
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
第I卷 (選擇題共85分)
1. What does the woman mean?
A. It’s too late to say that. B. The man will never win. C. Don’t give up.
2. Where are the man and the woman?
A. In a taxi. B. At a hotel. C. At a train station.
3. How long have they been waiting?
A. Half an hour.B. An hour. C. An hour and a half.
4. How much does the man need to add for the blue sweater?
A. $ 7.2. B. $ 16.80. C. $ 27.20.
5. What does the woman mean?
A. Everything goes wrong. B. Nothing is wrong. C. She hasn’t done anything wrong.
6. What is the relationship between the man and Susan?
A. He is her doctor. B. He is her professor. C. They are in the same class.
7. How far away does her brother live?
A. About 6 hours by train.B. About 6 hours by car. C. About 6 hours by plane.
8. What will Susan discuss with her professor?
A. Her brother’s illness.B. Making up an exam. C. Her test score.
9. What job will the man be offered?
A. A teaching assistantB. A shop assistant. C. A clinic assistant.
10. What country are the children of the school from?
A. China and France.B. Italy and Russia. C. 60 different countries.
11. What does the woman suggest?
A. Working at once first. B. Having a drink first. C. Meeting some of the children first.
12. Why didn’t the man see Janet at lunchtime?
A. Because she didn’t have lunch at all.
B. Because she was busy preparing for the exam.
C. Because her English class didn’t finish on time.
13. What does not happen when exams are drawing near?
A. Classes finish late. B. Professors ask a lot of questions. C. Students ask a lot of questions.
14. What is John’s weakest subject?
A. Biology. B. English. C. Math.
15. What did Mr. Smith usually do on his way to his office?
A. He often sat silently.
B. He usually read some books or magazines.
C. He often read a newspaper.
16. Who was the man talking to Mr. Smith?
A. He was Mr. Smith’s friend.
B. He was a stranger on the same train.
C. He was a man in the same office .
17. Where did the man always sit?
A. He always sat next to Mr. Smith.
B. He always sat in front of Mr. Smith.
C. He always sat behind Mr. Smith.
18. What prevents the man from taking the poetry course?
A. It requires another class first.
B. It’s already full.
C. It’s only offered in the evening.
19. Why doesn’t the man want to change his work schedule?
A. He doesn’t want to ask his boss for another favor.
B. He wants to work the same schedule as his friends.
C. He likes to do his homework in the evening.
20. What does the man want to take a class at the community college?
A. Its courses cost less.
B. The class size is smaller.
C. It may offer the class the needs during the day.
第一節(jié) 單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21. The description was pretty ________, so the police couldn’t figure out the portrait of the criminal.
A. vague B. accurate C. particular D. vain
22. These problems,______ will seriously affect the growth of teenagers and even the nation's future.
A. not if solved properly B. if solved properly
C. not if properly solved D. if not solved properly
23. Can you see in the distance twenty _____ of cattle that ______ grazing on the side of the hill?
A. heads; was B. heads; were C. head; is D. head; are
24. What a terrible experience! ________ you came back safe.
A. Somehow B. Somewhat C. Anyhow D. Anywhere
25. The workers are so _________ to the noise of the machine that they don’t even notice it during their work.
A.a(chǎn)ccustomed B.subjective C.familiar D.a(chǎn)ssociated
26. I ________ what she said, but I still didn’t know what she meant.
A. understood B. digested C. confirmed D. switched
27. Just lately the old lady has ______ hiding her socks under the carpet in the hall.
A. taken to B. set toC. led toD. sacrificed to
28. Companies in Zhongguancun all have their own characteristics, but they all share _______ spirit of creativity and scientific skill that have made Zhongguancun ________ success.
A. the; a B. 不填; a C. the; 不填 D. a; a
29. This study shows that ________ languages may differ, the order in which young kids learn the parts of speech appears to be the same across different languages.
A. since B. so C. while D. but
30. ??Mary didn’t come to the party.
??She ________, or at least she should have made a phone call.
A. should come B. must come C. should have D. must have
31. There’s a whole crowd of people over there. Go and see what ________ and if it is good, we will buy it, too.
A. is selling B. has been selling C. is being sold D. has been sold
32. I have the same opinion as you ________ the privacy of one’s life should be kept secret.
A. that B. whichC. whether D. what
33. Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. ________, their political influence should be very great.
A. As usual B. Even soC. So far D. As a result
34. ________ achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here came to a low, though not failing, grade.
A. In face of B. In case ofC. In terms of D. In honor of
35. The truck ran into a group of high school students, ________ to hospital immediately.
A. two of whom sent B. two of whom are sent C. two of them were sent D. two of them sent
第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)
We came by business naturally in our family. Each of the seven children in our family worked in our father’s store. 36 we worked and watched, we learned that work was about more than 37 and making a sale.
