
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

第一節(jié) 單項(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21. ― Oh. dear! I wish I had not taken ________ lift.
― If I had known it would be out of ________order, I would have stepped up.
A. the; an            B. a; the
C. a; 不填            D. the; 不填
22. ― Is Catherine seriously ill?
― ________ . She is in hospital and remains unconscious (昏迷不醒).
A. I don’t think so         B. I’m not sure
C. I'm afraid so          D. I hope not
23. ― Excuse me, ________ Mr White ________office work this week?
― No. He is on holiday.
A. has; done           B. did; do
C. does; do            D. is; doing
24. ― Whom did you ________ the packet at the post office?
― Jack. There________ masses of work for him to do, but he managed to finish the work as required.
A. have fetched; was
B. have fetch; were
C. have to fetch; were
D. have fetch; was
25. ― She should not have done that sort of thing.
― Whatever she did was reasonable, ________to what you had done. Besides, It’s none of your business. Get down to ________your Lessons
A. compared; doing
B. comparing; doing
C. compared; do
D. comparing; do
26. ― Whom shall I give the document?
― To ________ is in the office. However, ________to require a written paper for it.
A. whom; make sure
B. who; make sure
C. whomever; be sure
D. whoever; be sure
27. There are few electronic applications ________to raise fears regarding future employment chances than computers.
A. likely            B. more likely
C. possibly           D. more possibly
28. Dorothy spoke highly of her role in the play, ________of course made others unhappy.
A. that             B. so
C. what             D. as
29. My grandmother had________ over 50, 000 when she was sixty- five years old.
A. put away           B. put back
C. put out            D. put down
30. ________ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.
A. For              B. Now that
C. Ever since           D. By now
31. As a teacher, I seldom give my students so difficult a problem ________ they can not work out.
A. that              B. if
C. in order that          D. as
32. Nowadays everything strange is ________ strange. That is to say, any unexpected thing is possible to happen.
A. something           B. anything
C. nothing            D. everything
33. In 2001 the Chinese people were always in high spirits, for pieces of exciting news came to China________.
A. step by step           B. one by one
C. little by little          D. one after another
34. No matter how much money you have, it can not ________ a healthy body.
A. match             B. fit
C. defeat             D. compare
35. ― You didn’t invite John to the party?
― ________ him, too?
A. Should I invite
B. Should I have invited
C. Must I invite
D. Must I have invited
第二節(jié) 完形(共20小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分30分)
Never before had I seen so many snails(蝸牛)in one place. There were a lot of them on the 36  going slowly about. Then  37  up onto the ceiling, a number of snails were 38  round  39  every direction. As they  40  themselves on , they left behind them a 41  of something sticky, which looked like a silvery  42  . It was indeed  43  ; it was almost a sea of snails.
I told my friend Robert that I was  44  and went to get my coat hanging on a nail on the wall. Hardly had I  45  , however,  46  I felt that the snails had taken possession of my coat too. They were on the  47  as well as in the pockets. I  48  a cry of fear and
49  surprised Robert greatly. While he was laughing, I was trying hard to  50  the snails from my coat. Robert insisted on my  51  to dinner. I agreed. And we two  52  our efforts to collect the snails.
When none of these snails were  53  in the ball, Robert took them to the  54  and had them  55  , which would be a big meal for us two.
36. A. wallB. groundC. doorD. floor
37. A. highB. nearbyC. fartherD. ready
38. A. walkingB. movingC. travelingD. wagging
39. A. atB. toC. forD. in
40. A. forcedB. madeC. threwD. pulled
41. A. trackB. wireC. pileD. spot
42. A. pictureB. threadC. seaD. field
43. A. excitingB. joyfulC. frighteningD. curious
44. A. settingB. leavingC. dealingD. managing
45. A. tried it onB. dressed itC. worn itD. put it on
46. A. whenB. asC. whileD. before
47. A. clothesB. nailC. collarD. coat
48. A. let outB. set offC. sent offD. called out
49. A. thatB. theyC. ID. which
50. A. search forB. get rid ofC. knock out ofD. put away
51. A. returningB. havingC. stayingD. going
52. A. madeB. combinedC. joinedD. got
53. A. savedB. stayedC. leftD. remained
54. A. marketB. gardenC. dining ?roomD. kitchen
55. A. cookedB. eatenC. soldD. fed
At one time it was the dream of many little girls to become a nurse. Today, however, America is facing its worst nurse shortage since World War I. Recently about 2, 000, 000 nurses are needed and 60 percent of all hospitals in the US have shortages large enough to threaten(= say that you will hurt somebody ff they don't do what you want)the quality of care provided. The demand for nurses spreads widely throughout the nursing field.
