Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World教案學(xué)案練習(xí)一體化

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
譯林牛津版高中英語模塊四Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World教案學(xué)案練習(xí)一體化
1.詞匯: reality, extraordinary, character, interactive, set, upon, feeling, headset, enable, monitor, via, deliver, straw, final, besides, firefighter, burn, battle, whale, ant, fantastic, opportunity, industry, impress, announce, liquid, soap, powder, showcase, employ, accuse, file, popularity, criticize, fade, editor, therefore, voice, opinion, crash, nephew, central, surface, southern, hero, gentle, journey, per, rescue, force, guide, safely.
2.詞組、短語:pass on, thousands of, be connected to, put forward, last but not least, set up, in my opinion, come across, not only ….but also.
3.語法、結(jié)構(gòu):1) The passive voice
2) Modal verbs and the passive voice
3)Verbs often used in the passive voice
4.技能指導(dǎo) :
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
1)read a formal proposal and summaries of three science fiction novels
2) listen to facts and opinions and an interview about computer use
3)Discuss views on technology and interview a classmate
4)Write a proposal for a computer room and a short science fiction story
5)Expand vocabulary related to computer
Welcome to the unit
1.導(dǎo)入:The general idea of this period
The pictures and the questions of this part make students take notice of the life in the future. With the rapid development of science and technology, some of our wildest dreams could come true in the future.
體驗(yàn):Reading comprehension
The article in this section is a business proposal which introduces a new business idea. Ask students to skim and scan the proposal and try to find answers to the three questions in Part A. Remind students only to focus on the most important information needed to answer these questions. Meanwhile ask students to pay attention to the structure of the passage.
Pay attention to the structure of the article. Organize students into groups of four. Ask them to discuss this article and analyze the structure. Also, students need to conclude what the main idea of each part of the article is.
main ideas
Para 1 ____________________________________________________________
Para 2----7 ____________________________________________________________
Para8 ____________________________________________________________
Activities and discuss
1.After students have worked out the main ideas for the different parts, to further strengthen the comprehension, ask students to answer the following question and fill in the chart according to the proposal.
How can RealCine excite the viewers' five senses?
SenseThings neededEffects in RealCine
sightspecial VR headsetsViewers can see a world of 3D animation all around them.
soundspecial VR headsetsViewers can hear the sounds clearly all around them.
smellsmall opening in the headsetSmells are given out.
toughspecial glovesViewers can tough people and objects in the film.
tastea straw sensorSpecial food and drink chemicals are places into the viewers’mouth.

