高三英語M8U1 The written word專項復(fù)習(xí)教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

M8U1 The written word 單元學(xué)案
I. 知識點羅列:
1) appreciate vt. (appreciation)
2) replace v. = to take the place of
3) spare v. & adj. ~ no efforts ~ sb. time ~ room ~ time
4. works n.
5) resist v. ~ temptation. ~ laughing (reistance)
6) recommend v. ~ sth. / sth. to sb. ~ that-clause (should + v.)
7) different adj. different kinds of be ~ from (difference; differently)
8) reminder n. (remind sb. of sth. remind sb. to do remind sb. that-clause)
9) end v. ~ sth. ~…with ~ in ~ up with in the ~ at the ~ of by the ~ of
come to an ~ bring sth. to an ~ carry sth. through to the ~
put an ~ to sth. or put sth. to an ~
10. lead v. ~ a happy life / ~ a life of lead to ~ sb. to do sth. ~ sb. + prep
in the ~ take the ~
II. Useful phrases:
1. the antiques of the literary world文學(xué)界的遺產(chǎn)2. be left to gather dust塵封不動
3. an old ?fashioned film過時的電影4. an award-winning film 獲獎電影
5. best-known works知名著作6. be based on以…為根據(jù)
7. a place in the world在世界上有一定的地位8. be make into sth制成…
9 . would rather do sth than do sth寧愿做..而不愿做…. 10. at a time 一次
11. in the early 1800s十九世紀(jì)早期 12. at one time一度
13. on stage在舞臺上 14. be set in 以…為背景
15. set sb free from…把某人從…中解放出來16. add… to..把…加到…
17. have prejudice against sb.對某人有偏見 18. add to增添
19. fancy meeting you here!想不到在這兒見到您19. add up to加起來一共
20. an educated person一個受良好教育的人21.before long不久
22. be bent on doing sth.決心做…22. be seen as…被看成是
23. take sb to court把..送上法庭 24. be forced to do sth被迫做….
25. make sth out of…用…制成… 26. serve as充當(dāng)
27. be filled with sorrow滿是愧疚 28.have a talent for有…才能
29. pin sth to sth把…別到… 30get caught被抓住
31. have talent for…有…天賦 32. at the sight of…一看到
33. let out a sad sigh長嘆一聲 34. a deal of 大量
35. encourage sb to do sth.鼓勵某人做… 36. give away泄露
37.a dash of一點兒 38. earn one’s living謀生
39. shorten one’s life夭折40. at the age of在…歲
41. mourn one’s death悼念亡人42. donate … to …把…捐獻給…
43. the monument to sb. 某人的紀(jì)念碑44. tend to do sth有做…的趨勢
45. be intended to do sth. 是用來做… 46..consist of構(gòu)成
III. Important sentences:
1) This makes them difficult for some people to read and the classics are left to gather dust on shelves.
2) Pip dislike it when Joe comes to visit him in London.
3) He pities Oliver, takes him home, and tries to reform him.
IV. Grammar and Usage:
1. They might not (mightn’t) have been written last year.
2. It is not uncommon to find her reading the newspaper.
3. I wonder whether /if I shouldn’t bring an umbrella.
4. Pip’s sister seldom has a kind word to say.
I. 單項選擇
1. Nobody_________ throw away rubbish everywhere!
A. can B. need C. shall D. will
2. --Do you think the rain will affect the football match?
-- The players are used to such rainy weather, so it _______ make any difference to them.
A. shan’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t
3. I tried to persuade him not to smoke, but he _________ listen to me.
A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. had better notD. used to
4. When we got to the cinema, the film hasn’t started yet, so we ___________
A. needn’t hurry B. didn’t need hurry
C.needn’t to hurry D. needn’t have hurried
5. _____ our team defeated theirs was not surprising.
A. WhatB. Whether C. That D. Which
6. Little Jim should love ______to the cinema this evening.
A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking
7. Premier Zhou ______to be unforgettable in the hearts of Chinese people.
A.proved B. regardedC. thoughtD. considered
8. I have no doubt ______we shall be able to do something for you.
A.whether B. that C. when D. if
9. The experiment, though they had tried their best, ______ to be a failure.
A. turned up B. turned outC. turned in D. turned on
10. I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _____ with my progress.
A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfied
C. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied
11. Isn’t it time you _____down to ______ the papers?
A get, mark B. get ,be marked C. got, being marked D. got, marking
12. With the food ___________ good, it was sold out soon.
A. to taste B. taste C. tasting D. tasted
13. It’s no longer a question now ___________ man can land on the moon.
A. that B. which C. whether D. what
14. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _______ harm them.
A. more than B. other than C. rather than D. better than
15. His failure in the experiment suggested that he ______his teacher’s proper instructions.
A. shouldn’t have followed B. shouldn’t follow
C. mustn’t have followed D. hadn’t followed
16. The great changes _____ have taken place _____ carrying out the economic reform in our country.
A. may not; unless B. never ; but for C could not; without D. would, bedsides
17. I didn’t expect you can finish the work in three days, ____________
A. don’t I B. do I C. can you D. can’t you
18. Sean’s strong love for his countries is ___________ in his recently published poems.
A. relieved B. reflected C. responded D. recovered
19. There have been several new events ___________ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
A. add B. to add C adding D. added
20. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _____ healthy eating habit.
A. grow B. develop C. increase D. raise
21. --- Is this raincoat yours? ---- No, mine ____ there behind the door.
A. is hanging B. has hung C. hangs D. hung
22. It is staying up late last night that _______ my being late for work.
A. got to B. ended up with C. devoted to D. led to
23. If I drive in this city myself, I’ll probably get lost because I haven’t got ___ good sense of ___ direction.
A. a; 不填 B. the; 不填 C. a; the D. the; a
24. ____ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants of genes in human body.
A. Exposed B. Being exposed C. Having exposed D. After being exposed
25 ? Have you _____ some new idea ? -- Yeah. I’ll tell you later.
A. come about B. come into C. come up with D. come out with
26. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement ________.
A. has been reached B. had been reached C. has reached D. had reached
27. House prices have increased greatly and they are ______ the reach of those with average incomes. A. over B. within C. beyond D. below
28. Although the old sofa ______ too much space, they still held on it for future use.
A. took up B. took over C. took place D. took on
29. Their theory ______ to be right after many experiments.
A. is proved B. proved C. proving D. was proved
30. The old man insisted that I ____ his wallet and that I ____ with him to the police station.
A. take, go B. had taken, go C. took, go D. had taken, went
31. With all the money ____ out, he had to go hungry.
A. run B. running C. to run D. to be run
32. It’s reported that it will be many years _____ scientists find the solution to this problem.
A. since B. after C. before D. when
33. It is clear that the Japanese Prime Minister’s constant visits to the Yasukuni War Shrine(靖國神社)have ______ the disaster of Sino-Japan relationship.
A. resulted from B. contributed to C. stood for D. concentrated on
34. At a rough estimate, Nigeria is ____ Great Britain. A. twice big as B. as twice big as
C. three times the size as D. three times the size of
35. Choosing the right dictionary depends on ______you want to use it for.
A. what B. why C. how D. whether
36. You may not have played very well today, but at least you’ve got through to the next round and ______.
A. tomorrow never comes B. tomorrow is another day.
C. never put off till tomorrow D. there is no tomorrow
37.-- ____ you _____ him around the museum yet ? --- Yes. We had a great time there.
A. Have; shown B. Do; show C. Had; shown D. Did; show
38. ____ in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarship totaling $21,000.
A. Judging from B. Having judged the best
C. Judging the best D. Judged the best
39. ? Do you think the housing price will keep ____ in the years to come ?
--- Sorry, I have no idea.
A. lifting up B. going up C. bringing up D. growing up
40. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them ___ in his lectures.
A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. to interest
II. 填空
1. Martin Luther King is considered a hero because he spent his whole life fighting against racial p____________.
2. The girl and her best friend were both t________ and nervous about the results of the examination.
3. The panda is an example of an animal n______________ to China.
4. There is much u____________ about the company’s future because the director is retiring this year.
5. My English teacher that my composition was too long and that I had to s___________ it.
6. All of China m __________ when Zhou Enlai died.
7. By planting trees, we t___________ the desert into an oasis.
8. Many young people prefer to live and work in Shanghai, a typical u_________ area in China.
9. Few people in the world find success easily or o_____________.
10. Mother Teressa, who won the Nobel Peace Prize, has earned her r___________ for kind help to the poor people in India.
11. I don’t think classics are o__________ and boring and have nothing to do with life today.
12. Kent is a constant r__________ of Pip’s shabby beginnings, so he made a decision to move from it to the bright lights of London without any __________(同伴).
13. Pip changes from a pleasant young man into a very _________(淺薄的) one.
14. Holding the __________(自制的)soccer gently in his hands, Kevin sat down on the old bench and waited.
15. He experiences an _____________(不正常的) childhood without any parents.
1. The newspaper says that the newly released album ________ _________ _________ and has become best-seller of the month.
報紙上說這個新專輯受到好評, 成了這個月的暢銷品.
2. Mary’s being hurt ________ ________ the uncertainty of our winning the game.
瑪麗受傷了, 這增加了我們在比賽中獲勝的不確定性.
3. If you want to _________ _________ _______ in the IT business you will have to
___________ your efforts.如果你想在IT產(chǎn)業(yè)界獲得一席之地, 就得加倍努力.
4. Painkillers have ___________ ___________, so you should only take one pill _________ _________ __________.止痛藥有副作用,一次應(yīng)該只吃一片.
5. As a mother, she ________ _________ _________ _____________ __________ any harm come to her child.
6. Do you see the new building over there? We _______ it _______ ________our new laboratory.你看到那邊的新樓了嗎?那將是我們的新實驗樓.
7. Pip is ______ _______ _______ an educated person. Pip決心要做一個有教養(yǎng)的人.
8. Kevin _________ ________ _________ __________ at the sight of his old ball, and __________ _________ a sad sigh.
Kevin一看到他的舊足球, 嘆了一口氣,充滿了愧疚.
9. Mike __________ _________ __________ ___________soccer.
10. Mike _________ a ball ________ ________ old socks ___________ _________. a piece of plastic. Mike在舊襪子上裹了一塊塑料紙做了一只足球.
I. 單項選擇
1-5 CBADC 6-10AABBD 11-15DCACD 16-20CCBDB
21-25ADABC 26-30BCABB 31-35BCBDA 36-40BADBA
II. 填空
1. prejudice 2.tense 3.native 4.uncertainty 5.shorten 6.mourned
7.transformed 8.urban 9.overnight 10. reputation 11.old-fashioned
12.reminder ,companions 13shallow 14.home-made 15. abnormal
1. was well received 2. added to 3. have a place ;double 4.side effects, at a time
5. would rather starve than see 6. tend, to be 7. is bent on becoming
8. was filled with sorrow, let out a sad sigh 9. has little talent for
10. made out of, covered with
Module8 unit2
1.universal adj 普遍的,共通的,公認(rèn)的,宇宙的。
War causes universal misery. 戰(zhàn)爭造成了普遍的痛苦。
Television provides universal entertainment。 電視提供了大眾娛樂。
a universal rule 普遍適用的規(guī)則。
2.star. vt. star (in sth) be a star ( in a play, film, etc.)在(戲劇,電影中)擔(dān)任主角,主演
She is to star in a new film .她將主演一部新影片。
star sb. (in sth) present sb. As a star, feature sb.使某人擔(dān)任主演,由某人主演。
My favourite film stars Marilyn Monroe.
The director wanted to star Michael Caine in his new film.
stardom n.明星或主演的地位,身份。
3.cast vt. (pt ,pp. cast) give (an actor ) a part in a play由……主演,使……成為明星,由……擔(dān)任主角
cast sb.(as sb) , cast sb. (in sth)
He was cast as Othello/ in the role of Othello.
4.outdoor adj [attr 作定語]of used in, done in or existing in the open air(outside a building or a house) 戶外的,戶外用的,露天的
outdoor activities 戶外活動
outdoor clothing 戶外穿的衣服
outdoor sport 戶外運動
outdoors adv.在戶外 ,在露天,在外面
Indoor adj. Indoors adv.
5.be drunk with 醉心于……,沉溺于…… 由于…… 而忘乎所以
It’s reported that many middle school students are drunk with playing computer games.
The young couple were drunk with their happy and peaceful life.
6.dare vi (with or without to),1)(用或不用 to,)敢于,敢 膽敢。
He didn’t dare (to) go
I wonder how he dares (to) say such things.
I’ve never dared (to ) ask him
2) Take the risk of, face。 敢冒(危險):面對;不懼
He will dare any danger. 他敢冒任何危險。
3)dare sb (to do sth.) challenge; suggest that sb has not the courage or ability to do sth. 挑激,暗示某人無勇氣或能力做某事。
I dare you to say that again! 我諒你也不敢再說這樣的話。
He dares me to jump from the bridge into the river.他激將我從橋上跳到河里。
daring n冒險精神,勇氣,勇敢
lose one’s daring 失去勇氣
adj. brave.勇敢的。膽大的
a daring robbery.膽大的搶劫
What a daring thing to do!這真是件有膽量的人做的事。
7.exercise. vt. employ, make use of 應(yīng)用,運用
exercise control over.對 …..實施.控制 ,控制
exercise patience 運用耐心
exercise authority over sb 對.……使用權(quán)威
exercise one’s rights行使權(quán) 利
8.break one’s promise 食言, 收回承諾。
keep one’s promise遵守諾言。
9.recite vt背誦,朗誦;敘述,描述,列舉,一一說出。
He recited his poem in front of the whole class.
The mayo recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome
recite one’s grievances 描述某人的苦難。
recite the names of all the capital cities of Europe
10.terrify vt .(pt,pp terrified)fill with fear.使恐怖,使驚恐。
The child was terrified of being left alone in the house.
She was terrified out of her wits.
What a terrifying experience!
terrifying adj terrified adj
11.torture vt.&n cause severe suffering to 使受劇烈痛苦,折磨。
Many of the prisoners have been tortured.
Don’t torture yourself by thinking those unpleasant things.
torture a man to make him confess sth.
Recently he was tortured with great anxiety.
torture n.拷打,拷問,酷刑逼供;(精神或肉體上的)折磨,煎熬,痛苦
The confession was made under torture.
A whole day without chocolate must be torture for you。
12.stage. vt put on the stage, put before the public.
To stage ‘Hamlet’
This drama was well/badly staged
The group of students staged a drama written by themselves.
13.condemn vt 1)say that sb is ,or has done, wrong or that sth is wrong, faulty of unfit for use 責(zé)備,責(zé)難,譴責(zé) 指摘,指…..為不當(dāng)
condemn sb for sth
We all condemn cruelty to children
Everyone condemned his foolish behaviour.
The newspapers condemned the Prime minister for his attitude toward the event.各報紙因為首相對此事的態(tài)度而責(zé)難他。
2)(legal) give judgement against condemn sb (to) (法律)判罪;處刑
condemn a murder to life imprisonment.
be condemned to death被處死
Sentences and phrases in the text.
1.line 5 He likes East Asia very much and also wrote Madam Butterfly, which is set in Japan.
be set in 以……為背景.
The story was set in Britain of the 19th century.
2.Line10. Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden City ? there could not be a better setting.
想想在紫禁城里上演這部戲劇吧----- 不可能有比這更好的場景了!
1) imagine doing sth.想象做……
2) there could not be a better setting. 不可能有比這更好的場景了!
Eg. I could not agree more. 我非常同意你。
You could not find a better friend than him.你不能找到一個比他更好的朋友了。(他是你能找到的最好的朋友)
3.line27 Turandot is desperate to learn his name and threatens and terrifies liu because she knows his name.
be desperate to do不顧一切的做…… be dying/hungry/thirsty to do .
4.line31. Then Calaf says his own name aloud, leaving his future in Turandot’s hands.
leave sth in one’s hands把……托付到某人的手上。
Eg. We should leave our happiness in someone else’s hands.
5 line39 the production combined the very best of Western and Chinese talents in music ,tagging and directing.
Combine the very best of A ,B,and C 結(jié)合了A,B,C的優(yōu)點
6.line47. However, in this wonderful production, it has been transformed into the location for a beautiful and heartbreaking love story.
transform sth (into sth) change the shape ,appearance, quality or nature of
eg. Success and wealth transformed his character
a caterpillar(毛蟲) is transformed into a butterfly

