河北省保定重點中學2013-2014學年高一12月月考 英語試題

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

第一部分 英語知識運用(共二節(jié), 滿分45分)第一節(jié):單項填空(每小題1分,共15分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。 Though Nelson Mandela was in prison for many years, he never lost ______ heart. At last he was set free and became ______ President of the ANC. A. /; aB. a; theC. his; theD. /; /My parents have always made me _______ about myself, even when I was twelve. A. feeling well B. feeling good C. feel well D. feel goodI felt bad _______ I talked to a group. A. first timeB. for the first timeC. the first timeD. by the first timeOnly after Mary read her composition the second time _______ the spelling mistake. A. did she notice B. she noticed C. does she notice D. she has noticedWe first broke the law in a way _______ is peacful. A. in which B. / C. when D. whichMandela was the black lawyer _______ I went for advice. A. whom B. who C. to whom D. thatWe were put into a position _______ we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government. A. where B. / C. that D. whichHowever, this was a time _______one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. A. that B. when C. / D. whichIn our class there are 46 students, _______ half wear glasses. A. in whomB. in themC. of whomD. of them He used to _______ his teaching when he was young. A. devote to B. be devoted to C. devoting to D. being devoted toTom answered the question, and the teacher smiled at him _______ he had given the best answer. A. as if B. in case C. while D. though—I have won the first prize in the English Writing Competition(比賽). — Oh, _________! A. cheer up B. well done C. go ahead D. congratulationsOn hearing the news that her son has been admitted(錄取) to a key university, she ________ laughing. A. burst out B. burst up C. burst upon D. burst intoSome researchers believe that there is no doubt ______ a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. that C. what D. whetherI’ll take it to my king, who will most likely give me a handsome present _________. A. in return B. in turn C. in fact D. in short 第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后從各小題的四個選項中選出一個最佳答案,使短文連貫完整,并將正確答案涂在答題卡相應的位置。Once, there was a small boy who would never get dressed when his parents told him to. And neither would he 16 what they wanted him to after his bath. He preferred 17 clothes, which made him look really funny. But above all, he liked taking his 18 . His parents were always in a rush, and wanted him to be much quicker, but the boy didn’t like this, and he would 19 even more.One day, his parents got so 20 when he refused to dress that they told him to go out with 21 on. The boy didn’t mind that at all, 22 he didn’t wear any clothes, and followed his parents out of the door. He held a belief that nobody could do anything to him. As the boy stood outside his house, waiting for his parents’ car, along came the local 23 farmer. The farmer was deaf and had very 24 eyesight. Not only that, but also he’d also forgotten to 25 his glasses that day. When he saw the boy’s pink skin, he 26 it for one of his pigs. Shouting and 27 , the farmer forced him into a place where his pigs were 28 . The boy 29 to go with him and begged him to stop. But the farmer was 30 deaf, so he didn’t know what the boy was 31 at all. The boy was there for a whole day, 32 with the pigs, thought to be a pig, and sharing their 33 . At last, he was found by his parents. The boy had had such a 34 day that he never again wanted to be mistaken for anything else other than a human being. Now he’s the first to get dressed, and he makes himself 35 everyday. The experience has taught him a good lesson.A. eat B. wear C. drink D. watchA. unusual B. proper C. nice D. usualA. advice B. chance C. time D. order A. bring down B. hand down C. settle down D. slow down A. angry B. patient C. nervous D. worriedA. anything B. something C. nothing D. everythingA. if B. but C. or D. soA. sheep B. pig C. chicken D. cowA. poor B. good C. far D. perfect A. put on B. push up C. look over D. take off A. changed B. sold C. mistook D. searched A. rolling B. pushing C. blowing D. dropping A. killed B. found C. stolen D. kept A. refused B. agreed C. decided D. hoped A. recently B. completely C. slightly D. suddenly A. looking at B. listening to C. talking about D. preparing for A. living B. playing C. arguing D. working A. garden B. home C. trouble D. feelings A. difficuly B. pleasant C. terrible D. wonderful A. lovely B. kind C. quiet D. clean第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。When the dance ended, he couldn’t wait to get back home and write, “It was a very nice evening. I danced with a very nice girl. I hope to meet her again.”From that day on he kept brief notes of everyday events that happened in their life. They got married 16 months later. Then he worked in construction(建筑) and she worked as a typist.They had no children but they had each other, and Jack Potter had his diaries. After 50 years of marriage, Phyllis moved into a care home because of dementia(癡呆)。And that is where Jack Potter visits her every day.Dementia may have robbed(使喪失) her of memories, but Jack Potter keeps them for her in his diaries. He reads them to her, shows her their photographs, and helps her remember the things they have done.They have always been devoted to each other through these years of marriage, accepting whatever comes their way. She still meets him with open arms when he visits. He still reads her the memories her mind can no longer hold on its own.36. In 1941, Jack Potter _________.A. got married to a typistB. was too shy to talk to girlsC. got to know Phyllis ClaysonD. had nothing to do but dance37. After getting married, Jack Potter _________.A. began to keep a diary B. learnt to become a dancer C. suffered a lot from dementiaD. became a construction worker38. Jack Potter keeps his wife’s memories alive by ________.A. reading her the diaries he has keptB. asking her to read his diariesC. dancing with her every dayD. teaching her to take photos39. The author wrote the text mainly to ________ .A. show us what true love isB. talk about how to live a long lifeC. discuss how to prevent dementiaD. suggest that everyone keep a diaryBHere are a few books for your children to read as they grow up. Just choose one right now!(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)It’s Okay To Be Different Todd ParrPrice: $20.00 (10% off)The book, full of bright colors and silly scenes, tells children how to learn to accept others, understand others, and respect others. The author always tells stories in a way that is easy to understand for children.Psychology for Kids Vol. I: 40 Fun Tests That help You Learn About YourselfJ. KincherPrice: $18.00 (15% off)These forty interesting tests help children explore their interests and abilities, find out why they act the way they do, and discover what makes them different.The Golden RuleIlene CooperPrice: $10.00 (20% off)The Golden Rule: “Treat others as you want to be treated.” In this illustrated(附插圖的)book, a grandfather explains to his grandson that the Golden Rule means you treat people the way you would like to be treated. It’s golden because it’s so valuable, and it’s a way of living your life simply.What Do You Really Want?Beverly K. BachelPrice: $20.00 (15% off)E河北省保定重點中學2013-2014學年高一12月月考 英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/242953.html
