
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高一英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)語(yǔ)法專(zhuān)項(xiàng)練習(xí)主謂一致練習(xí)1. About 60 percent of the students _____ from the south,the rest of them _____ from the north and foreign countries.A. are/is B. are/are C. is/are D. are2. Half of the workers here _____ under 30 _____.A. is/years B. are/year old C. is/years old D. are/years of age3. Now Tom with his classmates _____ football on the playground.A. play B. are playing C. plays D. is playing4. The number of pages in this dictionary _____ about two thousand.A. are B. has C. have D. is5. Thirty dollars _____ too expensive.A. are B. is C. were D. be6. The audience _____ so large that no seat was left unoccupied in the great hall.A. is B. are C. was D. has7. The secretary and principal _____ at the meeting now.A. are speaking B. is speakingC. were making a speech D. have a speech8. "If anybody _____,please put down _____ name," said the teacher to the monitor.A. wants to buy the book/his B. want to buy the book/theirC. will buy the book/one's D. wants to have the book bought/her9. Nothing but one desk and six chairs _____ in the room.A. are B. is stayed C. is D. are left10. Having arrived at the station,_____.A. it was found that the train had left B. the train had leftC. the train was found left D. he found that the train had left11. Between the two roads _____ a TV tower called "Skyscraper Tower".A. stands B. standing C. which stands D. stand12. Either of you _____ going there tonight.A. will B. was C. is D. are13. You as well _____ right.A. I are B. I am C. as I am D. as I are14. All but Dick _____ in Class Three this term.A. are B. is C. were D. was15. -- Shall I wait here for three hours?--Yes. Three hours _____ to wait for such a doctor.A. are not very long for you B. is not long enough for youC. was not long enough for you D. will be too long for you16. Where to get the materials and how to get them _____ at the meeting.A. have not discussed B. have not been discussedC. has not discussed D. has not been discussed17. I took ma


athematics and physics because I think that _____ very important for me to make further research in this field.A. what is B. they are C. this D. which are18. Every student and every teacher _____.A. are going to attend the meeting B. have attended the meetingC. has attended the meeting D. is attended the meeting19. Three fourths of the bread _____ by Bob,and the rest of the bread _____ left on the table.A. was eaten/were B. were eaten/wasC. were eaten/were D. was eaten/was20. This pair of shoes _____.A. is her B. is hers C. are hers D. are her21.There ______ no life on the moon.A. is said to have B. are said to haveC. is said to be D. are said to be22.A group of ______ are eating ______ and ______ at the foot of the hillA. sheep; grass; leaves B. sheeps grasses leavesC. sheep; grass leaf D. sheeps grass leafs23.My family raise a lot of _______,including two______.A. cattles cows B. cows cattle C. cattle cows D. cow,cattles24.What he says and what he does_______.A. does not agree B. do not agree C. does not agree with D. not agree25.The boy and the girl each ______ toys.A. have their own B. has their own C. have her own D. has her own26.She is the only one among the ______ writers who ______stories for children.A. woman,writes B. women write C. women writes D. woman write27.The railway station is ______from our school.A. two hour`s drive B. two hours` driveC. two hour drive D. two hours drive28.Mike and John`s ______.A. father is a teacher B. fathers are teachersC. father are teachers D. fathers are teacher29.A great deal of talking and listening that ______ under casual circumstance may seem to be aimless.A. is occurred B. are occurred C. occurs D. occur30._______ the classroom needs to be cleaned.A. Either the offices or B. The offices andC. Both the office and D. The office and31.Three-fourths of the homework ______today.A. has finished B. has been finished C. have finished D.have been finished32.More than 60 percent of the wor