1.Privilege n. 特別待遇,特權(quán)
Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.
You can enjoy all the benefits and privileges of club membership.
privileged adj. 有特權(quán)的,受特別優(yōu)待的
Those in authority were in a privileged position.
She comes from a privileged background.
2.desire n./vi./ vt. 愿望;渴望;欲望
n.a strong desire for power. 強烈的權(quán)利欲
Enough money to satisfy all your desires足夠的錢來滿足你所有的欲望。
She felt an overwhelming desire to return home.
have desire to do 渴望做某事
v. We all desire health and happiness.
The house had everything you could desire.要什么有什么。
3.hire vt. 雇傭,租用,出租
The young couple hired a wedding dress.
hire a car/room/video /a lawyer/consultant …聘請律師/顧問
She was hired three years ago. 她是三年前錄用的。
He does the hiring and firing in our company.
4.performer n表演者
Performance n. 表演,演出
The performance starts at seven.
an evening performance 晚場演出
Perform v.做,執(zhí)行,履行; 演出
To perform an experiment/ a miracle/ a ceremony
I’d like to hear it performed live. 我希望聽現(xiàn)場演出。
Perform magic tricks 表演魔術(shù)
The play was first performed in 1987.
5. personnel n. 人員/員工
Skilled /trained personnel 熟練的/訓(xùn)練有素的人員
Sales/technical/medical/security personnel 推銷/技術(shù)/醫(yī)務(wù)/保安人員
Army/military personnel 陸軍/軍事人員
(2)人事部門 the personnel department / manager 人事部門/人事經(jīng)理
She works in lersonnel.她在人事部工作。
Personal adj. 個人的,私人的,本人的
personal belongings 私人財產(chǎn)
6.Tremble vi./n. 顫抖,發(fā)抖 tremble with anger 氣得發(fā)抖
v. My legs were trembling with fear.
Her voice trembled with excitement.
He opened the letter with excitement.
n. There was a tremble in his voice.
A tremble of excitement / fear
7. apply for 申請
Apply for a scholarship /visa 申請獎學(xué)金/護照
Apply a theory to practice
Apply oneself to…致力于
1.Status n. 地位;身份;情形,狀態(tài)
Legal status 合法地位
Low status jobs 地位低下的工作
To leave a high social status 擁有很高的社會地位
Women are only asking to be given equal status with men.
2.composer n.創(chuàng)作者,作曲家(尤指古典音樂)
compose v.(1) 組成,構(gòu)成(一個整體)
Ten men composed the committee. 委員會由十人組成
Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.
3.bachelor n.單身漢;學(xué)士學(xué)位
a bachelor’s /master’s/doctor’s degree
a Bachelor of Arts/Engineering/Science 文學(xué)士/工程學(xué)士/理學(xué)士
4.fame 名聲,名譽,名氣
to win/achieve instant fane 立即贏得名聲
fame and fortune 名利
1.essential adj.
The essential difference between us is that I take life seriously.
essential services such as shops and buses. 諸如商店,公交車之類的基本服務(wù)
essential vitamins/minerals/nutrients 身體健康所必需的維生素/礦物質(zhì)/營養(yǎng)
Light is essential for the healthy development of plants.
2.decline n./vi.衰弱;衰敗
v. Support for the party continues to decline.
Decline steadily/ sharply/ rapidly/dramatically 穩(wěn)步下降/迅速下降
n. a rapid/sharp/gradual/steep/dramatic decline
An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.
3.trend n. 傾向,趨勢,潮流
Economic/ social/political trends 經(jīng)濟/社會/政治趨勢
We’ve seen a trend towards more violent films this year.
The latest trends in popular music. 流行音樂的最新趨勢
4.discrimination n.
sexual /age/racial discrimination 性別、年齡、種族歧視
discrimination against women 對女性的歧視
He is an enthusiastic promoter of good causes.
Promote v.提升,晉級;促進,推廣,促銷
The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.
Promotion n.提升,提拔
Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion.
5.make a fortune 發(fā)財,賺錢
He made a fortune in real astate.
On one’s way to fame and fortune 名利雙收的路上
He made a considerable fortune by selling waste materials.
inherit a large fortune 繼承一大筆財產(chǎn)
seek one’s fortune尋出路(喻)去淘金
try one’s fortune碰運氣
fortune teller占卜者,算命者
6.prayer n. 祈禱,祈求,愿望
He was a firm believer in the power of prayer.
他對祈禱的力量 信無疑
He arrived, as if in answer to her prayers.
Evening/morning/daily prayers 早晚每日禱告
A prayer for rain/successs/forgiveness
Pray for They prayed for peace.
Pray to God to do He prayed to God to save him.
7.cut short
cut sb. short 打斷某人說話 
It’s bad manners to cut someone short in a conversation.
Cut sth short I’m sorry we had to cut our visit short.
Cut down 砍倒,奪去
Cut up 切掉,切斷,斷絕
Cut off刪除
8.be drafted into 征召…入伍
He was drafted into the army in 1982.
draft vt. 起草,草擬;征召…入伍
The government’s first task was to a new constitution for the country.
first/final draft 初稿、終稿
I showed David a draft of the letter.
You should soon regained your appetite.你不久又會恢復(fù)食欲。
After losing the second set, Fowler regained his confidence and won the third set.輸?shù)舻? 輪后,fowler又重拾信心,贏得了第3輪。
Regain consciousness 恢復(fù)知覺
10.Appeal n.(1)吸引力,感染力
Mass/wide/popular appeal 對大眾的/廣泛的/普遍的感染力
The Beatles have never really lost their appeal.
The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me.
To launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity
v. The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.
Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.
11.Break up 解散,解體,分手
The meeting broke up at 11 o’clock.
Their marriage has broken up .(結(jié)束,破裂)
The ship broke up on the rocks 船觸礁撞碎了。(粉碎,破裂)
Break down 出毛病/拋錨
Break into 突然闖入
Break out (戰(zhàn)爭,火災(zāi)等)發(fā)生,爆發(fā)
Break out of 擺脫束縛
12.phenomenon n. 現(xiàn)象 phenomena (復(fù)數(shù))
Terrorism is a phenomenon of the 20th century.
13. Mental
Mental health/illness/problems
Mental age 智力年齡/心理年齡
Mental disorder/hospital 精神紊亂/精神病院
She was suffering from physical and mental exhausitions.

