
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
一.( 金華一中2014學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期中考試)
Our listener question this week comes from Vietnam. Quang Khoi asks about Murphy’s Law. Murphy’s Law says: “Everything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong.” Like many other popular sayings, it is difficult to find one explanation for it.
Those trying to explain Murphy’s Law agree that it began in the United States Air Force, which says the expression was named after officer Edward Murphy. He was an engineer working on a project in space flight research in 1949. One story says Captain Murphy was commenting about the failure of some equipment he was using in an experiment. He reportedly mentioned the worker responsible by saying: “If there is a way to do it wrong, he will find it.” Another official heard this and called it Murphy’s Law.
Another story is found in a book called A History of Murphy’s Law by Nick Spark. It says members of the research team working with Captain Murphy created a similar phrase: “If it can happen, it will happen.” They called this Murphy’s Law. But Spark later said there are in fact many different explanations about who invented the expression.
Still, many stories say the first use of the term Murphy’s Law was at a press conference several weeks later. John Stapp was an Air Force captain at the time. He spoke to reporters about the tests completed by Captain Murphy and his team. Stapp said no one was injured during the tests because the Air Force considered “Murphy’s Law” before carrying out their experiments. He said this meant that they considered everything that could go wrong before a test and planned how to prevent those mistakes from happening.
Today, you can find examples of Murphy’s Law in everyday life. For example, you might say that if you drop a slice of buttered bread on the floor, it will always land with the buttered side down.
41. The passage is probably taken from______
A. a newspaper B. a history textbook C. a radio programme D. a cultural magazine
42. According to the first explanation, we can learn that Murphy was ____ the worker responsible.
A. pleased withB. dissatisfied with C. familiar with D. concerned about
43. According to Nick Spark, we can know that______.
A. nobody knows who really invented the expression
B. it was Captain Murphy who invented this expression
C. Murphy’s teammates created this popular expression
D. it is a waste of time to discuss who invented the expression.
In November of 2007, NBC Universal launched(發(fā)起) its first official Green Week. Throughout the week, NBC Universal presented over 150 hours of environmentally themed content across multiple platforms.
Now, NBC Universal is proud to present Green Week 2009. With a new theme and message of "Green Your Routine," Here at NBC and NBC.com we celebrate our talent in the "The More You Know" PSA campaign, presenting green-themed tips in several of our daytime life, among several other features here on the "Green Your Routine" site.
Fashion & Beauty
Throw a clothes swap party! Dying for that sweater your friend wore the other day? Well, maybe she'll trade for that old T-shirt you have. Here's a website that helps you organize a swap party (), or just plan your own!
Go natural with organic make-up. Applying unnatural products directly on your skin wasn't exactly what nature intended. Try switching to a line of organic make-up and cosmetics for a different way to bring out your natural beauty.
Drop a brick in your toilet tank! Literally! According to the EPA, flushing(沖洗)makes up 30 percent of a household's water use (about three to six gallons per flush). By placing a brick in your toilet tank, you can help to conserve the amount of water used during each flush.
Print smarter. Printing and copying can be one of the most costly operations in any office. To save on ink and paper costs, print double-sided and try to fit more than one page on a sheet. More printing tips can be found here: lifehacker.com
Turn off your computer. Do you leave your computer on overnight? If so, you're using up a good amount of electricity. When you can, try turning off your computer and the power strip it's connected to. If you can't, at least shut off your monitor.
Organize a carpool. There are many benefits to carpooling. You save on gas, reduce wear and tear on your car, and you get to ride in the HOV lanes. Get connected with your neighbours and co-workers to start sharing rides and check out this website for more tips: .
Lose the car, get a bike. If you live close to where you work, try taking a bike instead of driving. You'll keep in shape and save on gas!
Every small step and effort makes a difference! Be sure to GREEN YOUR ROUTINE!
44. NBC Universal holds Green Week activities ___________.
A. in a university B. in a parkC. in an office D. on the internet
45. This year, Green Week welcomes ____________.
A. advice on how to improve the website
B. suggestions about how to make their activities more interesting
C. tips on what to do to make our life greener
D. opinions on whether we should have campaigns
46. If you want to carpool with somebody, you can find more advice and information at______.
A. B.
C. www. lifehacker.comD. www. NBC.com
47. Which is NOT recommended by Green Week this year?
A. Using things like cucumbers to beautify your skin.
B. Reducing the room of your toilet tank to save water when flushing.
C. Giving away your old clothes to those in need of them.
D. Printing and using computers in an economical way.
41-43 CBA 44-47 DCBC
Children's Books: Hawking's fact and fiction
George F. R. Ellis & Ruby
BOOK REVIEWED-George's Secret Key to the Universe
by Lucy & Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking's book A Brief History of Time was a huge commercial success. Its achievements in bringing difficult scientific ideas to a wide audience are not so clear. Now the distinguished physicist has teamed up with his daughter Lucy to produce a children's book designed to communicate contemporary physics. Will it capture the attention of young minds and teach them some real science? Or will it be boring and over the heads of the prospective readers?
George's Secret Key to the Universe is an adventure story complete with villains and hero and is illustrated with enjoyable line-drawings. It involves a lost pig, a humorously portrayed intelligent computer, school bullies and a trip through the Solar System. Didactic discussions on aspects of modern physics, such as supernova explosions and black-hole physics are hung on this set-up. There are also fact boxes on physics and astronomy, and some photographs of astronomical phenomena: planets, comets, galaxies and so on. Overall, the book is a serious effort to convey facts and ideas in present day astronomy and astrophysics, within a science-fiction adventure story.
The mixture is great. Children love facts and adventure stories. The combination will catch their interest and keep them occupied for hours. After ten minutes of leafing through the book, my granddaughter Ruby was deeply absorbed and I had to promise to bring it back for her to read after I had completed my review. Like any educational tool, it will succeed for some and not for others. I suppose there should be more of the former.
41.Where do you think this passage is taken?
