
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

2013-2014學(xué)年度上學(xué)期第二次考試高一英語試卷第一部分 聽力 (共兩節(jié),滿分0分)第一節(jié) (共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)聽下面5段對話,每段對話僅讀一遍。1. A. Go to see a movie B. Have dinner with the man. C. Have dinner with her colleagues.2. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a hospital. B. In a school. C. In a hotel.3. What does the man mean? A. He may change his lifestyle a bit. B. He dislikes his math teacher. C. He is not good at math.4. How does the woman feel about her new job? A. She is satisfied with it. B. She isn’t used to it. C. She likes the training.5. Who is Barbara? A. The man’s friend. B. The woman’s friend.C. The woman’s sister.第二節(jié) (共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)聽第6段材料,回答第6題。6. ’s car? A. $12,500. B. $24,500. C. $10,000. 7. How did the man usually go to work before?A. By train. B. By bike. C. By bus.聽第7段材料,回答第題。. What’s wrong with the stereo? A. It can’t play CDsB. Its sound is too low . C. It makes a strange noise.9. How would the man like his problem solved? A. Having his money back. B. Having his stereo repaired. C. Exchanging his stereo. 聽第8段材料,回答第1至1題。1. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Former colleagues. C. Schoolmates.11. What do we know about the woman?A. She is still single. B. She is good at sewing. C. She enjoys going to school.12. What is the man’s wife studying now?A. Typing. B. French. C. Cooking.聽第9段材料,回答第1至1題。1. What does the woman usually have for breakfast at home? A. Some toast. B. A boiled egg C. A cup of milk.14. Why do the two speakers have this trip? A. To have a honeymoon. B. To go shopping. C. To relax 15. What does the woman think of the man? A. Lazy. B. Considerate. C. Interesting.16. What will the woman do next?A. Eat something. B. Have a shower. C. Do some cleaning聽第10段材料,回答第1至20題。1. What is the text mainly about?A. A greenhouse plan for the Moon. B. Food for astronauts on the Moon. C. The great contribution of US scientists.18. How long is the life cycle of cabbages on the Moon?A. One night. B. One week C. Two weeks19. How many years old is the South Pole greenhouse?A. Four. `B. Five. C. Six.20. Who is Jane Poynter?A. An astronaut. B. A scientist. C. A boss.第二部分: 英語知識運用(共二節(jié), 滿分45分) 選擇填空(滿分15分) Letterboxes are much more ________ in the UK than in the US where most people have a mailbox instead. A. usual B. ordinary C. normal D. common Barbara went to the States a couple of years ago, by ___ time she had learned to dance and act in comedies. A. whose B. what C. that D. whichThe worker you had been thinking highly______ selfish. A. of proving B. of proved C. of to prove D. of being proved--Does the young man standing at the gate______ your class? ---No. My class is ______ Mrs Li.A. in charge of, in the charge of B. take charge of, take the charge ofC. take charge of, in the charge of D. in the charge of, in charge of______no doubt that someone_____ the iron box containing many jewels after dark.A. There is, moved B. It is, moved C. There is, removed D. It is, removed26.That new dictionary is very useful. It____ well and______ in the past few years. A. sells, had been sold out B. is sold, had been sold out C. sells, has been sold out D. is sold, has been sold out---The film deserves ______ a second time. ---Sorry, I can’t follow you clearly. ---I said that the film is worth_____ again. A. seeing, seeing B. seeing, of being seen C. to be seen, being seen D. to be seen, to be seenIn 1930, the man was missing at___ war, and many soldiers were sent in___ search for him. A. the,/ B./, the C. the, the D./,/He stopped________and looked right and left. . A. every third metres B. every few metres C. every other metres D. each four metres Good friends usually share the same interest and agree _____ most things but they also disagree _____ each other ____ something. A. On, with, to B. to, with, about C. on, with, on D. with, with, on Under good treatment, the wounded soldiers _____and will soon recover. A. make up B. dress up C. turn up D. pick up----Is there anything else to discuss? -----________.I guess.A. Not at all. B. No, that’s all. C. Yes, I’m sure. D. Yes, of course.33.The Party I _____and their Party will join together to ____the competition. A. joined, take part in B. joined in, take part in C. took part in, join D. took part in, join inNanchang is so good a city _____everyone wants to visit_____ it is famous in China. A. that, as B. as, as C. which, that D as, thatThe host stood _____when he saw a beggar appear before him suddenly. A. amazing B. amazed C. being amazed D having amazed第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從36~55各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項。I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people 36 I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a 37 person.I think my 38 started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my 39 and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever 40 to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really 41 . It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So tried a(n) 42 . I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I could 43 to help. That was really a big 44 for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of 45 are still my best friends today.A bigger cause of my new 46 , however, came when I took a part-time job at a Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimer’s disease became my 47 . Every time I came into her room, she was so 48 because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never 49 her, so I took her place. She let me 50 that making others feel good make me feel good, too, when she died, I was 51 , but I was very grateful to her.I think I am a much 52 person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not 53 these experiences. They have 54 me to care about other people more than about myself. I 55 who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago.36. A. since B. after C. before D. unless37. A. worth B. simple C. different D. valuableA. education B. careerC. tourD. change39. A. degree B. balanceC. applicationD. interest40. A. talked B. wrote C. told D. spoke41. A. personalB. curiousC. alone D. lonely42. A. argument B. debate C. experiment D. competition43. A. admit B. offer C. provideD. supply44. A. dream B. step C. mottoD. goal 45. A. whoB. which C. them D. whom46. A. attitude B. hobbyC. hope D. luck47. A. partner B. friendC. guide D. host48. A. politeB. happy C. amazed D. confident49. A. called atB. visited to C. paid a visit to D. paid a visit at50. A. fancyB. guessC. declareD. see51. A. homelessB. 江西百強名校2013-2014學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期第二次月考英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/201752.html
