
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網
英 語
第Ⅰ卷 選擇題
第一部分 (共兩節(jié),滿分30分)
例: How much is the shirt?
A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18.
1. What does the woman think of Mark’s sister?
A. Unfriendly. B. Quiet. C. Nice.
2. What does the woman regret?
A. Not giving her mother a good life.
B. Not staying with her mother when she died.
C. Not taking good care of her mother when she was ill.
3. What does the woman fail to do?
A. Do her work. B. Take funny activities. C. Take care of her family.
4. Why did the man make the fence?
A. To protect his grass land. B. To decorate his house. C. To protect his house.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. The man’s library.
B. The woman’s CD collection. C. The woman’s music store.
6. What exercise does the woman recommend?
A. Jogging. B. Swimming. C. Playing tennis.
7. What burns the least fat according to the woman’s coach?
A. Running. B. Walking. C. Swimming.
8. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. Police and witness. B. Boss and employee. C. Police and suspect.
9. What do we know about the woman?
A. She told a lie.
B. She is a sports fan.
C. She was watching TV at 10 p. m. on January 19th.
10. What does the woman want to do in the bank?
A. Cash a check.
B. Open an account.
C. Get some cash from her account.
11. What is the man going to do?
A. Pick up some clothes. B. Pay a traffic ticket. C. Pay his phone bill.
12. What did the woman get a traffic ticket for?
A. Overspeeding.
B. Parking in a wrong place.
C. Passing the crossing at a wrong time.
13. How many children are injured every year in Britain?
A. About 10,000. B. Less than 100,000. C. More than 1,000,000.
14. How can parents prevent children from falling down the stairs?
A. By using mats.
B. By fitting safety gates.
C. By accompanying the children all the time.
15. What is the most dangerous room according to the woman?
A. The kitchen. B. The bathroom. C. The living room.
16. What probably is the man?
A. A writer. B. A TV host. C. A radio host.
17. Where will Carole Berg give a talk?
A. In the Oak Room. B. In the Green Room. C. In the Union Theatre.
18. What can people do in the Campus Corner Cabaret?
A. Attend a dance party. B. Watch a great film. C. Enjoy a live show.
19. How much does a film ticket cost?
A. $3.00. B. $5.00. C. $7.00.
20. What should people do to hear the recording again?
A. Press one. B. Press the pound key. C. Dial again.
第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)
第一節(jié) 單項(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
例: It is generally considered unwise to give a child ________ he or she wants.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever
21. --Have you heard that he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature last year?
--________. He has made a positive contribution to that field.
A. Congratulations! B. You must be joking.
C. By no means! D. He deserves it.
22. When I was younger, I’d often go for ________ drive with some friends, purely for ________ enjoyment of it.
A. a; an B. /; the C. the; / D. a; the
23. He is a financial manager in Wall Street now, but nobody knows he ________ part-time jobs
here and there for survival for eight years.
A. does B. did C. had done D. has done
24. People have known ________ it was that caused the school shooting in the U. S.
A. where B. what C. when D. how
25. I don’t understand how he can say that everything is fine ________ it’s so obvious that it’s not.
A. unless B. when C. so that D. in case
26. Not a single word ________ about the way he was treated, but his unhappiness was revealed
through his expression.
A. he said B. he has said C. did he say D. said he
27. I was ________ by the salesman whose products turned out to be much less effective.
A. taken up B. taken in C. taken down D. taken out
28. Once ________ at a table, left-handers need to move the water glasses put on the right side to their more convenient left side.
A. seating B. having seated C. seated D. seat
29. The world famous director, three of ________ movies won Oscar awards, is reported to have retired.
A. whose B. which C. whom D. his
30. --Excuse me, you are supposed to hand in your design now.
--I’m sorry, my computer broke down, or I ________ it last night.