Module 8 Unit 3 詞匯學(xué)案
1.ankle n.踝;踝關(guān)節(jié)[c]
折斷腳踝 _________________ 扭傷了踝骨_____________________________
2.reservation n. 預(yù)訂;預(yù)訂的房間(或席座)[C];保留(意見、態(tài)度);異議U, C esp pl 作不可數(shù)名詞或可數(shù)名詞, 後者尤作復(fù)數(shù); (旅館房間等) ;(印第安人的)居留地
reserve vt.保留;預(yù)訂 n.儲備;矜持;自然保護區(qū)
reserved adj保留的,預(yù)訂的;冷淡的;含蓄的,緘默的
make a reservation預(yù)定;預(yù)約;
without reservation 毫不保留地
have/express reservations about 對。。。持保留態(tài)度/懷疑。。。
EX: 1)I’d like to call the restaurant and ____ _____ _____. 我要給飯店打個電話預(yù)定座位。
2)I _____ ______ a room ____ _____ _____ Jones. 我已經(jīng)以瓊斯的名字預(yù)定了一個房間。
3)These seats ____ _____ _____ special guests. 這些座位是留給貴賓的。
4) Some members of the committee_________________________________.
5)I _________________________________________his ability to do the job.
6)They support the measures______________________.他們毫無保留地支持這些措施。
3.shore 岸,濱[C][U]
在岸邊_____________________ 在離岸不遠的地方____________________
付給律師、醫(yī)生等的)酬金,服務(wù)費[C]; 費(如學(xué)費、會費、入場費等)[C]
pay the lawyer's fees 付律師費 a bill for school fees 學(xué)費帳單
membership fees 會費
1)If you want to join, there's _______________________________and an annual membership fee of £10. 入會須繳入會費20英鎊, 年費10英鎊.
2)I'm afraid I can't afford___________________________.
3)They charge______________________________.
5.bargain n
I pick up a few good bargains in the sale.我在減價期間買了幾樣挺不錯的便宜貨。
This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price. 這件夾克衫這么便宜,真劃得來。
②交易 ,合同交易,協(xié)議
make a bargain with sb 與某人達成協(xié)議、與某人成交
keep one’s side of the bargain 遵守協(xié)議
strike a bargain 達成了協(xié)議
bargain with sb for/over/about sth 與某人討價還價;洽談成交條件
bargain sth away: give sth away (esp sth valuable in exchange for sth less so) 犧牲某物(尤指以貴物交換賤物)
bargain for sth/on sth (infml 口) (often negative 常用於否定式) expect; 預(yù)料/期,料到
Tom didn't bargain on his wife returning so soon. 湯姆沒有想到他妻子會回來得這麼快.
I hadn’t bargained on them being here. 我沒想到他們會在這里
1)If you _____ ____ _____ they might reduce the price. 你講講價,他們可能會把價錢降低。
2)Dealers bargain with growers_____________________. 商人與種植者就咖啡的價格進行商洽.
3)Finally the two sides______________________. 雙方最終達成協(xié)議。
4)These toys are ___________________at such low prices.
5)He ________________________his wife 'You take care of the children and I'll cook.'他跟妻子講條件'你看好孩子,我做飯。'
6)Clement ________________________with him.
7)I have done what I promised and I expect you to______________________________.
8) The leaders ______________________the freedom of their people. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人拿人民的自由來做交易.
9)The exam was more difficult than I_____________________. 這次考試之難出乎我的意料之外.
6.admit vt. admitted; admitting
承認(rèn);供認(rèn) 后接名詞,代詞,動名詞或從句
He admitted his crime. 他招認(rèn)了罪行。
We have to admit that he's a highly competent man.
②容納, 容許
The theater admits 1000 people. 這劇院可容納一千人。
This ticket admits two people to the football match. 這張票可供兩人入場看足球賽。
不及物動詞 vi.
I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct.
This matter admits of no delay. 這事不容耽擱。
admit sb. into the university 獲準(zhǔn)入大學(xué)
be admitted to獲準(zhǔn)進入,被……錄取
admit… to be 承認(rèn)…是…
~ of sth (fml 文) allow the possibility of sth; leave room for sth 容許某事物; 對某事物留有余地,有…的可能,[此習(xí)語不能以人作主語]:
admit of no delay刻不容緩,毫不遲延地,立刻
The facts admit of no other explanation.
The plan does not admit of improvement. 這項計劃已無改進余地了(已盡善盡美)。
1)He never ____ ____ ____ ____ wrong. 他從不承認(rèn)自己錯了。
2)John_____ _____ _____ the window. 約翰已承認(rèn)打碎了窗子。
3)The cinema _____ ______ _____. 這座電影院大約可坐 2000 人。
4)You must_____________________________.
5)Now I believe that if I work hard, I am sure to _________________________a university.
6)The evidence cannot________________________.證據(jù)確鑿,不容置疑。
7.graduation n.畢業(yè)
graduate v.畢業(yè);授予某人學(xué)位或畢業(yè)文憑n.(大學(xué))畢業(yè)生
college graduate 大學(xué)畢業(yè)生
graduate from 畢業(yè)于
graduate school / courses研究生院/研究生課程
graduate student 研究生
1)We do not have a _________ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B.A. and a B.S.
A. continue B. bay C. assistance D.graduate
2)The university ___________ 400 students this summer.
A. graduated B. graduated from C. graded D.graced
3)Though I majored in law at university, I became an accountant_______________________.
8. scholarship n.獎學(xué)金
scholar n.學(xué)者;獎學(xué)金獲得者
1)He _________________________Harvard.
2)Paul went up to Oxford_______________________.
9. experiment n.實驗,試驗 vi.(on/upon,with)作實驗
experiment upon animals 用動物做實驗(拿。。。做實驗、在。。。身上做實驗)
experiment with new methods 實驗新方法.(試用,嘗試)
My wife ___________ __________ me before she serves a new dish to our guests
The children were warned not to ___________ _____________ such dangerous drugs.
10.height n.高,高度,身高; 頂點; 極度[sing];[ pl.]高處,高地;頂點
What is the height of the mountain? 這山有多高?
He is two metres_________________. 他身高二米.
fly ______________________________(above sea-level) 在(海拔)6000米的高度上飛行
11.be made (out )of由…制成 /make sth. out of
make out of... 與 make of ...的意思相同。make out of 常用于口語
be made from由……制造(與 from 連用,from 后接的名詞側(cè)重指加工,(原樣起化學(xué)變化)。
make sth. into 把……做成……
be made up of 由…構(gòu)成
make up 編造;化妝;彌補; 構(gòu)成; 編造; 和解; 鋪床;整理
make up one’s mind 下決心
make use of 利用
1)Bread ____ _____ _____ flour. 面包是由面粉加工而成的。
2)He _____ _____ _____ ______ _____wood. 他用木頭做了一架模型飛機。
3)They _____ _____ _______ _______. 他們把玻璃制成瓶。
12.ingredient n.組成部分,成分,原料;要素,因素[C]
the ingredients of a cake 蛋糕的原料
1)Our skin cream contains only_______________________.
2)成功的基本要素____________________ for success.
13.string n. [C]弦,線;一串,一行
_____________________happened at that corner.
14.stick n. 枝條;柴枝[C] 棍,棒,杖;手杖[C];v. pt, pp stuck 刺;戮;刺死~ in/into; 釘住;插牢; 粘貼;張貼; 伸,伸出; 堵塞,卡住;
collect dry sticks to make a fire 拾些乾柴生火
The needle stuck in my finger. 針扎進我的手指了
This glue doesn't stick very well. 這種膠水粘不住.
A fish-bone stuck in his throat.
be stuck in 陷入
stick to粘(貼)在…上,附著于:不移開,不偏離,不離題; 堅持,堅守;遵守; 忠于,信守
I always stick to my promises.
It's impossible if you stick to the rules.
1)We don't want to hear your opinions; ____ ____ the facts! 我們不想聽你的想法, 只講事實!
2) 把郵票貼在信上____________________
3) Don't _____________________________the train window.
4)We seem to _____________________a traffic jam.
我們好像被困在塞車車陣?yán)锪恕?br />15. disgusting adj.令人厭惡的
The dirty street was disgusting.
disgust n. 作嘔, 憎惡, 反感/vt. 使厭惡, 令人作嘔
The food disgusted me. 這食物使我感到惡心。
1) 可厭的是; 令人作嘔的是_______________________
2)His behavior_________________________. 他的行為遭到眾人的唾棄。
16.dip v.浸,蘸[(+in/into)]
dip into浸在……里;隨便(或略略)翻閱;瀏覽; 涉獵,略(或稍)加探究; 動用(款項等),提取(存款)
1)Dip your pen into the ink. 將鋼筆(在墨水中)________________.
2)I've only had time to dip into the report. 這份報告我只來得及_____________了一遍.
3)We'll have to dip into our savings,if we are going to buy a computer.
4)She dipped into literature while she worked in a library.
17. cut out (of) 裁剪出;切掉;停止
cut up切碎;使受苦
cut down砍倒;縮減
cut across/ through 穿過(某地)(尤指抄近路)
cut back (on sth): reduce sth considerably 大量削減某事物
cut off切斷,阻斷;使分離,使隔絕
1)His mother has to ______________________for him. 他的媽媽不得不為他將所有的食物切碎。
2)Jean __________________________when her husband left her. 在丈夫拋棄她之后,簡痛苦極了。
3)裁剪一件連衣裙 __________________________
4)You should_________________________________________.
5)I have decided to _____________________and drinking.
6)I cut the advertisement _____________the newspaper. 我從報紙上剪下這則廣告。
7) I usually ___________________________on my way home. 我在回家途中通常抄近路穿過公園.
8) If we don't sell more goods, we'll have to ____________________production. 我們?nèi)舨荒茉黾迂浳锏匿N售量, 就必須大幅度降低產(chǎn)量.
9)We_____________________ in the middle of our conversation. 我們正交談時, 線路被切斷了.
10)Our water supply________________________. 我們斷水了
18.have a go 試一試,嘗試做,其后常跟at sth
---I can’t open the jar. 我打不開這個罐子。
---Let me have a go. 讓我來試試/
Would you like to______________________ the bike?

