
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

文德書(shū)院 高三英語(yǔ)期中試卷 (-11)第Ⅰ卷(選擇題,共80分)第一部分:英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié):?jiǎn)雾?xiàng)填空(共20小題每小題05分,滿分10分)1. ________ remarkable increase. A. A; aB. The; aC. A; theD. The; /2. Look at the price of that bike! It is practically the same as ______ of a new motorcycle. A. oneB. thisC. thatD. it 3. ______ of potential danger on late night visits to ATMs, she didn’t dare to go without his boy friend ______ her. A. Warned; accompanied B. Having warned; accompanying C. Warning; accompaniedD. Having been warned; accompanying4. I think ______ is little possibility ______ she will be elected as monitor of our class. A. it; thatB. there; thatC. it; whetherD. there; whether5. --- Do you like cooking, Serena? --- ______. Luckily, I’ve never had to worry about it. My husband will do the job. A. Never mindB. Not reallyC. All rightD. No way6. The drunk driver is ________ for the traffic jam ________ yesterday.A. to blame; occurred B. to blame; occurring C. to be blamed; occurred D. to be blamed; occurring7. We are short of clean safe drinking water, which is found to be the ______ in many third world countries.A. exampleB. eventC. caseD. object8. I’m always ________ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others’ feelings. A. enthusiastic B. curious C. doubtful D. cautious9. Many students listened to the lecture, but I wondered how much they ______. A. took out B. took up C. took off D. took in 10. We are living in an age ______ we treasure very much, because it sees man’s rapid development.A. which B. when C. where D. what 11.______your timely help, the three children would not have survived the terrible accident.A. But forB. Thanks to C. Instead of D. Apart from12. The political situation in Libya will become even worse unless some measures ______. A. will be takenB. are taken C. have taken D. are to take13. Opposite the old town is the 5500 meters Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak_______ with snow.A. is covered B. covered C. covering D. covers14. ---Doug, where is your coach, Chow? ---See, he ______ by a group of journalists. A. is being interviewed B. has been interviewed C. is interviewing D. has interviewed 15. It was only after World War II had drawn to a close ______ in the United States. A. did the baby boom beginB. that the baby boom began C. when the baby boom began D. then the baby boom began16.What is concerning us greatly is ____ the workers held up in that area yesterday will be set free.A. that B. what C. when D. which17.Chemical pollution will bring about a threat to agriculture and food chain, and ________ to human health.A. frequentlyB. significantlyC. steadilyD. consequently18.In the document, it says that all goods ______ be shipped over before the due day. A. shall B. can C. may D. will Friends are angels who lift us to our feet ___ our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. A. unless B.because C.though D. when 20. --- I must go now, thanks again for your hospitality. --- _________. A. My pleasure! So long! B. With pleasure! Goodbye! C. You are welcome! Go slowly! D. Have a nice day! Good luck第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)My sister and I have been a headache for my mother, because my father was in the army, he was not around too often. __21__, my mother brought us up almost single-handedly and it must have __22__ real strength of mind to bring up such naughty and stubborn children who got out from one trouble only to get into another. Bonus and I weren’t scholars either. __23__, we hated studying from the very beginning. We were __24__ to spend time with our schoolbooks---out of the fear of Mum’s scolding. I almost did not make it to 10th grade. That entire summer Mum __25__ that I read my schoolbooks from the very first chapter till the last. I left __26__ college at 18. In my second year of college, while I was studying for my final exams, I got a phone call from Mum __27__ my sister had failed her 9th grade exams. Mum was heartbroken. My mother was an English teacher in a famous school in the city and it was a(n) __28__ for her. Then started another __29__ for my Mum. There always seemed to be people who would come and talk about how well their children were doing __30__ my mother would be having a tough time making sure we stayed on the right path. Mum was __31__ that we would do well for ourselves. She never let my sister and me __32__ that we had lost out on something and always told us: “Let this be a lesson. We are going to work really really hard...__33__ will change.” Things did change, but very slowly and __34__, one little step at a time. Last year I finished with law school and started working. My mother’s belief in me __35__. And just a few days ago I got a phone from Bonus. She had __36__ the exam with honors and was __37__ to the best university in the country. I was in tears. Later that night I __38__ Mum: “Mum, your two little failures didn’t do as badly as everybody thought.” Mum __39__ and said: “You are my daughters and I knew you the best. I always knew that you would succeed. It was just a __40__ of time.”21. A. HoweverB. ThusC. OtherwiseD. Besides22. A. devotedB. spentC. takenD. wasted23. A. In that caseB. In this way C. On the other handD. On the contrary24. A. pleasedB. annoyedC. forcedD. advised25. A. demandedB. concludedC. promisedD. mentioned26. A. atB. forC. fromD. after27. A. announcingB. readingC. knowingD. saying28. A. shameB. challengeC. prideD. honor29. A. experimentB. researchC. conflictD. trial30. A. thoughB. whileC. asD. unless31. A. determinedB. astonishedC. satisfiedD. concerned32. A. predictB. imagineC. guessD. feel33. A. EnvironmentB. SocietyC. CircumstancesD. Impressions34. A. quicklyB. extremelyC. smoothlyD. gradually35. A. made upB. paid offC. took onD. burst out36. A. attendedB. receivedC. passedD. failed37. A. acceptedB. allowedC. admittedD. permitted38. A. questioned B. convincedC. persuadedD. called39. A. noddedB. laughedC. shoutedD. joked40. A. matterB. periodC. wasteD. length 第二部分:閱讀理解(第一節(jié)20小題,第二節(jié)5小題;每小題2分,共50分)A NEW YORK (AP) — The investigation into the disappearance of 6-year-old Etan Patz has gone through decades and countries, from basements to rooftops and seemingly everywhere in between.No one has ever been charged criminally — and the little boy with sandy brown hair and a toothy grin was declared dead in 2001.This week, the six-year-old boy who went missing from the Soho area of New York City in 1979 is back in the news. Police and the FBI are investigating a possible lead into the 33-year-old case of Etan Patz, the first missing child to appear on the side of a milk box.The child disappeared on the way to school on the morning of May 25, 1979. It was the first time he was allowed to walk the two blocks to the bus stop alone.A tip seemed to have led officials to the basement of a building on the corner of Prince and Wooster streets, about a block and a half from where Etan had lived with his family.The name Etan Patz has become a hot topic on Twitter as people weigh in on the c浙江省華維外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)校文德書(shū)院屆高三第一學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷
本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/995496.html