2. Then check the answers as a class. If time allows, organize a class presentation. Ask students to discuss and use the information in the chart above to give a brief presentation about virtual reality and RealCine.
3. Present the following sentences to students. Ask them to read each one and think about the characteristics of the language used in this article.
I believe you will be amazed by the RealCine experience, and will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that must be developed further.
Viewers will be surprised at how real it feels.
RealCine works by making the viewers feel that they are actually in the film.
I am sure you will agree that RealCine provides a fantastic opportunity for the film-making industry.
Ask students:
As a decision maker, do you think you would finally be persuaded to invest or develop RealCine? Why or why not?
What do you think of the language used tn these sentences?
Tell them that the purpose of a business proposal is to plan or suggest a new idea. The goal is to help the customers or the investors make their decisions. Therefore, clear and persuasive language is often used.
4. Ask students to read the Reading strategy. Tell students that a successful business proposal needs to be objective and that detailed information and convincing facts or examples together with the passive voice are frequently used to achieve this purpose. Therefore, when reading a business proposal, they can focus on these features.
5. Ask students to read the article again and underline the sentences using the passive voice in the passage. Give some explanations why the passive voice is used. This will help students get a better understanding of how to write a proposal.
6. Have students complete Part D. The meanings of the words in Part D should not be difficult for students to identify after they have read through the passage several times. Ask students to refer to the text as they complete Part D. This exercise can help students understand the text better.
7 Draw students' attention to Part E. Part E is a reply to the proposal, which serves as a summary of the article about RealCine. Have students complete it individually first and then check their answers with the whole class.
Post-reading activities
Use the following activities to help students deepen their understanding of RealCine and develop their speaking ability as well.
?Organize students into groups of four. Ask them to hold a group discussion. Imagine what special effect they hope to have if they can see a popular film like 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' in RealCine.
Do you think watching a Harry Potter film in RealCine is more exciting and interesting than in an ordinary cinema? Why or why not?
After the discussion, ask each group to make an advertisement poster for this imaginary virtual reality film. Then they may make an oral presentation of their advertisements in class. Every student can vote and choose the best one from all the advertisements. If possible, ask them to state their reasons for their choice.
?Organize students into groups of six. Ask them to write an introduction to ReaICine. In the introduction, they may state their own opinions on RealCine.
?Organize students into two groups. Ask them to hold a debate activity.
Those who support virtual reality believe that, with this technology, people can do almost everything, even things that cannot be realized in normal life. We don't need to travel any more or spend so much time with friends any more. Virtual reality can provide any necessary features that we need itl our life. Others insist that, real life and interpersonal communication should never be replaced by imaginary scenes. People should take off the headsets and experience the real life themselves. What do you think of these two opinions? State your reasons.
If time permits, ask students to do Parts A1 and A2 on page 96 in their Workbook, so they will be more familiar with the text and the words and expressions learnt in this part. Or they can do the two exercises after class as homework.
Part F aims at consolidating students'speaking ability. Ask students to read the instructions for Part F and discuss wit their partners the questions closely related to new technology. Encourage students to share their opinions and report their answers to the class.
Ask students first to read Part A and then to do Part B in the Writing section of this unit on page 103 in thei Workbook. The passage in Part A is a sample. After reading it, they will know how to write an article about the future school in Part B.
Realcine works by making the viewers feel that they are actually in the film. unlike ordinary cinema, RealCine excites all five of people’s senses: sight, hearing, smell, tough, and even taste.VR can provide teenagers with another way to experience the world and make them work harder to make their dreams come true.Vr can also do something that could never be achieved in real world.RealCine will certainly provide a fantastic opportunity for the film-making industry.
Words and expressions:
1) adj.(形容詞)
a man of extraordinary strength
an extraordinary achievement.
a minister extraordinary; an extraordinary professor.
What an extraordinary idea!
an extraordinary session
It is extraordinary that….------是不平常的
It was extraordinary that he refused our request.
1)性質(zhì),性格, 特色, 身份;
a determined character 果斷的性格;
in his character as father. 以父親的身份;
2) 字
The characters in Chinese writing look like small pictures.
a Chinese character
He has a strong but gentle character.
the character of the savanna areas 大草原地方的特色 ;
The new buildings have changed the character of the village.