ld’s radio programmes ______in England.A. is B. was C. are D. be33. ______work has been done to improve the people`s living standardA.A great deal of B.A great many C.A large number of D.Many34.The rest of the magazines ______ within half an hour.A.is sold out B.are sold out C.was sold out35.There ______ a lot of sugar in the jar.A. has B.have C.is D.were sold out D.are36. ?All ______present and all ______going on well‖,our monitor said.A.is is B.are,are C.are is D.is are37.Yesterday the League secretary and monitor ______ asked to make a speech at the meeting.A.is B.was C.are D.were.38.Mary as well as her sisters ______ Chinese in China.A.are studying B.have studied C.studies D.study39.The rich______ not always happy.A.are B.is C.will D.may40. ______can be done ______done.A.All,have been B.All that,have beenC.All has D.All that,has been41.Either of the plans ______equally dangerous.A.are B.is C.has D.have42.The police _____the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.A.is searching B.were searching forC.are searching D.was searching for43.Your trousers ______dirty,you must have______ washed.A.is it B.are it C.are them D.is them44.The Olympic games ______held every four ______.A.is years B.are years C.is year D.are year45.He is the oly one of the students who______elected.A.are B.have C.has D.is46. ______a good enough price for this bookA.Two yuans are B.Two yuan areC.Two yuans is D.Two yuan is47.No bird and no beast ______in the lonely islandA.are seen B.is seen C.see D.sees48.Every means ______prevent the water from______A.are used to polluting B. get used to pollutingC.is used to ,polluted D.is used to ,being polluted49.Each of the ______in the ship.A.passenger has his own room B. passengers have their own roomC.passenger have their own room D.sengers has his own room50.What we need ______good textbooks.A.is B.are C.have D.has51.What you said just now______to do with the matter we are discussing.A.have


something B.has somethingC.had something D.was something52.Either your parents or your elder brother ______to attend the meeting tomorrow.A.is B.are C.are going D.have53.Neither of the novels which ____popular with us ____been translated into Chinese.A.are has B.are have C.is have D.is has54.Every boy and every girl ______to attend the evening party.A.wish B.wishes C.hope D.are hoping55._______ has been done.A.nety—nine percents of the work B. Half of what he promisedC. Two-fifths of the articles D. Three quarter of the business狀語(yǔ)從句專(zhuān)練I get to Pairs,I’ll call you up at the airport.A.Since B.While C.Once D.AltoughD.Whether the headmaster comes,we won×t discuss this plan. A.Unless B.If not C.Excepthow many times I phoned him,nobody answered it.A.Whatever B.No matter C.In spite of D.Though4.I had been to Beijing long you visited it.A.before B.till C.after D.when,he is good at drawing.A.To be a child B.A child as he is C.As a child D.Child as he is6.Don×t be discouraged you have fallen behind others.A.whether B.as if C.even if D.however7.We can get there on time the car doesn×t break down.A.while B.as long as C.so that D.even if8.The vase on the left is than the one on the right,and not .A.more nicer;so expensive B.much more better;as expensiveC.nicer;as expensive D.better;such expensive9.It wasn×t long he joined the job.A.that B.before C.until D.and10.These planes can fly than the old ones.A.as fast three times B.three times as fastC.three times fast D.three times fasterhad the bell rung the students took their seats.A.Hardly;when B.No sooner;whenC.Hardly;than D.No sooner;thenmany times,but he still couldn×t understand it.A.Having been told B. Though had been toldC.He was told D.Having toldwe have come,let×s stay and enjoy it.A.For B.As C.Because D.Since14.You×d better do you are required.A.like B.which C.that D.asthat none of us could follow him.A.He spoke very fast B.So fast he spokeC.Too fast he spoke D.So fast did he speak


16.I×ll start early, it may be dark.A.however B.whether C.ifthe baby fell asleep the room. D.thoughA.After;did the mother leave B.Not until;did the mother leaveC.Not until;the mother left D.Soon after;the mother had leftthe day went on,the weather got worse.A.With B.Since C.As D.While19.He can×t have gone out,the light is still on.A.because B.since C.as D.forI heard a cry for help.A.while B.since C.when D.as21.We shouldn×t do that dangerous experiment the teacher is with as.A.if not B.if C.unless D.as long as22.He has little education he is unable to find a job.A.such;that B.so;and C.so;that D.such;and23.The soldier was wounded,he pushed on.A.for B.and C.so D.yet24.The full letter reads follows.A.like B.as C.that D.which25.Will you go our motherland needs us most after graduation?A.that B.where C.in which D.to the place which26.This is a revision paper.When you do it,you×d better make a mark you have questions.A.where B.the place C.as if D.since27.Water power station are built big water falls.A.where there are B.where there have C.which has D.which are28.I am sure I×ll meet kind-h(huán)earted man I go.A.where B.to the place where C.wherever29.She is so good at playing table-tennis that she can hitthe ball she wants it to go.A. the place where B. that C. in which30.It was his mother came in to prepare his lessons.A.not until;did the boy beginC.until;did the boy begin D.the place D. where B.until;that the boy began D.not until;that the boy began分詞練習(xí)the house on fire,he dialed 119.A.To see B.Seeing C.Having seen D.Being seen2.I fell down and broke three of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teethA.fix B.fixing C.fixed D.to fixvoice. It's to hear her sing.A.pleased; pleasing; pleasure B.pleased; pleasant; a pleasureC.pleasing; pleased; a pleasure D.pleasing; pleasant; pleasure4. a post office,I stopped some stamps.A.Passed,buying B.Passing,to buyC.Having passed,buy D.Pass,to buywith the size of the


whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.Comparing B.To compare C.Compared D.Having compared6.Here are some new computer programs for home buildings.A.designing B.design C.designed D.to design7. _______a little money,Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.A.To save B.Saving C.Saved D.Having saved8.The teacher came into the classroom by his students.A.following B.to be following C.followed D.having followed.9.With the money he couldn't buy any ticket.A.to lose B.losing C.lost D.has lostA.being heard B.hearing C.heard D.hear11.The result of the test was ratherA.disappointed B.disappointingC.being disappointed D.disappoint12.I've never heard the word in spoken English.A.use B.used C.using D.useinghow to do the homework,I went to ask my teacher for help.A.Not to know B.Not knowing C.Knowing not D.Not known14.Deeply ,I thanked her again and again.A.being moving B.moved C.moving D.to be moved15.With winter on,it's time to buy warm clothes.A.came B.comes C.come D.coming ,the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building.A.Having shown B.Showing C.Has shown D.Having been shown17.He went from door to door,waste papers and magazines.A.gathering B.gathered C.gather D.being gathered18.The student corrected his paper carefully, the professor's suggestions.A.follow B.following C.followed D.being followed19.People in the city do not know the pleasure of country life.A.live B.to live C.lived D.living20.The foreigner tried his best,but he still couldn't make his pointA.understand B.understanding C.to understand D.understood21.The scientists were waiting to see the problem .A.settle B.settled C.to settle D.settling22.The ground is with leaves.A.covering,falling B.covered,fallingC.covered,fallen D.covering,fallen23.Lessons easily were soon forgotten.A.to learn B.learn C.learned D.learning24.The wallet several days ago was found in the dustbin outside the building.A.stolen,hiddenC.stealing,hidden25.A per


son all about his own. B.stealing,hiding D.stolen,hiding a foreign language must be able to use the foreign languageA.to learn,to forget B.learning,to forgetC.to learn,forgetting D.learning,forgettingdifferent kinds of pianos,the workers farther improved their quality.A.To produce B.Being producedC.Produced D.Having produced27.The students in the university are all taking courses a degree.A.coming to B.going toC.leading to D.turning to28.Many things impossible in the past are very common today.A.consider B.consideringC.considered D.be consideredmany times,he still couldn't understand.A.Having been told B.Having toldC.He having been told D.telling30.China is one of the largest countries in the world,9.6 million square (平方)kilometres.A.to cover B.covered C.covers D.covering31."We must keep a secret of the things here",the general said, at the man in charge of the imformation office.A.discussed,stared seriously B.being discussed,seriously staringC.to be discussed,seriously stared D.discussed,stared32.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talksthat he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added B.to add C.adding D.addedthe composition,John handed it to the teacher and went out of the room.A.Writing B.Having written C.Written D.Being written34.Were you when you saw that wild animal?A.fright B.frightening C.frightened D.frighten35.Properly with numbers,the books can be easily found.A.marked B.mark C.to mark D.marking36.At this moment the bell rang the end of class.A.announce B.announcing C.announced D.to announce37.He walked down the hills,softly to himself.A.sing B.singing C.sung D.to sing38.I had to shout to make myself above the noise.A.heard B.hearing C.hear D.to hear39.The graduating students are busy material for their reports.第7 / 11頁(yè)A.collect B.to collect C.collected D.collecting40.The cars in Beijing are as good as those in Shanghai.A. produce,produce B. produced,producedC. produced,producing D. producing,pr