1.Adam Smith's _______(杰作) “The Wealth of Nations” was written in the 18th century.
2. After a career as a journalist, she was looking forward to a happy and ______(寧靜的)retirement.
3. After _________ from a university, he has worked as a middle school teacher.
4. We're very proud of the five students from this school who were awarded______(獎學(xué)金).
5. Do you think you could go upstairs and be with the boys in the_______(宿舍)?
6. One of the rooms has been made into a small modern art________(美術(shù)館).
7. Someone who catches fish as a sport or as a job is called f_________.
8. It is said that his son is studying ________(建筑學(xué))at university.
9. Sometimes we can see a beautiful r_______ in the sky after a shower in summer.
10. Hiring new employees can be very much a _________(主觀的) process.
11. The dish is speciaIIy recommended by our c _________..
12Why do they r_____________ the same mistake?
13. He became rude to everyone in the _____________ (城堡)and behaved like a mad man.
14. Chocolate is wrapped in f________ to keep it fresh.
15. The new h______________ shortens the trip.
16. There is a s______________ of garden behind his house.
17. Mrs. Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a c________________ box and to leave it outside her door.
18.The mark of a man's shoe was clearly p_____________ in the mud.
19. In kindergarten, your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red c______________ when all that was left was the ugly black one.
20. By mixing a___________________ with other metals, scientists have been able to produce a variety of alloys(合金), some of which have the strength of steel but weigh only one third as much.
21. Humanity services is kind of new p_____________ of services.
22. Yangzhou is a little charming city on the Grand C______________..
23. Most of these ingredients can be found at your local g______________..
24. The room was p______________ white,with green shutters.
25. The two books largely o________ in contents.