A. From a news story.B. From a textbook.
C. From a book review.D. From an advertisment.
42.Which of the following books is mainly reviewed in this passage?
A. George's Secret Key to the UniverseB. A Brief History of Time
C. The Nature of Space and TimeD. Hawking's fact and fiction
43.What is the author’s attitude towards the book being reviewed?
A. It will be less successful. B. It will be more successful.
C. It will be a complete failure.D. It all depends on Ruby
44.The underlined word “l(fā)eafing” (in the last paragrph) probably means ______.
A. adding leaves to a bookB. throwing away a book
C. tearing up a bookD. turning pages of a book
Exercise, such as walking, can reduce the risk of diabetes (糖尿病) in people whose blood sugar is starting to rise. That outcome was shown in a large study. Despite trying hard, those who dieted and worked out lost very little weight. But they did manage to maintain a regular walking program, and fewer of them went on to develop diabetes.
Exercise also may reduce the risk of heart disease. There seems to be some effect: Most of the heart protection appears to be realized by walking regularly. More intense exercise has been shown to provide only slightly greater benefits.
Active people are much less likely to smoke; they’re thinner and they eat differently than people who are less active. They also tend to be more educated, and education is one of the strongest predictors of good health in general and a longer life. As a result, it is impossible to know with confidence whether exercise prevents heart disease or whether people who are less likely to get heart disease are also more likely to be exercising.
Still, in rigorous studies in which elderly people were assigned either to exercise or maintain their normal routine, the exercisers were less likely to fall, perhaps because they got stronger or developed better balance. Exercise may prevent broken bones―but only indirectly.
And what about weight loss? Lifting weights builds muscles but will not make you burn more calories. Jack Wilmore, an exercise physiologist at Texas A & M University, calculated that the average amount of muscle that men gained after a serious 12-week weight-lifting program was 2 kilograms, or 4.4 pounds. That added muscle would increase the metabolic rate (代謝率) by only 24 calories a day.
Exercise alone, in the absence of weight loss, has not been shown to reduce blood pressure. Nor does it make much difference in cholesterol (膽固醇) levels. Weight loss can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, but if you want to lose weight, you have to diet as well as exercise. Exercise alone has not been shown to bring sustained weight loss. Just ask Steven Blair, an exercise researcher at the University of South Carolina. He runs every day and even runs marathons. But, he adds, “I was short, fat and bald when I started running, and I’m still short, fat and bald. Weight control is difficult for me. I fight the losing battle.”
The difficulty, Dr. Blair says, is that it’s much easier to eat 1,000 calories than to burn off 1,000 calories with exercise. As he relates, “An old football coach used to say, ‘I have all my assistants running five miles a day, but they eat 10 miles a day.’”
45In the case of Steven Blair, running does ______ to his weight control.
A. littleB. muchC. goodD. harm
46The last paragraph of the text tells us that the problem is that people tend to ______?
A. burn off 1,000 calories in a dayB. use more energy than they get
C. get more energy than they useD. run five miles in a football game
47Which of the following is true according to the text?
A. Exercise can certainly prevent heart disease.
B. Exercise alone can not reduce blood pressure.
C. Lifting weight can directly prevent broken bones.
D. Walking can not reduce blood sugar in people.
48According to the text, the more educated one is, the ______.
A. less exercise one will takeB. stronger and thinner one will be
C. more cigarettes one will smokeD. healthier one will generally be
41-44 CABD 45-48 ACBD
Any foreigner who has tried to learn Chinese can tell how hard it is to master the tones required to speak and understand. And anyone who has tried to learn to play the violin or other instruments can report similar challenges.
Now researchers have found that people with musical training have an easier time learning Chinese. Writing in the online edition of Nature Neuroscience,researchers from Northwestern University say that both skills draw on the same parts of the brain that help people discover changes in pitch(音調(diào)).
One of the study’s authors,Nina Kraus,said the findings suggested that studying music “actually tunes our sensory system”.This means that schools that want children to do well in languages should hesitate before cutting music programs,Dr.Kraus said. She said music training might also help children with language problems.
Mandarin(普通話)speakers have been shown to have a more complex encoding(編碼) of pitch patterns in their brains than English speakers do. This is because in Mandarin and other Asian languages,pitch plays a central role. A singlesyllable word can have several meanings depending on how it is intoned.
For this study,the researchers looked at 20 nonChinese speaking volunteers,half with no musical background and half who have studied an instrument for at least six years.
As they were shown a movie,the volunteers also heard an audio tape of the Mandarin word “mi” in three of its meanings:squint,bewilder and rice. The researchers recorded activities in their brain stems to see how well they were processing the sounds. Those with a music background showed much more brain activities in response to the Chinese sounds.
The lead author of the study,Patrick C.M.Wong,said it might work both ways. It appears that native speakers of tonal languages may do better at learning instruments.
41. When learning Chinese,a foreigner will find ________.
A.he has a difficult time learning music at the same time
B.he has an easier time learning music at the same time
C.it is hard to master the tones required to speak and understand
D.it is easy to use the brain to help him discover changes in pitch
42. Why does Chinese learning have something to do with music training?
A.Because there is the same difficulty in learning Chinese and music.
B.Because skills to learn the two make use of the same parts of the brain.
C.Because music training might help people with language study
D.Because people who do well in Chinese study do well in music.
43. The underlined word “intoned” in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by the word “____”.
A.created B.spelled
C.seemed D.pronounced
44. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Mandarin Speakers Are Smarter than English Speakers
B.Skilled Ear for Music May Help Language Study
C.Pitch Plays a Central Role in Chinese Learning
D.Schools Need to Develop Music Programs
Today, there’s hardly an aspect of our life that isn’t being upended by the tons of information available on the hundreds of millions of sites crowding the Internet, not to mention its ability to keep us in constant touch with each other via electronic mail. “If the automobile and aerospace technology had exploded at the same pace as computer and information technology,” says Microsoft, “a new car would cost about $ 2 and go 600 miles on a small quantity of gas. And you could buy a Boeing 747 for the cost of a pizza.”
