In spite of the terrible weather,he landed all the passengers safe.盡管天氣很糟糕,他還是使所有乘客都安全著陸了。
④Happy and gay,the little girl ran to her parents.
12.(高考浙江卷)________ and short of breath,Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.
A.To be tired       B.Tired
C.Tiring D.Being tired
解析:選B?疾樾稳菰~短語(yǔ)作狀語(yǔ)。此處是形容詞詞組說(shuō)明主語(yǔ)的狀態(tài),實(shí)際上它是一種省略結(jié)構(gòu),相當(dāng)于“Although Andy and Ruby were tired and short of breath”,故B項(xiàng)正確。
13.After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,________.
C.being exhausted
D.having exhausted
解析:選B。句意是:從國(guó)外旅行之后,理查德?瓊斯疲憊不堪地回到了家。exhaust是一個(gè)使役動(dòng)詞,意為“使精疲力盡”。例如:My father is completely exhausted.我父親精疲力竭。
3.【教材原句】 ...he said,“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”(P81)
【句法分析】 (1)本句是一個(gè)由否定詞never開(kāi)頭的倒裝句,否定詞或短語(yǔ)放在句首經(jīng)常構(gòu)成部分倒裝,即把助動(dòng)詞提到主語(yǔ)的前面去。常見(jiàn)的否定詞還有:
nor,neither,no,not,seldom,little,hardly,at no time,in no way,not until,not only...but also,hardly(scarcely)...when,no sooner...than等。
①Not only was everything he had taken away from him but also his German citizenship.不僅他所有的東西都被帶走了,就連他的德國(guó)國(guó)籍也被取消了。
②He is seldom ill,is he?他很少生病,是嗎?
③He was hardly twenty then,was he?
14.(高考陜西卷)Little ________ about her own safety,though she was in great danger herself.
A.did Rose care    B.Rose did care
C.Rose does care D.does Rose care
15.(高考全國(guó)卷Ⅰ)The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only ________,but students became more interested in the lessons.
A.saved was teachers’ energy
B.was teachers’ energy saved
C.teachers’ energy was saved

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/63814.html

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