What has become of these women in white? The answer lies in not one but several causes. One possibility is the fact that woman have greater career options (職業(yè)選擇). In the past, women who chose to work outside the home had two basic choices: nursing or teaching. Today, more women than ever are in the work force, but their options have greatly increased. There are women doctors, lawyers, firefighters and police officers. In fact, women today are found in nearly every field of work. Nursing has been left behind, as women move on to jobs with higher pay and greater status(地位)。 A woman or man in the nursing field is often looked down upon as “merely a nurse”. Teachers may be also at fault. Many high school students are actually being steered (勸 導)away from nursing, told by teachers that they are “too bright to be a nurse”.
Americans are living longer than ever and requiring more medical attention. In fact, the number of elderly patients has almost doubled in the past twenty years. Obviously a larger population requires more nurses. AIDS and other diseases have caused more and more people to need nursing care. Usually fatal diseases mean long drawn - out hospital stay, that is to say, more nurses are needed to care for these patients. It is estimated that the demand for nurses will be doubled the supply in the coming ten years.
56. Why is America facing its worst nurse shortage?
A. Because the demand of nurses has been doubled.
B. Because more and more women prefer to be teachers and doctors.
C. Because women have been provided with many different jobs.
D. Because women no longer choose to be nurses.
57. The passage tells us that high school teachers are at fault for________.
A. not mentioning the worst nurse shortage in the US
B. introducing jobs with higher pay and greater status to their students
C. not asking the government to raise the nurses’ payment
D. persuading the students not to be nurses
58. The author wrote this passage in order to________.
A. describe the unequal treatment of women in the US
B. warn people to pay more attention to the nursing problem
C. tell us women’s free choice of jobs today
D. call on women not to be nurses
59. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. high school students think themselves too bright to be nurses.
B. Women in the US have greater career choice than those in other countries.
C. Of all the hospitals in the world 60 percent more nurses are badly needed.
D. Nursing used to be a popular job among women.
The producer appeared behind the recording studio window and smiled and waved to me like an old friend. And after I had read out a little test piece, he said, “That’s fine, wonderful, your voice is perfect, lovely, wonderful. ” Then I read a longer passage in English about the delights of touring in Britain, and another about the delights of visiting London, and both were “excellent” and “just right”, and I began to consider a job in radio.
To be honest, I was fairly sure of myself though I lacked experience. Across the room in the Hamburg News Agency where we both worked, a friend named Peter Turner called to me, “I say, Mike, a man on the phone here wants someone to do a recording in English, and I’m booked up. Would you read something to him in English as a sort of test?” I did, and they said “Perfect, lovely, wonderful, . . . ”Would I come round?
It was after reading their passage in English in the studio that they noticed my vowel pronunciations were not altogether King’s English, or even Prince Philip’s, there was a larger silence than usual, then the voice said: “Fine, lovely. . . , but you said the word ‘castle’ with a short ‘a(chǎn)’. Could we have the passage again please, but this time say ‘carsele’. ”
This was easy. But then he noticed other differences in my pronunciation.
“It’s my northern English accent,”I said, angry, because I had to apologize for it.
“Oh, I see. . . but My Jamieson, we’ll have to get it right, I’m afraid. The recording is for teaching English to German schoolchildren, and it must be spoken in the way it is taught in German school. ”
I read the passage again. . . and again. . . and again. But of course you cannot change the pronunciation of a lifetime in an hour. The studio men were in the state of having lost hope and underlined the vowels which caused me to feel angry, so that I’d remember them. Few, really. But because I had to concentrate (集中)on them, I made a lot of mistakes in my reading. Everyone got somewhat irritable(easily made angry), so we all went out for a beer.
60. Broadcasting did not make Mike nervous________.
A. although he had never done any before
B. because he worked in a news agency
C. because he was used to talking on the phone
D. although the passages were long
61. What happened after Mike had read the third passage?
A. They made him repeat it.
B. They said nothing.
C. They began to discuss the King’s English.
D. They could not understand one of the words.
62. They wanted Mike to change his pronunciation because________.
A. German schoolchildren did not like a northern accent
B. it was different from the English taught in German schools
C. it was different from the English spoken in Germany
D. German schoolchildren were taught through recordings
63. Why did Mike’s reading of the passage get worse?
A. He needed a drink to clear his throat
B. He was trying to do the recording in an hour.
C. He was trying hard to get certain sounds right.
D. He could not learn so many new sounds.
Let us say there is something you don’t know how to do. In the past if you were determined to learn, you might have called friends or relatives, taken a night class or walked down to the local library for a research term. But now a host of websites are springing up to provide free practical advice on these subjects and actually anything else you can think of. In one sense, these“ how - to sites represent a part of the growing world of online learning. These FAQs (Frequent Answers and Questions), many of which still circulate(go round continuously), took a special subject and explained it to complete novices. But, “how - to” sites take the FAQ idea in a somewhat different direction by addressing subjects that aren't necessarily associated with discussion forums (論壇). These sites take the style of a written tutorial and a tone of friendly advice. Possibly the biggest and best known of these sites is learn 2. com(www. learn2. come)It offers nearly 1, 000 free tutorials and adds new ones frequently for a job interview. At ehow. com (www. ehow. )you can learn how to train for your first marathon, how to buy a vacation home, or how to make a movie in eight steps.
