
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
第Ⅰ卷 (共115分)
1. Where does this conversation take place probably?
A. In a post office B. In a bar. C. In a library.
2. Where will the speakers go for their vacation?
A. The mountains. B. The seaside. C. The city.
3. When should the woman turn right?
A. At the colored sign. B. At Joe’s Garage. C. After two miles.
4. What does the woman want to know?
A. What kind of typewriter it is.
B. What price the man is asking.
C. Why the man wants to sell the typewriter.
5. How does the man feel about the news?
A. Happy. B. Anxious. C. Unconcerned.
第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22. 5分)
6. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife.
B. Co-workers.
C. Salesman and customer.
7. How much money can be saved to buy a camera and a washing machine?
A. 20 pounds. B. 26 pounds. C. 42 pounds.
8. Why can’t the woman handle her problem alone?
A. She is inexperienced. B. She is too busy. C. She is afraid.
9. What will the woman’s son do this weekend?
A. Play sports. B. Help her buy a car. C. See a match.
10. How old was James Dean when his family moved to California?
A. Four years old. B. Five years old. C. Nine years old.
11. When did Dean become more serious about acting?
A. When he was a college student.
B. When he was in high school.
C. After he moved to New York.
12. Which aspect of Dean first attracted the man’s attention?
A. His acting skills. B. His character. C. His cool appearance.
13. What are the speakers doing?
A. They’re on vacation.
B. They’re shopping online.
C. They’re visiting a museum.
14. What did the woman do during the video chat?
A. She showed off some photos.
B. She showed off her boyfriend.
C. She showed off her new jewelry.
15. What does the woman’s friend want?
A. A ring. B. Some bags. C. A new dress.
16. What does the man think of the woman’s plan?
A. It’s a bad idea. B. It’s a good idea. C. He doesn’t care.
17. When does the story take place?
A. During the week.
B. On the weekend.
C. During a holiday.
18. What was the strangest thing about the man according to the speaker?
A. He was riding a unicycle.
B. He was singing a love song.
C. All his clothes were pink.
19. Why did everyone start clapping?
A. The guy did a trick on the unicycle.
B. The guy helped someone out.
C. The guy sang a song with some kids.
20. What might be the lesson of the story?
A. Don’t judge people by their appearances.
B. Always do the right thing.
C. Be careful with your money.
第一節(jié):單項 (共15小題; 每小題1分, 滿分15分)
21.-----How good the news is for you!
------ ______________.
A. You are friendly to tell me B. I'm glad to see that
C. It's kind of you to say so D. It's nice to hear from you
22.______ most efficient way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _______ good knowledge of basic word formation.
A. A;aB. The;/ C. A;/ D. The;the
23.According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to _______ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.
A. differ B. decline C. fail D. shrink
24. “It’s a secret. Promise no one else would know it”, he lowered his voice and whispered ____ no one could overhear it.
A. in case B. even if C. so that D. just as
25.―Jack is always complaining about not having any money.
―The problem is that he doesn't work hard and never ____.
A. does B. had C. did D. has
26.We shouldn't have come south for National Holidays.If we ____, we wouldn't be caught in the traffic jam now.
A. hadn't B. didn't C. wasn't D. weren't
27.?Can I help you with it?
-- I appreciate your _____, but I can manage it myself.
A. advice B. offer C. questionD. idea
28.―Lucy! Listen! He’s so rude. He says I’m stupid!
―Oh, ________ me ______ of the quarrel, please. I won’t get involved.
A. leave; out B. drive; out C. give; out D. let; out
29.______ the same mistake again made his parents very angry.
A. His being made B. He had made C. He had making D. His making
30.During the reconstruction of the city , many modern tall buildings went up old shabby houses were torn down.
A. in whichB. whatC. whereD. when
31.After the break, the lecturer went on to talk about the new academic concept.
A. in all B. at length C. in turn D. at most
32.After five days of fantastic space trip, the two astronauts walked out of the spaceship, _____.
A. tired but happy B. tiredly but happily
C. tiredly and happily D. tired and happy
33.It is generally accepted that rats eat 40 to 50 times _______.
A. by weight B. in weight C. their weight D. of their weight
34.When Goneril began looking for a job after college, she found that she couldn't get ____without work experience.
A. it B. this C. that D. one
35.The dance performed by the disabled actors is really a hit, but years ago no one ______ they were to achieve such great success.
A. must have imagined B. could have imagined
C. should have imagined D. would have imagined
第二節(jié): 完形 (共 20 小題; 每小題 1.5 分, 滿分 3 0 分)
Recently I paid a visit to Harvard University, where there are top class scientists and professors and the best academic system in the world.