Probably the biggest payoff, however, is the billions of dollars the Internet is saving companies in producing goods and serving for the needs of their customers. Nothing like it has been seen since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when power-driven machines began producing more in a day than men could turn out in nearly a year. “We view the growth of the Internet and e-commerce as a global trend,” says Merrill Lynch, “along the lines of printing press, the telephone, the computer, and electricity.”
You would be hard pressed to name something that isn’t available on the Internet. Consider: books, health care, movie tickets, construction materials, baby clothes, stocks, cattle feed, music, electronics, antiques, tools, real estate, toys, autographs of famous people, wine and airline tickets. And even after you’ve moved on to your final resting place, there’s no reason those you love can’t keep in touch. A company called FinalThoughts.com offers a place for you to store “afterlife e-mails” you can send to Heaven with the help of a “guardian angel”.
Kids today are so computer literate that it in fact ensures the United States will remain the unchallenged leader in cyberspace for the foreseeable future. Nearly all children in families with incomes of more than $75,000 a year have home computers, according to a study by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Youngsters from ages 2 to 17 at all income levels have computers, with 52% of those connected to the Internet. Most kids use computers to play games (some for 30 hours or more a week), and many teenage girls think nothing of rushing home from school to have e-mail chats with friends they have just left.
What’s clear is that, whether we like it or not, the Internet is an ever growing part of our lives and there is no turning back. “The Internet is just 20% invented,” says cyber pioneer Jake Winebaum. “The last 80% is happening now.”
45. What can we learn from the Microsoft’s remark?
A. Today’s cars and airplanes are extremely overpriced.
B. Information technology is developing at an amazing speed.
C. Information technology has reached the point where improvement is difficult.
D. There’s more competition in information technology industry than in car industry.
46. According to the author, the biggest benefit of the Internet is that___.
A. it saves companies huge amounts of money
B. it speeds up profit making
C. it brings people incredible convenience
D. it provides easy access to information
47. The author gives the example of FinalThoughts.com to make the point that____.
A. there are some genius ideas on the Internet
B. almost anything is available on the Internet
C. people can find good bargains on the Internet
D. people are free to do anything on the Internet
48. What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?
A. There is a link between income and computer ownership.
B. Many American children don’t put computers to good use.
C. Studies show that boys are more computer literate than girls.
D. The U.S. will stay ahead in the information technology in years.
49. Which sentence has the phrase that has the same meaning as the one underlined in the fifth paragraph?
A. Some can tell you that he has changed their lives, while others think nothing of him.
B. Think nothing of it. It was my pleasure.
C. He thinks nothing of staying up all night in the Café bar.
D. He thinks nothing of the pain in his back for the moment.
50. What is the message the author intends to convey?
A. The Internet is going to get firm hold of our lives some day.
B. The Internet is going to influence our lives even more greatly.
C. We should have a positive attitude towards the changes the Internet brings.
D. Children should be well prepared for the challenges in the information age.
Will Nanfang University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen announce a new beginning for China’s higher education reform? It’s too early to answer.But its presence is challenging the Ministry of Education.Even without the approval of the ministry it seems that the school is determined to move forward and enroll 50 students, so-called child prodigies(奇才), to begin classes on March l, 2014.On graduating in 2015, these students will receive a diploma unauthorized by the Ministry of Education-unlike the students of their age from the state-run universities.
The school is committed to modeling itself on Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, but if the government will not approve the school, the situation could cause a lot of trouble for those 50 students if they want to do graduate studies at other higher learning institutions.Other schools could turn their applications down for their unauthorized diplomas.
The difficulties, however, have not frightened students and their parents away.On Dec.18, 2010 more than 1,000 students and their parents visited Nanfang University of Science and Technology for interviews.
Private investment marks the school out from other higher learning institutions in the nation.Not a penny comes from the government. So the government will have no voice in how the school will be run.
The Ministry of Education has published a comprehensive plan for education reform and development between 2014 and 2020.The goal is to make China’s higher education internationally competitive.To accomplish this goal, the government should have the courage to let the educators who have big ideas try them out.The ministry should have applauded the independence the school in Shenzhen has shown and encouraged more to do likewise.
Education reform in China has reached a new and crucial stage.Nanfang University of Science and Technology has a long way to go to prove itself competitive rather than a diploma mill.
41.Over 1,000 students and parents visited the school because .
A.they believe that the school will have a bright future
B.they believe the government is sure to approve the school
C.the school models itself on Hong Kong University successfully
D.they will never do graduate studies at other higher learning institutions
42.The trouble the students in the school may have is that .
A.the government will have no voice in the school
B.they won’t receive any diploma when graduating from the school
C.other schools are unlikely to accept their diploma from the school
D.they will not learn how to be competitive
43.What does the author think of Nanfang University of Science and Technology?
A.It is another kind of diploma mill.
B.It’s impossible for the school to be competitive.
C.It will never get the approval from the Ministry of Education.
D.Its independence from the government may benefit the education reform.
44.What is the best title of the passage?
A.University of New Style. B.China’s Education Reform.
C.Modeling Hong Kong University. D.Authorized or Not?
It was a hot summer day. My dad and I were getting ready to go out for a ride on the boat with my friend Katie and the dog when the phone call came, the call that made that bright, beautiful day a cold, dark, gloomy one.
I had just put on my suit, shorts, and tank top, and packed my bag with sunscreen and everything else I would need for the day. I ran into my parents' room to find Dad. When I saw him on the phone, he was crying. I'd never seen my dad cry before. My heart sank. What possibly could have happened?
"Max, I'm so sorry," I heard him say. That's when it hit me. I knew that Suzie had died.Max has been my dad's best friend for years. Suzie, his daughter, had a rare disease that mainly affected her body. Her brain was OK. She knew what was going on; she knew that shehad problems and was different from other kids. Once she told her dad that she wished she could die and be born in a different body. Yet although she couldn't live a normal life ,she was still happy.