One lesson stands out in my 38 . It was shortly before Christmas. I was in eighth grade and was working evenings, 39 the toy section. A little boy, five or six years old, came in. He was wearing a brown torn coat with dirty sleeves. His shoes were scuffed and his one shoelace was torn. The little boy looked poor to me ? too poor to 40 to buy anything. He looked 41 the toy section, picked up this item and 42 , and carefully put them 43 in their place.
Dad came down the stairs and walked over to the boy. His steel blue eyes 44 and the dimple(酒窩)in his cheek stood out as he asked the boy what he could do for him. The boy said he was looking for a Christmas 45 to buy his brother. I was impressed that Dad treated him with the same respect as any adult. Dad told him to take his 46 and look around. He did.
After about 20 minutes, the little boy carefully picked up a toy 47 , walked up to my dad and said, “How much for this, Mister?”
“How much you got?” Dad asked.
The little boy held out his hand and 48 it. His hand was creased(起皺) with 49 lines of dirt from clutching(緊抓)his 50 . In his hand 51 two dimes, a nickel and two pennies?27 cents. The price on the toy plane he’d picked out was $3.98.
“That’ll just 52 .” Dad said as he 53 the sale. Dad’s reply still 54 in my ears. When the little boy walked out of the store, I didn’t notice the dirty, worn coat or the single torn shoelace. What I saw was a happy child with a 55 .
36. A. BecauseB. SinceC. AsD. After
37. A. survivalB. laborC. hardshipD. entertainment
38. A. wayB. mindC. lifeD. time
39. A. sellingB. crossingC. helpingD. straightening
40. A. tryB. attemptC. affordD. manage
41. A. forB. aroundC. upD. over
42. A. thatB. oneC. itD. this
43. A. upB. awayC. backD. off
44. A. openedB. smiledC. shoneD. looked
45. A. treeB. cardC. presentD. cake
46. A. effortB. wordC. timeD. courage
47. A. carB. giftC. planeD. section
48. A. showedB. openedC. gaveD. turned
49. A. longB. straightC. wetD. main
50. A. toyB. pocketC. handD. money
51. A. layB. hadC. heldD. laid
52. A. workB. doC. needD. take
53. A. tookB. returned C. closedD. offered
54. A. ringsB. stays C. remainsD. gets
55. A. bag B. treasure C. package D. thing
William has left much for Chinese to think about.
British physicist Stephen William, possibly the world’s most famous scientist after Albert Einstein, has lectures in Nanjing and Beijing in August.
An illness left him unable to move any part of his body except for three fingers. But his continuing efforts in the field of science have made many young people take him as their idol(偶像).
His books, such as A Brief History of Time, become bestsellers in Chinese bookstores. “William helps people expand their horizons and become interested in science,” said Mr. Jiang, president of Nanjing University.
Indeed, experts don't think it is likely that William's lectures and advanced ideas will be easily understood by the average people. But he certainly sowed the seeds of science among many young people.
And the “William's fever” caused by his visit has made people ask: How can China produce more top scientists like William?
“Producing top scientists will take as much work to change society as to educate the scientists themselves,” said Mr Zhang. Zhang has studied in the UK since 1999 and will be a second-year student at Trinity College in October, 2002.
In Britain, Zhang said, teachers inspire students to have a general understanding of the subjects they are interested in, and they encourage students to develop new ideas, which helps them to nurture their creativity.
In China, the Ministry of Education has encouraged schools to provide quality education to exploit students' potential. (潛能).
“I hope teachers will pay more attention to helping us use our imaginations and solve problems on our own," said Mr Wang, a junior-three student in Sanfan Middle School in Beijing.
56. From this passage, ________ made young people take William as their idol.
A. the fact that William is a famous scientist B. William's lecture in Nanjing and Beijing
C. William's continuing efforts in science D. the fact that William can move three fingers
57. What's the meaning of the underlined word “horizons” in Para.4?
A. Ability.B. Thinking.C. The range of one's knowledge.D. Mind.
58. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. William’s visit to China may cause many young people to become interested in science.
B. William’s lectures and advanced ideas will be easily understood by the average people.
C. In order to produce top scientists, teachers should solve all the problems for the students.
D. In China most schools provide quality education to exploit students' potential.
59. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A. introduce the famous scientist to Chinese.
B. explain William’s lecture and ideas
C. set people thinking about how to educate the young
D. set people thinking about how to produce top scientists in China.
China's educational authority yesterday gave the green light to college students planning to get married.