1.break one’s ankle; twist/turn/hurt one's ankle 2. 1)make a reservation 2)reserved in the name of 3)are reserved for 4) expressed/had reservations about the proposal 5) have serious reservations about 6) without reservation 3. on the shore; off the shore 4. an entrance fee of £20; the doctor's fee; a small registration fee 5. 1)bargain with them 2) over the price of coffee 3) struck a bargain 4) a real bargain 5) made a bargain with 6) made a satisfactory bargain 7) keep your side of the bargain 8) bargained away 9) had bargained for 6. 1) admits that he is 2) has admitted breaking 3) admits about 2000 people 4) admit the task to be difficult 5) be admitted to 6) admit of doubt 7.DA after graduation 8. won a scholarship to; on a scholarship 9. do/perform/carry out/conduct an experiment; experiment on; experiment with 10. in height; at a height of 6000 metres; the height of summer 11. 1) is made from 2)made a model plane out of 3) make glass into bottles 12. natural ingredients; the essential ingredients 13. A string of accidents 14. 3) stick to; stick a stamp on a letter; stick your head out of; be stuck in 15. to one's disgust; disgusted everybody 16. 蘸一蘸; 瀏覽; 動用存款; 涉獵 17. 1)cut up all the food;2) was really cut up3) cut out a dress 4) cut out the unimportant details 5) cut out smoking 6)out of 7) cut across/through the park 8) cut back on 9) were cut off 10) has been cut off 18. have a go at
1. masterpiece 2. peaceful 3. graduation/graduating 4. scholarships
5. dormitory 6. gallery 7. fisherman 8. architecture
9. rainbow 10. subjective 11. chef 12. repeat 13. castle 14 foil 15. highway 16. strip 17. cardboard 18. printed 19. crayon 20 aluminium 21. pattern 22. Canal 23. grocery 24. painted 25. overlap
M8U4 Films and film events 學(xué)案
1. Our guests today are representatives from six of the major international film festivals. (P 50)
n. [C] someone who speaks or does sth. officially for another person or group of people:
adj. typical of, or the same as, others in a larger group of people or things:
Are your views/opinions representative of all the workers here?
a representative sample/cross-section/selection
To many people the Queen represents the former glory of Britain.
The ambassador __________ forceful representations to the White House.
A. took B. gave C. made D. had
答案與解析: C Make representations to sb. 向……提出抗議
2. I think it is rather appropriate for me to begin our discussion. (P50)
adj. suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion:
appropriate footwear for the country
Is this film appropriate for small children?
I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
Is this an appropriate occasion to discuss finance?
NOTE: The opposite is inappropriate.
She didn't think we were appropriately dressed for a wedding.
3. Our festival is part of a larger festival which celebrates contemporary art. We view film as a type of contemporary art. (P50)
v. [I or T] to take part in special enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important:
We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.
If this plan works, we'll celebrate in style (= in a special way).
adj. existing or happening now:
contemporary music/literature/art/fashion
Although it was written hundreds of years ago, it still has a contemporary (= modern) feel to it.
v. [T] to have a particular opinion or way of thinking about someone or sth.:
The journalist asked the minister how he viewed recent events.
She is viewed as a strong candidate for the job.
We view these latest developments with concern/suspicion/satisfaction.
If we view the problem from a different angle, a solution may become more obvious.
a point of view 觀點;著眼點
at first view 初看;一見
in view 在視野中
in view of 鑒于;由于
on view 展覽中,上映中
with a view to (doing) sth. 以……為目的
view ab./ sth. as sth. 把……視為
4. That is, it only includes those not financed by Hollywood studios.
that is:
that is to say, in other words
v. [T] to provide the money needed for sth. to happen:
The local authority has refused to finance the scheme.
n. [U] (the management of) a supply of money:
corporate/ personal/ public finance
the minister of finance minister
The finance committee controls the school's budget.
5. Kathy, I hate to interrupt you, but in defense of the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that we don’t just feature Hollywood films. (P50)
v. [I or T] to stop a person from speaking for a short period by sth. you say or do, or to stop sth. from happening for a short period:
She tried to explain what had happened but he kept interrupting her.
I wish you'd stop interrupting.
We had to interrupt our trip when we heard John's mother was ill.
Be quiet! It’s rude to __________ people when they are talking.
A. stop B. introduce C. prevent D. interrupt
Production at the factory was __________ for two hours because there was no electricity.
A. interrupted B. disturbed C. missed D. lost
答案: DA
defence UK, US defense
n. [C or U] (a) protection or support against attack, criticism or infection:
The war has ended but government spending on defence is still increasing.
When Helen criticized me, Chris came/rushed to my defence (= quickly supported me).
The book is a closely argued defence of the economic theory of Keynes.
The towers were once an important part of the city's defences.
A good diet helps build the body's natural defences.
point out
辨析:point out, point at, point to
1.point out 指出
My teacher pointed out my mistakes.
Point it out!
2.point at 指著(較近之物)
They pointed with their guns at her head but she was not afraid.
3.point to 指向(較遠之物)
He pointed to the mountain and told me it used to covered with grass.
v. to include someone or sth. as an important part:
The film features James Dean as a disaffected teenager.
This week's broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.
n. [C] a typical quality or an important part of sth.:
The town's main features are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace.
Our latest model of phone has several new features.
A unique feature of these rock shelters was that they were dry.
6. Our policy is to include high-quality films, regardless of who makes them. (P50)
adv. despite; not being affected by sth.:
The plan for a new office tower went ahead regardless of local opposition.
She knew it was dangerous to visit him, but she set out regardless of the risk.
This job is open to all, regardless of previous experience.
__________ the heavy rain, they continued working in the field.
A. Although B. Regardless of C. Despite of D. In case of
They decorated the house __________ costs.
A. in spite B. regardless of C. though D. although
答案: B B
7. As long as the film’s quality meets our standards, we include it. (P50)
as long as: 只要,如果;既然
You may use the room as you like, as long as you clean it afterward.
As long as you are going to the post office anyway, you can do something for me.
The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him __________ I did. (2005湖南)
A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as
Internet seems like a jungle, which contains wonders__________ dangers.
A. as long as B. as far as C. as soon as D. as well as
答案: A D
meet (met, met)
v. [T] to fulfill, satisfy, or achieve:
The workers' demands for higher pay were not met by the management.
We haven't yet been able to find a house that meets our needs/requirements.
They will only agree to sign the contract if certain conditions are met.
Do you think we will be able to meet our deadline/target?
make ends meet 使收支相抵
meet one’s end 死,送命
meet with sb. 遇到某人
meet with sth. 經(jīng)歷某事
8. The Sundance Film Festival boycotts all Hollywood films, and we don’t foresee ever including them. (P50)
v. [T] to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval:
People were urged to boycott the country's products.
The union called on its members to boycott the meeting.
n. [C]
A boycott of/against goods from the EU began in June.
foresee (foreseeing, foresaw, foreseen)
v. [T] to know about sth. before it happens:
I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.
-This kind of laundry detergent is said to have poisonous chemicals.
-So why not __________ it.
A. stop B. buy C. prevent D. boycott
9. It was then that Robert Redford took over and changed the focus to saluting independent films. (P 50)
take over 接管,接替,接任
The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.
The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate
When she fell ill her daughter took over the business form her.
It is certain that he will _____ his business to his son when he gets old. (2004 福建)
A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over
v. [T] to honour or express admiration publicly for a person or an achievement:
On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association.
We salute you for your courage and determination
v.[I or T] (especially of people in the armed forces) to make a formal sign of respect to someone, especially by raising the right hand to the side of the head:
Whenever you see an officer, you must salute.
The soldiers saluted the colonel when he arrived.
10. Many of them are American, but we reject the idea that we have lost our international angle. (P51)
v. [T] to refuse to accept, use or believe sth.or someone:
The appeal was rejected by the High Court.
Coin-operated machines in England reject Irish money.
The prime minister rejected the suggestion that it was time for him to resign.
I applied for a job as a mechanic in a local garage, but I was rejected (= I was not offered the job).
The football coach rejected him for the first team (= He was not offered a place in the team).
n. [C] a way of considering, judging or dealing with sth.:
Try looking at the problem from another angle.
The press was looking for a new/fresh angle on the situation.
11. Considering the history of our festival, we feel it is important not to favor films from any one country. (P 51)
Considering his age, John did quite will in his performance.
Considering he’s only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.
Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ________ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet. (2004北京)
A. had considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to consider
__________ everything, this is a pleasant journey.
A. Considered B. Considerate C. Considering D. Considerable
___________ everything into consideration, she decided to work in the company.
A. Giving B. Taking C. Taken D. Given
答案: 1.B 2.C 3. B take into consideration 把……考慮進去
v. [T] 1)to support or prefer one particular possibility:
These are the running shoes favoured by marathon runners.
In the survey, a majority of people favoured higher taxes and better public services over (= rather than) tax cuts.
[+ ing form of verb] I generally favour travelling by night, when the roads are quiet.
2)to give an advantage to someone or sth., in an unfair way:
A strong wind will favour the bigger boats.
She always felt that her parents favoured her brother.
n. [C] a kind action that you do for someone:
She rang up to ask me a favour.
Could you do me a favour - would you feed my cat this weekend?
I don’t like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could __________ me a favor.
A. make B. do C. find D. get
Generally speaking, chances tend to __________ those who are hard-working and well prepared.
A. favour B. honor C. focus D. intend
答案:B A
12. Hollywood films are in the minority at our festival, and films from smaller countries that would be overlooked at Cannes, for example, have a real chance of winning in Berlin. (P 51)
n. [S] a smaller number or part:
It's only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.
Children with single parents at my school were very much in the minority (= there were very few).
This section of the bookstore caters for minority interests (= subjects that interest only a few people).
NOTE: The opposite is majority.
v. [T] to fail to notice or consider sth.:
I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.
No one will be overlooked in the selection of the team.
13. Even though we have only existed a short time, our festival has a good reputation worldwide. (P51)
v. [I] 1) to be, or to be real:
I don't think ghosts exist.
Poverty still exists in this country.
2) to live, or to live in difficult conditions:
Some species exist in this small area of forest and nowhere else on Earth.
Few people can exist without water for more than a week.
n.[C usually singular; U] the opinion that people in general have about someone or sth., or how much respect or admiration someone or sth. receives, based on past behaviour or character:
The company has a worldwide reputation for quality.
She has the reputation of being a good doctor.
His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.
The hotel has a bad/good reputation.
adj., adv. existing or happening in all parts of the world:
a worldwide recession
An increase in average temperature by only a few degrees could cause environmental problems worldwide.
14. We show films from many different countries and the highlight of the festival each year is the ‘Jinjue’ or Golden Cup Award. (P51)
n. [C] the best or most exciting, entertaining or interesting part of sth.:
Highlights of the match will be shown after the news.
v. [T] to attract attention to or emphasize something important:
The report highlights the need for improved safety.
The spelling mistakes in the text had been highlighted in green.
15. At the Academy Awards, the focus is on rewarding American films of the top rank. (P53)
n. [C] the main or central point of sth., especially of attention or interest:
I think Dave likes to be the focus of attention.
The main focus of interest at the fashion show was Christian Lacroix's outrageous evening wear.
The media focus on politicians' private lives inevitably switches the attention away from the real issues.
focus (sth.) on/upon sb./sth. to give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject or thing:
Tonight's programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.
When the kitchen is finished I'm going to focus my attention on the garden and get that sortedout.
The representatives from six of the(1)m______ international film festivals attend a weekly(2)p_______, Movie Magic. These spokeswomen and spokesmen tell us about their film festivals they(3)r________. Venice Film Festival is the oldest and it is part of a larger festival(4) c________ contemporary art. The Sundance Film Festival only includes small, (5)i_______ and it (6)b________ all Hollywood films. Films shown at Cannes are often made with large(7)b______ and have well-known actors and(8)d________. Since the Berlin Film Festival began in 1951, awards have been given to films from all around the(9)g_______. The Toronto International Film Festival is the second largest festival in the world---only Cannes is bigger. Although the Shanghai International Film Festival was founded in 1993, the festival has a good(10)r______ worldwide.
1. major 2. programme/ program 3. represent 4. celebrating 5. independent
6. boycotts 7. budgets 8. directors 9. globe 10. reputation
Word power
1. Not all films are made in ‘real’ places. When they are, they are shot on location, which means that real streets, trees and buildings are used. (P54)
shoot (shot, shot)
v. [I or T] to use a camera to record a film or take a photograph:
We shot four reels of film in Egypt.
The film was shot on location in Southern India.
n. [C or U] a place away from a studio where all or part of a film or a television show is recorded:
The documentary was made on location in the Gobi desert.
not all 表部分否定,“不是所有的”
Not all the students are interested in the lecture about American culture.
=All the students are not interested in the lecture about American culture.
與not構(gòu)成部分否定的詞有: all everyone, everywhere, entirely, both, everybody, always, wholly, everything等
I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree __________.
A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
2. There are also many important words that refer to the camera. (P54)
refer to
有關(guān),針對; 提到,說起;參考,查閱
The new law does’t refer to land used for farming.
The accident he referred to was reported in yesterday’s newspaper.
Let me just refer to my notes to find the exact figures
It was foolish of him to _________ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished. (2004年上海)
A. stick to B. refer to C. keep to D. point to
I didn’t know the word; I had to __________ a dictionary.
A. look out B. make out C. refer to D. look up
The expert he referred to ___________ a new discovery on this virus.
A. made B. making C. make D. being made
答案:B C A
3. In this case, new actors are hired to read the dialogue and it is recorded over the original talking. (P54)
n. [C] a particular situation or example of sth.:
Over a hundred people were injured, in several cases seriously.
Jobs are hard to find but in his case that's not the problem because he has so much experience.
I wouldn't normally agree but I'll make an exception in this case.
v. to employ someone or pay them to do a particular job:
I was hired by the first company I applied to.
[+ to infinitive] We ought to hire a public relations consultant to help improve our image.
v. [T] to keep information for the future, by writing it down or storing it on a computer:
She records everything that happens to her in her diary.
Unemployment is likely to reach the highest total that has ever been recorded.
[+ that] In his journal, Captain Scott recorded that he and his companions were weakened by lack of food.
4. He looked very scared! (P55)
v. [I or T] to (cause to) feel frightened:
Sudden noises scare her.
She's very brave - she doesn't scare easily.
He scared me out of my wits (= made me extremely frightened) when he was driving so fast.
Meeting new people scares me stiff/to death (= makes me extremely nervous and anxious).
adj. frightened or worried:
He's scared of spiders.
I'm scared of telling her what really happened.
He's scared to tell her what really happened.
I was scared (= very worried) (that) you might not be there.
I was scared stiff (= extremely frightened).
She had a scared look on her face.
5. The best thing I learned from the lecture is never to ignore the credits at the end of the film. (P55)
v.[T] to intentionally not listen or give attention to:
She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her.
Safety regulations are being ignored by company managers in the drive to increase profits.
How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority?
I smiled at her but she just ignored me.
adj. 無知的,不知道的
n. 無知
It would be a mistake __________ my advice.
A. to ignore B. to pass C. to be ignorant D. to inform
As he had been ill in bed for several months, he was __________ of the new development in his field.
A. aware B. conscious C. ignorant D. ignorance
答案: A C
6. I am responsible for all the filming. I operate the camera. (P55)
be responsible for sb./sth./doing sth.
to have control and authority over sth. or someone and the duty of taking care of it or them:
Paul is directly responsible for the efficient running of the office.
Her department is responsible for overseeing the councils.
v. [I or T] to (cause to) work, be in action or have an effect:
How do you operate the remote control unit?
Does the company operate a pension scheme?
For several years she operated a dating agency from her basement flat.
Changes are being introduced to make the department operate more efficiently.
Specially equipped troops are operating in the hills.
We have representatives operating in most countries.