When Suzie and I were little, we spent quite a bit of time together. As we grew up, we grew apart. She lived in New York, and I lived in the Midwest. When Suzie was ten she had to live ina hospital in Virginia. About eight months before she died, Max gave us her number at the hospital and we talked at least twice a week until the end. Suzie was always so excited to talk to us and wanted to know every detail about my life. She wanted to know everything I did and every thing I ate. In a way, she lived through me. After we found out about her death, we made our plans to go to New York for the funeral. When she was alive, I sent her a Beanie Baby and she sent one back to me. I had bought her another one but never had the chance to send it to her, so I took it to put in her casket(棺材).
Her funeral was very different from any funeral I'd ever been to. After they lowered her casket, each one of us put a shovelful of dirt over her. I remember crying so hard, I felt weak. My cheeks burned from the tears. My whole body was shaking as I picked up the shovel, but I'm glad I did it.
When Suzie and I first started calling one another, I thought it would be more of a burden on me, but I was completely wrong. I learned so much from her. She gave me more than I could ever give to her. I will never forget her or the talks we had. I now know that I must never take anything for granted especially my health and the gift of life.
45.The author's family cancelled their ride because______.
A.Katie couldn't join them for the ride
B.the weather was too terrible for a ride
C.they couldn't find their dog
D.Max's daughter passed away
46.What does the underlined part “In a wav, she lived through me.” mean?
A.Suzie got to know what life outside hospital was like by sharing my experience.
B.Suzie was financially dependent of me.
C.Suzie managed to pull through her illness with the help of my family.
D.Suzie was too weak to live her own life.
47.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Suzie was the only person helping the author with difficulties.
B.The author feared that she might also get the same disease as Suzie.
C.The author benefited a lot from talking on the phone with Suzie.
D.The author didn't understand Suzie was her true friend until Suzie's death.
48.What is the most important lesson the author learned from Suzie's death?
A.Never let go of a friend even if you are apart.
B.Be thankful for what we have in our life.
C.Talking with a friend can cure your illness.
D.We can learn more from our friends than they do from us.
A simple flower made headlines in the British press last week. How could that be?
British Prime Minister David Cameron and his ministers were attending a reception hosted by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. They insisted on wearing poppies(罌粟花) in their buttonholes.
What’s wrong with that?
According to the Global Times, Chinese officials apparently had asked the UK delegation not to wear poppies. The British said that poppies meant a great deal to them on that day and they would wear them all the same.
So what’s the significance of the poppy? It’s a flower which has different cultural and symbolic meanings for British and Chinese people.
From the Chinese point of view, the poppy is a symbol of China’s humiliation at the hands of European powers in the Opium Wars of the 19th century. Britain forced China to open the borders to trade ? including in the opium ? which was made from poppies grown in India.
Yet from the British viewpoint the poppy is a reminder of the killing during World War I. Red poppies grew on the battlefields of Flanders in Belgium where many thousands of British soldiers died or were buried. Since then, Poppy Day (November 11) has become a time in the UK to wear poppies and remember the sacrifices of British soldiers and civilians in times of war.
So you can see that the poppy sets off strong feelings in the hearts of Chinese and British people for different reasons. And it makes sense for us to try to understand each other’s standpoint.
Of course cultural differences can also be interesting and funny. And what one nation thinks is an acceptable gift may be viewed differently by their guests from overseas. US President Barack Obama gave a gift of an iPod to Britain’s Queen ? a dull person with no interest in music. Obama also presented Gordon Brown with a fine selection of American movies. But they were in US format and impossible to play on British DVD players.
Many countries have diplomats stationed overseas. Diplomats provide information and advice to their governments back home. However, sometimes it would seem that even diplomats can overlook the cultural significance of a small flower.
41. British Prime Minister David Cameron probably attended a reception in Beijing on __________.
A. October 1 B. November 11C. December 31D. January 11
42. The poppy reminds the Chinese of __________.
A. the shame caused by European countries in the 19th century
B. the British soldiers who were killed and buried during World War I
C. the Chinese soldiers killed during World War II
D. the suffering caused by Britain during World War I
43. The diplomatic problem in Beijing is mainly caused by __________.
A. the translation mistake B. the language difference
C. the cultural difference D. the different lifestyle
44. We can infer that __________.
A. Britain’s Queen is not interested in art
B. Gordon Brown was fond of American movies US President Barack Obama sent him
C. US President Barack Obama received a gift for music
D. Britain’s Queen may not like the iPod US President Obama presented her
45. What is the main idea of the 9th paragraph?
A. Cultural differences can also be interesting and funny
B. Cultural differences can cause a big problem
C. US President Barack Obama likes to present gifts to other leaders
D. US leaders and British leaders get along well with each other
Dear Students:
Thank you for your interest in helping with the investigation into mumps(腮腺炎) at University of East Anglia (UEA) .
Part 1: What will the oral fluid/saliva sample be tested for?
The oral fluid sample you provide will be tested for mumps antibodies and mumps virus. We will not be reporting results back to individual students. The information gathered will be used to guide public health control of mumps. We will update you via emailing and final outcome to acknowledge your contribution. If you think you have mumps, you will still need to see your GP as per routine.
Part 2: What is involved in the investigation?
(1) We will be contacting you by post to request two oral fluid/saliva samples a few weeks apart and possibly a third sample.
(2) We will contact your GP to collect information on your vaccination records.
Participation is voluntary.
You can withdraw anytime without having to give a reason. Withdrawal will not affect your routine care.
As a public health body, the HPA data collection role is strictly governed. All data will be collected and handled in accordance with strict medical confidences.
Part 3: What to do next if you would like to enroll?
All you have to do now is:
(1) Follow the instructions on the box with regards to taking an oral fluid/saliva swab(棉簽)。
(2) Complete the request form. If you are unable to complete the vaccination history section, you can leave it blank.
(3) Confirm your consent by signing below.