I was pretty 36 when I first stepped onto the campus. Well, it's not even really a campus. It's 37 like a district in a small town.
Harvard's main buildings are from the 18th century, They look very old and 38 . You might 39 say they're a little shabby. They don't fit the modern 40 of university at all. The buildings are surrounded by 41 and trees, so I felt as if I had walked into a medieval (中世紀(jì)的) castle. But when I looked across the street, 42 shops and in-fashion students made me feel like I was in the 21st century 43 . It creates a strong contrast and brings a special 44 to the school.
Our tour 45 Gary took us around and told us, "You see this grass field in the center of the school? Here is where they hold their 46 ceremony. They just set up tents and benches and have a very simple ceremony.” It's 47 ! Who would think the most talented students just graduate on the grass?
I 48 some students put a blanket on the grass and lie down to read a book. When I listened to the soft sound of 49 turning, along with chirping of the birds, I felt very 50 . There was no competitive feeling at all.
Harvard has the world's first computer in its science centre 51 there are hundreds of high-end computers, too. Its religion and the literature departments are also 52 the best. It is the perfect mix of tradition and 53 technology. It makes Harvard a very attractive place to 54 in. I hope one day I'll 55 my dream school -- Harvard.
36. A. upset B. troubled C. shocked D. tired
37. A. less B. much C. more D. most
38. A. simple B. solid C. grand D. noisy
39. A. still B. even C. ever D. yet
40. A. pattern B. way C. model D. idea
41. A. grass B. stones C. plants D. flowers
42. A. empty B. busy C. quiet D. free
43. A. then B. once C. only D. again
44. A. environment B. scene C. atmosphere D. condition
45. A. partner B. guide C. visitor D. professor
46. A. celebration B. closing C. opening D. graduation
47. A. unbelievable B. uncomfortable C. unbearable D. uninteresting
48. A. felt B. had C. saw D. imagined
49. A. books B. benches C. blankets D. pages
50. A. calm B. nervous C. lucky D. happy
51. A. and B. but C. though D. yet
52. A. in B. among C. under D. beyond
53. A. old B. fresh C. new D. fast
54. A. live B. study C. read D. tour
55. A. serve B. find C. attend D. visit
第三部分: 閱讀理解 (共兩節(jié),滿分40分)
"Get out of the plane!" Justin shouted. Teddy and he dropped to the ground…
When Kathy and Victor reached the edge of the meadow, flames of the fire were shooting more than five meters into the air.
Kathy couldn't believe what she was seeing.One glance told her they needed medical attention immediately.She questioned Victor, "Are you able to find someone nearby for help?"
"There are no farmers, nor villagers nearby," he replied.
"I'm a distance runner, and I'll go for help." Looking at the seriously injured men, Kathy said to Victor, "It may take me several hours to get out." She started out.
When she was 23, Kathy set a women's record in a Marathon of 42 kilometers.But now she was running the race of life. She had nearly 30 kilometers of hard wilderness to cover to get help.
Kathy had been running for two hours.This was far back into the wilderness.The country path was growing vague.She stopped to take a quick compass reading.Yes, she had run almost for more than 20 kilometers.Her heart fell, her muscle aching.And finally she saw her car in the distance.
She jumped into the car and sped away.She reached a holiday house and called the police.
During the wait, she walked around, relaxing her legs and drinking water. It took almost two hours for a police helicopter to reach her at the trail end.They needed her for one more task.
56.Who actually had the airplane accident?
A.Justin and Teddy B.Kathy and Victor
C.Justin himself D.Kathy herself
57.The underlined part "Now, she was running the race of life" means that ____.
A.Kathy would set up a new record
B.Kathy would run a race alone
C.Kathy was running for the lives of others
D.Kathy couldn't rely on Victor this time
58.Kathy stopped to have a look at her compass because ____.
A.she wasn't sure of her own memory B.she had completely lost her way
C.the country path was getting vague D.there was only the wilderness
59.What do you think Kathy's final task would be?
A.Giving the injured food and drinks. B.Showing the police the crash site.
C.Going back to put out the big fire. D.Taking the injured to the hospital.
It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible.Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel.It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver’s seat is another matter altogether.
Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too.It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving.On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting.A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and calm so necessary in modern traffic condition.But such behaviors of politeness are by no means enough.Many drivers nowadays don’t even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.
However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous.Typical examples are the driver who waves a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may be not able to stop in time.The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.It always amazes me that the highways are not covered with the dead bodies of these grannies (奶奶).
