云南省昆明一中屆高三上學(xué)期期末考試 英語(yǔ)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

云南昆明第一中學(xué)屆高三考l.-I wonder if you can lend me your camera? - ,I’m not using it anyhow.A.Sure, go ahead B. I don’t know ......3.It is easy to learn English. You need is to practice more and use it frequently....The way you speak should circumstances.A.care about B.match withC.make upD.change into5.Susan doesn’t think she’ll need any money but she’ll bring some ......-Well, There’ one just six kilometers away and the water a little hot......The sales goal, or you’re sure to lose the high salary job......’s John, the pilot? -He be drinking coffee in the rest room as usual.....10.-My photography needs development all the way to becoming professional.-That’s really what you need to........................................One night, and long after he’d stopped driving.Dad himself a taxi to his flat..’s frustration and told him to“ 22 ”while he walked quickly into his flat.moments, Dad 23 with a plastic coin dispenser(分幣器)he had from his own 24 days.he said to the driver, 25 he’d once been a taxi driver, too..my father he’d get a free far the next rime they met..’t remember me?”Dad was confused...remembered him and his gesture from a year 35 .......................................................................................................’s practice of gathering lost animals by rescuing and rehoming countless cats for over 20 years, taking a maximum 15 at a time, rehoming some of them first, and keeping the rest for herself.Millionaire street cleaner(China)What matters most to Yu Youzhen, a wealthy laudlord from Wuhan City, China, is not the money she’s made from wise building investments, but that her children can learn from her example.? want to be a role model for my children,?rs. Yu told the Wuhan Evening News. ? dont f’t want to sit around idly and eat up my fortune.?o, six days a week, the starts work at 3a, m. and works for six hours Teaching maths in a colorful classroomE(South Africa)Maths teacher Wendy Lovett knows how to get kids interested in her subject. In , Lovett went from the UK to South Africa to work at the Center of Science and Technology(COSAT).When she arrived. The walls of her classroom were plain and boring. Her solution was to paint colorful shapes and graphs on the walls, and engage the students by getting them to make three-dimensional paper shapes hung from the ceiling. The result? An inspiring place to learn. The interest in maths changed overnight.?ou look up and see all these colors, and suddenly the answer just comes t your mind,?isippo, a y tenth-grader at COSAT told PRL’s The World radio program last July.36................ interest in maths change so quickly?A................something for others.They are the clever, funny or special images that lighten up the home page of one of the world’s most-used search engines on random days throughout the year.everything from the New Year to Marconi’s birthday to the spring equinox(春分). Most are drawn by a small learn of designers working for or hired by Google..submissions, a learn of nine guest judges-incuding TV host Katie Courier and The Roots drummer Amhir Thompson-chose a touching’s little reads,?hen I was ten yeas old, my Dad came home from war. This was the best day ever.?The design, titled?oming Hone? was the first major exhibition of her work for the keen art students, hapeand it had an, audience of millions. But for Brady, it’s the personal story that matters. She recalled welcoming her father back from an 18-month period in lraq, ?ith my Doodle, I tried to show how unreal it was when he came home.? a For her design, Brady received a $ 30,000 college scholarship, a Google Chrome-book computer and other prizes.Sparta High School, from which Brady graduated after winning, received a $ 50,000 technology funding. "It's a tough competition to judge," says Google technologist Daniel Sieberg, pa of the team that supervise'(監(jiān)督)the competition, "but as soon as you see ' Brady's design', you can feel it.”40.What do we know about Google from the passage? A. Google is the world's most-used search engine B. All the Google Doodles are drawn by a team of signers. C. Google invites American students to redesign the company logo. D. Google is good at using gifted persons.41.This year, the theme of oogle Doodle's design competition is to . A. show your school life B. describe your war experience C. picture your best day D. express your love to Dad42.According to the text, the winner of the competition is chosen by A. a group of nine guest judges B. the students of Sparta High School C. a sma team of designers D. a team that oversaw the competition43.Why did Brady win the design competition? A. Her design expressed people's wish for peace. B. She was a student from Sparta High School. C. She was familiar with one of the judges. D. Her father was a hero from Iraq war.C As kids, my three brothers and I fought over the normal things: baseball, board games, baths. But ourfinished the eating fast enough to get seconds? Who got the biggest slice of pie? Our mother cut the portions so equally that it would have taken a micro-meter to tell them apart, but her efforts were in vain. Whether longing for the last hot dog, snatching an extra piece of crispy skin from the roast chicken, or writing who had the most cherries in his fruit cocktail, each of.us struggled, constantly, to get his fair share. But for adults, mealtime strategies practiced in childhood have occasionally led to trouble. When my older brother, Harry, traveling in India, was stricken with a mysterious disease and lost 14 kilos, he took something he found on the street as a half-eaten chicken and quickly put it into his mouth before someone else got it.Our younger brothers, Ned and Mark, hilled up their food in all-you-can-eat Chinese buffets from childhood fears that there'd be nothing left on the serving plate.I once was watching man oeuvres (軍事演習(xí))performed on me while swallowing fist-sized prawns(對(duì)蝦). Some believe that siblings who express rivalry during their youth end up more closely bonded in adulthood than siblings who experienced no rivalry.At our family dinners these days, my brothers and I tend toward harmony.We still eat as if we were in a race, but there is no fighting for chicken skin, no wrestling over the last piece of pie. This may be because we four brothers are likely to be the ones cooking.Not only do we love working in the kitchen together, but this way we can also make sure there will be more than enough food for us all.44.Although the mother cut the portions equally, siblings the childhood may . A. didn't get their fair share B. still wanted a whole chicken C. didn't hink it's necessaryD. didn't stop struggling for their food45.The third paragraph mainly tells us the habit formed in A. lead to success B. cause problems C. destroy a person.bring a bright future46. What does the author think of the sibling rivalry? A.It breaks up the brothers.B.It benefits the brotherhood. C.They can get more food.D.They can improve cooking skills.47. What can we learn from the passage? A.More children mean more problems. B. Hunger education makes children brave. C. Everything has ts advantage and disadvantage. D. Mothers are to blame for children's behavior.D.happens on the hands, feet, nose and ears. Peopl云南省昆明一中屆高三上學(xué)期期末考試 英語(yǔ)
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