(4) Send everything (sample form, signed consent and swab sample) back in the prepaid envelope ? a stamp is not required.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Chee Yung on 0208 327 7603.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I consent to take part in the oral fluid/saliva investigation of mumps at UEA by the HPA.
Signature: __________
Full name: __________
Date: __________
46.It can be inferred from the passage that GP refers to __________.
A. parent B. doctor C. colleague D. classmate
47. According to the passage, the following statements are true EXCEPT that __________.
A. all the students at University of East Anglia have to take part in the investigation.
B. you don’t need to explain why you want to withdraw from the investigation.
C. individual students will not be informed of the test results.
D. your routine care will not be affected if you withdraw from the investigation.
48. The data of the investigation will be __________.
A. sent to the GP by the HPA
B. collected by individual students
C. managed according to strict medical confidences
D. strictly secret to the HPA
49. To enroll the investigation, you have to __________.
A. complete the vaccination history section of the request form
B. send the sample form, the signed consent and the swab sample back at your own expense.
C. contact Dr. Chee Yung on 0208 327 7603
D. do as the instructions on the box about how to take an oral fluid/saliva swab
Cosmo Books Ltd., 14, Woodman Road,
Hertford Estate, Two Bridges,
Rickmansworth, West Sussex.
25th February
Dear sir,
Just over six months ago, I saw an advertisement in the Morning Mail for a set of the complete works of William Shakespeare. Your company, Cosmo books Ltd., offered this set ( eight books of plays and two books of poetry) at what was claimed to be a ‘remarkable’ price: fifteen pounds and fifty pence, including postage and packing. I had wanted a set of Shakespeare’s plays and poems for some time, and these books, in red imitation leather, looked particularly attractive; so I sent for them.
Two weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the complete works of Charles Dickens which I had not ordered. So I returned the Dickens books to you, with a cheque for fifteen pounds and fifty pence for the works of Shakespeare. Two more weeks passed. Then there arrived on my door step a second set of the works of Shakespeare, the same set of novels by Dickens and a six book set of the plays of Moliere, in French. Since I do not read French, these were of no use to me at all. However, I could not afford to post all these books back to you, so I wrote to you at the end of August of last year, instructing you to come and collect all the books that I did not want, and asking you not to send any other books until further notice.
You did not reply to that letter. Instead you sent me a bill for forty two pounds , and a set of the plays of Schiller, in German. Since then, a new set of books has arrived every two weeks, the works of Goethe, the poems of Milton, the plays of Strindberg; I hardly know what I have. The books are still all in their boxes, in the garage, and my car has to stand in the rain outside.
I have no room for any more books, and even if I read from now until the Last Judgement, I should not finish reading all the books that you have sent me.
Please send no more books, send no more bills, send no more angry letters demanding payment. Just send one large lorry and take all the books away, leaving me only with the one set of the complete works of Shakespeare for which I have paid.
Yours faithfully,
41. Simon Walker wrote the letter to ________
A. complain about sending him books he had not ordered.
B. urge Cosmo Books Ltd. to take away the books he had not ordered.
C. laugh at Cosmo Books Ltd..
D. advise readers not to order books from Cosmo Books Ltd..
42. The advertisement that Mr. Walker saw in the Morning Mail was for ____
A. unlimited number of Cosmo Books.
B. a set of 10 books of the works of Shakespeare.
C. a book containing all the plays and poems of Shakespeare.
D. fifteen pounds and fifty pence.
43. Mr. walker answered the advertisement because ________
A. he wanted a set of Shakespeare’s works, and this set was cheap, and looked attractive.
B. he claimed that the books were being offered at a remarkable price.
C. he had ordered the set and had been waiting for them to come for some time.
D. the set he already had was not particularly attractive.
44. Cosmo Books have _______
A. sent bills for books that they have not sent.
B. continued to send books that Mr. Walker did not order.
C. still not sent Mr. Walker the books that he ordered.
D. made a gift to Mr. Walker of several sets of books.
45. The tone of the letter is that of _______
A. bitterness B. respect C. annoyance D. humor
It is pretty much a one-way street. While it may be common for university researchers to try their luck in the commercial world, there is very little traffic in the opposite direction. Pay has always been the biggest deterrent, as people with families often feel they cannot afford the drop in salary when moving to a university job. For some industrial scientists, however, the attractions of academia (學(xué)術(shù)界) outweigh any financial considerations.
  Helen Lee took a 70% cut in salary when she moved from a senior post in Abbott Laboratories to a medical department at the University of Cambridge. Her main reason for returning to academia mid-career was to take advantage of the greater freedom to choose research questions. Some areas of inquiry have few prospects of a commercial return, and Lee’s is one of them.
  The impact of a salary cut is probably less severe for a scientist in the early stages of a career. Guy Grant, now a research associate at the Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics at the University of Cambridge, spent two years working for a pharmaceutical (制藥的) company before returning to university as a post-doctoral researcher. He took a 30% salary cut but felt it worthwhile for the greater intellectual(知識的) opportunities.
  Higher up the ladder, where a pay cut is usually more significant, the demand for scientists with a wealth of experience in industry is forcing universities to make the transition (轉(zhuǎn)換) to academia more attractive, according to Lee. Industrial scientists tend to receive training that academics do not, such as how to build a multidisciplinary team, manage budgets and negotiate contracts. They are also well placed to bring something extra to the teaching side of an academic role that will help students get a job when they graduate, says Lee, perhaps experience in manufacturing practice or product development. “Only a small number of undergraduates will continue in an academic career. So someone leaving university who already has the skills needed to work in an industrial lab has far more potential in the job market than someone who has spent all their time on a narrow research project.”
  46.By “a one-way street” (Line 1, Para. 1), the author means ________.
