
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
I. 重點詞匯
1. efficiency n. 效率,功率
2. efficient adj. 效率高的
3. enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的,有樂趣的
4. enormous adj. 巨大的,龐大的
5. enquiry n. 詢問
6. enthusiastic adj. 熱情的,熱心的
7. essential adj. 最重要的,不可缺少的, 本質(zhì)的
8. exhausted adj. 筋疲力盡的
9. expertise n. 專家意見,專家知識
10. expose v. 暴露,揭發(fā)
11. fasten v. 扎牢,扣住
12. firmly adv. 堅定地,堅決的
13. flash v. 閃光,閃現(xiàn)
14. flashback n. 閃回,倒敘
15. fold v. 折疊,包圍
16. foresee v. 預知
17. furnished adj. 配備好裝備的
18. germ n. 微生物,細菌
19. grifted adj. 有天賦的
20. greedy adj. 貪婪的
II. 重點短語
1.expose… to 把。。。暴露于。。。下
2.fall ill 生病
3.first aid 急救
4.have a gift for 在。。。方面有天賦
III. 佳句賞析
1. But economists were hardly naive believers in market efficiency.
2. But the idea that the British, among the most enthusiastic borrowers in the world, are put off by debt is laughable.
3. Many are exhausted by Israel's continuing siege, but fear they would be inviting attack inside and out if they laid down their arms.
IV. 詞匯練習
1. Is this the meaning of (教育) ?
2. It was the smoke that made the land look hazy, warm and e .
3. It is an (本質(zhì)的) principle that we must combine theory with practice .
4. The g little boy ate all the food at the party.
5. To be sure, Bernanke didn't f the crisis, but his aggressive response contained the damage.
V. 短語練習
1. the sun for too much time will do great harm to your skin.
A exposed to B being exposing to C exposing to D to expose to
2. when I saw the cars crash on the road, a frightened feeling across my mind.
A flashed B struck C hit D occurred
3. as we know, women do not their faces in public in Some middle eastern countries.
A cover B keep C expose D protect

Education/ enjoyable/ essential / greedy / foresee

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/72256.html

相關(guān)閱讀:2012屆高考英語選修6 Unit 3頂尖復習教案