64. The purpose of the passage is to________.
A. introduce new websites to netizens(網(wǎng)民)
B. say how to learn new courses by Internet
C. bring new means to learn something new
D. help you to solve any difficulty you meet with
65. The underlined word“ novices” probably means________.
A. people with rich experience
B. people without experience
C. beginners of “how-to” sites
D. hosts of “how-to” sites
66. From the passage we may guess that________.
A. a deaf person can teach himself at home by visiting “how-to” sites
B. “how - to” sites are specially designed for the disabled
C. you can just click your mouth at home to question anything
D. it is pleasant to listen to the advice on “how-to” sites
67. If you have no tent when you decide to go camping, you may________ .
A. visit www. learn2. com B. visit www. ehow. com
C. visit some site else       D. go to the tourist company
A Child’s birthday party doesn't have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun, according to Beth Anaclerio, an Evaston mother of two, ages 4 and 18 months.
“Having a party at home usually requires a lot of running around on the part of the parents, and often the birthday boy or girl gets lost in wild excitement. But it really doesn't have to be that way,” said Anaclerio. Last summer, Anaclerio and her friend Jill Carlisle, a Northbrook mother of a 2 - year - old, founded a home part - planning business called “A party in a Basket. ” Their goal is to help parents and children share in the fun part of party planning, like choosing the subject or making a cake, while they take care of everything.
Drawing on their experiences as mothers, they have created (制作)10 ready -to- use, home party packages. Everything a family needs to plan a party, except the cake and ice cream, is delivered to the home in a large basket.
“Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10, ” Anaclerio said, “and they’re very interactive (互動 )and creative in that they build a sense of drama based on a subject. For example, at the Soda Shoppe party the guests become waiters and waitresses and build wonderful ice cream creations. ”
The standard 200 package for eight children includes a basket filled with invitations, gifts, games and prizes, paper goods, a party planner and the like. For more information. call Anaclerio at 708-864-6584 or Carlisle at 708-205-9141.
68. The main purpose of writing this text is________ .
A. to share information about party planning
B. to introduce the joys of a birthday party
C. to announce a business plan
D. to sell a service
69. The most important idea behind the kind of party planning described here is that ________.
A. it brings parents and children closer together
B. guests play a part in the preparation of a party
C. parents are spared the trouble of sending invitations
D. it provides a subject of conversation
70. What does the underlined word “hassle” (paragraph 1 )probably mean?
A. a party designed by specialists
B. a plan requiring careful thought
C. a situation causing difficulty or trouble
D. a demand made by guests
71. Which of the following is most likely to be a party planner?
Texas―US President George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Put in failed to bridge their differences over a key arms control treaty last week, but that didn’t stop them from backslapping(喧鬧的狂歡)as they ended a summit(= a meeting between heads of governments).
The two leaders also offered differing interpretations (= explanations)of the fate of nuclear warheads to be removed from missiles (導彈)under arms reductions they each announced last week. Bush said he intended to destroy the warheads, but Put in said their fate should be negotiated(談判).
The two men united on the need for northern Alliance forces――to allow for a broad based government that respects all parties there.
Bush and Put in had spent the night at Bush’s ranch. Despite the rain, the rural environment(環(huán)境)and friendly company appeared to have worked its magic. they slapped(= hit quickly with the flat part of the hand)on the back and joked, at one point teasing(= make fun of sb. )each other about whether it is better to visit Texas in the heat of August or Siberia in winter.
Analysts(分析家)say the dramatic warming in US- Russian relation could herald (預示)an era of pragmatism (務實的想法或做法)in global affairs as the two old rivals(= competitor)finally end decades of hostility (= a state of enemy )and become friends.
“Washington and Moscow are no longer playing the ‘big game’ against each other, but with each other, ” said Karl Heniz Kamp, an analyst at the Konrad Adenaner Foundation, a German think tank.