  A. university researchers know little about the commercial world
  B. there is little exchange between industry and academia
  C. few industrial scientists would quit to work in a university
  D. few university professors are willing to do industrial research
  47. The word “deterrent” (Line 2, Para. 1) most probably refers to something that ________.
  A. keeps someone from taking action  
B. helps to move the traffic
C. attracts people’s attention
D. brings someone a financial burden
48. What was Helen Lee’s major consideration when she changed her job in the middle of her career?
A. Flexible work hours. B. Her research interests.
C. Her preference for the lifestyle on campus.
D. Prospects of academic accomplishments.
49. Guy Grant chose to work as a researcher at Cambridge in order to ________.
A .do financially more rewarding work
B .raise his status in the academic world
C. enrich his experience in medical research
D. exploit better intellectual opportunities
50. What contribution can industrial scientists make when they come to teach in a university?
A. Increase its graduates’ competitiveness in the job market.
B. Develop its students’ potential in research.
C. Help it to obtain financial support from industry.
D. Gear its research towards practical applications.
A woman from Japan was telling a friend about her trip to the United States. The woman had visited major businesses and investment companies in New York City and Chicago.
“I studied English before I left home,” she said. “But I still was not sure that people were speaking English.”
Her problem is easy to understand. Americans in business are like people who are in business anywhere. They have a language of their own. Some of the words and expressions deal with the special areas of their work. Other expressions are borrowed from different kinds of work such as the theater and movie industry.
One such saying is “get your act together”.
When things go wrong in a business, an employer may get angry. He may shout, “Stop making mistakes. Get your act together.
Or, if the employer is calmer, he may say, “Let us get our act together.” Either way, the meaning is the same. Getting your act together is getting organized. In business, it usually means to develop a calm and orderly plan of action.
It is difficult to tell exactly where the saying began. But, it is probable that it was in the theater or movie industry. Perhaps one of the actors was nervous and made a lot of mistakes. The director may have said, “Calm down, now. Get your act together.”
Word expert James Rogers says the expression was common by the late 1970s. Mister Rogers says the Manchester Guardian newspaper used it in 1978. The newspaper said a reform policy required that the British government get its act together.
Now, this expression is heard often when officials of a company meet. One company even called its yearly report, “Getting Our Act Together.”
The Japanese visitor was confused by another expression used by American business people. It is “cut to the chase”.
She heard that expression when she attended an important meeting of one company. One official was giving a very long report. It was not very interesting. In fact, some people at the meeting were falling asleep.
Finally, the president of the company said, “Cut to the chase.”
Cut to the chase means to stop spending so much time on details or unimportant material. Hurry and get to the good part.
Naturally, this saying was started by people who make movies. Hollywood movie producers believe that most Americans want to see action movies. Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars, or in airplanes or on foot。
Cut is the director’s word for stop. The director means to stop filming, leave out some material, and get to the chase scene now.
So, if your employer tells you to cut to the chase, be sure to get to the main point of your story quickly.
41. After the woman visited the United States she might feel that __________.
A. it’s difficult to make money B. It’s easy to master English
C. her English was poor D. people there weren’t very friendly
42. In which situation could the words “get your act together” be used?
A. Visitors make a tiresome and unpleasant trip to someplace.
B. Players perform badly in a match.
C. Audience is satisfied with the actor’s performance in a movie.
D. A task is completed successfully
43. According to the text, the expression “get one’s act together” __________.
A. was first used by a Japanese business woman
B. was commonly read by readers in a newspaper in 1978.
C. originally came from a yearly report of a company
D. was forbidden to be used in the government policy
44. What do the sayings “get your act together” and “cut to the chase” have in common?
A. their origins B. Their meanings C. Their uses D. their popularities
45. The text is most likely to be found in a book about _________.
A. life attitude B. travel journals
C. successful business D. language culture
No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying often attributed to the late Duchess of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times. Being thin is deemed as such a virtue. The
problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt to live by it. I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes. Consequently, I have been on a diet for the better―or worse―part of my life. Being rich wouldn’t be bad either, but that won’t happen unless an unknown relative dies suddenly in some distant land, leaving me millions of dollars. Where did we go off the track? When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent? All religions have certain days when people refrain from eating and excessive eating is one of Christianity’s seven deadly sins. However, until quite recently, most people had a problem getting enough to eat. In some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation and high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well―being. Today the opposite is true. We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue. The result is that being fat ?or even only somewhat overweight―is bad because it implies a lack of moral strength.
Our obsession(迷戀) with thinness is also fueled by health concerns. It is true that in this country we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being overweight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease. These diseases. , however, may as much to do with our way of life and our high―fat diets as with excess weight. And the associated risk of cancer in the digestive system may be more of a dietary problem―too much fat and a lack of fiber―than a weight problem. The real concern, then, is not what we weight too much, but that we neither exercise enough nor eat well. Exercise is necessary for strong bones and both heart and lung health. A balanced diet without a lot of fat can also help the body avoid many diseases. We should surely stop paying so much attention to weight. Simply being thin is not enough. It is actually hazardous if those who (or already are) thin think they are automatically healthy and thus free from paying attention to their overall life―style. Thinness can be pure vainglory(虛榮).
46. In the eyes of the author, an odd phenomenon nowadays is that _______________.
A. the Duchess of Windsor is regarded as a woman of virtue
B. looking slim is a symbol of having a large fortune
C being thin is viewed as a much desired quality
D religious people are not necessarily virtuous
47. Swept by the prevailing trend, the author ______.
A. had to go on a diet for the greater part of her life
B. could still prevent herself from going off the track
C. had to seek help from rich distant relatives
D. had to wear highly fashionable clothes
48. In human history, people’s views on body weight _______
A.. were closely related to their religious beliefs B. changed from time to time
C. varied between the poor and the rich D. led to different moral standard
49. The author criticizes women’s obsession with thinness _______-.
A. from an economic and educational perspective
B. from sociological and medical points of view
C from a historical and religious standpoint
D. in the light of moral principles
50. What’s the author’s advice to women who are absorbed in the idea of thinness?
A They should be more concerned with their overall life style.
B They should be more watchful for fatal diseases.