I find all the characters in his new play very real.
The story has only a few characters.那故事只有幾個角色。
in character
behavior that was totally in character.
out of character
a response so much out of character that it amazed me.
set, setting, sets
set a book on a table.
set the prisoner at liberty.
set the fence post into a bed of concrete.
set a broken arm.
set the sails.
set an alarm clock.
set a place for a dinner guest; set a table.
a play that is set in Venice.
set a world record.
A parent must set a good example for the children.
We are set to leave early tomorrow morning.
set about
set about solving the problem.
set down
Set the baby down here.
We set down the facts.
Just set him down as a sneak.
Let's set the error down to inexperience.
The pilot set the plane down hard.
set forth
set forth a sound plan.
She has set forth her ideas.
set off
set off a chemical reaction.
set off a bomb.
set off for Europe.
set out
He set out to understand why the plan had failed.
set out seedlings.
She set out at dawn for town.
set up
set up a charity.
set fire to
set (one's) heart on
a chess set.
The reason she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat.
The reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle.
There's a great deal of reason in his advice.
"There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings, and actions of youth."
it stands to reason
listen to reason
with reason
He thinks, with reason, that I don't like him.
vi., vt.
to reason clearly
(與into, out of連用)勸說
to reason a person out of fear
5)via, prep.(介詞)
to travel from Beijing to Shanghai via Tianjin
I sent a message to Mary via her brother.
6)deliver, v.tr.(及物動詞)
遞送:帶到或運(yùn)送到適當(dāng)?shù)牡胤交蚪邮苷;分送?br />deliver groceries; deliver the mail.
delivered the criminal to the police.
To throw or hurl:
The pitcher delivered the ball.
deliver a lecture.
She delivered a baby boy this morning.
The doctor delivered her of twins.
The oil well delivered only 50 barrels a day.
7)impress, (常與with連用)使(人)印象深刻;使銘記
The book impressed a lot of people. 這本書在很多人心中留下深刻印象。
I was deeply impressed by (at, with) his speech. 他的演講給我留下深刻印象
Impress +n.+ on(upon) + n. (person) =impress +n.(person)+with
I impressed on him the importance of his work.=I impressed him with the importance of his work.
impress wax with a seal
8) announce宣布,宣告:使公開地知道
To proclaim the presence or arrival of:
announce a caller.
To provide an indication of beforehand; foretell:
The invention of the microchip announced a new generation of computers.
To serve as an announcer for:
announce a football game on TV.
To declare one's candidacy:
Presidential candidates announce two years in advance of the elections.
To serve as an announcer.
9)force n.
the force of the explosion
You must use force to open that bottle.
The porter had to force the window open every morning.
New emerging forces are invincible.
The thief took the money from the old man by force.
the force of gravity
The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.
the forces of evil
the forces of nature
force of example
There is force in what he said.
the police force
(pl) 三軍武裝力量
The air force is one of the armed forces.
in force
The police were there in force.
in force
生效;在施行中 (= into force)
join forces (with)
forced, forcing, forces
I forced myself to practice daily. He was forced to take a second job.
forced my foot into the shoe.
He forced his ideas upon the group.
他把自己的意見強(qiáng)加給別人To put undue strain on:
She forced her voice despite being hoarse.
force (someone's) hand
in force
Demonstrators were out in force.
a rule that is no longer in force.
force, oblige,
Force 最為普遍,通常指力量的使用,尤其是體力上,或指不允許任何替代屈從的環(huán)境的進(jìn)行:
Tear gas forced the fugitives out of their hiding place.
Lack of funds will eventually force him to look for work.
Oblige 適用于出于權(quán)力、需要、道德或倫理的考慮而被迫屈從:
“Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do” (Mark Twain).
“無論什么樣的工作都必須 要做” (馬克?吐溫)。
領(lǐng)路人,導(dǎo)師,導(dǎo)游,向?qū)?br />To serve as a guide.
監(jiān)督…的訓(xùn)練或教育:作為向?qū)?br />
a shopper's guide.,購物指南
A guidebook. 指南,手冊
guided, guiding, guides
They guided us to the office.
Be guided by your feeling.
guided me to my seat;
guide a ship through a channel.
guide, conduct, lead, steer作為動詞在一起比較的一般含義是“領(lǐng)”、“導(dǎo)”或“引”。
Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world.
At the top of the bank my guide paused and looked back at me.
He is now studying under the guidance of Professor Green.
The policeman eventually had his hands tied up and conducted him to a shelter.
Do you prefer conducted tours or independent travel?
Our guide led us through a series of caves.
The Cutty Sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer her.
Soon the country will be steered to peace and prosperity.
1)pass on
Let us now pass on to the next subject.
2) put forward
put forward a new plan.
3)come across
came across my old college roommate in town today.
“He comes across as a very sincere, religious individual”(William L. Clay)
4)not only ….but also
Not only I but also Tom and Mary are found of watching television.
由于not only A but also B 句式的重點(diǎn)在B上,所以謂語動詞一般要與B保持人稱和數(shù)的一致。
The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.
注意not only…but also連接的動詞一般不重復(fù),這與漢語不同。如漢語說“我不僅懂英語,而且懂俄語”,英語則說“I know not only English but also Russian”,而不說“I not only know English but also know Russian”.再如:“氣體不僅改變形狀,而且改變體積”,英譯為“A gas changes not only in shape but also in volume.”(注意介詞常重復(fù))
The problem for the recipient was trying to guess not only who the sender was, but also what his secret feelings might be.
Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor.
Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.
