
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
英 語(yǔ) 試 題
第一部分 聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分30分)
第一節(jié) (共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分7.5分)
1.What is the woman going to do this evening?
A.Enjoy the concert.
B.Go to the airport.
C.Pick her father up.
2.What time will the speakers meet for the journey?
A.At 2:00. B.At 2:05. C.At 5:00.
3.How many people will have dinner together?
A.6. B.8. C.10.
4.Why does the man visit the woman?
A.To say sorry to her.
B.To help cook the meal.
C.To borrow some milk.
5.What does the woman mean?
A.She regrets going to the theatre.
B.She didn't go to the theatre at all.
C.She thought the ticket was expensive.
第二節(jié) (共15小題;每題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分22.5分)
6.Where does the conversation take place?
A.At a hotel. B.At a booking office. C.At a friend's house.
7.What will the man probably do in a few days?
A.Fly to the south of Spain.
B.Drive back to visit friends.
C.Come by and stay here again.
8.What happened to the boy?
A.He had a heart attack.
B.He had a car accident.
C.He had an allergic reaction.
9.What might have caused the trouble of the boy?
A.Peanuts. B.Seafood. C.Pepper.
10.What do we know about the girl?
A.She turned red in the face.
B.She had checked before ordering.
C.She doesn't like doing her lessons.
11.What is the woman's problem?
A.She has missed the bus but nobody offers her a lift.
B.She didn't expect it was such a long way to Emberton.
C.She has lost her way and is carrying several heavy bags.
12.How will the woman get to Emberton?
A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bus.
13.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Driver and passenger. B.Neighbors. C.Strangers.
14.What did the speakers buy for lunch?
A.Sausage. B.Sandwiches. C.Eggs.
15.What is the woman curious about in the market?
A.The booths. B.The shouting. C.The people.
16.What does the man suggest doing in the market?
A.Selling clothes. B.Speaking aloud. C.Bargaining.
17.What caused the traffic to stop?
A.A heavy snow. B.A big storm. C.A heavy shower.
18.What will the weather be like on Friday?
A.Windy and cool. B.Cloudy and rainy. C.Warm and sunny
19.What's the season of the town now?
A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Winter.
20.What does Mathew Delaney report?
A.Music. B.Weather. C.Sports.
第二部分:英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié), 滿(mǎn)分45分)
21.—Kenneth, you shall not come to school late again.
—Sure, Mr.Brown.___
A.It doesn't matter.B.Why me?
C.Forget it. D.You have my word.
22.At ___ recent sports science conference in London, hundreds of participants discussed___ benefit of barefoot running.
A.the: a B.a(chǎn); the C.不填; the D.the; 不填
23.Some people are worried about the year 2014 ___ they think the earth will end in disasters.
A.where B.that C.which D.when
24.The local government provided ___ for the homeless soon after the flood.
A.possessions B.a(chǎn)ccommodations C.souvenirs D.groceries
25.—Tom should have stayed to help.
—Why ___ he? I needed a hand, you know.
A.didn't B.hasn't C.hadn't D.shouldn't
26.If passers-by ___ a blind eye to the injured little Yueyue in Foshan, Guangdong, she___ alive now.
A.didn't turn; would be B.hadn't turned; would be
C.didn't turn; would have been D.hadn't turned; would have been
27.Millions of new workers ___ the Field of wind power over the past three decades.
A.entered B.enter C.have entered D.had entered
28.Raymond always carries some painkillers in his bag ___ a headache suddenly attacks.
A.so that B.so long as C.in case D.even if
29.Samuel can't help having a big nose —it is ___ of him to be curious about others' affairs.
A.typical B.constant C.considerate D.unique
30.My naughty son broke my favorite album.I was about to _ __ when my wife calmed me down.
A.erupt B.explode C.promote D.ignore
31.___ online once makes her afraid to try e-shopping again.
A.Cheated B.Having cheated
C.To be cheated D.Being cheated
32.I have visited so many places of interest, but ___ can match the Great Wall.
A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither
33.The 9-seat school bus ___ carry 64 pupils.I just can't imagine it!
A.shall B.should C.must D.may
34.Hardly ___ the stadium in a rush when the newly-elected mayor finished his speech.
A.we have reached B.have we reached
C.had we reached D.we had reached
35.Housing prices increased nationwide, ___ the high cost of renting a house.
