
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

本試卷分為第一卷(選擇題)和第二卷(非選擇題)兩部分第一卷(選擇題)第二部分:英語知識運(yùn)用 (共二節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié): 單項(xiàng)填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)21.---Have you ________ ---No. I had the wrong number. A. got in B. got away C. got off D. got through23. He has written a book_______I have forgotten. A. which name B. which of name C. whose name D. the name of whose【答案】【解析】試題分析:考點(diǎn):24. Once new difficulties _____ in our new job, we should learn to use our brains to solve them.A. rise B. cause C. arise D. raise【答案】【解析】試題分析:考點(diǎn):25. -----Are you sure that the party came to ______ power in ______1960s? -----Yes.the, theB. /, theC. a, theD. the, /27. He has been in bed ______ he fell off his bike a week ago. A. even if B. soon after C. now that D. ever since【答案】D【解析】試題分析:考點(diǎn):28. I ______ the boy to save the money, but he would not listen to me. A. advised B. persuaded C. suggested D. insisted30. ---How bright the sun is! ---You’d better wear your dark glasses to_____ your eyes from it.protect B. prevent C. keep D. stop31. ---Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? --- _________.A. Of course not. It’s not allowed here.B. I’d rather you didn’t, actually C. Great! I love pets.D. No, you can’t.【答案】B34. ---Any advice for me?---You’d better the timetable to see when the train leaves. consult B. recommend C. remind D. request35. --I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official. --How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone it. A. will have stolen B. might have stolen C. should have stolen D. must have stolen第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。He must have been completely lost in something he was reading because I had to tap on the windscreen to get his attention. “Is your taxi__36__?” I asked when he finally looked__37__at me. He nodded, then said__38__as I settled into the back seat, “I'm sorry, but I was reading a__39__.” He sounded as if he had a__40__. “I am not in a hurry, ” I told him. “Go ahead and finish your letter. ” He__41__his head. “I've read it several times already. I guess I__42__ know it by heart. ” “Letters from home always mean a lot, ” I said. “From a child?” “This isn't__43__,” he replied. “Although it __44__ just as well have been family. Old Ed was my oldest friend. In fact, we used to call each other ‘Old Friend’ when we'd meet. I'm not much good at __45__.” “I don't think any of us keep__46__our letters too well,” I said. “I know I don't. But I__47__ he's someone you've known quite a while?” “All my life. We were kids together, went to school together and all the __48__ through high school. ” “There are not too many people who've had such a long friendship,” I said. “__49__,” the driver went on, “I hadn't seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because I__50__away from the old neighbourhood and you slightly lose touch __51__ you never forget. He was a great guy.” “You said ‘was’. Does that mean...?” He nodded. “__52__a couple of weeks ago.” “I'm sorry, ” I said. “It's no fun to lose any friend and losing a real old one is__53__ tougher. ” He didn't __54__ to that, and we rode on in silence for a few minutes. But I realized that Old Ed was still on his mind when he spoke again, almost more to himself than to me: “I should have kept in touch. ” “Well, ” I agreed, “we should all keep in touch with old friends more than we do. But things__55__ and we just don't seem to find the time. ” ... When I got to my hotel room I didn't unpack right away. First I had to write a letter and mail it.【小題1】A. available B. acceptable C. beneficial D. occupied【小題2】A. down B. upC. To D. off【小題3】A. unexpectedly B. curiously C. apologetically D. definitely【小題4】A. booklet B. novel C. book D. letter【小題5】A. cold B. fever C. secret D. story【小題6】A. hung B. nodded C. shook D. kept【小題7】A. anyhow B. hardly C. almost D. really【小題8】A. friendship B. family C. leadership D. colleague【小題9】A. could B. might C. maybe D. would【小題10】A. writing B. reading C. talking D. Learning【小題11】A. up B. with C. on D. in【小題12】A. speak B. make C. think D. assure【小題13】A. curriculum B. coincidence C. life D. way【小題14】A. Eventually B. Actually C. Additionally D. Besides【小題15】A. removed B. left C. headed D. moved【小題16】A. even though B. as though C. when D. whereas【小題17】A. Died B. Suffered C. Choked D. Survived【小題18】A. ever B. even C. fairly D. quite【小題19】A. answer B. reply C. question D. talk【小題20】A. take up B. pick up C. come up D. break up【答案】【小題3】C【小題4】D【小題5】A【小題6】C【小題7】C【小題8】B【小題9】B【小題10】A【小題11】A【小題12】C【小題13】D【小題14】B【小題15】D【小題16】A【小題17】A【小題18】B【小題19】B【小題20】C【小題4】考查名詞辨析。根據(jù)下一段的“Go ahead and finish your letter.”可知,司機(jī)在看一封信,A小冊子;B小說;C書籍;D信件。故選D!拘☆}15】考查動詞辨析。because I__50__away from the old neighbourhood司機(jī)搬離了那個(gè)社區(qū),A移除;B離開,遺留;C前往;D移動,搬家。故選D!拘☆}16】考查連接詞辨析。you slightly lose touch __51__ you never forget即使不會忘記,但還是會慢慢失去聯(lián)系,A即使;B似乎;C當(dāng),既然;D鑒于。故選A!拘☆}17】考查動詞辨析。He nodded. “__52__a couple of weeks ago.”司機(jī)說,Old Ed幾周前去世了。A死亡;B遭受;C噎住,窒息;D幸存。故選A!拘☆}18】考查副詞辨析。losing a real old one is__53__ tougher失去一個(gè)老朋友更難過,even可以修飾比較級。A曾經(jīng);B甚至;C相當(dāng);D很,十分。故選B!拘☆}19】考查名詞辨析。He didn't __54__ to that, and we rode on in silence...司機(jī)沒有回應(yīng)作者的話,reply to回答,答復(fù),A答案;B答復(fù);C問題;D談話。故選B!拘☆}20】考查短語辨析。But things__55__ and we just don't seem to find the time.但是(生活中)總會出現(xiàn)很多事情,我們似乎沒有時(shí)間相互聯(lián)系。A占據(jù),從事;B撿起,學(xué)會,車接;C走近,被提及,發(fā)生,出現(xiàn);D爆發(fā)。故選C?键c(diǎn):第三部分 閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分) A Actress Hayden Panettiere recently got into trouble with Japanese fishermen as she tried to stop them from killing dolphins. The 18-year-old star with some other surfers sailed out to reach the dolphins in order to stop them from being driven into a nearby pool and killed, but the six surfers, from Australia and the United States, were stopped by a fishing boat before they could reach them. The fishermen blocked their way with a boathook (鉤篙). It was an ugly, unfriendly and life-threatening struggle before the surfers were forced to return to the beach. It is believed that the dolphins were later taken into a pool and killed. Panettiere, who is a brave surfer and loyal animal protector, made up her mind to save the dolphins of Japan and said, "It was really frightening. Some of us were hit by the boathook, but in the end all we were really worried about the dolphins. It was so sad. We were so close to them and they were jumping out of the water to see us." Breaking down in tears, she added, "One little baby dolphin stuck his head out and looked at me and the thought that it’s no longer with us is really hard to take." The surfers left the country to avoid arrest (逮捕) by the Japanese police. Panett河北省衡水中學(xué)2015-2016學(xué)年高一下學(xué)期一調(diào)試題(英語)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/264514.html