Starting from the fall, students reaching the legal age for marriage don't have to ask their university for approval when they plan to tie the knot, Ministry of Education officials said yesterday at a press conference in Beijing to announce revise Guidelines on University Students. The current campus regulations were issued in 1990.
But it doesn't mean the government encourages collegians to marry, said Sun Xiaobing, director of the ministry's legal office.
Students should focus on their studies, Sun said, "College students should handle properly the issues of studies, marriage and family. They aren't financially prepared yet for marriage."
"The ministry lifted the ban to get in line with the country's new Marriage Law, which came into force in 2003." said Sun.
The new Marriage Law says a person needn't get approval from his or her employer for marriage registration. But sources said only one in every 10,000 students has registered for marriage.
The revised campus regulations also offer university officials more say in punishing students who are caught cheating in an exam or plagiarizing(剽竊)research achievements.
A university can kick out a student if he or she takes an exam for another candidate, hires a proxy(替考者)to take an exam, organizes exam cheating, cheats through telecommunications devices like a cell phone, or steals ideas from a published research paper, the guidelines say.
On March 3, a district court in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, ordered Zhengzhou University to cancel its order to dismiss a student who had been caught cheating in an exam. The court said the punishment was too cruel, according to the campus rules. To better protect students' rights, the new guidelines allow students to appeal to their school or even the provincial-level education authority if they are unhappy with a punishment.
60. The Ministry of Education called off the ban in order to ________.
A. better protect students' rights
B. encourage collegians to marry
C. be in line with the country's new Marriage Law
D. challenge the current campus regulations issued in 1990
61. The underlined phrase “tie the knot (in Paragraph 2)” has the same meaning with the word “________” in the passage.
A. get married B. change school rules C. make a tie D. graduate earlier
62. According to the new campus regulations, students reaching the legal age for marriage________.
A. should concentrate on their studies
B. should earn more money to prepare them for marriage
C. can decide when to marry at their will
D. must get approval from his or her university
Everyone has good days and bad days.
Sometimes, you feel as if you're on top of the world.But occasionally you feel horrible, and you lose things and you cannot focus on your schoolwork.
For more than 20 years, scientists have suggested that high self-esteem (自尊) is the key to success. Now, new research shows that focusing just on building self-esteem may not be helpful. In some cases, having high self-esteem can bring bad results if it makes you less likeable or more upset when you fail at something.
"Forget about self-esteem," says Jennifer Crocker, a psychologist (心理學(xué)家) at the University of Michigan, US. "It's not the important thing."
Feeling good
Crocker's advice may sound a bit strange because it is good to feel good about yourself.
Studies show that people with high self-esteem are less likely to be depressed, anxious, shy, or lonely than those with low self-esteem.
But, after reviewing about 18,000 studies on self-esteem, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, has found that building up your self-esteem will not necessarily make you a better person.
He believes that violent and wicked (邪惡的) people often have the highest self-esteem of all. He also said: "There's no evidence that kids with high self-esteem do better in school."
All types of people have problems. People with high self-esteem can have big egos (自我) that can make them less likeable to their peers (同齡人), said Kathleen Vohs, a psychology professor at Columbia University.
People with high self-esteem tend to think more of themselves, Vohs says. People with low self-esteem are more likely to rely on their friends when they need help.
What to do
Researchers say it is best to listen to and support other people. Find positive ways to contribute to society. If you fail at something try to learn from the experience. "The best therapy (藥方) is to recognize your faults," Vohs says. "It's OK to say, 'I'm not so good at that,' and then move on."
63.The new research comes to the conclusion that high self-esteem ______.
A.is not important at allB.has taken on a different meaning
C.may not be the key to successD.does not help you do better at school
64.One of the conclusions of the new research is that ______.
A.feeling good about oneself doesn’t mean you lead a happier life
B.people with high esteem usually do not seek other’s help
C.people with high esteem tend to be proud
D.people with low esteem are often more popular
65.The underlined part “a better person” in the passage probably means a person who is ______.
A. helpful & supportive B. gentle & modest C. likable & successful D. friendly & kind
66.From the text, we can infer the best therapy mentioned in the last paragraph is mainly for people _______.
A.with high self-esteemB.with low self-esteem
C.of all kindsD.who are focusing on building self-esteem
China's rising has made it "hugely important" for American students to be fluent in Chinese according to Margaret Spellings, the US Education Secretary. Spellings made the remark after she signed a new memorandum(備忘錄) of understanding with China's Ministry of Education late last week to expand language and academic exchanges.