If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thankfully.
He didn’t let us off the book until we had proved not only that we know what an organism was bur also that we had the fortitude to stand up for the truth.
Man has become master not only of the sky but also of the space.
I not only heard it, but (also) I saw it.
Not only…but also連接句子時,not only可以置于句首表示強(qiáng)調(diào),這是第一分句要采用倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)。例如:
Not only has he a first-class brain but also he is a tremendously hard worker.
Not only had the poor man been arrested but he had been sent to prison as well.
Not only do the professors have their own ideas on the matter, but the students have theirs too.
10、用于it is…that強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu):
It is not only the scientist and the physician who need a long special training now, but the computer expert, the accountant, and the business manager.
二、not only…but的省略及其變體
1、not only…but also中的also可以省略。有人認(rèn)為該句型所連接的第二部分最高級形容詞或它所表示的范圍、程度、影響等超過第一部分時,常將also省略。例如:
He was not only a successful writer but (also) the greatest poet of his time.
Not only do they suffer less pain than most women in labor, but the town boasts an unusually low rate of infant mortality.
2、not only…but also句型一般只可以省略also,但在連接句子時,有時也可見到省略but甚至but also的情形。例如:
Not only was I tired, I was also cold.
Since moisture is needed for rain, dry air in the morning not only allows the spider to get an early start, is also means a dry day.
Not only has she been an excellent wife, she has been a better husband than I’ll never be.
她不僅是一個極其出色的妻子,而且是一個我永遠(yuǎn)也做不到的好丈夫。(省去了but also)
3、not only…but also的形式比較固定,但也會出現(xiàn)but與also被分開的情形。例如:Not only the mother but the children are also sick.
Not only is his right lung affected but his left lung is also.
4、not only A but also B的替代式常見的還有not only a but B …as well, not only A but B too, not merely A but also B, not just A but also B, not…alone. ..but等。例如:
In jurisprudence it is a well-known principle that justice should not merely be done but should also be seen to be done.
Not poets alone, nor artists, nor that superior order of mind which arrogates to itself all refinement, feel this, but dogs and all men.
1、“not only A but also B”結(jié)構(gòu)中的A和B通常是同等成分。由于同一成分常常由同一詞類的詞來擔(dān)任,所以A 與B 常常也是同一詞性,但是,也有A與B屬于不同詞性的情形。例如:“He is not only very clever, but also a very hard worker, and he likes to do everything well.”(他不但聰明,而且能下功夫。他喜歡把每件事都做得很好。)其中A是形容詞,B是名詞,但兩者均在句中作表語,因此仍是正確的句子。然而,在“He not only plays the piano, but also the violin.”一句中,A是動詞,B是名詞,不是同一成分,因此語法學(xué)家認(rèn)為此句有點(diǎn)欠妥,至少在書面語中就是如此。如改為“He plays not only the piano, but also the violin.”就無懈可擊了,再看下面的例子:
The surprise grant not only enabled Dad to finish A&T, but to graduate first in his class.
2、有人認(rèn)為,not only…but also 不能用于否定句。漢語中用于否定句中的“不但…而且”在英語中要用as well as表示。如“不但我不想看戲,而且他也不想看戲”可譯作“He, as well as I, doesn’t want to see the play. ”不過,這條規(guī)則也有例外,請看下面的例子:
Not only don’t I know the population of Nepal, I don’t know where in god’s world it is!
這個例句有幾個共同點(diǎn):都是連接否定分句,都是倒裝句,都沒有用but also。下面一例出自一位美國作家之手,所不同的是not only…but連接的是并列謂語,第一個動詞是不定的,第二個動詞則是肯定的:
Nonetheless, as he described Mary’s attitudes her accomplishments, he found himself wishing that she cared more about the police side of his life than she seemed to, that she might understand it as intimately, say, as the woman opposite him. But this motion seemed to him so disloyal to Mary that he not only did not articulate it, but at once tried to suppress it.
1 Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be experienced.
The preposition upon here means 'at or immediately after the time or occasion of'. The preposition on can also be used to express the same meaning.
Upon/On his arrival in Paris, the famous film star was recognized and surrounded by his fans.
Upon/On hearing of the death of his parents, he cried for hours.
2 Special gloves are also worn so that people and objects in the film can be touched.
Here so that means 'with the aim that', which is used to introduce a clause showing a purpose.
She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 o'clock.
So that can also mean 'with the result that', which is used to introduce a clause
showing a result.
Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he had left.
3 To add to the virtual world of RealCine, smells are given out through small openings in the headsets.
Here add to means 'to increase'.
The West Lake adds to the beauty of the city of Hangzhou.
This phrase can also be used like add ...to...
If you add twelve to eighty-five, you get ninety-seven.
4 In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can provide teenagers with another way to experience the world and make them work harder to make their dreams come true.
Here it refers to the subject clause 'that VR can provide teenagers with another way to experience the world and ...'
When the subject is a clause, an empty subject it is often used, and the order of the sentence is normally changed.
Compare each pair of sentences as follows:
What she looks like doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what she looks like.
That income tax should be abolished has actually been suggested.
It has actually been suggested that income tax should be abolished.
5 An argument has been put forward that some viewers will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.
Here that is used to introduce an appositive clause 'some viewers will be
disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.' This clause refers to 'an argument' and that cannot be omitted.
Your belief that things will improve is too optimistic.
Your suggestion that we should pay more attention to our table manners is a good one.

