
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英語測試題單選21-- I knocked over my juice glass. It went right over ______keyboard. --- You shouldn’t put drinks near _______ computer. A the; a B a; 不填 C a; a D the; 不填 22.At last they climbed up the mountain, on the top of which _______ an old temple dating back to 1500BC.A. is lying B. there lies C. does lie D. lies23. If we learn to accept change and appreciate _____ is new and different, we’ll be well prepared for ____ the future may have in store.A. what, whatever B. that, what C. which ,whatever D. what, that 24. ---Have you been working in N0.1 Middle School since you graduated from college? ----No, I _______ in the countryside for 3 years. A. have taught B. had taught C. have been teaching D. taught25. The country's railway system has launched online ticket-booking and a real-name ticket purchasing system, and _______ requires passengers to provide their ID numbers when buying tickets. A. which B. that C. what D. this26. With the door _______, the thief’s heart beat fast.A. knocking B. being knocked C. to be knocked D. knocked 27. Meng Peijie , an ordinary girl who was among the 10 people awarded the title of “Touching China ”must be both optimistic and strong-minded. Otherwise, she _______ her disabled adoptive mother for 12 years. A. mustn't have looked after B. can't have looked after C. shouldn't have looked after D. couldn't have been looking after 28. During the two conferences, the journalists from the whole country _______ many problems the peasants were greatly concerned about. A. covered B. dealt C. referred D. interviewed 29.Having lived in the town for many years, Mr. Smith on longer felt _____ among the local people.A. out of place B. out of touch C. out of control D. out of use 30.______ a little earlier this morning! I missed the bus by only a minute and waited half an hour for another.A. If I got up B. If I had got up C. If only I had got up D. If only I got up 31.Exciting as its special effects are ______, there is too much violence in the film.A.to watch ?B.to be watched ?C.watching ?D.being watched32. _____ the international situation experiences great changes, China and the US have more common interests and shoulder more common responsibilities. A. As B. For C. Until D. However 33. It's reported that women with demanding jobs are almost _____ to suffer a heart attack. A. as likely twice B. likely twice as C. twice as likely D. twice likely as 34. Written in a hurry,__________. How can it be satisfactory? A. they found many mistakes in the report B. Sam made lots of mistakes in the report C. there are plenty of mistakes in the report D. the report is full of mistakes 35. —He is a very hard-working student. —_______. As far as I know, he often burns the midnight oil. A. You can say that again B. Absolutely not C. Heaven knows D. No way 完型第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。A young man waited at a stop light. In front of him was a woman going through papers on the seat of her car and when the light changed to green, she didn’t go. A green light is not a 36 , you know. It is more of a demand. But she didn’t 37 .When the light turned red again, she still had not 38 her car. The man now started 39 and beating his steering wheel.A 40 tapped on his windshield (擋風(fēng)玻璃). He asked for his 41 , returned to his car, talked on the radio, and finally handed it back. The driver protested, “I knew you couldn’t 42 me for shouting in my own car!”The officer replied, “I didn’t want to 43 you of that. But I was directly behind you. I 44 you, and I said to myself, ‘That man is out of 45 . He’s going to 46 someone!’ ”“Then I noticed the cross hanging 47 your rear view mirror, the bright yellow ‘Love Is a Choice’ license tag(牌照), and the ‘Give 48 a Chance’ bumper sticker (保險杠標(biāo)簽), and I am sure you must have stolen the 49 .”His behavior did not 50 his bumper sticker. But let’s not be too 51 . Are we always the people we want to be? We make 52 all the life. Personal change can happen when the person we at present are does not yet 53 the person we hope to be. Better to set high ideals and 54 fall short than to settle for mediocrity (平庸).The important question is not, “Who are you today?” It is 55 to ask, “Who will you be tomorrow?”36. A. markB. suggestionC. warningD. symbol37.A. observeB. followC. obeyD. notice38.A. movedB. reachedC. repairedD. left39.A. cryingB. confusingC. screamingD. complaining40.A. businessmanB. psychologistC. managerD. policeman41.A. passportB. licenseC. addressD. name42.A. arrestB. suspectC. chargeD. criticize43.A. remindB. accuseC. informD. appeal44.A. feltB. reportedC. sawD. recorded45.A. controlB. patienceC. angerD. despair46.A. hateB. terrifyC. killD. hurt47.A. inB. fromC. atD. on48.A. PeaceB. DesireC. AnxietyD. Courage49.A. carB. stickerC. crossD. tag50.A. communicateB. representC. reflectD. express51.A. horribleB. criticalC. curiousD. serious52.A. decisionsB. mistakesC. promisesD. changes53.A. resembleB. admireC. respectD. differ54.A. endlesslyB. neverC. sometimesD. seldom55.A. worseB. more usefulC.more interestingD. better閱讀理解 AI was riding my special motorbike this past weekend and stopped at a convenience store. As I was getting my wheelchair off the back, a man watched me from his car and I noticed a wheelchair in his back seat. We spoke for a moment and I asked him about the wheelchair. He answered that it was for his daughter. “Well, do you think she would like to go for a ride on my motorbike with me?” I asked. He seemed shocked that a total stranger would ask him this. He thought about it for a second and said, “Ok, as long as I can follow you.” He introduced me to Amy and he sat her on my back seat. Her father followed me for a few miles and she talked non-stop about what she wanted for Christmas.As we came back to the convenience store she said, “This ride is the best Christmas present I could ever receive. I have been in a wheelchair my whole life and didn’t know I could do this.” I told her about some of the other things I do (ski, travel the world by myself, etc.). As her father was taking her off my bike she turned to him and said, “Oh Daddy, I’m going to be OK. Mr. Bryant does all kinds of things— and I will too.” Her father turned away as a tear of joy rolled down his cheek. He hugged me and said, “I was sitting here praying for a gift for Amy that would encourage her. She often felt that her life was dull compared to other children. God answered my prayer just now. Now I pray that God will bless you for your gift to Amy today.” I believed what he said. Being kind and thoughtful to others, we can be an answer to prayer.56. How did the father feel at first when the author invited his daughter for a ride?A. He felt nervous because he was worried about his daughter’s safety.B. He was happy because his daughter could gain excitement.C. He felt surprised because he didn’t know the author.D. He was moved because the author was willing to help his daughter.57. What can we know about the author?A. He was a disabled man.B. He usually drove too fast.C. He worked in a convenience store.D. He often helped people who were in trouble.58. According to the passage, the girl _______. A. used to be a completely healthy personB. was unwillingly to communicate with a strangerC. was not allowed to do some fierce sport遼寧省沈陽四校屆高三上學(xué)期期中聯(lián)考英語試題(無答案)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/998972.html