Research supported by the US State Department has found the number of Americans studying in China jumped 35 percent in 2004 ~2005 over the previous university year. Spellings said her agency would work to continue the trend. According to China's Ministry of Education, 10,340 Americans studied in China last year, a smaller group than the 54,080 students from South Korea or 18,870 from Japan.
The Bush administration plans to spend $114 million in 2007 to fund its national security language plan, which aims to increase the number of Chinese, Arabic, Hindi and Farsi speakers in the US.
The US State Department estimates that 200,000 Americans study abroad each year, a significantly smaller group than the 550,000 students from around the world who go to the States for an education. Of those studying in the US, 62,580 came from Chinese Mainland this past school year. China is second only to India, which sent 76,500 students to the US, as a source of students for US schools. Spellings said that the Bush administration was now working to make visa application procedures easier and more transparent.
67. How many American students studied in China in 2003~2004 school year?
A. About 5,000.B. About 8,000.C. About 10,000.D. About 20,000.
68. The number of the students studying in America from Chinese Mainland in the past school year accounts for ________ of the total.
A. roughly 11% B. over 20%C. about 35%D. nearly one half
69. What's the attitude of the US government toward sending students to foreign countries?
A. Taking in more, sending less.
B. Making strict rules for students going to the US.
C. Reducing the number of foreign students year by year.
D. Encouraging international students.
70. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A. More and more Americans will come to study in China in the future.
B. Students from South Korea were nearly 3 times as many as those from Japan last year.
C. The US government will give foreign students a large amount of money as scholarships.
D. India sent more students to the US than any other country in the world last year.
第Ⅱ卷 ( 二部分,共35分 )
Happy birthday! Do birthday really make people happy? Of course they do.Birthday celebrates the day when we were born.Besides, that extra candles on the cake suggest another year of growth and maturity(成熟)?or so we hope.We all like to imagine that we are getting wiser and not just older.Most of us enjoy seeing the wonder of growth in others, as well.For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud.For Americans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful process.But growing old? That is a different story.
Growing old is not exactly for people in youth-oriented(以年輕人為中心)American culture.Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young.As the old saying goes, “You’re young as you feel.” Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old.People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom.But Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least “young at heart”.
Many older Americans find the “golden years” to be anything but golden.Economically, “senior citizens” often struggle just to get by.Retirement at the age of 65 brings a sharp decrease in personal income.Social security benefits usually cannot make up the difference.Older people may suffer from poor nutrition, medical care, and housing.Some even experience age discrimination(歧視).American sociologist Pat Moore once dressed up like an older person and wandered city streets.She was often treated rudely--even cheated and robbed.However, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect.
Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fast.Why? People are living longer.Fewer babies are being born.And middle-aged “baby boomers” are rapidly entering the group of the elderly.America may soon be a place where wrinkles(皺紋)are “in”.Marketing experts are ready noticing this growing group of consumers.
Title: Different Opinions About 71._____________
ItemsDescriptions / Details
General ideaGrowing older, being mature and wiser
72.__________73.________A wonderful process: children 74.______________ new things, enjoying another birthday party
About the oldBeing respected by the young
75.___________ as a source of experience and wisdom
Living happily in the 76._____________
Negative attitudeNever being young again
Feeling lonely in a youth-oriented culture
77.___________ problem: personal income 78._______________
Health problem: suffering from poor nutrition and other diseases
Housing problems: poor and simple
79._____________ problems: being ill-treated --- experiencing age discrimination, cheating and robbery
SolutionImproving 80._________________ benefits
The young caring for and respecting the old
第五部分:書面表達(共1題 ,滿分25分)
目前熒屏上青少年才藝展示表演越來越多,不同學(xué)生對此有不同看法。請根據(jù)下表內(nèi)容,以Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows? 為題,為某英語雜志寫一篇英語短文。
不利學(xué)習(xí)1. 沒有形成自己的演出風(fēng)格,僅靠模仿,不是真藝術(shù);
2. 女孩們過多迷于“明星夢”,忽視學(xué)習(xí);
3. 演出花費太多時間與精力,不利集中精力學(xué)習(xí)。
展示才華1. 表演節(jié)目提供了參與社會活動的機會;
2. 豐富演出經(jīng)驗,有利于將來的音樂生涯;
3. 人各有夢,抓住機會實現(xiàn)夢想。
你的觀點1. …… 2. …… 3. ……
注意: 1、行文應(yīng)連貫流暢, 內(nèi)容要充實完整;
2、題目和開頭語已經(jīng)給出, 不計入總詞數(shù);
3、詞數(shù)150左右。 參考詞匯:模仿:imitate
Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows?
At present there are more and more teen talent shows on the TV screen . Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows? Some students think so.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/74180.html