A.contributing to B.having contributed to
C.contributed to D.being contributed to
第二節(jié) 完型填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分30分)
When Rick was born, somehow his umbilical cord (臍帶) wrapped his neck.This left him brain-damaged and unable to 36 his arms and legs."He'll be vegetative (植物的) for the rest of his life." the 37 declared.But his father, David, didn't 38 it.He noticed the way Rick's eyes 39 him around the room, and wanted so 40 to help his son communicate.
At 11, Rick was equipped with a computer, which 41 him to control the cursor (光標(biāo)) by touching a switch with the side of his head.Rick was finally able to 42 .
Later Rick decided to attend a charity run for a paralyzed (癱瘓) classmate.But 43 was David, who never ran more than a mile 44 ,going to push his son five miles? 45 , he tried.That day 46 Rick's life."Dad," he typed, "When we were 47 .I felt I wasn't _48_!" And that sentence changed David's life, who tried every means, including going for the 49 ,to give Rick that feeling.
50 a single runner nor a wheelchair competitor, they found no way to get into the official 51 .Not until 1983 could they run a marathon and surprisingly they were fast enough to reach the agreed 52 for Boston Marathon the next year.So far David and Rick have 53 24 Boston Marathons.Their best 54 ? 2 hours, 40 minutes —35 minutes off the world record, which, of course, is held by a guy who was not 55 another man in a wheelchair at the time.
36.A.touch B.control C.wave D.lift
37.A.scientists B.teachers C.a(chǎn)ssistants D.doctors
38.A.believe B.realize C.permit D.tolerate
39.A.held B.followed C.a(chǎn)dmired D.watched
40.A.curiously B.simply C.badly D.really
41.A.a(chǎn)ttracted B.instructed C.promised D.enabled
42.A.talk B.communicate C.write D.speak
43.A.when B.what C.why D.how
44.A.in no time B.on time C.a(chǎn)t a time D.in time
45.A.Again B.Still C.Indeed D.Therefore
46.A.crashed B.ruined C.changed D.started
47.A.typing B.walking C.talking D.running
48.A.tired B.disabled C.foolish D.clever
49.A.marathon B.champion C.committee D.gymnastics
50.A.Though B.Whether C.Either D.Neither
51.A.race B.report C.opening D.statistics
52.A.distance B.standard C.height D.destination
53.A.a(chǎn)cquired B.recorded C.finished D.won
54.A.time B.place C.a(chǎn)ction D.position
55.A.supporting B.dragging C.pulling D.pushing
I was gazing out the window of the plane, when I felt a powerful jolt (顛簸) as if a truck had hit us from behind.Following Les and Randy I jumped into the lake.
Twenty minutes later, in the icy cold water, I felt my arms had gone numb, I couldn't last much longer.But I thought of the difficult situations I'd gone through.I wasn't going to die.I swam for more than an hour till I reached shore.There were Randy and Les, alive but in bad shape.
"We're going to have to pull through the night." I told them."Do you think we're gonna make it?" Les asked.I hesitated, because I had never felt worse."Yes," I replied encouragingly.We built a shelter with rocks I gathered nearby and made a fire to keep warm.Over and over I told myself, "We're going to make it.God will help us."
Next morning, we scanned the water, trying to spot a fisherman.A couple of hours later a boat came into view.We waved and shouted.The boat moved across the water till we could no longer see it.We spotted a second one.Same deal.Then another boat.Randy ran about a mile after the boat along the shore.Finally they spotted him.
"It's a miracle," one fisherman said after listening to our story."We're here for a fishing tournament.This spot never has fish this time of year.But for some reason I thought it necessary to check it out.You should have been senseless after 30 minutes in that water.No way you should have made it."
That's my most recent brush with death.Fight to survive.That's what it takes to be a true survivor.
56.The underlined part my arms had gone numb in Para 2 most probably means ____.
A.his arms had no strength B.his arms felt tired out
C.his arms had no feeling D.his arms felt extremely painful
57.When asked whether they could survive, the author ____.
A.was confident that God would help B.doubted how they could get out of trouble
C.was sure they'd end their lives there D.had no doubt they would save themselves
58.What did they do to save themselves?
A.They examined the water to find a boat.B.They swam across the water to take boats
C.They built a shelter with wood nearby. D.They set a fire to make them noticed.
