
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高三英語試卷參考答案1~5 CCBAD 6~10 FEACG?11~15 ABCDD 16~20 ACBDD 21~25 BADCA26~30 CDDAB 31~35 CBADD 36~40 CBAAB 41~45 CDABC 46~49 DCDA50~53 ADCB 54~56 DAC 57~60 BCDC 61~65 ABDCF ?66.outline 67.import 68.modest 69.congratulated 70.laughter 71.cheating 72.survey 73.Foggy74.forgiven 75.seriously短文改錯(cuò)Tim, I am Li Hua. This is my last year of high school, and I’ll graduate this summer. I’m eighteen year yearsold. There is three people in my family and I’m the only one child, who is very common in Chinese families. are whichMy father work in a factory and my mother is a teacher. We lived a happy life together. works liveI’m∧ cheerful boy. Besides my courses, I have much hobbies, like playing football, basketball and a manyswimming. In the past, I collected in a lot of stamps, which are very preciously now because we seldom post a preciousletter nowadays. I wonder if you can tell me something about myself, your family and daily school life. yourself書面表達(dá)?One possible version:Recently Xi’an has often seen the heavy smog weather, which has done great harm to our daily life. Due to the heavy smog many traffic accidents happened, and some people got injured and some even lost their lives. Besides, more and more people who are suffering symptoms related to smog have to go to see the doctor. Now that we have realized the great harm caused by the smog, we should take measures to reduce the smog. It is vital to make it by educating people especially factory owners to raise their awareness of protecting the environment. People should go to work by bus or by bike if possible instead of driving and plant more trees to absorb and clean the polluted air. Only in this way can we save ourselves from the smog.I sincerely hope all the citizens in Xi?an can work together to do something to save the air we breathe every day. !第1頁 共16頁學(xué)優(yōu)高考網(wǎng)。£兾魇酶呷聦W(xué)期第一次聯(lián)考英語答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/976798.html