Grammar and usage
1. Mary and I had an appointment to meet at the shopping centre at 1 p.m. (P57)
n. [C] 1) a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place約會,約定
I'd like to make an appointment with Doctor Evans, please.
She had to cancel her dental appointment.
If he didn't have a secretary to remind him, he wouldn't keep (= remember to be present at) any of his appointments.
That's the second appointment he's missed (= not been present at).
2) by appointment at a previously arranged time:
House for sale, two bedrooms. Viewing by appointment only.
v. 1) [T often passive] FORMAL約定
A date has been appointed (= arranged) for the election.
Ten minutes before the appointed time (= the arranged time), he sat nervously outside her office.
2) to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility 任命,委派
We've appointed three new teachers this year.
He's just been appointed (as) director of the publishing division.
[+ to infinitive] A commission has just been appointed to investigate fraud claims.
make /fix an appointment with ab. 與某人約會
have an appointment with ab. 與某人有個約會
keep an appointment 踐約
break an appointment 失約

We must __________ a new teacher at once to the mountain school.
A. appreciate B. appoint C. appeal D. approach
Would it be possible to make an early _________ to have my hair cut tomorrow?
A. appointment B. arrangement C. employment D. engagement
答案:B A

2. Mary and made an agreement never to see such a film again. (P57)
n. [C or U] when people have the same opinion, or when they approve of or accept sth.:
The whole family was in agreement with her about/on what they should do.
If the three parties cannot reach agreement now, there will be a civil war.
I don't think you'll ever get Tony's agreement to these proposals.
[+ that] There's widespread agreement that the law should be changed.
make an agreement 達成協(xié)議,達成共識
reach/ come to/ arrive at an agreement 達成協(xié)議
break an agreement 違反協(xié)定