59.Which of the following best describes their survival?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed. B.After a storm comes a calm sunshine.
C.Everything comes to people who pray. D.Fortune favors those fighting to survive.
Durban—Canada Monday became the first country to pull out of the historic Kyoto Protocol (京都議定書(shū)), inescapably scarring the global anti-climate change efforts.
The Kyoto Protocol, which set different duties for all countries to cut emissions (排放), states that different countries should reduce their collective greenhouse emissions accordingly. However, the United States refused to sign the protocol in 2001, and is the only developed country that has not agreed to sign it.The move has cast a shadow over the global community, and has made some other developed nations hesitate to cut their emissions.To add fuel to the fire, Canada, became the first to call it quits, with the deadline of the first commitment period (2008-2014) approaching.
The biggest concern at this moment is whether other developed countries would follow suit.
Over the past four years, a drama has unfolded among developed countries over the emissions cuts and offering support to their developing partners.
The Umbrella Group, consisting of Japan, Canada, Australia, the United States and other developed countries, hesitated and even backed away from their positions under certain excuses.The first one quoted by Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent is that emission cuts damage the economy.Still another is requiring China and India to have thesame duty of cutting emissions as developed countries.
Actually, if emissions in developed countries could fall to the levels in developing countries, it would greatly help the fight against global climate change.
In sum, any irresponsible action, in the anti-climate change campaign should be a cause for blame.It is widely hoped that the United States and Canada will see reason and join the rest of the world community in supporting the Kyoto Protocol.
60.Which of the following serves as the best title of the passage?
A.Canada Decides to Quit the Kyoto Protocol.
B.Canada and the US Refuse to Cut Emissions.
C.Developed Countries Hesitating to Cut Emissions.
D.Developing Countries Supporting the Kyoto Protocol.
61.According to the passage, ____ have refused to follow the Kyoto Protocol.
A.Canada and Australia B.Japan and Canada
C.the US and Canada D.China and India
62.People now are most worried ____.
A.whether the US and Canada will return to the negotiation table
B.whether developing countries will refuse to cut emissions
C.whether China and India will carry the same duty as Canada
D.whether more developed countries will do the same as Canada
63.The writer's attitude towards Canada's decision is ____.
A.negative B.positive C.mixed D.casual
Tickets and Events for 2014 London Olympic Games
64.A Chinese who wants to get tickets for Olympic Football Tournament should _____.
A.a(chǎn)pply to a European appointed ATR by Dec.2, 2014
B.purchase through NPC in China by Feb.6, 2014
C.visit .tickets.london2014.com now
D.contact the NOC in China by Feb.6,2014
65.____will be held in the Olympic Park.
A.Walking and table tennis B.Running and basketball preliminaries
C.Taekwondo and table tennis D.Men's basketball quarter-finals and taekwondo
66.Which sport will last the longest period of time?
A.Athletics. B.Taekwondo. C.Basketball. D.Table Tennis.
New experiments discover rats showing sympathy and helping other rodents (嚙齒類(lèi)動(dòng)物).It is a characteristic some scientists thought was reserved only for humans and higher animals.
In repeated tests, rats freed another trapped rat in their cage, even when yummy chocolate served as an attraction.24 of the 30 rats opened the trap by pushing in a door.The rats could have eaten the chocolate before freeing their partners, but often didn't, choosing to help and share the goodies.
"Basically they told us freeing another rat is as important as eating chocolate," said study author Peggy Mason of the University of Chicago."That's a very striking thing."
In some cases, the rats first took the chocolate chips out of a container, but didn't eat them, then freed the other rat and shared "almost as if they were serving them chocolate," Mason said.The research is reported in Thursday's journal Science.
Also, females showed more consistent care and help than males, Mason said.All six females freed their trapped partner while three quarters of the 24 males did so.This confirms other studies that show females showing more pro-social (親社會(huì)) behavior than males.There were time when the male rats took the day off from helping their trapped partner, but the females never did, she said.
Jeff Mogil at McGill University in Canada, who wasn't part of the study, said it was a little surprising but even more convincing.
Both scientists said social understanding is probably a characteristic that is important in the evolution of animals.
Mason joked that if rats can be so caring and helpful, "there's a sense of optimism.It's something we could be."
67.In repeated tests, 24 out of the 30 rats _____.
