
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

第一節(jié)單項填空(共10小題海小題1分,滿分10分) 從瓦B、認D四}、選項中,選出可以填人空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。1. -Do you think I should go to the party with her, Jim? 一  If I were you, I certainly would. A. It depends.  B. None of your business.  C. Why not?  D. I don't think so2. Linda gave us a vivid  of her trip to Eumpe after her return A. idea B. imagination  C. explanation  D. description3. If you’re buying today's paper from the stand, could you get  for me? A. anything  B. one  C. it D. that4. -Look! Somebody  the window. -Well, it wasn't me. I didn't do it A. has broken  B. was breaking  C. had broken  D. is breaking5. It is difficult for children to change their eating habit later in life.  ,parents should encourage healthy eating from an early age. A. However  B. Therefore  C. Besides  D. Otherwise6. I just couldn't imagine so much money raised for children in poor areas  without permission. A. taking  B. to take  C. being taken  D. to be taken7. -These apples are really quite good -They  be! Just see the price, $3.99 a pound. Very expensive, aren,t they! A. should  B. would  C. might  D. could考點:考查情態(tài)動詞的用法。8. Working in the earthquake stricken areas has its problems,    obtaining fresh water is not the least A. with which  B. what  C. which  D. of which9. I stared into the darkness and wondered if he was aware of my presence as I 。 A. did his  B. was him  C. did of him  D. was of his10. It was twelve_ he got home last night, which made his mother angry. A. that  B. when  C. since  D. before第二節(jié)完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項中,選出可以填人空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。 It was January 25th, 2008: Nisha and Akshaye's marriage anniversary. But things hadchanged 11 their marriage. The couple quarreled about 12 things.,Yet they still loved eachother. Nisha thought her husband might have 13 about their anniversary. When door bell rang,Nisha was 14 happy that Akshaye had finally remembered. She ran to open the door. Indeed,Akshaye was standing outside and 15 a bunch of flowers. They started to have a(n) 16 night. But then the phone started ringing. Nisha went to 17 it up. There was a man on theother 18 of the phone. "Hello, madam. I am caflingfrom the 19 station. Is this Mr. AkshayMalhotra's number?" "Yes, it is." "There was an 20 ,and a man died. We got your number from the man's 21 .weneed you to come here and 22 the body’ Nisha’s heart 23 ."Whhhaat? B ...but my husband is here with me." "Sorry, madam, the accident took place at 3:00 pro, She had heard that the soul of the dead person would come to meet you 24 it departedShe ran to the sitting room. Akshaye was not there. Had something bad really happened? If shehad been given 25 chance, she would have mended all her 26 .She was about to lose hetsenses. 27 Akshaye came out of the bathroom, saying, "Dear, my wallet was 28 while Iwas 29 my way home this afternoon." Life might not give you a 30 chance. So never waste a moment when you have thechance to make up for your deeds【小題5】A. holding B. giving C. carrying D. delivering【小題6】 A. geode B. normal C. extraordinary D. romantic【小題7】 A. put B. pick C. get D. give【小題8】A. beginning B. line C. end D. call【小題9】A. police B. bus C. post D. railway【小題10】 A. accident B. affair C. event D. incident【小題11】A. ID card B. passport C. wallet D. license【小題12】A. realize B. identify C. achieve D. know【小題13】A. beat B. drowned C. shocked D. sank【小題14】 A. after B. before C. since D. because【小題15】A. another B. other C. the other D. one【小題16】A. mistakes B. faults C. disadvantages D. failure【小題17】A. Sadly B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Unfortunately【小題18】A. stolen B. thrown C. dropped D. attached【小題19】. A. in B. over C. above D. on【小題20】 A. nice B. second C. satisfied D. third【答案】【小題17】C【解析】【小題11】考查名詞:A. ID card身份證,B. passport護照,C. wallet錢包,D. license執(zhí)照,此處與 53 空前的 wallet 照應。選C考點:考查故事類短文第二部分閱讀理解 第一節(jié)閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分) 閱讀下面五篇短文,從每題所給的四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。 A The breaking news of Mo Yan’s Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday evening soon arousedpublic curiosity of the 57-year-old Chinese writer: Why was he favored by the Swedish Academy? Less than half an hour after the announcement from Stockholm, Mo's works turned to "soldnut" status at China's major online book sellers. One luckv buver wrote in an online comment: "Rushed to purchase, but to my shame; I havenot read any of his novels." Although Mo was entitled one of the top China’s literature awards before the Nobel Prize, heis not the most popular novelist in China, in either the book market or in reputation. Chinese media seemed to be shocked as some journalists were reported to be on their wayovernight to Gaomi City of East China’s Shandong Province, Mo's birthplace where he stayed withhis family. Born in 1955 into a rural family, Mo dropped out of school and became a farmer whenhe was a teenager. He joined the army and devoted himself to writing. Mo's novels weretranslated into several languages. For more than a century, Nobel Prize has been regarded by theworld as recognition to an individual or even a nation’s cultural and scientific advances. "I think the reason why I could win the prize is that my works present lives with uniqueChinese characteristics, and they also tell stories from a viewpoint of common human beings, whichgo beyond differences of nations and races," Mo said on Thursday evening to Chinese journalists. Mo also said many folk arts originated from his hometown, such as paper cuts and traditionalnew year paintings, have inspired and influenced his novels Mo's prize may give powerful encouragement to the country's writers as the more reflective ofChinese lives their works are, the more possible they arise as world literature.【小題1】From this passage we know that the news of Mo Yan’s Nobel Prize in Literature was. A. contrary to the belief of the Chinese media B. curiosity to the Swedish Academy C. a shock to online booksellers D. beyond the expectation of most Chinese people【小題2】The "one luckv buyer" mentioned in the third paragraph admitted that he A. had not yet read Mo Yan's novels B. had written an online comment C. regretted not reading Mo Yan's novels D. failed to buy a copy of Mo Yan's novels【小題4】Which of the following statements is true? A. His winning is mainly due to some folk arts included in his works B. Nobel Prize will no longer be regarded by the world as recognition to an individual. C. M. Yan’s success will encourage the Chinese writers to win more Nobel Prizes.D. Before ,Mo You had been considered as the most famous novelist in China【答案】【解析】考點:考查新聞報道類短文B One of our biggest fears nowadays is that our kids might some day get lost in a "sea oftechnology" rather than experiencing the natural world.,and computer games are leading to aserious disconnect between kids and the great outdoors, which will change the wild places of theworld, its creatures and human health for the worse, unless adults get working on child’s play Each of us has a place in nature to go sometimes, even if it was torn down. We cannot be,the last generation to have that place. At this rate, kids who miss the sens四川省涼山州屆高三上學期12月第一次診斷性檢測試題(英語)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/992123.html