3. It gives me great satisfaction that my uncle is finally realizing his dream and attaining success. (P57)
n. [C or U] a pleasant feeling which you get when you receive sth. you wanted, or when you have done sth. you wanted to do:
She looked at the finished painting with satisfaction.
She derived/obtained great satisfaction from/out of helping other people.
For me, job satisfaction is more important than the money.
She had the satisfaction of knowing that she'd done everything she could.
v.[T] to please someone by giving them what they want or need:
They have 31 flavours of ice-cream - enough to satisfy everyone!
Come on, satisfy my curiosity (= tell me what I want to know), what happened last night?
satisfy conditions/needs/requirements
to have or provide sth. that is needed or wanted:
She satisfies all the requirements for the job.
There are three main conditions you must satisfy if you wish to be a member of the club.
1. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does __________ his boss.
A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. supports
2. The result is far from __________.
A. satisfied B. satisfactory C. satisfaction D. satisfy
Answers: B C
She realized her dream of becoming an actress.
He finally realized his mistake.
v. [T] to reach or succeed in getting sth. to achieve:
He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.
We need to identify the best ways of attaining our objectives/goals.
India attained independence in 1947, after decades of struggle
1.Some people still believe in _________ (魔法).
2.He is a ________ (代表) of a country.
3.What is your v___________ on school punishment.
4.People who work in banks know about _________ (金融).
5.Traffic in the city was ________ (阻斷) by a snowstorm.
6.It is the p_________ of the government to improve education.
7.Can you ________ (區(qū)分) the different musical instruments playing now?
8.They are _________ (聯(lián)合抵制) the shop.
9.Those who can ________ (預(yù)見) difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.
10.When will the eggs h______ ?
11.There must be _______ (公平的) play whatever the competition is .
12.Your actions _________ (同…矛盾)your principles.
13.He looked ________ (向后) to see who was following him.
14.The workers got a Christmas ________ (額外津貼).
15.The music film is Mrs Wilson’s _______ (作品) in the competition..
16.He _________ (很少)comes here anymore.
17.Why did you leave these ________ (衣服) on the floor.
18.The earth’s _________ (影子)sometimes falls on the moon.
19.___________準(zhǔn)許進入) by ticket only.
20.How can I _________ (報答) your kindness.
21.I like Shakespeare’s _____________ (喜劇)
22.I find all the c________ in his new play very real.
23.We go for a walks in the fields o_______.
24.The old man told of an e________ story.
25.We’ve got three cats --------two f_______ and a male.
26.Stop living in a f________ world
27.He’s very s______ about his weight
28.C______ to popular belief,many cats dislike milk.
29.A police car polluted up a_____ us.
30. Your name had been d_____ from this list.
1. magic 2. representative 3. view 4.finance 5.interrupted
6. policy 7.distinguish 8. boycotting 9. foresee 10. hatch
11.fair 12.contradict 13. backwards 14. bonus 15.entry
16. rarely 17. garments 18. shadow 19. Admission 20. reward
21.comedy 22. characters 23.occasionally 24.entertaining 25. females
26. fantasy 27.sensitive 28.Contrary 29.alongside 30.deleted
Grammar and usage
I have never seen such a lazy person in my whole life.(這么)
So angry was he that he couldn’t speak.
Fortunately,he was just in time for the first train in the morning.(剛好)
It’s unbelievable that the woman herself could lift so heavy a box.(自己一個人)
This is the very English dictionary that I have been looking for.(就是,正是)
The manager was right in the office when I arrived at the company by metro (地鐵)。(正好)
常用的短語有:on earth,in the world,by no means(位于句首需用倒裝),not…at all等。如:
“What on earth are you doing now?” asked the policeman.(究竟,到底)
Though we are good friends,I don’t agree with you at all this time.(根本不)
I have to point out that this job can by no means be accomplished overnight.(決不)
Do come early tomorrow morning,or you will be fined.(務(wù)必,一定)
The new exchange student does hope to go to the evening party with us.(確實)
My mother did sing well in the past because she used to be a teacher.(的確,確實)
On the table were some flowers. 桌上擺了一些花。
強調(diào)句的基本結(jié)構(gòu)是It + be +被強調(diào)部分+that (who/whom)+原句剩余部分。被強調(diào)部分可以是簡單句中除謂語以外的其它成分,也可以是主從復(fù)合句中的從句。如:
It was our we that/who saved my little younger sister.(強調(diào)主語)
It was him that/whom they saw stealing yesterday in the supermarket.(強調(diào)賓語)
It is by sending e-mail that they keep in touch with each other.(強調(diào)狀語)
It was only when I reread this poem recently that I began to appreciate its beauty.(強調(diào)從句)
It was Tom and Mike that /who helped us out.
It is we who/that have passed the driving test.
Is it next week that we will hold another football match ?
Who was it that taught you English ten years ago ?
How was it that you managed to deal with such difficult problems ?
(3)強調(diào)not …until…結(jié)構(gòu)時,not要放在until之前。即:It is/was not until…that….如:It was not until all fish died that people realized how serious pollution was.
It was not until midnight that they came back.
Not until all fish died did people realize how serious pollution was.
Not until midnight did they come back.
Was it during World War II that he lost his devoted son. ?
It was for this reason that the naughty boy got severely punished.
It was on October 5,1999 that the new city was founded.(強調(diào)句)
It was October 5,1999 when their first son was born.(定語從句)
It was the village where I was brought up that I visited yesterday.
I can’t remember how many years ago it was that I entered the factory.
When I asked him when it was that he took my dictionary,he made no answer.
I. 單項填空
1. It was only when I recovered from being ill _____I began to realize how important health is to a person.
A. untilB. thatC. thenD. so
2. It was ____ 1920 _____regular radio broadcast began.
A. until; thatB. not until; when C. until; whenD. not until; that
3. Was _____that I saw at the concert last night ?
A. it youB. not youC. youD. yourself
4. It was evening ____ we reached the little town of Winchester.
A. thatB. untilC. sinceD. before
5. It was with great joy _____ he received the news _____his lost daughter had been found.
A. because; thatB. that; whyC. which; whichD. that; that
6. My teacher asked me _____ Daniel got injured in the leg.
A. how was it thatB. how it was that
C. how it was whichD. how was it which
7. It was not until she had arrived home _____ her appointment with the doctor.
A. did she rememberB. that she remembered
C. when she rememberedD. had she remembered
8. It was on the farm _____ my father used to work _____ I was born.
A. that; thatB. where; whereC. where; thatD. that; where
9._____ that she was still weak in English?
A. Why it wasB. Why was itC. It was whyD. Was it why
10._____ that electricity plays such an important part in our daily life?
A. What is itB. What does itC. Why does itD. Why is it
11._____she is not so healthy _____she used to be ?
A. Why it is that; asC. Is it why that; that
C. Why is it that; asD. Why is it that; that
12.---Mary !______and visit us some day.
--All right .
A. Do comeB. Do comesC. Does comeD. Did come
13. It was _____computer games that the boy took a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.
A. to have playedB. playingC. playedD. having played
14.---Is it my age _______the boss minds.
--I’m afraid not. He will consider ____necessary to have an experienced assistant.
A. which; itB. that; itC. which; thatD. that; that
15. Such a naughty boy _____ that nobody likes him.
A. he isB. he wasC. is heD. was he
II. 單句改錯(每個句子有一處錯誤,找出并改正)
1. It was in this small village where she was born.
2. It were Madame Curie and her husband who discovered radium.
3. It was September 9,1990 that the little girl was born.
4. It was for this reason why Edward quitted his job in the famous company.
5. He do work very tired after finishing the complex task by himself.
6. By no means I will give up learning English.
7. You did helped me in time of difficulty.
8. Do more careful next time if you want to get a better mark in the exam.
9. It is Mr Green who often help others when they are in trouble.
10. It is him that is to blame for the mistake.
III. 完成句子
1. It is _________________(很有趣的一部電影)that I want to see it again.
2. It ____________________(直到他告訴我)that I knew the truth.
3. He________________(確實出席) the meeting the day before yesterday.
4. __________________(到底多少次)that you go to see your parents every month?
5. __________________(是在二戰(zhàn)期間)that he died.
6. It was ___________________(就是昨晚九點)he went to the park.
7. It was twelve o’clock at midnight _____________________________(他們到達一個小村莊).
8. It was _________________(他最好的衣服)that John wore to the dance last night.
9. He _____________(真的很喜歡)the new bicycle his father gave him as a present.
10. _________________________________________(正是從20世紀(jì)90年代初) scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agriculture production without harming the environment.
I. 單項填空
1-5 BDADD6-10 BBCBD11-15 CABBC
II. 單句改錯(每個句子有一處錯誤,找出并改正)
1.where---that 2.were---was 3.that---when /was后加on 4. why---that
5. do---did 6.I will----will I 7.helped---help 8.Do后加be
9. help---helps 10.him---he
III. 完成句子
1.such an interestingfilm2.was not until he told me
3.did attend4.How many times is it
5.Was it during the Second World War 6.at nine o’clock yesterday that
7.when they arrived at a small village8.his best suit
9.does like 10. It was from the early 1990s that
1. When completing a quiz, you must be certain that all the answers you write are correct. (P58)
completing 現(xiàn)在分詞做狀語,因句子的主語是you, complete的邏輯主語也是you,兩者是主動關(guān)系。
When __________ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.
A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared
adj. having no doubt or knowing exactly that something is true, or known to be true, correct, exact or effective:
[+ (that)] Are you absolutely certain (that) you gave them the right number?
I feel certain (that) you're doing the right thing.
You should make certain (that) everyone understands the instructions.
The police seem certain (that) they will find the people responsible for the attack.
[+ question word] I'm not certain how much it will cost.
He was quite certain about/of his attacker's identity.
2. You do not want the judge to misunderstand your answer because you have left out some words! (P58)
leave sb./sth. out to not include someone or sth. 遺漏,忽視
You can leave the butter out of this recipe if you're on a low-fat diet.
I've made a list of names - I hope I haven't left anyone out.
None of the other children play with her, and I think she feels rather left out (= feels that no one wants to be her friend).
3. No figures are available for money made from popcorn sales, but film fans usually consume a lot of this salty snack, especially when watching a tense thriller. (P59)
adj. able to be obtained, used, or reached:
Is this dress available in a larger size?
There's no money available for an office party this year.
It is vital that food is made available to the famine areas.
[+ to infinitive] I'm afraid I'm not available to help with the show on the 19th.
Every available officer will be assigned to the investigation.
Do you have any double rooms available this weekend?
v. [T] 1) to use fuel, energy or time, especially in large amounts:
Our high living standards cause our present population to consume 25 percent of the world's oil.
2) to eat or drink, especially a lot of sth.:
He consumes vast quantities of chips with every meal.
4. You have successfully entered the competition and want to include the information about the Chinese film industry in your speech.
v. [I or T] to be included in a competition, race or exam, or to arrange for someone else to do this:
Both men have been entered for/in the 100 metres in Paris next month.
All three companies have entered the race to develop a new system.
Are you going to enter the photography competition?
v. [T] to contain sth. as a part of sth. else, or to make sth. part of sth. else:
The bill includes tax and service.
Tax and service are included in the bill.
[+ ing form of verb] Your responsibilities will include making appointments on my behalf.
adj. [after noun]
The trip cost a total of 250, insurance included.
Eight people, including two children, were injured in the explosion.
5. Speech and essay competitions often require you to do research on many different aspects of a subject. (P61)
v.[T] to need or make necessary:
Please telephone this number if you require any further information.
Skiing at 80 miles per hour requires total concentration.
[+ object + to infinitive] Bringing up children often requires you to put their needs first.
You are required by law to stop your car after an accident.
[+ that] The rules require that you bring only one guest to the dinner.
require sth. 需要某物
require doing= require to be done 需要做
require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做
require sth of sb. 要求某人某物
require that sb. should do 要求或命令某人做