A.freed their trapped partners before they ate the chocolate alone
B.a(chǎn)te the chocolate first and then freed their trapped partners
C.helped the trapped partners and shared the chocolate with them
D.took the chocolate and served it to their trapped partners
68.In the experiments, _____ male rats freed their trapped partners.
A.6 B.18 C.24 D.30
69.What's the difference between the behavior of male and female rats?
A.Female rats showed more concern about their trapped partners.
B.Male rats cared more about their trapped partners than females.
C.Female rats behaved less pro-socially than male rats on the whole.
D.Male rats didn't go away from their trapped partners for even a day.
70.What can we learn from Mason's joke?
A.We don't like rats because they are mean and selfish animals.
B.Humans and higher animals are more caring and helpful than rats.
C.Rats surprise scientists with more pro-social behavior than humans.
D.Rats show such care and help that we humans should reflect on it.
How to Select Your College?
"So, what are you doing after graduation?" Many juniors and seniors get bored answering that question over and over. 71 Here are some practical tips to prepare yourself for the journey.
*Talking to Your Parents.
What if your post-graduation plans differ from what your parents have in mind? 72 If your parents want you to go to a college but you don't feel that college is right for you, explain why.
* 73
Your parents probably don't know everything.For school and career guidance, visit your school adviser and talk with adult friends.Make an effort to talk to people in the fields that interest you.Ask friends and older siblings (同胞) who are in college about their schools and about other schools they're familiar with.
* Making a Decision.
Some people know from an early age exactly what they want to be and how they plan to get there. 74 And that's OK too.School is also not just about careers and getting a high-paying job after graduation ?it's a place for learning about yourself and the world.
* Selecting a School.
If college is in your future, you need to plan.Which schools appeal to you? How do you decide on a school when there are thousands to pick from? Start by asking yourself questions about your preferences.Once you've narrowed down your choices, you can visit their websites. 75 Try to do this when school is in session so you can get a good idea of what life is really like on campus.
Hope these tips may help you to select schools and wish you good luck!
A.Seeking for Advice.
B.Following Different People.
C.Not all of us are so sure of our plans, though.
D.Talk openly with your parents about your plans.
E.Change your plans and follow your parents.
F.Most students, however, choose to go to college for further study.
G And then limit your list to a manageable number, make arrangements to visit
第一節(jié) 短文改錯(cuò)(共10小題;每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分10分)
It has been years since the Chinese get plastic bags from supermarkets for free.
China has banned free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, but people have to pay for
them. The Chinese once use about 300 million plastic shopping bags a day, which has
caused environmental pollution because plastic bags are not easily to break down. So the
Chinese is encouraged to take their own bags for shopping. Then what kind of
shopping bag is the best to carry? Some student in Chongqing have a extraordinary idea.
They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and then to ask their parents and friends to use
these cloth bags instead plastic ones. They do so because they think it is our duty to help
第二節(jié) 書(shū)面表達(dá)(滿(mǎn)分30分)
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C15. C16. A17. C18. A19. A20. B
21. A22. A23. C24. B 25. A 26. D 27. B28. B29. D 30. A
31. C32. D33. C34. A 35. B 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. C 40. A
41. B42. C 43. A44. C45. A 46. B 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. D
51. C 52. A 53. D54. A55. C56. B57. D58. C59. D60. B
61. A62. C 63. B64. B 65. A 66. D 67. C 68. B 69. A 70. D
71. F 72. D 73. A 74. C 75. G
It has been years since the Chinese get plastic bags from supermarkets for free.
China has banned free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, but people have to pay for
them. The Chinese once use about 300 million plastic shopping bags a day, which has
caused environmental pollution because plastic bags are not easily to break down. So the
Chinese is encouraged to take their own bags for shopping. Then what kind of
shopping bag is the best to carry? Some student in Chongqing have a extraordinary idea.
students an
They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and then to ask their parents and friends to use
these cloth bags instead ∧plastic ones. They do so because they think it is our duty to help
of their
protect the environment.
One Possible Version
Dear Li Ping,
I received your letter yesterday. Nowadays many students listen to music and learn English with earphones. As for your trouble with ears and bad memory, I’m afraid you spend too much time listening with earphones. In fact, listening to music while doing your lessons may result in less concentration on your study. Besides, the overuse of earphones does harm to your hearing. There are many ways we can enjoy music and learn English. For instance, a recorder or a radio may be a good choice. However, if you do need to use an earphone, you should rest your ears for at least ten minutes every hour but do not use it more than 2 hours a day. I hope things will get better soon.