A. finished B. would finish C. had finished D. would have finished
31. The total combined income of 48 countries in Africa is only a little more than ________ of
A. those B. it C. that D. one
32. China’s Beidou global satellite navigation system will have been completed by 2020, ________ of more than 30 satellites.
A. consisting B. consisted C. to consist D. consists
33. --Still remember the first time we met in the railway station?
--Of course. You ________ for the train to Shanghai.
A. had waited B. have waited C. were waiting D. waited
34. Some lawyers have long called for changes to these laws which they think are ________ in the 21 st Century.
A. in place B. on the way C. by the way D. out of place
35. She wanted to tell him that she didn’t want to do that, but she didn’t know how to ________ it.
A. take B. put C. carry D. get
第二節(jié) 完形(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
Neatly putting an emphasis on his storytelling skill is how writer Mo Yan began his Nobel Lecture in Literature speech, “Storyteller”, on Friday (Saturday, Beijing time) in Stockholm.
For 40 minutes he talked about his mother’s 36 on him as a person and a writer, his literary inspirations, and how he 37 with the controversy(爭論)that followed the announcement of his Nobel victory.
He told his audience that as a boy he told stories to cheer up his mother, and 38 that poverty and loneliness fueled his imagination as a writer after he grew up. 39 , authors such as William Faulkner and Gabriel Garcia Marquez 40 him, he said, especially their bold and unlimited writing style.
“A person should be 41 in daily life, but follow one’s instinct(本能)and take control when it 42 to literary creation.”
He said the soul of 43 all of his works is the boy in Transparent Carrot who has an almost superhuman ability to bear 44 . He added that he also tried to make his hometown of Gaomi in Shandong Province a microcosm(縮影)of China and even the 45 .
His greatest challenge, he said, was writing novels that deal with 46 realities.
“In writing about the dark aspects of society there is a(n) 47 that emotions and anger allow politics to limit literature.”
He said literature must be 48 on real life but go beyond it.
He also mentioned the 49 surrounding his selection as Nobel winner, saying he was showered with many flowers. 50 he was a target for “stone throwers”.
“At first I thought I was the 51 of the controversies, but over time I’ve come to realize that the real target was a person who had 52 to do with me.”
Mo 53 his lecture by saying he was made to feel like an actor in a play with all the attention he was 54 , but he had decided that the best way to communicate his thoughts was to __55 writing.
36. A. affectionB. influenceC. occasionD. position
37. A. agreedB. foughtC. dealtD. did
38. A. addedB. warnedC. remindedD. imagined
39. A. However B. OtherwiseC. ThereforeD. Besides
40. A. preserved B. inspiredC. entertainedD. taught
41. A. confident B. certainC. comfortableD. modest
42. A. goesB. comesC. turnsD. gets
43. A. nearlyB. hardlyC. scarcelyD. always
44. A. dangerB. sufferingC. relievingD. happiness
45. A. cityB. villageC. worldD. province
46. A. socialB. economicalC. agriculturalD. cultural
47. A. encouragement B. dangerC. advantageD. event
48. A. insistedB. spent C. basedD. passed
49. A. contradiction B. contestC. contraryD. controversy
50. A. Meanwhile B. OtherwiseC. HoweverD. Instead
51. A. goalB. intentionC. targetD. purpose
52. A. somebody B. anythingC. nothingD. anybody
53. A. adoptedB. concludedC. admittedD. concerned
54. A. throwing B. acceptingC. offeringD. receiving
55. A. carry on B. take onC. bring outD. put out
第三部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)
In a generous display of maturity and sympathy, one Jewish boy made his first deed as a man in his faith a great act of charity.
Joshua Neidorf, a 13-year-old boy from Los Angeles, donated most of his birthday money to Operation Mend, a program that reconstructs the faces of severely burned U. S. veterans(退伍老兵).
The young man decided to donate his money after getting to know Army Sgt. Louis Dahlman, who was undergoing a series of reconstruction surgeries(手術)at UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) thanks to Operation Mend. The Neidorfs had signed up to be Dahlman’s “buddy family”, spending time with him whenever he visited Los Angeles for a surgery.
