
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


Unit 2


diet energy digestion balance roast

ought slim curiosity research customer

weakness strength debt gently limit

benefit sigh combine item packet

serve business frustrate fit cooperation

menu fat heavy curiosity hostess

discount raw fried barbecue fibre

consult warmly advertise admit offer


balanced diet ought to lose weight

put on some weight on one’s way even though

throw away according to rather than

amount to cut down before long

be amazed at feel sick in debt

be tired of be curious about get away with

tell lies get rid of in research of

earn one's living glare at benefit from

take off


1. But don’t you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner?

2. So that is what they did.

3. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.

4. … but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising ….

5. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.

6. He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in the …..

7. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.

8. Something terrible must have happened, if ……

9. Even though the customers might get thin after eating ….

10. He did not look forward to being in debt ….

11. They were both enjoying dumplings and breast of chicken cooked with garlic.


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/158423.html