Passive Voice
英文動詞有主動語態(tài) Active Voice 和被動語態(tài) Passive Voice 之分。如果主語是動作或狀態(tài)的「發(fā)出者」,動詞就用主動語態(tài);如果主語是動作或狀態(tài)的「承受者」,動詞就用被動語態(tài)。
1. John encouraged Mary.?約翰鼓勵瑪莉。?
2. Mary was encouraged by John.?瑪莉受到約翰鼓勵。?
※ 第一句的動詞 "encouraged" 是主動語態(tài);第二句的動詞
"was encouraged"是被動語態(tài)。
助動詞BE + 及物動詞的過去分詞(-ed分詞)
1.Simple Present Tense
主動語態(tài): I teach him.
被動語態(tài): He is taught by me.
2. Simple Past Tense
主動語態(tài): I taught him yesterday.
被動語態(tài): He was taught by me yesterday.

3.Present Continuous Tense
主動語態(tài): I am teaching him.
被動語態(tài): He is being taught by me.
4.Past Continuous Tense
主動語態(tài): I was teaching him when you came.
被動語態(tài): He was being taught by me when you came.

5. Present Perfect Tense
主動語態(tài): I have taught him.
被動語態(tài): He has been taught by me.
6. Past Perfect Tense
主動語態(tài): I had taught him before you came.
被動語態(tài): He had been taught by me before you came.
一般將來時 Simple Future Tense 也常常有這種被動語態(tài)形式
主動語態(tài): I shall teach him tomorrow.
被動語態(tài): He will be taught by me tomorrow.
1. 先找出謂語動詞;  
2. 再找出謂語動詞后的賓語;  
3. 把賓語用作被動語態(tài)中的主語;
4. 注意人稱、時態(tài)和數(shù)的變化。
例:1. Bruce writes a letter every week.
→A letter is written by Bruce every week.
2. Li Lei mended the broken bike this morning.
→The broken bike was mended by Li Lei this morning.
3. He has written two novels so far.
→Two novels have been written by him so far.
4. They will plant ten trees tomorrow.
→Ten trees will be planted by them tomorrow.
5. Lucy is writing a letter now.
→A letter is being written by Lucy now.
6. You must lock the door when you leave.
→the door must be locked when you leave.
三、 使用被動語態(tài)應(yīng)注意的幾個問題:
1. 不及物動詞無被動語態(tài)。
What will happen in 100 years.
The dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago.
2. 有些動詞用主動形式表示被動意義。
This pen writes well.
This new book sells well.
3. 感官動詞或使役動詞使用省略to的動詞不定式,主動語態(tài)中不帶to ,但變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,須加上to 。
例:make somebody do something
→somebody+ be +made to do something
see somebody do something
→somebody +be +seen to do something
A girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by.
→My wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by.
The boss made the little boy do heavy work.
→The little boy was made to do heavy work by the boss.
4. 如果是接雙賓語的動詞改為被動語態(tài)時,直接賓語(物)作主語,那么動詞后要用介詞,這個介詞是由與其搭配的動詞決定。
He gave me a book.
→A book was given to me by him.
He showed me a ticket.
→A ticket was shown to me by him.
My father bought me a new bike.
→A new bike was bought for me by my father.
5. 一些動詞短語用于被動語態(tài)時,動詞短語應(yīng)當(dāng)看作一個整體,而不能丟掉其中的介詞或副詞。
We can’t laugh him.
→He can’t be laugh by us.
He listens to the radio every day.
→The radio is listened to by him every day.
The nurse is taking care of the sick man.
→The sick man is being taken care of by the nurse.
1. 不易說出動作或狀態(tài)的「發(fā)出者」
This building was completed in 1980.
* 由誰建成,不易說出。
2. 不便說出動作或狀態(tài)的「發(fā)出者」
The meeting has been postponed till Friday.
3. 動作或狀態(tài)的「承受者」比「發(fā)出者」更需強(qiáng)調(diào)
A press conference was held last night.
4. 為了修辭
The teacher loves the students and is loved by them.
態(tài): A book was given him by me.
含有情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)構(gòu)成:Modal verbs and the passive voice
情態(tài)動詞+ be + 及物動詞的過去分詞
Students will learn how to use modal verbs in the passive voice to express ability, possibility, duty, permission, etc. They are also expected to learn to use modal verbs in the passive voice in the present and the past tenses.
Young trees must be watered often.
Your mistakes should be corrected right now.
The door may be locked inside.
Your homework can be handed in tomorrow.