C They should gain weight to look healthy
D They should rid themselves of fantasies about designer clothes
From the health point of view we are living in an amazing age. We are free from many of the most dangerous diseases. A large number of once deadly illnesses can now be cured by modern medicine. It is almost certain that one day medicines will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases. The expectation of life has increased greatly. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the unbelievable killing of men, women and children on the roads. Man vs the motor-car! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing.
Thousands of people all over the world are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.
It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel (方向盤), his car becomes the extension of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel. They say, they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year-olds and completely selfish. Their hidden angers and disappointments seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving.
The surprising thing is that society smiles so gently on the motorist and seems to forgive his behavior. Everything is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; the countryside is ruined by road networks; and the deaths become nothing more than a number every year, to be easily forgotten.
It is high time a world rule was created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are unbelievable lenient (寬容的) and even the strictest are not strict enough. A rule which was universally accepted could only have an obviously beneficial effect on the accident rate. Here are a few examples of some of the things that might be done. The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through strict tests for safety each year. Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can damage a person’s driving ability. Present drinking and driving laws (where they exist) should be made much stricter. Speed limits should be required on all roads. Governments should lay down safety specifications for car factories, as has been done in the USA. All advertising stress power and performance should be banned. These measures may not sound good enough. But surely nothing should be considered as too severe if it results in reducing the number of deaths. After all, the world is for human beings, not motor-cars.
41. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists.
B. Thousands of people all over the world are killed each year.
C. The laws of some countries about driving are to lenient.
D. Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents.
42. What does the author think of society toward motorists?
A. Society laughs at the motorists. B. Huge car parks are build in the cities and towns.
C. Victims of accidents are nothing. D. Society forgives their rude driving
43. What does the author mean by saying “his car becomes the extension of his personality” in
Paragraph 2?
A. Driving can show his hidden qualities B. Driving can show the other part of his personality
C. Driving can bring out his character D. Driving can represent his manners
44. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way against traffic accidents?
A. Perfect the road network B. Stricter driving tests
C. Test drivers every three years D. Raise age limit and lay down safety specifications.
45. The author’s attitude towards the traffic situation is ______.
A. confused B. discontented C. appealing D. doubtful
Consult the page adapted from an English dictionary and do Questions 46-49.
46. What does the phrase “green shoots” mean in “Green shoots have begun to appear in different markets”?
A. Signs of recovery. B. High prices.
C. Environmental protection. D. Change in policy.
47. Fill in the blank in the sentence “I can’t believe this is Joshua―he’s ______ since we last met!”
A. shot out B. shot through C. shot up D. shot down
48. When you are talking about unimportant things, we say you are ______.
A. shooting yourself in the foot B. shooting the breeze
C. shooting your mouth off D. shooting questions at somebody
49. Choose a word to complete the sentence “The ______, which killed a policeman and wounded a passer-by, was reported to have lasted only 13 seconds.”
A. shooter B. shoot C. shot D. shooting
41―45 DDAAB 46―49 ACBD
An idea that started in Seattle's public library has spread throughout America and beyond. The concept is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same time.
In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools. The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched (發(fā)起)the "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book " project in 1998. Her original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong.
In Chicago, the mayor appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the "One Book, One Chicago" program. As a result, reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city. Across the US, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and
The only problem arose in New York , where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point ,putting all their energy and passion into the choice of the book rather than discussion about a book itself.
Ultimately, as Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word.
41. What is the purpose of the project launched by Nancy?
A. To invite authors to guide readers.
B. To encourage people to read and share.
C. To involve people in community service.
D. To promote the friendship between cities.
42. Why was it difficult for New Yorkers to carry out the project?
A. They had little interest in reading.
B. They were too busy to read a book.
C. They came from many different backgrounds
D. They lacked support from the local government
43. According to the passage, where would the project be more easily carried out?
A. In large communities with little sense of unity
B. In large cities where libraries are far from home
C. In medium-sized cities with a diverse population
D. In large towns where agreement can be quickly reached
44. The underlined words “shared a word” in Paragraph 5 probably mean
A. exchanged ideas with each other
B. discussed the meaning of a word
C. gamed life experience
D. used the same language
45. According to Nancy, the degree of success of the project is judged by
A. the careful selection of a proper book
B. the growing popularity of the writers
C. the number of people who benefit from reading.
D. the number of books that each person reads.
Many parents have learned the hard way that what sounds like open communication is often the very thing that closes a youngster’s ears and mouth. One common mistake is the Lecture, the long monologue that often starts with “When I was your age….” Eighteen-year-old Kelly calls lectures “l(fā)ong, one-side discussions in which I don’t say much.”
Kids reflexively(條件反射地) shut down in the face of a lecture. Their eyes glaze over(呆
滯), and they don’t register any incoming information. Listen to 13-year-old Sarah describe her least favorite times with her mom and dad. “First, they scream. Then comes the ‘We’re so disappointed’ speech. Then the ‘I never did that to my parents’ lecture begins. After that, even if they realize how ridiculous they sound, they never take it back.”
Lines like “When you have children of your own, you’ll understand” have been seriously said by parents since time immemorial. But many of our expert parents, like Bobby, a registered nurse and mother of three, feel that by falling back on clichés(陳詞濫調(diào)) to justify our actions, we weaken our position.
Since kids are creatures of here and now, the far-off future has no relevance to them. Therefore, good communicators like Bobby suggest, “Give specific reasons for your actions in present language: ‘I’m not letting you go to the party because I don’t think there will be enough adult supervisions(監(jiān)護(hù)).’”
Betty, who lives in Missiouri, uses an indirect approach. “I find that warnings are accepted more readily if I discuss a news article on a subject I am concerned about. My husband and I talk about it while our children absorb the information. Then they never think I’m preaching(布道).”
This really helped when Betty’s kids began driving. Instead of constantly repeating “Don’t drink; don’t speed,” she would talk about articles in the paper and express sympathy for the victims of a car crash. Betty made no special effort to draw her kids into the conversation. She depended on a teenager’s strong desire to put in his opinions---especially if he thinks he isn’t being asked for them.