“I just love knowing that it’s going somewhere...to help the people who save our lives and keep us safe every day,” said Neidorf. His mother added, “It makes me feel like our world is going in a good direction with this next generation.”
In all, Neidorf gave $13,000 to Operation Mend. He also encouraged his friends to donate to the cause. He is the organization’s youngest donor so far.
Operation Mend is a privately funded program that works in partnership with the UCLA Medical Center. Ron Katz, a board member at the hospital, started the program in 2006 after seeing a TV programme about Aaron Mankin, a veteran who had gone through dozens of surgeries after a fight in Iraq which completely burned off his face.
Mankin ended up being Operation Mend’s first patient, starting the first of 20 reconstructive facial surgeries at UCLA in Sept. 2007. In a 2014 interview, Katz shared how his experience of helping Mankin made him realize the need to establish a more permanent program.
“My wife and I soon realized that there were dozens of Aarons out there,” Katz said. “They deserve the best that we offer them.”
56. Neidorf decided to help veterans because ________.
A. he benefited from Operation Mend B. he was afraid of burned faces
C. he thought they deserved help D. he didn’t know how to spend money
57. Operation Mend was founded after ________.
A. Neidorf donated part of his birthday money
B. the Neidorfs signed up to be Dahlman’s “buddy family”
C. Ron Katz saw a TV programme about a veteran
D. Mankin was successfully operated on at UCLA
58. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Neidorf’s mother was opposed to his decision to donate money.
B. Mankin’s face was burned in a fire in America.
C. Mankin went through more than 30 facial surgeries at UCLA.
D. Many facial surgeries are needed to reconstruct a seriously burned face.
59. The last two paragraphs mainly tell us ________.
A. the process of Mankin’s surgery B. how Operation Mend was set up
C. how Katz became famous D. veterans are respected by people
A long time ago, before human beings lived on the earth, little coral polyps(水螅)settled around tropical (熱帶的)coastlines and constructed corals. Over a long period they created lots of reefs. Yet, pollution, climate change and commercial fisheries are limiting the chance of future generations knowing or seeing many of the reefs and sea creatures that exist. Hence, take action to dive now and you can explore the underwater world.
Commercial underwater diving began in ancient Greece. Diving in general means that the whole body is completely in water. On that account there are lots of exciting and quite adventurous ways to dive, like shark cage diving, scuba diving(戴水肺潛水)and reef diving.
There are great coral reefs all over the world, but usually they are situated in warm, clear water such as the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, where they grow best. This is why there are no coral reefs on the west coast of South Africa. However, South Africa’s east coast offers much brightly coloured sea life.
In South Africa more than 100,000 dives a year are made just in coral reefs, which are one of the natural wonders of the world. To see the whole beauty of the reef the right diving gear(設備) is an essential requirement. This means a perfect fitting diving mask and fins, as well as a snorkel(呼吸管)and a friend. Diving alone is dangerous because there may be strong currents you are not aware of, and it’s a lot more fun to share the experience with someone. However, before you can explore the deeper sea, a certificated and checked scuba, a wetsuit and of course a license will be needed. Whether you choose the snorkel or the scuba to spot the colourful underwater world, try to touch as little as possible, be careful with the corals and don’t strike the
fishes, because the complex ecosystem is very sensitive.
60. The following factors probably affect coral reefs EXCEPT ________.
A. sea creatures B. pollution C. fishing D. climate change
61. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Human beings appeared before corals were created.
B. One needs a license to dive into the deeper sea.
C. Diving alone has many advantages.
D. The origin of diving is in modern Greece.
62. There are no coral reefs on the west coast of South Africa probably because of a lack of ________.
A. large waters and soft sand B. warm currents and delicious food
C. friendly creatures and flat seabed D. clear water and suitable temperature
63. The last paragraph mainly tells us ________.
A. diving alone under the sea is rather dangerous
B. some matters we need pay attention to when diving
C. South Africa is a popular place for diving
D. what we should wear when diving
Teenagers who sit down to family meals are less likely to be depressed or take risks with drugs and alcohol, new research shows.