An experienced driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in traffic stream without causing total blockages that give rise to unpleasant feelings.Unfortunately, modern drivers can’t even learn to drive.Years ago, experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give-and-take from all road users.It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.
60.According to the passage, troubles on the road are often caused by .
A.road conditions
B.the speed of modern life
C.the large number of cars
D.the behavior of the drivers
61.In the writer’s opinion, .
A.drivers should show road politeness properly
B.strict traffic rules are badly needed
C.unskillful drivers should be punished
D. drivers should avoid traffic jams
62. The underlined word “give-and-take” in the passage means .
A.politeness and impoliteness
B.willingness to give in to each other’s wishes
C.offering help to others as much as possible
D.good manners and bad manners
63.What is the best title of the passage?
A.Road Politeness
B.Traffic Problems
C.Bad Manners on the Road
D.Good Drivers and Bad Drivers
by J. Courtney Sullivan, fiction, $26
The Kellehers are a big, disorderly family who sometimes seem to have only one thing in common: love for their beach house in Maine. Lie there with this novel and listen to a summer’s worth of secrets, quarrels, and misunderstandings.
by Chris Licht, nonfiction, $23
The energetic co-creator of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” was unprepared for the pain, fear, and helplessness he felt after suffering a brain bleed. But as he detailed in this outspoken, thoughtful book, the lessons he took from the event surprised him the most.
by David Browne, nonfiction, $26
This book transports you back to a year ― the 1970 of Apollo 13, the first Earth Day ― and the turning point of albums by the Beatles, James Taylor, and Crosby, Stills and Nash that provided the sound for a new decade. Rolling Stone contributing editor Browne artfully describes the creation of these classic songs.
by Will Allison, fiction, $22
A moment of anger has life-and-death consequences in this beautifully written novel. Being angry with a speeding teenage driver, Dad Glen Bauer makes a turn of his car in response, causing an accident in which the other driver dies. It’s a story about guilt, responsibility, and how mistrust can tear a loving family apart.
by Bunny Crumpacker and J.S. Picariello, memoir (回憶錄),$25
Two authors ― a woman who gave up a baby for adoption and the child herself ― write alternating chapters in this memoir, which takes readers on a 50-year journey through their separate lives, their meeting, and their following relationship. Its account is both original and heartbreaking.
64. Which of the following is TURE according to the text?
A. MAINE talks about a loving happy family.
C. JSSICA LOST is about a mother and her daughter.
D. LONG DRIVE HOME is written in the first person.
65. Which of the following may be favored by music lovers?
66. The text is most probably a(n) _______.
A. advertisement. B. literary research report. C. collection of novels D book review
Copenhagen, one of the world’s most bicycle-friendly cities, has begun turning its extensive network of cycle paths into bike highways in an effort to push more commuters (上下班往返的人) to leave their cars at home.
Considered one of Europe’s two “bicycle capitals” along with Amsterdam, Copenhagen counts more bicycles than people and cycling is so popular that its numerous bike paths can become congested(堵塞的).
Two-wheeler traffic jams are especially regular on the main Noerrebrogade thoroughfare (大街) used by around 36,000 cyclists a day. “You have to elbow your way to go forward and some cyclists aren’t always thoughtful,” complains 22-year-old university student Lea Bresell.
The creation of bike highways “comes right on time”, says Danish Cyclist Federation spokesman Frits Bredal. “Copenhagen’s roads are overloaded with people who want to ride their bicycles in all kinds of weather,” he says.
If in the 1960s Danes viewed the car as the symbol of freedom, the bicycle has assumed that rol e today, Bredal says. “It’s a means of transportation used by all social classes, and even politicians ride bikes,” he says.
It is on crowded Noerrebrogade ― the busiest bicycle street in Europe ― that city planners have decided to build the first of Copenhagen’s environmentally friendly streets. The jammed bike paths will be widened up to four meters on either side of the road, which will itself be reserved for buses only.
The idea is to make Noerrebrogade “Europe’s great cycling street”, says Andreas Roehl, the Copenhagen city’s bicycle program manager who is also known as “Mister Bike”.
But Roehl is not content with making life easier for Copenhagen’s inner city cyclists: He wants to get suburbanites (郊區(qū)居民) out of their cars and onto two wheels as well.
His goal is to increase the percentage of suburban commuters cycling to and from the city from the 33 percent it is today to more than 50 percent by 2015. Within the city, 55 percent of all commuters already travel by bike.
Already Copenhagen stands out among other European capitals for its cycling infrastructure, counting more than 390 kilometers of bike paths.
67. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Copenhagen is one of Europe’s two “bicycle capitals”.
