
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網

廣州六中2015-2015上學期高一級英語期中考試命題人:高一備課組 審題人:何敬啟 本試卷共10頁, 小題,滿分150分。考試用時120分鐘。非選擇題一、聽力 (本大題5小題,每小題5分,共5分。) 根據所聽到的內容填空There once was a farmer. One day, when he was in the grain storehouse, he 1 that he had lost his watch. He searched for a long time, but he still couldn’t find it, so he went out and asked a group of children playing outside the storehouse for help. “Whoever finds it will get a big 2 ,” he said. Hearing this, the children hurried inside the storehouse. They looked everywhere, up and down and around the 3 storehouse. Still no one found the watch. Just when the farmer was about to 4 , a little boy came up to him and asked for one more chance. The farmer looked at him and thought, “He’ll never find it, but why not let him try?” So the little boy went back into the store, all alone. After a while the little boy came out----with the watch in his hand! The farmer 5 . “How did you succeed when the rest of us all failed?” he asked. The boy replied, “I just sat on the ground and listened. In the silence, I heard the watch ticking, and then I just followed the ticking.”二、模塊詞匯(本大題分兩節(jié),共30小題,每小題1分,共30分。)第一節(jié):單詞拼寫(共1小題,每小題1分,滿分1分)’s future.7. He walked along in the shadows, hoping no one would r_____________ (認出) I __________ (說服;使…相信)you that I am sincere?9. She has learnt to b______ (掩藏)her feelings.10. The d_____________ (堅定的) look on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.Only e_______(受過教育的) people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist.(襲擊) The man jumped into the river and r_______ (拯救)the child.14. The husband and wife always have different _________ (態(tài)度) towards their children’s education.They were t_______ (困,陷)in the burning house.16. He i__________ (不顧) the speed limit and drove very fast.17. I p________(更喜歡) cats to dogs.18. She will be f______________(害怕的) to death when she sees the way you drive.19. Kindness is a ____________(品質,質量) which everyone admires.20. Although he’s 80, he’s still very a___________.(活躍的;積極的)第二節(jié):短語適當形式填空 (共1小題,每小題1分,滿分1分)I know you are very ___________ (喜歡) ice-cream, but you will gain weight if you eat too much..23. Though she was ill that day, she was the first to come to school ________(像往常一樣).The film _______________(基于) a famous novel.It is always the husband who _________(讓步) first when quarrel breaks out between the young couple.Years of fighting has left the area ____________(成為廢墟).The war was ________________(結束了).’t have much time left.29. A large number of people are __________(失業(yè)), and how can the local government ignore the problem?…相處)his classmates.31. He ______________death(被判死刑) for murdering the president yesterday.Whenever we _____________(在危險、受罰、痛苦、憂慮等的處境中), we must never lose heart, but try to think of the way out.33. Roadblocks were ______________(設置,設立) by the police to catch the escaped prisoner.34. We do not have any more information ____________(目前,現(xiàn)在).35. She was ___________(致力于; 全力傾注于)the care of homeless people. 三、新概念默寫 (本大題10小題,每小題1分,共10分)36. “You needn’t have said that,’ my wife answered. ‘I needn’t _________________________ that terrible tie you bought yesterday.”37. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains _____________________.38 When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and ____________________ the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them..39. Sam was sure that the wallet _______________________by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him.40. It suddenly __________________one of the workers to open up the box.41. He was so __________________________________________ he did not even try to run away.42. The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub _______________________________.43. _______________________ on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed.44._____________________ in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and mattress.45. Looking round, I _________________________ that I was the only passenger left on the bus.四、語法填空(本大題10小題,每小題1.5分,共15分)I have a best friend called Mike. He and I have been friends for years.When I first knew Mike, we lived in 46 small town. We always went to school together. Every morning when I went to Mike’s house, 47 mother would say, “I’m sorry. He’s a bit late this morning”, and therefore I had to wait. Each day we were late 48 school, and I still remember the teacher 49 always got 50 (anger) with us. Now 25 years later, I play tennis with Mike. I usually drive him to the tennis club. I go to his flat and he opens the door and says, “I’m sorry. I’m a bit late today.”As boys we spent a lot of time out 51 (explore) on our bikes. We went walking and fishing, too. Probably the 52 (fun) thing we did was 53 we 54 (steal) a bottle of whiskey from my dad. We cycled about 5 miles away to drink it in one of our favourite places. When we finished it, we did not cycle back. I’m sure if our parents knew it, they would be ___55______ (shock). 選擇題一、語法單選(共20小題,每小題0.5分,滿分10分):ou know it _____at 8:30am. .A. leaves; leaves B. is leaving; leaves C. leaves; leaving D. is leaving; is leaving He has spent ________of the money which belongs to his parents.A. two fifth B. two five C. second fifths D. two fifths3. ?I’m going to the State. -- How long __________ you ________ in the States? A. are; stayed B. are; staying C. have; stayed D. did; stay4. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology __________ so rapidly. A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 5. Because the shop ____________, all the T-shirts are sold at half price. A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had closed down6. Do you work near the building ___________ colour is yellow?A. theB. of whichC. itsD. whoseBecause of my poor memory, all ____ you told me has been forgotten.A. whatB. whichC.that D. asThe doctor ___________ is leaving for Africa next month.A. the nurse is talking to himB. whom the nurse is talkingC. the nurse is talking toD. who the nurse is talkingIn the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____ she could turn for help.A. whomB. whoC. to whom D. form whomDon’t forget the day ____ you were received into the Youth League.A. whenB. thatC. at which D. whereOnly on special occasions _________ to enter the school from that gate.A. are students allowed B. students are allowedC. allowed are students D. are allowed students I shall never forget those years ____ I lived in the country with the farmers, ____ has a great effect on my life.A. that, which B. when, which C. which, thatD. when, whoI don’t like ____ you speak to her.A. the way which B. the way in that C. the way D. the way of whichThe skirt ______ she spent 50 yuan is very beautiful on her.A.in which B. on which C. for which D. with whichThe sun heats the earth, ___________ is very important to living things. A. that B. what C. which D. whereAll the books are not useful. Which of the following has the same meaning as this sentence?A. All the books are useful. B. Neither of the books is useful.C. Some of the books are useful. D.廣東省廣州六中2015-2016學年高一上學期期中考試(英語)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/254642.html