Verbs often used in the passive voice
Here students will learn some of the verbs that are often used in the passive voice. And they should know that these verbs function as adjectives.
The teacher may begin this part by asking students to complete some sentences by choosing one of the two words given. The words in bold are the correct answers. For example,
1.The children are getting about the coming holiday. (exciting; excited)
2.Don't you get of arguing about the same thing all the time? (tiring; tired)
3.Joan isn't very good at Physics, so everyone was when she passed the exam.(surprising; surprised)
4.All of us were very last Saturday because our team lost the game.(disappointing; disappointed)
5.It was snowing last night. So everything is with snow this morning.(covering; covered)
6.My parents are quite with my test results. (pleasing; pleased)
7.Both of them are with the arrangement. (satisfying; satisfied)
Ask students why they choose the verb-ed forms but not verb-ing forms.
1、It’s said that about a quarter of _______ European can speak _________ foreign language besides their native language.
A the; a B an; the C the; the D 不填;不填
2、I like ________in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.
A this B either C it D one
3、Do you really believe that Mr. White has blamed us for the accident, especially ________?
A you and me B I and you C you and I D you and me
4、As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, __________.
A the more for life are you equipped
B the more equipped for life you are
C the more life you are equipped for
D you are equipped the more for life
5、American eat ______ as they actually need every day.
A twice as much protein B twice protein as much twice
C twice protein as much D protein as twice much
6、Jason has been preparing carefully for his English examination so that he could be sure of passing it at his first _________.
A purpose B desire C attempt D intention
7、John and I ________ friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ________ each other a couple of times before that.
A had been; have been B have been; have been
C had been; had seen D have been; had seen
8、I ________ while reading the English textbook. Luckily, my roommate woke me up in time.
A had fallen asleep B have fallen asleep C fell asleep D fall asleep
9、Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _________ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.
A had considered B has been considering
C considered D is going to consider
10、The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics ________by 2006.
A has been completed B has completed
C will have been completed D will have completed
11、The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power ________ increased enormously ever since.
A is B was C has been D had been
12、More patients ________ in hospital this year than last year.
A treated B have treated C had been treated D have been treated
13、Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didn’t want her parents to know what she _________.
A has done B had done C was doing D is doing
14、Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _________ the Pacific, and we met no storms.
A was called B is called C had been called D has been called
15、________ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.
A To wait B Have waited C Having waited D To have waited
16、It is said that Barbara’s sister fell off her bicycle on her way to school, _________ in the left leg.
A seriously damaging B hurting badly
C breaking seriously D badly hurt
17、Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I _______ so much fried chicken just now.
A shouldn’t eat B mustn’t have eaten
C shouldn’t have eaten D mustn’t eat
18、It seems as if the sun ________ round the earth since it rises in the east and sets in the west.
A circlesB is circling C has been circling D were circling
19、They must have been enjoying themselves there, otherwise they _________ so long.
A can’t have stayed B wouldn’t have stayed
C needn’t have stayed D couldn’t stay
20、A fast food restaurant is the place ________ ,just as the same suggests, eating is performed quickly.
A which B where C there D what
The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet(彗星) is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two pieces will probably the southern half of the Earth.
______17 July, a piece four kilometers wide enters the Earth’s (大氣層) with a massive explosion. About half of the piece is destroyed, but the part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the of sound. The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the sea bed. Huge waves are created and spread from the hole. The wall of water, a kilometer high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African are totally destroyed and millions of people are_______ .
Before the waves reach South America, the second piece of the comet in Argentina. Earthquakes and volcanoes are off in the Andes Mountains. The shock move north into California and all around the Pacific Ocean. The cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo are completely by earthquakes. Millions of people in the southern half of the earth are already dead, the north won’t for long. Because of the explosions, the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world to almost zero. Crops are ruined. The sun won’t be seen again for many years. Wars break out as countries fight for A year later, no more than 10 million people remain .
Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than once in the history of the Earth. The dinosaurs(恐龍) were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of object in . The dinosaurs couldn’t live
________ the cold climate that followed and they died out. Will we meet the same end
1、A courier ______ the parcels expected for a long time to our office.
A took B addressed C delivered D gave
2、We were most impressed ________ your efficiency .
A in B on C with D upon
3、The Prime Minister of Great Britain ________ that he would resign.
A announced B predicted C reported D circularized
4、The thief who was on the red coat ________ her to hand over the money.
A let B forced C forbade D fraud
5、There is an _______ film about a highly gifted child whose picture often appeared in the newspaper .
A special B unusual C additional D extraordinary
6、------ I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.
-------There is no _______ for this while you are on duty.
A reason B excuse C cause D explanation
7、I decided to put your name _______ for basketball club secretary.
A on B in C forward D through
8、Pass the book ________ to me when you’ve finished with it.
A out B by C on D over
9、One of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n) ________ in the number of natural disasters.
A result B account C reason D increase
10、No matter what you do, you should put your ________ into it.
A mind B heart C brain D thought
11、There are usually at least two ________ of looking at every question.
A means B directions C views D ways
12、My chest ________ when I make a deep breath, doctor.
A harms B wounds C hurts D injuries
13、I wrote him a letter to show my _________ of his thoughtfulness.
A achievement B agreement C attention D appreciation
14、One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high-rise is that you can get a good ________.
A sight B scene C attention D appreciation
15、We have _______ the meeting forward by one week according to the headmaster’s requirement.
A put B look C move D let
We all know the pyramids in Egypt and most of       1. ______
us don’t know the people in Mexico in the old time also      2. ______
built pyramids. They didn’t build them to tombs. The       3. ______
pyramids in Mexico aren’t as high as that in Egypt, but      4 . ______
they are big. Each one pyramid has a wide stairway        5. ______
up to the top. There is nothing inside the pyramids,        6. ______
only earth and stones. Scientists think it takes one         7. ______
thousand men more than ten years build the biggest one.      8. ______
How did he people build the pyramids? Scientists had       9. ______
Studied for years, but no one can say what they did it.       10. ______
1.好的傳統(tǒng)應(yīng)該一代一代往下傳。(pass on)