A new study looking at the role of family meals in the health and wellbeing of young people is the first study on the issue in New Zealand. It uses data collected nationally from more than 9,000 secondary school pupils. It finds that those who eat with their families frequently are less likely to report suicidal(自殺的)thoughts, less likely to be smokers and less likely to indulge in drinking, drugs and so on. It says social changes such as more television channels, more mothers working and cheap fast food have changed the status of the family meal.
However, the good news for New Zealand is that one-third of young people reported sharing meals with their families seven or more times a week and an additional 40 percent shared meals three to six times a week.
Author Jennifer Utter, a senior lecturer at Auckland University, said sitting down for dinner created an opportunity for parents to check in with children and see how their day had been. Young people who ate with their parents reported better connectedness and better communication. Family meals indicate strong, healthy relationships. The high proportion of families eating together was encouraging, she said. “A lot of families do seem to want to spend time together. It’s a really positive finding.”
Previously a household would have only one breadwinner and there would always be someone at home for children to talk to. Nowadays, it often took the income of two people to keep the family afloat(能維持下去)and it would be harder for parents to have dinner with their children. Chief families commissioner Carl Davidson said teens who ate meals with their families reported better health, and were less likely to be depressed. “We probably all know that eating together is worthwhile, but this research shows that those shared meals aren’t just nice to have but are actually a fundamental contributor to family wellbeing.”
64. Why is it more difficult for parents to have dinner with their children?
A. Because children are busy with their study.
B. Because eating as family can make them put on weight.
C. Because the meals cooked at home are not as delicious as fast food.
D. Because parents have to earn money to support the whole family.
65. What do the underlined words “indulge in” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A. be tired of B. be fit for C. be addicted to D. be content with
66. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Eating as family aids teens’ health. B. Eating as family helps teens lose weight.
C. Eating as family saves much energy. D. Eating as family benefits parents.
When you travel in South America, you’d better pay attention to the following three kinds of dangerous South American animals.
Although only a small number of piranhas are considered to be dangerous to humans, the red-bellied piranha is definitely one of those. Evidence has shown that a large group of piranhas can absolutely eat a herd of large animals crossing the river, leaving only bones. This fish lives in the freshwater streams of South America, and they can smell the blood from far away and launch attacks swiftly. It is said that they are only dangerous to humans if the water volumes are less and lower.
Anacondas (水蟒)
This South American monster of a creature often appears in the films or your nightmares!They have weighed over 230 kilograms. It is often considered to be the biggest snake in the world. You certainly don’t want to get caught alone with this snake due to its method of attacking and killing its victim. It is indeed a remarkably different brand of snake type as it regularly coils(纏繞)around all over its target, increasing the pressure until eventually its victim dies. Its jaws are powered by large muscles that produce enough power for its over 100 sharp teeth to pass through the thick skin of an crocodile. They don’t have poison. Sometimes they prefer to camouflage themselves so they look like their surroundings and swiftly draw back when humans are near.
Golden Poisonous Frogs
The golden poison frog might be the most-deadly of the South American animal, which is protected by means of poison. This very small frog, less than 55 mm in length, packs enough punch(效力)to take down a pair of African bull elephants. This apparently harmless frog has always been known to have killed people who have touched it directly. It’s also been noted that chicken and dogs have died by contacting things on which a golden poison frog had wandered! In intense colors, they normally look attractive to their targets.