72. It can be concluded that President Bush and President Put in ________.
A. didn’t agree on key arms control treaty
B. offered different explanations of the future of nuclear warheads under arms reductions
C. neither A or B
D. both A and B
73. The reason why the two men joined together is that________
A. they were needed by the Northern Alliance forces
B. they had taken the advice given by Karl Heinz Kamp, an analyst of a German think tank
C. they had already been partners
D. they had no different opinions on everything
74. The warming of US - Russian relations indicates that________.
A. the two persons end hostility and become friends
B. US can benefit a lot from global affairs
C. there will be an end to all the armies of the world
D. it is a turning point to words being practical in global affairs
75. What the two men teased about shows that________.
A. they appeared friendly but in fact they didn’t
B. they just made fun of each other
C. they are friendly and humorous
D. they invited each other to their countries in the bad weather
第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分l0分)
Nowadays, paper still come from trees. Unfortunately, we use a 76. ________
lot of paper every day. We must not waste paper and there will 77. ________
not be any trees leaving on Earth. No trees means no paper. We 78. ________
need 17 trees make one ton of paper. We must start using less 79. ________
paper now because it takes about 100 years of a tree to grow. 80. ________
How can we save paper? Firstly, we can use both the sides 81. ________
of every sheet of paper. We can re - use envelope. We can choose 82. ________
drinks in bottles instead of drinks in cardboard cartons. We can 83. ________
re - use plastic cups and plates instead of paper ones. We can also 84. ________
use handkerchiefs instead of paper tissues. We can use less paper 85. ________
shopping bags and we can re - use these paper bags later as well.
第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)
1. 2001年7月,中國獲得2008年在北京舉辦奧運會的權利。
2. 2001年11月,中國加入了世界貿(mào)易組織(the WTO)。
3. 在北京,業(yè)余時間學習英語的人數(shù)比前幾年增長了近70%。出租車司機至少能講100句英語日常用語。
English Is getting More Important
The year 2001 was a great year in the history of China. Inspiring events occurred one after another.
21. D 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A
提示:get down to意思是“著手干某事”。to是介詞,其后加ving形式或名詞。類似的詞組有be used to,pay attention to devote. …to……等
26. D 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. D
提示:as引導定語從句。關系代詞as在從句中作主語或賓語。如果選A項that引導的是狀語從句,狀語從句中that 不作成分所以句子應是“that they can not work it out”
32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
提示:根據(jù)上文didn't invite斷定句中是表達過去的動作,所以應用對過去的虛擬。“should have+過去分詞”。
36. A 提示:從后文中爬上屋頂?shù)瓤梢钥闯鰏nails在墻上。
37. C 提示:從墻上去更高遠的屋頂上。
38. B 提示:表示動作的普通動詞move.
39. D 提示:in……direction.
40. D 提示:向前運動為主動意識故為pull oneself.
41. A 提示:track痕跡。
42. B 提示:蝸牛在向前運動時留下痕跡為一條線。
43. C 提示:屋子里墻上屋頂上到處都是蝸牛,作者心里很害怕。
44. B 提示:離開屋子leaving.
45. D 提示:穿上大衣為put it on.
46. A 提示:hardly. …when為固定搭配句型。
47. C 提示:collar和下面的pocket都是大衣的部分。
48. A 提示:let out a cry,是發(fā)出的喊聲為固定搭配。
49. A 提示:that來代替前面發(fā)出的喊聲。
50. B 提示:get rid of把. . . …去掉。
51. C 提示:下文中回來清除蝸牛故這里應是呆在家里吃晚飯之意。因為作者還沒有離開,故不用returning.
52. B 提示:make one's effort to do sth為固定搭配。
53. C 提示:一只蝸牛也沒有除在屋里了用be left. remain. 不及物不能用被動語態(tài)。
54. D 提示:最后一句成為我們的一頓美餐因而把蝸牛弄到廚房,做成菜。
55. A 提示:have sth done使……被吃。
56. C 57. D 58. B
59. D從短文第一句話中得知:當護士曾經(jīng)一度是許多年輕女子的夢想。
60. A 6l. A 62. B 63. C 64. C 65. B
66. A 提示:通過網(wǎng)絡學習,不需要象常規(guī)課程中聽課。
67. B 68. D 69. A 70. C 71. A 72. D 73. A 74. D
75. C提示:文章中表明兩國總統(tǒng)雖然在有些問題上沒有達成共識,但一直在友好的氣氛中進行,故選C
76. come-comes paper作主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù)
77. and-or,or“否則”
78. leaving-left
79. make前加to,不定式作后置定語
80. of-for,for sb. /sth to do為一常用短語
81. 去掉the
82. envelope-envelopes
83. √
84. re-use 改為use
85. less-fewer這里修飾的是bags
One possible version:
English Is Getting More Important
The year 2001 was a great year in the history of China. Inspiring events occurred one after another. For example. In July, 2001 China succeeded in winning the right of holding the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing; in November of the same year China joined the WTO(or: became a member of the WTO)at last. That means we Chinese will have more chances to communicate (or: get on)with people from all parts of the world. Therefore, English is getting more and more important.
It is said that in Beijing more and more people are learning English in their spare time. The number of people learning English is nearly 70 percent larger than that of the last years'. Even the taxi drivers have been asked to be able to speak 100 words and expressions of everyday English.
Nowadays, we Chinese are crazy about English learning.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/76518.html