Best wishes.
Yours, Lin Tao
Text 1
M: Shall we go to the concert this evening? I have two tickets.
W: Sorry. I am afraid I can’t. You know, my father is going abroad and I’m seeing him off at the airport at 8:00.
Text 2
W: Can we travel to New York together?
M: Certainly. I’ll pick you up at 2:00 and we should arrive in New York by 5:00 if the traffic isn’t too heavy.
Text 3
W: I’ve prepared the dinner for eight people, but Mary called and said that she and her husband couldn’t come.
M: That’s all right. I was just going to tell you that I’ve invited Tom and his girlfriend.
Text 4
W: Who is it?
M: It’s me. Tom. Sorry to trouble you, Tracy. But I just ran out of milk. Could you lend me some?
W: Sure. No problem. Come in.
Text 5
M: Did you go to the theatre?
W: Oh, it was a waste of time and money. We should have stayed at home.
Text 6
W: I’m happy everything was to your satisfaction, Mr Brown. We hope to see you next time.
M: Well, we’ll certainly stay here again next time we’re passing through.
W: Good. Do let us know in advance, and we’ll try to get you the same room.
M: That would be lovely. It may be quite soon, in fact.
W: Oh, how’s that?
M: Well, we’re driving to the south of Spain in the next couple of days, and we may come back this way.
W: Do give us a ring if you decide to. I hope you have a pleasant trip.
Text 7
W: Are you OK? Your face is turning really red!
M: No, I think I’m having an allergic reaction. I must have had something with peanuts in it by accident.
W: Oh, no. What should I do?
M: I need to go to the hospital. I’m having trouble breathing. And it usually gets worse before it gets better.
W: Wow, I’m glad the doctor is able to help. I had no idea you were allergic to peanuts.
M: Yeah, I’ve been allergic since I was a kid. But it’s been years since I’ve had an attack.
W: How could you have known there would be peanuts in a salad dressing?
M: Well, I really should have checked before ordering. It’s my fault.
W: I’m glad my only allergy is to homework.
Text 8
W: Excuse me, sir?
M: Oh, hi. Can I help you?
W: Can you tell me how much farther it is to Emberton?
M: Emberton? Yes, that’s six miles away from here.
W: Six miles! Oh, dear, I wish I’d known that. I’d never have tried to walk. Maybe I could have taken a bus. Anyhow, thank you.
M: Well, just a minute. I’m going to Emberton in my car. I’ll give you a lift if you like.
W: Oh, thank you. That’s very kind of you.
M: But what about all these bags? Are you going to carry them all the way?
W: Oh, no, no. I’ll put them back. I’m so glad to have met you here.
Text 9
W: Wow, this place is great! There’re so many different smells and bright colors. What’s that?
M: Homemade sausage. It’s great for sandwiches. Let’s get some for lunch. This is a vegetable market. You can get all sorts of things here, fruit, eggs, candy…
W: Can I get batteries here?
M: No, but we can get that at the market over there. Let’s go.
W: What is happening? Why are they all yelling?
M: They’re telling everyone what they have in their booths.
W: Can you understand what they’re saying? So strange!
M: Well, some of it. There are people from all over the world. Laos, Malaysia, Singapore…So they’re speaking different languages.
W: What do they sell here?
M: Clothing, hardware, electronics, you name it.
W: Is it expensive? I want to get batteries for my clock.
M: It’s pretty reasonable. Just point to what you want. Oh, one more thing, bargaining is a must.
W: Wow! Shopping here is so exciting.
Text 10
This is Ned Weather, your weatherman. This afternoon heavy rain fell in our town. The big storm caused a lot of damage and the traffic came to a complete stop.
Now let’s look at the weather report for tomorrow and the weekend. Friday will be warm and sunny during the day and cool at night. Temperatures will be in the sixties during the day and in the forties at night. You won’t need a heavy coat, but take a jacket to work just in case.
The weather on Saturday will be nice in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon. It’ll probably rain at night. Showers are quite common during the spring, but you’ll have clear weather to do some gardening on Saturday morning. Sunday will be cold and windy, and maybe it’ll snow in the mountains. If you’re planning to go there, don’t forget your boots and jackets. And now for sports, here is Mathew Delaney.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/69557.html
