
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

福州二中201---高三年級 (英語)試卷(滿分:150,考試時間:120分鐘)第卷(選擇題共115分)二、單項選擇(共15題,每題1分)三、完形填空(共,每題1.5分)Recently I experienced a wonderful lesson in how little things still mean a lot. I live on the Island of Hawaii. About a month ago, when I 36 my car and was about to drive off, I glanced down at the roadside. A piece of paper 37 my eye. I picked it up and read it 38 . Instantly I was grateful that I had done that.The form 39 to be a receipt from the State Motor Vehicle Division, documenting the owners’ 40 of their Vehicle’s Registration fees. Quickly I put myself in their 41 and figured: no one would throw this away, especially if it was current. I also 42 the form for contact or any 43 data, perhaps a license tag(牌照) or telephone number. But that seemed 44 .Although the form had been 45 on the wind, where in the busy, crowded parking lot would I find the 46 ? So I checked the date and 47 the names of the owners, who must be in our town. I believed that the best and easiest step to 48 was to put the form in a(n) 49 addressed to the couple and mail it by post. Further, I imagined how frantic (狂亂的) I’d be 50 I had misplaced the receipt. It is much easier to make a(n) 51 to return it than to leave them angry, upset etc. over the 52 , so I did as I thought.My hunch(預(yù)感) was right. On the weekend a happy couple called 53 my house and brought me a big gift. They said they had panicked and searched for the receipt 54 everywhere before giving up. Without it they would lose $8,000. It felt great to know I’d helped someone avoid a major trouble by doing 55 that at first glance seemed minor.36. A. parkedB. boughtC. startedD. found37. A. blockedB. caughtC. keptD. covered38. A. suddenlyB. carefullyC. gladlyD. briefly39. A. came outB. worked outC. turned outD. gave out40. A. permissionB. planC. careD. payment41. A. sideB. shoesC. placeD. position42. A. held upB. knocked overC. kept upD. looked over43. A. personalB. secretC. publicD. open44. A. importantB. possibleC. impracticalD. useful45. A. bornB. playedC. fetchedD. grown46. A. hostsB. guestsC. partnersD. owners47. A. recalledB. notedC. calledD. changed48. A. setB. makeC. takeD. do49. A. envelopeB. pocketC. bagD. dustbin50. A. asB. ifC. thoughD. since51. A. attemptB. experimentC. promiseD. request52. A. painB. luckC. lossD. mistake53. A. onB. atC. toD. in54. A. violentlyB. severelyC. angrilyD. madly55. A. anythingB. nothingC. everythingD. Something四.閱讀理解(共20小題,每題2分,共40分)Athere are many idioms in English.An idiom is a phrase that we can't understand from the meaning of each word.The following are some of them.As the crow fliesWhen a bird flies from place to place, it takes the most direct route. But when people drive, they have to follow roads and often go farther. When people give a distance "as the crow flies", they mean the shortest distance between the two points, not the distance you would have to travel by following roads. As Dan and his mum drove along the river,they could see the beach on the opposite side, Dan asked "How far is it to the beach?" "It's only about a quarter of a mile as the crow flies" his mother said.Blow hot and cold In one of Aesop's Fables, a man blow on his fingers to warm them up and then blow on his soup to cool it down. In both cases, the man is opening his mouth, but what comes out is different. If a person says one thing and later says the opposite, we say that the person is blowing hot and cold. "Is Felicia going to try out for the soccer team this year?" Stacy asked."I don't know," Tricia replied." Last week she was saying yes,but this week she's saying no. She's really blowing hot and cold."Break the ice Nowadays people use the phrase to refer to ending an awkward silence by beginning a conversation. It was the first day of summer camp. The four girls began to make their beds in silence. None of the girls knew each other, and no one knew what to say. Finally, one of them broke the ice by saying"Hey, where's everybody from?"Bury the hatchet In native American culture, when two nations agreed to end their war, they buried the hatchet. So to bury the hatchet is to make peace with someone else. Colin could not excuse his sister for breaking his tennis racket. Finally ,his sister said,"Colin, can't we bury the hatchet?"56.What does "as the crow flies" mean?A.In the smoothest way B.By plane C.In a straight line D.At top speed.57."Blow hot and cold " can be used to talk about someone's ______.poor health B. Bad manner C. Communication skills D. changing attitudesWhen the four girls were making their beds in silence, they probably felt _____.shy B. disappointed C. excited D. CuriousIt can be inferred that Colin's sister hoped that Colin would ______.buy a new tennis racket B. forgive her mistakeC. stay away from her D. make an apology to herB "How to Train your Dragon" by British author Cressida Cowell is one of the best pieces of children's literature. A child can make a whole alternative universe with a vivid imagination and Toothless, the hero's hunting dragon, thus turning a rainy day into an adventure of a lifetime. However, if you have never read the book but instead choose to see the film version, you might think you were seeing a new-age war movie for adults rather than children. Lett's look at "Where the Wild Things Are" for further discussion. The story centers around a lonely eight-year-old boy named Max, who sails away to an island. Creatures living their declare Max their king. What an amazing piece of children's literature! A treasure for every chilsd's library. Yet, children were crying in the movie theater. Owls' (貓頭鷹) were falling from the sky, children's arms were being torn off, and a child was running around a dark abandoned world fighting evil(邪惡) as the only human. It was almost as if Hollywood could not imagine children enjoying a movie for its basic literature content. Hollywood might be right. But more and more its audiences are complaining that there is an increased amount of violence in children's stories today than in tte past. While there appears to be a trend in our society to make more accessible to younger children, books and literature are generally an exception. I truly believe that children's literature has become more vivid, and more colorful. This is a great treasure for the children, and is certainly not violent.What has changed children's stories of today is not the writers, but the film industry. In some way, children's literature is just being strangely twisted. I wonder how much influence the author has over this.What do we know about the book "How to Train your Dragon"?It is a good fantasy novel. B.It includes many horrible scenes.C.It film version is popular with adults. D.It is not as successful as its film version.It can be inferred that the film "Where the Wild Things Are" is ______.moving B.frightening C.interesting D.amazingAccording to the passage, the author thinks that _____.the film industry's treatment of children's literature is wrongWriters should provide more colorful works for childrenThere is an increase in violence in children's literatureChildren should read more books rather than see filmsHow does the passage mainly develop?By inferring B.By giving explanations C.By providing examples D.By making comparisonsC Born in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1917, Marion Donovan was instilled with an inventive spirit at a young age. She spent the福建省福州二中高三第一學(xué)期期中考試英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/755026.html
