山東省威海市乳山一中屆高三開學(xué)檢測試題 英語 無答案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高三英語開學(xué)檢測題一卷滿分(95分)特別注意:16——20題請在答題卡上空出來,不涂,其余的按題號對應(yīng)涂卡。第一節(jié)單項填空(共15小題:每小題1分,滿分15分) 從A、 B、 C、D 四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。1. —May I see your driving license, please?— ? Did I do something wrong?A. Why not B. What C. Who cares D. So what2. The No. l subway, at the end of 20l4, will greatly improve the traffic conditions in Qingdao.A. opened B. was opened C. opens D. to be opened3.This machine is very easy ______.A operating B to be operating C operated D to operate4. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing…but we seem ______the art of communicating face-to face. A losing B to be losing C to be lost D having lost5. More highways have been built in China, ______it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. A making B made C to make D having made6. If I had known you were coming ,I ______a larger table. A. would have reserved B. should have reserved C. would reserve D .might reserve7. Yesterday my aunt sent me an email _______she told me she would come to see me next week. A. which B. where C. that D.when8. lt's one thing to have theories, but it's_______to put them into practice. A. others B.other C. another D.more9. To our great relief, the exam turned out to be not so difficult as we_______. A. imagined B. had imagined C. would imagine D.have imagined10. The inventor was determined to go on with the experiment_______countless failures. A. instead of B .because of C.in favour of D. regardless ofl1._______you need any help, please don't hesitate to let me know. A. In case B. Now that C. Even if D. Ever since12. I'm sorry to bother you, ____ can you direct me to the railway station? A. so B. and C. but D. yet13. 1'll go to the bookstore with you as soon as I finish what I _______. A. have done B. would do C. am doing D. was doing14. .I passed by Joan quickly without greeting her, ______not to see her. A. pretending B.to pretend C .pretended D .having pretended 15. He works to get_______, not because he enjoys it. A. paid B. to be paid C. paying D. to pay特別注意:16——20題請在答題卡上空出來,不涂,其余的按題號對應(yīng)涂卡。第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所級的四個選項 (A、B、C和 D) 中選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。 With a master's degree in aircraft control, Guo used to have a high-paying job working on China's commercial satellite launch projects. However, such a job left him feeling 21 . He spent much of his free time on extreme 22 like gliding(滑翔) and surfing. Then, during a trip to Hong Kong in 2000, he first tried sailing, and he 23 decided that this was his life's passion and 24 his career. 25 this was a risky change for a 35-year-old, he says he simply decided to “ 26 my heart and throw myself into what I love and do my best in it," he said. After sailing professionally for 12 years, Guo 27 on his great journey from his hometown, Qingdao, on Nov 18. He spent about three years "learning the 28 , finding the right boat, testing the boat and 29 with a coach," he told China Daily. The open waters were 30 . On New Year's Day, he had to climb up the six-story-high mast (桅桿) to 31 his foresail. which had been damaged by wild winds in the Southern Ocean. He could only sleep about three hours a day, 32 every 20 to 30 minutes to 33 the situation. On the return 34 , in the Taiwan Straits, he had to stay 35 for three days, watching out for fishing boats and nets. In order to 36 the weight on the boat. Guo packed mostly dehydrated(脫水的) food and energy drinks. He got his 37 by using desalination(脫鹽) tablets on sea water or 38 rain water. He lost 8kg on the voyage, which 39 21,600 nautical(航海的,海上的) miles (40,000 km) around the globe. "Miracles(奇跡) happen only when we believe in our 40 . However, nothing will be achieved by daydreaming. To realize our dream, we have to give it our all and give it our best," he told Guangzhou Daily.21. A. tired B. excited C. embarrassed D. unchallenged22. A. career B. sports C. jobs D. incidents23. A. suddenly B. finally C. strangely D. gradually24. A. kept B. changed C. achieved D. continued25. A. Since B. As C. Although D.If 26. A. fill B. break C. lose D. follow27. A. took off B. set off C. broke off D. got off28. A. skills B. languages C. customs D. routes29. A. working B. fighting C. training D. traveling30. A. interesting B. unpredictable C. dangerous D. favorable31. A. turn B. make C. replace D. repair32. A. sleeping B. standing C. waking D. sitting33. A. control B. observe C. face D. transform34. A. journey B. trip C. process D. way35. A. energetic B. calm C. awake D. enthusiastic36. A. measure B. lose C. reduce D. increase37. A. food B. water C. milk D. salt38. A. buying B. finding C. gathering D. pumping39. A. walked B. sailed C. expanded D. covered40. A. stories B. dreams C. experiences D. motivations第二部分閱讀理解(共25小題; 每小題2分,滿分50分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和 D) 中選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。A Los Angeles is home to two big NBA clubs: the Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers. While the Lakers are more talked about as title contenders (冠軍爭奪者) because of superstar player Kobe Bryant, the Clippers are perhaps more exciting to watch ? mainly thanks to the crazy slam dunks (扣籃) of Blake Griffin. Before Griffin's game, peoplealways ask, "how many revolutionswill he make?", "how high will heleap?" and "how difficult will hismoves be?" On April 7, Griffin scored aleading 24 points, which helped theClippers beat the Lakers 109-95 towin their first Pacific Division title. Griffin, 24, first established himself in the league after he won the Slam Dunk Contest. He soared (飛躍) over a car and scored a powerful dunk - "a perfect way to show off his combination of athleticism and Hollywood talent," commented The Associated Press. It came as no surprise. Griffin grew up watching and re-watching every dunk contest onvideotape, studying the event's development. It wasn't long before many of Griffin's high school mates were asking for his autograph. Young Griffin scored big and won stardom but today he also works for a charity organization known as Dunking for Dollars. He contributes $100 to fight against childhood obesity (肥胖癥) for every dunk that he makes. Griffin likes to throw down crowd-pleasing dunks, but he also wants to preserve his body for battles to come. According to Arash Markazi , reporter with ESPN, the goal for the Clippers is "no longer simply beating the Lakers on national television". although they did do so three times thi山東省威海市乳山一中屆高三開學(xué)檢測試題 英語 無答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/786103.html