1. Look at your shirt! It requires __________.
A. washing B. washed C. to wash D. being washed
2. He will agree to do what you require __________ him.
A. of B. from C. to D. for
答案: A A
n. [C] one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc:
Which aspects of the job do you most enjoy?
His illness affects almost every aspect of his life.
Have you thought about the problem from every aspect?
M: It is almost vacation time. Have you found a summer job yet?
W: No, I don’t think I will work at the boy’s camp (1) w I worked last summer. Camp jobs don’t pay much.
M: I think I can find a job at the Evergreen Hotel. A friend of
(2) m was a waiter there last summer. The pay
wasn’t good, but the tips (3) w .
W: My sister worked there last summer, (4) m beds and cleaning bathrooms. She didn’t like it but she earned a lot of money. And I want a job outside. After sitting (5) i college classes all winter, I’d like
a job in the (6) o air.
M: The high school kids earn a lot of money every summer cutting grass. My brother is only fourteen, but he gets five dollars every time he
(7) c somebody’s grass, and it only takes him an hour. He just rides around on the machine that he bought, and the machine does all the work.
W: That’s (8 p good, I used to cut grass when I was in high school. But now I think I might work for a road building company,
(9) something like that.
M: It would be a good (10) e . And you could earn a lot too.
1. where 2. mine 3. were 4. making 5. in
6. open 7. cuts 8. pretty 9 or 10. experience
1. Who has not dreamt of suddenly finding out that he or she is actually someone special and famous? (Page 62)
dream (dreamed or dreamt, dreamed or dreamt)
v. [I] to imagine sth. that you would like to happen:
I dream of living on a tropical island.
[+ that] He never dreamed that one day he would become President.
n. [C] sth. that you want to happen very much but that is not very likely:
It's always been my dream to have flying lessons.
Winning all that money was a dream come true.
2. Harry, a sensitive young boy, has been living with his relatives. (P80)
adj. easily influenced, changed or damaged, especially by a physical activity or effect 靈敏的,敏感的
sensitive skin
Some people's teeth are highly sensitive to cold.
be sensitive to 對……敏感
be sensitive about 介意,在乎

1. Try not to say anything hurtful to her. She is a very _________ person.
A. reasonable B. sensible C. sensitive D. tough
2. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are ________ to the sudden changes of weather.
A. sensitive B. sensible C. flexible D. positive
答案:C A
3. His uncle abuses him; his aunt ignores him; and his cousin hates him. (P62)
v [T] to use or treat someone or sth. wrongly or badly, especially in a way that is to your own advantage:
She is continually abusing her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.
I never expected that he would abuse the trust I placed in him.
Some government leaders are accused of _________ their power for their personal interest.
A. employing B. abusing C. taking D. offering
4. Contrary to this, Harry finds out that his father was a wizard … (page 62)
adj. opposite:
a contrary point of view
Contrary to all our expectations, he's found a well-paid job and a nice girlfriend.
on the contrary 相反
to the contrary 與……相反
be contrary to 相反的

What you have done is ___________ the doctor’s orders.
A. attached to B. responsible to C. resistant to D. contrary to
5. Harry discovers that he possesses the magical powers of a wizard too, and that he already has a reputation in the world of witches and wizards because of his parents. (Page 62)
v. [T] to have or own sth., or to have a particular quality:
I don't possess a single DVD (= I don't have even one DVD).
In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
n. [U] when you have or own sth.:
The possession of large amounts of money does not ensure happiness.
I have in my possession a letter which may be of interest to you.

in possession of sth. 擁有,占有
in the possession of sth. 為……所占有
have/ take possession of sth. 擁有

-Does the young man standing there _________ the company?
-No. The company is _________ his father.
A. in possession of; in the possession of B. have possession of; in the possession of
C. take possession of; in possession of D. have possession of; in possession of
6. I think this is more to highlight the advanced special effects than to help the film’s plot. (P63)
v. [T] to attract attention to or emphasize sth. important:
The report highlights the need for improved safety.
The spelling mistakes in the text had been highlighted in green.
n. [C] the best or most exciting, entertaining or interesting part of sth.:
Highlights of the match will be shown after the news.
more…than…與其說……, 還不如說……
This book seems to be more of a dictionary than a grammar book.
He was more amused than angry.
He is more brave than wise.
-I wonder why Mary is so unfriendly to us.
-She is _________ than unfriendly, I’m afraid.
A. shyer B. much shyer C. shy more D. more shy

7. Much of this early part of the film could have been skipped and more time could have been spent at Hogwarts. (P63)
“情態(tài)動詞+have+過去分詞”是很重要的一種句型,除should外,may, might, must, couldn’t, needn’t, ought to等都可以用于這一句型,但要注意, 使用不同的情態(tài)動詞,句子的意思就有所不同。表示對已發(fā)生的事情進行推測, 就表示的可能性程度而言,must最大,could其次,may更次之,might最小。
◇ could + have done 表示“本來有能力做而實際上沒有做”。
― We could have walked to the station, it was so near.
― Yes. A taxi was not at all necessary.
I could have won if I hadn’t fallen over.
◇ must + have done 表示對過去情況的推測,只用于肯定句,意思是“一定……”。
Her eyes were red, she must have been crying.
You must have left your handbag in the theatre last night, I think.
◇ can (could) + have done表示對過去情況的推測,只用于否定和疑問句中,意為“一定沒有……,一定不會……”。用 could 比用 can 語氣更加委婉些。
He couldn’t have gone to bed, you see, the light in his room is still on .
Where is Dick? Where can he have gone?
◇ should (ought to) + have done 表示“本來應(yīng)該做而實際上沒做”,其否定式則表示“本來不該做而實際上做了”,常含有責(zé)備的語氣。
You should have been here five minutes ago.
How I regretted the days when I had played and should have studied.
◇ needn’t + have done 表示“本來不必做的事,實際上做過了!
I got up early, but needn’t have done so, because I had nothing to do that morning.
You needn’t have written such a long article. The teacher only asked for 300 words, and you have written 600 words.
◇ would like to have done 表示“本來希望做而卻未做的事”。
I’d like to have gone to college.
I’d like to have seen his face when he opened the letter.
◇ may (might) + have done表示對過去的推測,多用于陳述句,意思是“可能……”。用 might 比用 may 語氣更加委婉。
I may have misunderstood him.
She might have taken the book with her, I suppose.
They might have been quarrelling about the problem the whole day.
◇ would / should + have done 用于虛擬條件句中,表示與過去事實相反。should 只用于第一人稱,would 用于各人稱。
I should have called you if I had known your telephone number.
I. 單項選擇
1. ―I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.
―You _____ her last week.
A. ought to tell B. would have told
C. must tell D. should have told
2. Mr. White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.
A. should have arrived B. should arrive
C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving
3. ―Tom graduated from college at a very young age.
―Oh, he ______ have been a very smart boy then.
A. could B. should C. might D. must
4. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who_________ have taken it?
A. should B. must C. could D. would
5. What would have happened _____, as far as the river bank?
A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther
C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther
6. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he_________ a goal.
A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored
7. ―Well done, Tom!
  ―Thanks, but given me more time, I _____ it much better.
A. could do B. should have done
C. might do D. could have done
8. He ______. It's a shame my mobile phone was power-off.
A. ought to call me B. could have called me
C. may be calling me D. might call me
II. 完成句子
1. 別人反對他的意見時,他很容易生氣。
He ___ ___ get angry easily when people ___ his ideas.
I had never ___ ____ ____ such a large house when I was a child.
I will ___ my book ___ you ___ ___ ____ you promise to take good care of it.
They ____ _____ ____ that no one should tell the secret to others.
The twin brothers look so similar that I really can’t ____ ____ them.
6. 我們學(xué)校的學(xué)生罷課是不可能。
It is ____ for the students in our school ___ ____.
The idea for our film festival was ___ ____ in 1978.
He _____ _____ to the club.
She went out ____ ___ her _____.
My demand is ____ _____ that of the other members.
I. 單項選擇
1. 答案D. should have done 表示“(過去)本來應(yīng)該做了某事”,言外之意又沒做,表達說話人極為不滿的情緒。
2. 答案A. 后一分句中的一般過去時暗示,Mr. White“(過去)本來應(yīng)該8:30到會”。C項是錯誤結(jié)構(gòu)。
3. 答案D. 由對話語境可知,他們談?wù)摰氖沁^去的事情,且答話人是依據(jù)對方所說的事實作推斷,用must 加完成式,表現(xiàn)了非?隙ǖ恼Z氣。
4. 答案C could have done表示對過去情況的推斷,意為“可能是……”。should have done表示本來應(yīng)該做而沒有做;must have done表示過去一定那樣做了,對過去情況的肯定的推測;would have done常用來表示虛擬語氣。
5. 答案C. 因為主句的謂語動詞用了would have happened,所以從句的謂語動詞要用過去完成時。在虛擬語氣中,如果條件狀語從句中的if省略,該句要倒裝。譯文:如果鮑勃走得遠一點,走到岸邊,會發(fā)生什么事呢?
6. 答案D. 根據(jù)otherwise可以判斷出要用虛擬語氣。表示過去發(fā)生的事要用would have scored。譯文:在踢球前他猶豫了一會兒,否則他就會射中球門。
7. 答案D.本題須注意對話這一語境。答語中用了一個過去分詞作狀語,表條件,細細體會一下說話人的意圖不難看出,該過去分詞短語應(yīng)相當(dāng)于if I had been given more time,即對過去的情況進行假設(shè)。故主句須用“情態(tài)動詞+完成式”。could have done表示與過去事實相反,意思是“本來可以”,該句話的意思是“如果再多給點時間的話,我可以做得更好”。
8. 答案B. 后一句陳述了事實(手機關(guān)機了),這里用的是一般過去時。四個選項只有could have done對過去時間里發(fā)生的事情的推測,意為“可能……過”。
II. 完成句子
1. tends, to, oppose 2.dreamt of possessing 3.lend,to,as,long,as
4. made, an, agreement 5.distinguish,between 6.impossible,boycott class
7. hatched, back 8. gained admission 9.regardless, of, objection
10. is, representative, of

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/72480.html

相關(guān)閱讀:2012屆高考英語選修6 Unit 3頂尖復(fù)習(xí)教案