46. The purpose of the passage is to _________.
A. compare two ways of parents` communicating with their kids
B. give parents advice on how to communicate with their kids
C. explain why kids won’t listen to their parents.
D. introduce kids` reaction to the communication between them and their parents
47. Which of the following statements is NOT right?
A. Kids won’t listen to their parents because they think what their parents say is boring.
B. Many kids think they have no right to express their own opinions.
C. Some kids think their parents should apologize when they are wrong.
D. Kids don’t like any discussion at all.
48. What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?
A. 獨白 B. 對話 C. 插話 D. 討論
49. Which of the following topic may appeal to kids?
A. Parents` own experience
B. Kids possible life in the future
C. Something related to kids’ present life
D. What parents have done to their own parents.
50. In order to make kids follow their advice, parents should______.
A. tell their kids to listen carefully B. set out their warnings directly
C. list out as many examples as possible D. arouse kids’ desire to express themselves.
Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is essential to one’s life. Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have been told, and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip.
But for many people, the thought of food as the first thing in the morning is never a pleasure. So in spite of all the efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures could be obtained, the number of people who didn’t have breakfast increased by 33%―from 8.8 million to 11.7 million―according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation of America.
For those who dislike eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years have shown that, for grown-ups especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting (省略) breakfast. “Going without breakfast does not affect work,” said Arnold E. Bender, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, “nor does giving people breakfast improve work.”
Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better work is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not grown-ups. “The literature,” says one researcher, Dr Earnest Polite at the University of Texas, “is poor.”
41. The main idea of the passage is that _______.
A. breakfast has nothing to do with people’s health
B. a good breakfast used to be important to us
C. breakfast is not as important to us as gasoline to a car
D. breakfast is not as important as we thought before
42. For those who do not take breakfast, the good news is that _______.
A. several studies have been done in the past few years
B. the omission of breakfast has little effect on one’s work
C. grown-ups have especially made studies in this field
D. eating little in the morning is good for health
43. The underlined part “nor does giving people breakfast improve work” means _______.
A. people without breakfast can improve their work
B. not giving people breakfast improves work
C. having breakfast does not improve work, either
D. people having breakfast do improve their work, too
44. The word "literature" in the last sentence refers to _______.
A. stories, poems, play, etc
B. written works on a particular subject
C. newspaper articles
D. the modern literature of America
45. What is implied but not stated by the author is that _______.
A. breakfast does not affect work
B. Dr Polite works at an institution of higher learning
C. not eating breakfast might affect the health of children
D. Professor Bender once taught college courses in nutrition in London
Many trees in the Brackham area were brought down in the terrible storms that March. The town itself lost two great lime trees from the former market square. The disappearance of such striking features had changed the appearance of the town centre entirely, to the annoyance of its more conservative inhabitants(居民).
Among the annoyed, under more normal circumstances, would have been Chief Inspector Douglas Pelham, head of the local police force. But at the height of that week's storm, when the wind brought down even the mature walnut tree in his garden, Pelham had in fact been in no fit state to notice. A large and healthy man, he had for the first time in his life been seriously ill with an attack of bronchitis.
When he first complained of an aching head and tightness in his chest, his wife, Molly, had tried to persuade him to go to the doctor. Convinced that the police force could not do without him, he had, as usual, ignored her and attempted to carry on working. Predictably, though he wouldn't have listened to anyone who tried to tell him so, this had the effect of fogging his memory and shortening his temper.
It was only when his colleague, Sergeant Lloyd, took the initiative (主動) and drove him to the doctor's door that he finally gave in. By that time, he didn't have the strength left to argue with her. In no time at all, she was taking him along to the chemist's to get his medicine and then home to his unsurprised wife who sent him straight to bed.
When Molly told him, on the Thursday morning, that the walnut tree had been brought down during the night, Pelham hadn’t been able to take it in. On Thursday evening, he had asked weakly about damage to the house, groaned (含糊不清地說) thankfully when he heard there was none, and pulled the sheets over his head.
It wasn't until Saturday, when the medicine took effect, his temperature dropped and he got up, that he realized with a shock that the loss of the walnut tree had made a permanent difference to the appearance of the living-room. The Pelhams’ large house stood in a sizeable garden. It had not come cheap, but even so Pelham had no regrets about buying it. The leafy garden had created an impression of privacy. Now, though, the storm had changed his outlook.
Previously, the view from the living-room had featured the handsome walnut tree. This had not darkened the room because there was also a window on the opposite wall, but it had provided interesting patterns of light and shade that hid the true state of the worn furniture that the family had brought with them from their previous house.
With the tree gone, the room seemed cruelly bright, its worn furnishings exposed in all their shabbiness. And the view from the window didn’t bear looking at. The tall house next door, previously hidden by the tree, was now there, dominating the outlook with its unattractive purple bricks and external pipes. It seemed to have a great many upstairs windows, all of them watching the Pelhams' every movement.
“Doesn’t it look terrible?” Pelham whispered to his wife. But Molly, standing in the doorway, sounded more pleased than dismayed. “That's what I’ve been telling you ever since we came here. We have to buy a new sofa, whatever it costs.”
46. Why were some people in Brackham annoyed after the storm?
A. No market could be held.B. The police had done little to help.
C. The town looked different.D. Fallen trees had not been removed.
47. In the third paragraph, what do we learn about Chief Inspector Pelham’s general attitude to his work?
A. He finds it extremely annoying.
B. Не is sure that he plays an important role.
C. Не considers the systems are not clear enough.
D. He does not trust the decisions made by his superiors.
48. What aspect of the Pelhams’ furniture does “shabbiness” in paragraph 8 describe?
A. its condition. B. its colour. C. its position. D. its design.
49. As a result of the storm, the Pelhams’ living-room _____.
A. was pleasantly lighter B. felt less private
C. had a better view D. was in need of repair
50. Why did Molly sound pleased by her husband’s comment?
A. It proved that he was well again. B. She agreed about the tree.
C. She thought he meant the sofa. D. It was what she expected him to say.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/70708.html