67. What can we learn about piranhas from the passage?
A. Piranhas are the most dangerous animals.
B. Piranhas like to live in the deep seabed.
C. Piranhas may attack human beings when the water level is low.
D. Piranhas only attack human beings when they cross the river in groups.
68. How does an anaconda kill its victim according to the passage?
A. It often uses its poison to kill its victim.
B. It often uses its strength to kill its victim.
C. It kills its victim mainly using its powerful teeth.
D. It kills its victim with the help of other snakes.
69. The underlined word “camouflage” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.
A. hide itself by appearing like the surroundings
B. terrify and capture the enemy by making much noise
C. move around to search for delicious food
D. give off harmful gas to kill the targets
70. Chicken and dogs are mentioned in Paragraph 4 to show that ________.
A. no animals can survive the poison of the golden poison frog
B. they like to wander along the path of the golden poison frog
C. the golden poison frog likes eating them most
D. the poison of the golden poison frog is deadly
Your teen is falling asleep in class
Teens have a busy morning schedule as they need to wake up and get moving very early in order to catch a bus and get to school by the required time. This means teens need to get their rest the night before or they will be too tired to learn anything at school. 71
When a teen falls asleep in class, two things happen: he/she misses what is being taught and he/she loses the respect of the teacher. He/She may also receive a consequence from the school, depending on the classroom discipline policy. 72
To prevent your teen from being sleepy in class, try these three tips:
* Set a time for “l(fā)ights out” on school nights. This is never be any later than 10 p. m. and preferably 9 p.m. 73 Soft music can be on and used to help calm your teen.
* Help your teen develop a nighttime routine that involves activities that slow them down for the end of the day. 74 Turning off the computer and disconnecting from friends and the excitement of the day an hour before bedtime will also help your teen relax.
* 75 This will reinforce(增強)what it feels like to be rested and capable of accomplishing what he/she wants.
A. What’s worse, they may even fall asleep in class.
B. Taking a bath and reading are two activities that work well.
C. Set a good example and show him/her your love for learning.
D. Point out the positives after your teen has had a good night’s rest.
E. “Lights out” means the computer, television, lights and cell phone should be off.
F. All of these things affect your teen’s academic success and can be avoided.
G. While your teen keeps his/her goals in line with your expectations, he/she may have his/her own goals.
第Ⅱ卷 非選擇題
第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)
第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
Hi, everyone. To let us get closely to nature and do more exercise, the Committee of our community will organise the activity. All residents they are interested in farming are invited to take part the activity. Weather permitted, we’ll ride bike to do some fanning this Saturday on a farm. It is about 5 kilometres far away from our community. You can grow some vegetables, plant some flowers and fed fish in the lake nearby. You will be trained and guide while farming. Not only will you enjoy the pleasure of labour and get relaxed, but also you can taste some fresh produce unless you are willing to. Everyone is welcome to attend!
第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)
Text 1
M:Mark is very nice, but his sister is much too talkative.
W:I know, and she isn’t friendly either.
Text 2
W:I’ll never forgive myself for not being there at Mum’s side when she died.
M:Don’t feel so regretful. You were there with her during so much of her life.
Text 3
M:You seem to be in the office all the time.
W:No. I take in many different activities. What I fail to do is looking after my husband and kids.
Text 4
W:The fence on your property is very nice.
M:Yes, and it’s useful. It really cuts down on the number of people crossing my grass land.
W:I thought you just made it for decoration.
Text 5
M:Wow, you have so many CDs.
W:Yes, I collect CDs.
M:You even have Jennifer’s new CD. Can I borrow it?
W:Sure. I have a thousand CDs.
Text 6
M:I’d like to start exercising. What exercises do you think are best for me? My father recommends tennis or jogging.
W:But those sports are a little too hard, aren’t they? I like swimming and have been swimming for a long time. I recommend it.
M:I’m a little scared of water. But I really want to know a good way of losing some weight.
W:The coach at my fitness club says from a scientific point of view, we burn more fat by walking and swimming than by running. How much you sweat doesn’t indicate how much weight you lose.