B. Copenhagen is planning to build highways.
C. Copenhagen is planning to build bicycle-friendly highways.
D. Two-wheeler traffic jams are especially common in Copenhagen.
68. What does Lea Bresell think of the present bike traffic on the main Noerrebrogade thoroughfare?
A. Terrible B. Pleasant
C. Cyclists are considerateD. Bike paths are not made full use of
69. We can infer that _______.
A. most of people in Copenhagen can’t afford to buy cars
B. cars will not be allowed to run on the widened Noerrebrogade thoroughfare
C. hiking is very common in Copenhagen
D. Noerrebrogade thoroughfare will be deserted
70. How do suburban commuters travel to and from the city in Copenhagen at present?
A. More than half of the suburban commuters travel by bike.
B. Almost all the suburban commuters take buses.
C. Few suburban commuters travel by car.
D. About one third of the suburban commuters travel by bike.
The First Americans
There was a time long ago when a land bridge connected Asia and North America.The first settlers in North America crossed this land bridge from what is now Siberia to Alaska.The people who made this initial crossing were probably following the animals they used for food.
Finally, the oceans rose and the land bridge between the continents disappeared.The settlers, who I shall call the "First Americans" , could not return to their homeland. 71
For the next few thousand years, the First Americans moved south and east throughout North and South America.They made the journey all the way from Alaska to the southern tip of South America, a distance of more than 10,000 miles. 72
In the far north, above the Arctic Circle, the First Americans became hunters of the ocean. 73 __ In the summer, they gathered berries and other plants.In the winter, they stayed in lodges much of the time preparing for the next summer.It was a hard life, but they learned to survive in these terrible conditions.
Farther south, in what is now Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico, the First Americans became cliff dwellers.They began by living in caves that already existed in the cliffs. 74 The dwellings they built in many ways resembled today's apartment buildings.
75 They built a system of dams and canals so they could store and use water almost any time of the year.They were so successful that they could raise fruits and vegetables that were not found naturally in the desert.
A. They also discovered foods like corn and potatoes.
B. Along the way, they established many different civilizations.
C. They discovered how to add to the caves by building structures of wood and stone.
D. People living near each other tended to share similar environments and customs.
E. They built boats of animal skins and hunted or fished for their food.
F. They would have to survive in the New World, they had discovered.
G. The First Americans of the Southwest learned to water the desert.
第 二 卷
第一節(jié):短文改錯 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
It is reported, some needy students receive financial support of some kind people but ne ver express our thanks.Personally, I think they are wrong.
Though the helpers didn’t expect any reward in return, but it’s necessary and good manner to say “thank you”.Besides, it is a basic social skill express ourselves in modern society.Maybe some of them do feel thankfully.It is only because they are afraid of being looked down upon which they remain silent.But I just want to say that being poor for a moment doesn’t mean you will be poor forever.
注意: 1.詞數(shù)100左右;
I’ m Li Hua, a high school student. Personally, I think great changes have taken place in the way people communicate with each other from a long distance.___________________________

2.必須使用2B鉛筆填涂;非必須使用0.5毫米及以上( 但不要太粗 ) 黑字字跡的簽字筆書寫,要求字體工整,筆跡清楚。
缺考: 違紀(jì):
英 語 試 卷(A)卡
It is reported, some needy students receive financial support of some kind people but never express our thanks.Personally, I think they are wrong.
Though the helpers didn’t expect any reward in return, but it’s necessary and good manner to say “thank you”.Besides, it is a basic social skill express ourselves in modern society.Maybe some of them do feel thankfully.It is only because they are afraid of being looked down upon which they remain silent.But I just want to say that being poor for a moment doesn’t mean you will be poor forever.
I’ m Li Hua, a high school student. Personally, I think great changes have taken place in the way people communicate with each other from a long distance.
銀川 一中2013屆第三次月考答案
21-25 CABCD 26-30 ABADC 31-35 BACDB
56-59 A C CB 60-63 DABA 64-66 CBA 67-70 CABD
71. F 72. B 73. E 74. C 75. G (XIN)
It(→ As)is reported, some needy students receive financial support of (→ from )some kind people but never express our(→ their) thanks.Personally, I think they are wrong.
Though the helpers didn’t (→ don’t) expect any reward in return, but (去掉but) it’s necessary and good manner(→manners) to say “thank you”.Besides, it is a basic social skill (加 to )express ourselves in modern society.Maybe some of them do feel thankfully.(→ thankful). It is only because they are afraid of being looked down upon which (→ that) they remain silent.But I just want to say that being poor for a(→ the)
moment doesn’t mean you will be poor forever.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/70153.html