oducing41.When I came in,a patient.A. examine B. examining C. to examine D. examined42.①a satisfactory operation,the patient recovered from illness very quickly.② a satisfactory operation,the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon.A.Having been given B.Having givenC.Giving D.Being given43.He wrote a letter to me that his trip to Japan had been put off because of the bad weather.A.say B.saying C.said D.being saidⅡ.用適當(dāng)?shù)姆侵^語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞形式填空1.She caught the student (cheat) in exams.2.When I got there,I found him (repair) farm tools.3.When I got there,I found the farm tools (repair)4.Just then he heard someone (call) for help.5.He worked so hard that he got his pay . (raise)6.The missing boys were last seen (play) near the river.(compare) with the old one,the new building looks more beautiful.8.The workers had the machines (run) all night long to finish the work on time.9.People in the south have their houses (make of ) bamboo.(lose) in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.Ⅲ.改寫(xiě)下列句子,其劃線部分應(yīng)改為分詞短語(yǔ)Look round she burst into laughter.,she could not stay up for too long.A cold rain was falling. ,we met some friends of ours.The old man walked slowly.The groundThere is a tall tree第8 / 11頁(yè)It用法專(zhuān)項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練1. The Parkers bought a new house but _____ will need a lot of work before they can move in.A. they B. it C. one D. which2. I hate _______ when people talk with their mouths full.A. it B. that C. these D. them3. The chairman thought necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting .A. that B. it C. this D. him4. --Do you like ______ here?-- Oh,yes. The air,the weather,the way of life. Everything is so fine.A. this B. these C. that D. it5 I like ______ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.A. this B. that C. it D. one6. ---- ______ that he managed to get the information?---- Oh,a friend of his helped him.A. Where was it B. What was it C. How was it D. Why was it7.____ was not until yesterday


that he realized that he was wrong.A. That B. It C. This D. He8. The young lady at the corner was holding a baby in her arms and ______was crying for some more milk.A. it B. one C. she D. who9. Mr. Green kept telling her daughter not to surf the Internet toofrequently,but ______ didn’t help.A. he B. she C. which D. it10. --- I saw no more than one motor-car in that shop. Will you go and buy _______?--- No,I’d rather find _______ in other shops.A. one; one B. it; it C. one; it D. it; one11. I want to know ____:Has Mr. Jones been here the whole morning?A. it B. one C. that D. this12. The pacific region will be one of the fastest areas in the world in the 21st century. ______ shouldn’t be any doubt about it now.A. It B. That C. This D. There13. Will you see to that the luggage is brought back?A. which B. it C. this D. that14. What she said discouraged you, A. did it B. didn’t it ? C. did she D. didn’t she15. ---Excuse me,I want to have my watch fixed,but I can’t find a repair shop.---I know nearby. Come on,I ’ll show you.A. one B. it C. some D. that16. ?Did you find your pen yesterday??No,I didn’t find .第9 / 11頁(yè)A. it; it B. one; it C. it; one D. one; one17 It is what you do rather than what you say ____matters.A. that B. what C. which D. this18.--- Steven has got the first prize in the maths contest.--- ______ is no wonder that he looks so happy today.A. As B. It C. This D. That19.--- I hear you’ve written another novel.--- Yes. _______ be out in a month or two.A. That can B. One may C. It should D. The one will20.It is ______of you to cheat in the exam.A.dangerous B.difficult C.foolish D.kind參考答案主謂一致1-5 BDDDB 6-10 ABACD 11-15 ACDAB 16-20 DBCDB 21-25 CACBA 26-30CBACA 31-35 CCADC36-40CBCAD41-45 BBCBD 46-50 DBDDB 51-55 BAABB狀語(yǔ)從句專(zhuān)練1-5 CABAD 6-10 CBCBD 11-15 ACDDD16-20 DBCDC 21-25 CCDBB 26-30 AACDD分詞Ⅰ、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C10.C 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.B20.D 21.D 22.B 23.C 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.C30.C


31.A 33.D 34.B 35.C 37.B 38.C 39.A 41.B42.B 43.CⅡ、1. cheating5.raised9.made of 2.repairing 3.repaired 4.calling 6.playing 10.lost 7.compared 8.runningⅢ、1.Look round when crossing the street.2.Hearing the news,she burst into laughter.3.Being still rather weak,she could not stay up for too long.4.Gentlemen always shake hands when introduced to each other.5.A cold rain was falling,mixed with snow.6.While walking in the street,we met some friends of ours.7.The old man walked slowly,supported by his little grandson.8.The ground covered with white snow looks very beautiful.9.There is a tall tree covering the entrance to the cave.10.The worker wrote to the police disclosing who stole the money. It 的用法1—5 BABDC 6—10 DBADD 11—15 DDBBA 16—20 CABCC

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