2.他的父親強(qiáng)迫他戒煙。(force sb.to do sth.)




6.他今天沒來上學(xué)的原因是他媽媽病了。(the reason……is that….)


8.我們應(yīng)該提出一個有效的方法來改善我們的英語學(xué)習(xí)。(put forward…)

9.每個人都應(yīng)該通過自己的行為為下一代樹立榜樣。(set up )

10.他帶領(lǐng)我們從一個勝利走向另一個勝利。(guide )

A. more information?
improve English?
learning software (學(xué)習(xí)軟件) ?
enjoy oneself?
B. computer games
waste of money
fail the exams

Dear editor,
I'm a student of Senior Three. I think my parents should buy me a computer now.

Situation 1: …
European Shuttle Prototype Lands Safely
Sun, May 09, 2004
STOCKHOLM, Sweden(瑞典首都-斯德哥爾摩) - An unmanned prototype of a European space shuttle glided safely back to Earth on Saturday after being dropped from nearly 8,000 feet up by a helicopter.
Guided by Global Positioning System satellites(全球定位衛(wèi)星), the German-designed EADS(歐洲航空防務(wù)與空間公司) Phoenix was dropped by a heavy-duty helicopter over Sweden at 9:45 a.m. and "landed perfectly" 90 seconds later on a test runway north of Stockholm, a project spokeswoman said.
"Everyone here is ecstatic," said Johanna Bergstroem-Roos, of the North European Aerospace Test Range in Kiruna, 770 miles north of Stockholm.
"This gives us wind in our sails."
The Phoenix shuttle, along with the Ariane 5 rocket, represents the European Space Agency's hope for sending astronauts into space, but project managers concede a full-size version will not be ready until sometime between 2015 and 2020.
The test flight was originally planned for Friday but was postponed so technicians could finish analyzing data from an earlier test of the vehicle's onboard computers this week.
The next step likely will be to drop the prototype from higher altitudes, with the help of a high-altitude balloon, Bergstroem-Roos said. The finished shuttle must be capable of gliding to land from an altitude of 80 miles, she said.
Situation 2: …As motorways become more and more clogged up with traffic, a new generation of flying cars will be needed to ferry people along skyways.
That is the verdict of engineers from the US space agency and aeronautical firms, who envision future commuters travelling by "skycar".
These could look much like the concept skycar shown in the picture, designed by Boeing research and development.
However, such vehicles could be some 25 years from appearing on the market.
Efforts to build flying vehicles in the past have not been very successful.
Such vehicles would not only be expensive and require the skills of a trained pilot to fly, but there are significant engineering challenges involved in developing them.
"When you try to combine them you get the worst of both worlds: a very heavy, slow, expensive vehicle that's hard to use," said Mark Moore, head of the personal air vehicle (PAV) division of the vehicle systems program at Nasa's Langley Research Center in Hampton, US.
But Boeing is also considering how to police the airways - and prevent total pandemonium - if thousands of flying cars enter the skies.
"The neat, gee-whiz part is thinking about what would the vehicle itself look like," said Dick Paul, a vice president with Phantom Works, Boeing's research and development arm.
"But we're trying to think through all the ramifications of what would it take to deploy a fleet of these."
Past proposals to solve this problem have included artificial intelligence systems to prevent collisions between air traffic.
Nasa is working on flying vehicles with the initial goal of transforming small plane travel.
Small planes are generally costly, loud, require months of training and lots of money to operate, making flying to work impractical for most people.
But within five years, Nasa researchers hope to develop technology for a small plane that can fly out of regional airports, costs less than $100,000 (£55,725), is as quiet as a motorcycle and as simple to operate as a car.
Although it would not have any road-driving capabilities, it would bring this form of travel within the grasp of a wider section of people. Technology would automate many of the pilot's functions.
This Small Aircraft Transportation System (Sats) would divert pressure away from the "hub-and-spoke" model of air travel.
Hub-and-spoke refers to the typically US model of passengers being processed through large "hub" airports and then on to secondary flights to "spoke" airports near their final destination. 由于高速公路上的交通堵塞情況越來越嚴(yán)重,一種能夠載人穿梭在“空中高速路”上的新一代“飛車”將成為需要。
Gauri Nanda sees a wearable computer as a...handbag -- one that's built out of four-inch squares and triangles of fabric, with tiny computer chips embedded in it.
Assembled together with Velcro that conducts electricity, these pieces form a bag that looks, feels, and weighs like your typical leather purse.
That's where the similarities end: This bag can wirelessly keep tabs on your belongings and remind you, just as you're about to leave the house, to take your wallet. It can review the weather report and suggest that you grab an umbrella -- or your sunshades. This purse can even upload your favorite songs onto your scarf.
Sure, a computing purse and scarf set may seem like the stuff of science fiction. But these devices, part of next generation of wearable computers, could become commonplace within a few years. Unit shipments of such wearable computers -- purses, watches, shirts -- should rise from 261,000 last year to 1.39 million in 2008, according to the tech research firm IDC.
Powering this market are advancements in design and in fabric-embedded electronics. Over the last two years, DuPont (DD ) created new fibers called Aracon, made of Kevlar, that are superstrong, can conduct electricity, and can be woven into ordinary-looking clothes. And chipmaker Infineon (IFX ) developed chip packaging allowing wearable computers to be washed, even in the heavy-duty cycle.
As a result, these new wearables are a far cry from the clunky and downright silly versions of the recent past, which often required users to be wrapped in wires, type on their stomachs, and sport an unseemly display on their foreheads. "Cyborg computing was very clunky, very bulky machines that people didn't want to carry around," says Nanda, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass. "Our bags feel and look like bags."
Unlike their predecessors, these new wearable computers also make economic sense. When her bag becomes commercially available in two to three years, Nanda expects it will cost around $150, which is the price of an average leather purse. Only "it's fun, you can rip apart and put together a computer," she says.
Here's how the bag works: You place a special radio-signal-transmitting chip onto your wallet. A similar radio in your purse picks up the signal and notifies you that you've forgotten to take your wallet. In turn, sensors on your purse's handles will notify the computer that you've picked up the purse and are ready to go.
Such unobtrusive, inconspicuous, and fun devices should grab more than 80% of the total wearable computing market by 2008, while cyborgian wearable PCs will remain a niche, says IDC analyst Kevin Burden. Already, these new kinds of wearables are being adopted for use in markets like auto repair, emergency services, medical monitoring -- and even, increasingly, for consumers at large.
Wearables are also slowly making their way into the auto-repair market. A company called Microvision (MVIS ) recently introduced its Nomad head-mounted display. It covers one eye, but it's see-through, allowing auto technicians to examine the innards of a car and check them against on-screen computer drawings at the same time. It comes as a baseball cap clip-on, to be more unobtrusive.
So far, it's a hit: At Jim Fisher Volvo dealership in Portland, Ore., which has been testing the system for about seven months, productivity of technicians went up 10% to 20%, says Service Manager John Prosser. Better yet, customers talking to technicians who are wearing these contraptions also are more likely to agree to repairs, pushing revenue up 15% to 18%. Says Prosser: "This makes [technicians] want to get involved and to cross this bridge of reluctance" in using a new technology.
Indeed, many more people will want to cross that bridge in the coming years -- making for a booming market for wearable computers that don't look like something out of an old Star Trek episode.
The latest generation of these ever-smarter garments look like ordinary clothes, assembled together with Velcro that conducts electricity, these pieces form a bag that looks, feels, and weighs like your typical leather purse.

