
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
j.Co M

I. 重點詞匯
nation n.國家
nautical adj.海上的
nectar n.花蜜
noble n.貴族
Oceania n.大洋洲
odour n.香味
offending adj.令人不愉快的
offend vt. 冒犯
offshore adj.離岸的
operator n.話務員
overhead adj.在頭頂上的
paralyze vt.使癱瘓
parcel n.小包
peck vt .啄食
pirate 海盜n.
policy n.方針
politician n.政治家
pollinate vt.對。。。授粉
portable adj.手提式的
postpone vt.延遲
profile n.簡介
promote vt.提升
II. 重點短語
1.out off the operator出于尊重
2.2. in respect of關于
3.dial the operator打通話務員
4.4.owe an apology to sb.向。。。道歉
5.owe to sb.把。。。歸功于
6.6.owing to因為
7.a parcel of一包
8. postpone to/until延遲到
III. 佳句賞析
1.They will be offended if you don’t go to their wedding.
2.So seamen could follow the birds to land even if they were offshore and in the open sea.
3.Suddenly, the lightning came very close and I could hear the thunder overhead.
4.These early settlers owned their survival to hard work and determination to succeed.
IV. 詞匯練習
1.T he of the machine is difficult.
2.Some birds are flying
3. The match was to the following Saturday because of the bad weather.
V. 短語練習
1.- What do you think I should do?
-I think you should call him back
A. in every respect B. out of respect C. with respect D. in several respect
2.__________ you my best thanks for what you’ve done to me.
A forgive. B. owe C. charge D. share
3. The plane was _______
for tow hours because of the heavy fog.
A.delayed B. cancelled C. postpone D. dismissed
4. Some people like drinking coffee, for it has effects.
A. promoting B. stimulating C. enhancing D. encouraging.

IV. 1.operation 2. overhead 3. postpone
V. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/65218.html

相關閱讀:2012屆高考英語選修6 Unit 3頂尖復習教案