
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

陜西省西安市慶安中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試題語(yǔ)音題:選出與所給單詞劃線部分發(fā)音相同的選項(xiàng)(共5小題; 每題1分,共5分)1. exactly A. excite B. exhibition C. expect D. example2. dead A. eager B. great C. lead D. health3. honest? A. heart? B. hire? C. hour? D. human4. think A. these B. thirsty C. those D. they5. natural A. nature B. population C. practice D. native二. 單項(xiàng)填空(共15小題;每小題1分, 共15分)1. It must be _ great fun to play chess on the Internet.A. a B. the C. / D. an2. Father won’t agree to fly to Paris for the holiday ---- it is ______ expensive. A. far too B. too much C. very much D. too far 3. Drivers are warned that it is dangerous to talk on the phone while _______. A. drive B. driving C. drove D. to drive4. ---I’m sorry. I _________ at you the other day.---Forget it. It was a bit out of control myself.A. shouldn’t shout B. shouldn’t have shouted C. mustn’t shout D. mustn’t have shouted5. He asked me ________ with me. A. what the matter is B. what the mater was C. what’s the matter D. what was the matter6. It was not until she got home ______ Mary realized she had lost her keys.A. that B. when C. where D. before7. Most politicians are not ______ in that country. Which of the following is not OK? A. well thought of B. highly thought of C. thought of well D. much thought of8. She is an excellent student in our class, and she always _ herself in her studies.A. hides B. buries C. covers D. leaves9. She spent the whole evening talking about the things and persons____ none of us has ever heard of.A. which B. who C. whom D. that10. We don't know ______ they deal with the situation . A. how B. who C. what D. which 11. It was the first time in a year and a half that I_______ the night face to face.A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. was seeing 8. This book is for the students ___ native language is not English.A. that B. whom C. whose D. which13. The number of the people who speak English    large, and a large number of people    native speakers. ?A. are; are B. is; are C. is; isD. are; is14. I shall never forget those years ______I live in the farm _______ you visited last week. A. when; where B. which; which C. when; which D. which; where15.We will be shown around the city, schools, museums, and some other places, _______other visitors seldom go. A. what. B. which C. where D. when三.完形填空(本題共20小題,每小題1分, 共20分)?The story happened when I was 16.When I was leaving the train station with my father, a woman1?near to us and said that her money had been stolen.She askedmy father could lend her some money to go back home.My fatherher what she asked and told her not to worry about19it back.I was.How could my own father be so easily cheated? It wasto me that she was lying, staying in the22 all day long to catch the next fool.“She was!” I screamed. “Why did you give her anything24 ”My father looked at me and I could25 ?that he was a bit angry.“And what would you like me to” he said, “Should I tell her that I am a college professor and that I can27her cheating?” I did not28 ?him at all, and then he told me29 that I would never forget.“First, she would not do this if she did not need the.Second, I made her happy, because now she thinks that she isthan me, and I do not mind that.I think that is moreto her than the money.”A week later, we were at the same ?, and the same woman came up to my father with the same34.“Not this time,” my father told her, “In your business, you have to learn to people.Try another story on me next week.”Well, he was a professor, after all…and I like both sides of this story: generosity(慷慨)?and wisdom.1.?A.worked B.came C.lived? D.stopped.?A.whether? B.when? C.unless? D.how.?A.lent B.showed C.elected D.gave.?A.paying B.returning C.thinking? D.receiving.?A.shocked? B.satisfied C.talented? D.interested.?A.reliable? B.? C.positive? D.a(chǎn)ctual.?A.business B?.difficulty C.station D.effort?.?A.reasoning? B.crying C.laughing D. lying.?A.a(chǎn)fter all? B.in all? Cfor all D. at all.?A.forget? B.watch C.see? D.predict.?A.do B.debate C.present D.a(chǎn)rgue .?A.see through? B.look into? C.break out? D.make up.?A.a(chǎn)ccept? B.a(chǎn)llow? C.understand? D.ignore.?A. something? B.a(chǎn)nything? C.everything D.nothing.?A.a(chǎn)dvice? B.a(chǎn)ttention? C.work? D.money.?A.happier? B.wealthier? C.smarter? D.greater.?A. social B. ?importantC.a(chǎn)nxious D.intelligent.?A.hotel? B.place C.train? D.college?.?A.story B.look C.method? D.question.?A.defeat? B?.prove C.remember D.disappoint?閱讀理解In my long years of teaching, I often ask my students to read the texts until they can recite them, and I tell them that recitation is an important part of their homework. However, some of my students are tired of doing so, thinking that it is both hard and useless. They argue that it takes a long time to recite a text from memory and text itself never appears in a test paper.In my opinion, it naturally takes time to recite a text, but it is worth doing so. When you are able to recite a text, you are sure to be familiar with the words and expressions. When you need them in reading or writing or doing exercises, they will come to your mind quickly, and so you will give quick response to all kinds of language situation. How can we say that it is useless?Besides, many students complain that they soon forget what they were once able to recite. This is true, but you don’t need to worry. While you are reading and forgetting the texts, your language level is being raised. Sure you don’t remember your Chinese texts that you once read in the primary school, but now you are able to read novels and newspaper. So, recitation of the texts will help you improve your language ability.36. The writer often asks his students to recite the texts,_______.A.But they don’t like to do so.B.And they are eager to do soC.But they wrote a letter to the Department of Education reporting the thing.D.But they do more exercises instead of reciting the texts.37. What do the students think about the teacher’s advice?A.The English teacher tries his best to help them with English.B.The English teacher is very kind to them.C.The English teacher asks them to do something useless.D.The English teacher should let them study on their own.38. According to the text, which of the following is corr陜西省西安市慶安中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/234484.html