Unit 3
main ideas
Para 1 the abstract of the proposal
Para 2----7 how ReaICine works;
why RealCine is better than ordinary cinema;
how it can be used in other ways
Para8 conclusion of the proposal
1、A the European 表類指;a foreign language為泛指
2、C 在like/ love/ hate it when… 這個結(jié)構(gòu)中,it可以解釋為形式賓語,但是與我們所熟悉的it作形式賓語的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)不同的是,在它之后沒有形容詞或名詞作賓語補(bǔ)足語。
3、A 作blame的賓語,所以都應(yīng)當(dāng)用賓格形式。
4、B 從所提供的情景the more you learn,并結(jié)合所給的選項(xiàng)可以確定這是“the+比較級+陳述句,the+比較級+陳述句”的句型,表示“越……越……”。這句話的意思是:我認(rèn)為,教育是關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)的事,你學(xué)得越多,你對生活準(zhǔn)備得就越充分。
5、A 倍數(shù)詞+as…as意為“是……多少倍”
6、C purpose目的,意圖; desire愿望,請求; attempt嘗試; intention意圖,意向,目的。從題意“他已經(jīng)仔細(xì)準(zhǔn)備了英語考試以確保一次通過考試”可以看出C是正確答案。
7、D 第一空為現(xiàn)在完成時,與一段時間狀語連用(for eight years);第二空:在一次晚會上認(rèn)識之前就見過,正是“過去的過去”的一個動作,故選 D
8、根據(jù)woke(wake的過去式)可以判斷,這里談?wù)摰呐c“現(xiàn)在”無關(guān),因此可排除B和D兩項(xiàng)!癐”是在讀書期間睡著的(while reading),而不是在之前睡著的,所以項(xiàng)也不恰當(dāng)。
9、B 句意:因?yàn)長ucy失業(yè)了,所以她在考慮重返校園,但她現(xiàn)在還沒有決定。根據(jù)題意說話者再說現(xiàn)在的情況,因此排除A、C、D三項(xiàng),B屬現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時,表示現(xiàn)在的事,進(jìn)行時強(qiáng)調(diào)“考慮”這個動作的“未完成性”,所以是最佳答案。
10、C 句意:北京市市長說所有北京奧林匹克建筑將于2006年完成。此題考查英語動詞的語態(tài)和時態(tài),很顯然本題應(yīng)改用被動語態(tài),因此排除B、D;根據(jù)時間狀語by 2006,應(yīng)選擇將來完成時,因此選C
11、C 根據(jù)even since(從那時,一直到現(xiàn)在),所以應(yīng)該用現(xiàn)在完成時,排除A、B、D項(xiàng)。
12、D 病人被治療,又有時間this year,應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在完成時的被動語態(tài)。
13、C 整個句子是基于過去時態(tài),A和D兩項(xiàng)為現(xiàn)在時態(tài)顯然不對。再由句意“Susan決定不在家里,因?yàn)樗幌胱尭改钢浪谧鍪裁础笨芍沒有做完,故C項(xiàng)正確,進(jìn)行體有未完成性、暫時性的特點(diǎn)。
14、B 現(xiàn)在“this open sea”仍然被稱作“the Pacific”,屬于客觀事實(shí),故用一般現(xiàn)在時。
15、C 本題考查非謂語動詞作狀語。先排除B項(xiàng),因?yàn)锽項(xiàng)是謂語動詞形式,不可作狀語;A、D兩項(xiàng)為不定式形式放在句首時常作目的狀語,這顯然與本題邏輯上不符。
16、D 句意:據(jù)說Barbara的姐姐在上學(xué)的路上從自行車上摔了下來,左腿上的很重。首先排除A、C項(xiàng),因不符合習(xí)慣用法。Hurt為及物動詞,故應(yīng)選D這個過去分詞短語作結(jié)果狀語。
17、C just now 是表示過去的時間狀語。情態(tài)動詞在表示過去發(fā)生的事時,必須用“情態(tài)動詞+should+過去分詞”的形式。所以只能在選項(xiàng)B或C中確定答案。mustn’t have eaten是一個錯誤選項(xiàng),因?yàn)椤癿ust+動詞”表示“禁止”,不表示判斷或推斷。這句話的意思是:哦,我覺得胃不舒服,我剛剛不該吃那么多炸雞。
18、D as if 從句所談的情況與實(shí)際情況相反使用虛擬語氣。
19、B They must have been enjoying themselves there表示對過去的確有的把握的推測,他們一定在那玩的很高興。后面是:否則他們就不會待那么長時間了。wouldn’t have stayed這里表示于過去事實(shí)相反的虛擬。
20、B 本題中,just as the name suggests是一個插入語,去掉它,重新組合本句:A fast food restaurant is the place where eating is performed quickly.其中eating 是動名詞,在從句中作主語,句子結(jié)構(gòu)完整,因此答案只能選B,作狀語。全句意思為:顧名思義,快餐店是一個就餐快的地方。
hit, On, atmosphere, remaining, speed, outwards, coast, drowned, lands, set, waves, destroyed, but, escape, hidden, fall, food, alive, space, through
1、B. deliver sth to sb/sth 表示遞送;傳遞;交付;運(yùn)載。
2、C. impress sb with sth/sb 使欽佩,給…留下深刻的好印象
3、A announce 表示宣布、宣告(決定、計(jì)劃等)
4、B force sb to do sth 表示強(qiáng)迫某人做某事
5、D extraordinary adj.非常的, 特別的, 非凡的, 特派的
6、B 句意:你是當(dāng)班長的,關(guān)于這件事,沒有任何借口。
7、C put forward 意為:提名
8、C put sth on to sb 意為:轉(zhuǎn)交;(用后)遞給,傳給
9、D 句意:我們的地球正在變暖的后果之一就是自然災(zāi)害的數(shù)量的增加。
10、B put one’s heart into 的意思是“專心致志”
11、D 看問題至少從兩個方面
12、C “醫(yī)生,當(dāng)我深呼吸的時候,胸口感到疼痛!北容^四個詞的詞義:harm損害;wound受傷;hurt 刺痛;injury 受傷。hurt作不及物動詞時,是“疼痛”的意思。
13、D 比較四個詞的詞義:achievement成就;agreement贊同; attention注意,專心;appreciation感謝,欣賞。根據(jù)句意:對他的關(guān)懷表示的應(yīng)是“謝意”,故選D
14、C 住在高層建筑的頂層的優(yōu)勢之一是能看到好的景色。比較四個詞的詞義:sight風(fēng)景名勝、視力;scene一個地區(qū)的自然景色或人為的環(huán)境;view多只從山上或向窗外遠(yuǎn)看的景色;look神色、外表。
15、A put sth forward 推遲;句意:根據(jù)校長的要求,會議往后推遲了一個星期。
1.and→but   2.time→times   3.to→for  4.that→those   5.去掉one 
6. √     7.takes→took   8.build前加to    9.had→have  10.what→how 
1.Good customs should be passed on one by one generation.
2.His father forced him to give up smoking.
3. The girl who has an extraordinary dancing talent is our monitor.
4. He wanted to impress his employees by paying them extra money.
5. If I have a birthday party, I will announce it to my friends at once.
6. The reason why he didn’t go to school today is that his mother was ill.
7. I'm going to deliver this diamond ring because I know whoever I'm giving to would like it
8. We should put forward an effective way to improve our English study.
9. Everybody should set up an example to the next generation via his own behavior.
10. He guided us from one success to another.
Possible version
Dear editor,
I'm a student of Senior Three. I think my parents should buy me a computer now. As we know, computers have been of great use and will be used more and more in our daily life. Beside computers are also helpful in our English learning. There are piles of learning software we can us I don't see anything wrong for us to spend some time playing games. After all, we need something to enjoy ourselves.
One more word, with computers we can get more information and get more knowledge. Don't you agree?
A reader

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/76058.html
