
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

天水一中2013級(jí)2013-2014學(xué)年第一學(xué)期第二學(xué)段中檢測考試試卷英語第一卷一.單項(xiàng)選擇(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)1.?Mr.Reed?made?up?his?mind?to?devote?all?he?had?to?______?some?schools?for?poor?children。A.?set up? B.?setting?up? C.?be?setting?up? D.?be?set?up?2.?William,?a?famous?writer,?likes?living?in?a?house?______?the?windows?face?to?the?south.A.?whose? B.?its? C.?of?which? D.?and?which?3. ______ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A. It B. As C. That D. Which4.?I?thought?her?nice?and?honest?______?I?met?her.?A.?first?time? B.?for?the?first?time? C.?the?first?time? D.?by?the?first?time?5. The man ______ you talked on the street the day before yesterday is my uncle.A. who B. to who C. to whom D. that6. I didn’t like the way ______ she spoke to me.A. which B. that C. how D. as7. Now we are in a position ______ we have to accept that we are wrong. A. on which B. where C. when D. that8.Only?when?he?failed?in?the?final?exam?______up?his?mind?to?study?harder?to?catch?up?with?the?classmates?ahead?of?him.www.gkstk.com 學(xué)優(yōu)首發(fā)A.?he?made? B.?he?had?made? C.?had?he?made? D.?did?he?make9. This is the reason ______ they are all against the plan.A. which B. that C. why D. what10. The question is not worth ______ again and again.A. discussed B. being discussed C. discussing D. to be discussed 11. Is it in this room ______ the great writer once lived ______ he finished his last works? A. where; that ?B. that, where C. that; which? ?D. that; that12. Before she came to England, she had never heard a single English word ______.A. speaking B. spoken C. to speak D. speak13. I have had my bike ______, and I'm going to have somebody______ my radio tomorrow.A. repair; to repair B. repairing; to be repaired C. repaired; repair D. to repair; repairing14. I shall never forget those years ______ I worked in the factory with the workers, ______ has a great effect on my life.www.gkstk.com 學(xué)優(yōu)首發(fā)A. when, that B. that, which C. as, who D. when, which15. My father bought me several books, but ______ was interesting.A. most of them B. none of them C. none of which D. neither of which二.完形填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)When I was growing up, I didn’t remember hearing the words “I love you” from my father. When your father 16 says these words to you when you are a (n) 17 , it gets tougher and tougher for him to say these words as he gets 18 . To tell the truth, I could not honestly remember 19 I had last said those words to him either. I decided to 20 my ego (自尊心) aside and make the first move. After 1 , in our next phone conversation I blurted out (突然說出) the words, “Dad… I love you!”There was a 2 at the other end and he awkwardly (笨拙地) replied, “Well, same back to y!”I smiled and said, “Dad, I know you 23 me, and when you are ready, I know you 24 say what you want to say.”Fifteen minutes later my 25 called and nervously asked, “Paul, 26 is okay?” I explained to her perfectly.A few weeks later, Dad 27 our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.” I was at work during this 28 and the tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “ 29 ” the love. As I sat there in tears, I 30 that this special moment had taken our father-son 31 to a new level.A short while after this 32 moment, my father narrowly 33 death following heart operation. I have often thought 34 I did not take the first step and Dad did not 35 the operation, I would have never “heard” the love.16. A. once B. ever C. never D. often17. A. adult B. child C. youth D. student18. A. younger B. older C. smaller D. taller19. A. when B. how C. what D. where20. A. get B. let C. take D. set21. A. guidance B. considerationC. calling D. talking22. A. smile B. cough C. laughter D. silence23. A. hate B. love C. forget D. miss24. A. will B. can C. should D. must25. A. father B. mother C. daughter D. sister26. A. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing27. A. concludedB. started C. carried D. ignored28. A. week B. holiday C. conversation D. trip29. A. felt B. heard C. receivedD. touched30. A. realized B. noticed C. found D. saw31. A. feeling B. distance C. connectionD. relationship32. A. unbelievable B. especialC. special D. important33. A. avoided B. escaped C. acceptedD. refused34. A. since B. as C. if D. because35. A. survive B. live C. operateD. recover三、閱讀理解 (共10小題;每小題2分,滿分20分)AA few days ago my wife sent me out to buy something. When I came home, I handed her a paper bag and said, “Here are the apples you wanted.” She looked in the bag, and then she looked at me. “I told you,” she said slowly, “to buy some eggs.” I felt worried about my absent-mindedness, so I went to see a doctor. He was a very kind man. “I have seen many people like you. It’s nothing to worry about,” he said. “If you know you are absent-minded, you are all right. But if you do not know you’re absent-minded, you may be really in trouble.” “Many famous people were absent-minded,” the doctor told me. “Thomas Edison was standing in line one day to pay his taxes. When he arrived at the window, he found that he had forgotten his own name. He had to ask the man who was behind him to tell him who he was.” I felt much better and got up to leave. “Thank you, doctor,” I said. “How much do I have to pay you?” “Ten dollars for the check-up,” the doctor said. “But doctor, I did not have a check-up!” For a moment the doctor looked puzzled. Then he said, “Oh, yes, it was the patient before you who had a check-up. How absent-minded I am!” 36. It can be inferred from papagragh 1 that when the author’s wife heard what her husband told her, she was _____.A. excited B. surprised C. sad D. proud37. The doctor took Edison’s story for example ____. A. to show absent-mindedness is common among people B. because he liked telling stories C. to make the author laugh D. to make fun of Edison 38. The underlined word “absent-mindedness” in the second paragraph probably means ____. A. a feeling of anger B. a feeling of sadness C. an emotion (情緒) of excitement D. a trouble in which people often forget this or that Who had a check-up?A. The patient before the man B. The man C. The doctor D. The man’s wife40. According to the passage, who was(were) absent-minded? A. Only the author. B. The author’s wife. C. The doctor alone. D. The author and the doctor.BThe Winter Palace was built between 1754 and 1762 for Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great. Unfortunately, Elizabeth died before the palace was completed and only Catherine the Great and her successors were able to enjoy the great interior (內(nèi)部) of Elizabeth’s home. Many parts of the palace’s impressive interior have been remodeled since then, particularly after 1837, when a huge fire destroyed most of the building. Today the Winter Palace, together with four more buildings arranged side by side along the river embankment, houses the extensive collections of the Hermitage. The Hermitage Museum is the largest art gallery in Russia and is among the largest and most respected art museums in the world. The museum was founded in 1764 when Catherine the Great bought a collection of 255 paintings from the German city of Berlin. Today, the Hermitage boasts over 2.7 million exhibits and displays, a diverse range of art and artifacts (手工藝品) from all ove甘肅省天水市一中2013-2014學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期第二學(xué)段段中考試英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/230184.html