Text 7
M:Ms Merriweather, I’m sorry. I just want to make sure I understand where you were the night your former boss was murdered.
W:Officer, for the third time, I tell you that I was home alone watching TV.
M:You told me you were watching the 10 p.m. show on XYZ. What was the name of the show, madam?
W:The Court of Last Resort. How many times must I tell you?
M:Are you sure it was the programme?
W:I watch it every week.
M:You’re not much of a sports fan, are you, madam? You see, it just so happens that January 19th was Super Bowl Sunday. The Court of Last Resort was cancelled that week.
Text 8
W:Peter, are you going downtown today? Can you give me a ride? I’ve got to go to the bank.
M:Oh, sure. I know where that is. But why don’t you use the ATM on campus?
W:I need to cash a check my dad sent me. And the cleaner’s is next door to the bank. I have to pick up some clothes there anyway.
M:There’s a laundry room right here on the first floor.
W:I’m not picking up laundry. It’s dry cleaning. So what are you going to do downtown?
M:I’m going to the courthouse. I’ve got to pay a traffic ticket.
W:No kidding! I’m going there, too. I also got a ticket.
M:But you don’t drive.
W:I got a ticket for passing the crossing when the light is red.
M:Oh, gosh!
Text 9
M:Here with us is Marsha Ward, author of Save Your Child, which has been sold over ten thousand copies in Britain. Welcome, Marsha. Is there a lot to child safety in the home?
W:Definitely. Did you know that more than a million children in Britain every year require hospital treatment for accidents that happen in the home?
M:Really? I had no idea that the number was that high.
W:Yes. And almost all of those accidents could have been prevented. Parents can prevent children from falling down the stairs by fitting safety gates. They can use mats to prevent children slipping on floors, especially in the bathroom. However, children should never be left alone in the bath.
M:Is the bathroom the most dangerous room in the house?
W:No, the most dangerous room by far is the kitchen.
M:OK. Now is a good time to answer some of our listeners’ questions. Hello, Line 1 ...
Text 10
You have reached the Student Union Activity Hotline. The following is a list of information for Thursday. Assembly member Carole Berg will be speaking on the topic “Equal Pay for Women: It’s Still Not Here”. She will speak in the Oak Room from 9 o’clock until 10 o’clock. The Student Council will meet in Room 27 from noon until 1:30. Elections will be held for all major offices. All students are welcome. The campus folk dance club meets in the Green Room in the afternoon. All are welcome to attend. Bette Milder will be performing live in the Campus Corner Cabaret. The show begins at 8 o’clock. All seats are $7.00. Tonight’s movie, the experimental Dial Tones will be shown in the Union Theatre at 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. A ticket for the movie is $5. If you have missed anything on this recording, please press the pound key for the message to repeat. Thank you for calling.
1-5 ABCAB 6-10 BACAA 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 CACBB
21-25 DDBBB 26-30 CBCAD 31-35 CACDB 36-40 BCADB 41-45 DBABC
46-50 ABCDA 51-55 CCBDA 56-60 CCDBA 61-65 BDBDC 66-70 ACBAD
71-75 AFEBD
Hi, everyone. To let us get closely to nature and do more exercise, the Committee of our community will
organise the activity. All residents they are interested in farming are invited to take part ∧ the activity. Weather permitted,
an who/that in permitting
we’ll ride bike to do some farming this Saturday on a farm.It is about 5 kilometres far away from our community.
You can grow some vegetables, plant some flowers and fed fish in the lake nearby. You will be trained and guide
feed guided
while farming. Not only will you enjoy the pleasure of labour and get relaxed, but also you can taste some fresh
produce unless you are willing to. Everyone is welcome to attend!
if 或 unwilling
One possible version:
Recently,a thick haze appeared in many cities of China.Haze can cause great trouble to us.On the one hand,it makes people not able to see things far away and thus affects traffic.On the other hand,haze can do harm to people’s health.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/74139.html
